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Pride Flag Capes

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Gw2 is played in china, which is very anti lbgt. I am actually very curious if kasmeer is gay in the chinese version, but I am sure she is censored over there. The kiss at the end of season 1 would not exist in china because the chinese version was released after season. Because of this, i doubt they will develop a gemstore item that is illegal for them to sell over there. If someone more familiar with the chinese version wants to correct me, i would love it

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While I support LGBT, have friends and family who are themselves a part of it, and see nothing wrong with symbols of the movement, I disagree with bringing overtly political statements into the game. I just think there are a lot of good causes out there and if a good argument can be made for one, then it might be made for any of them. Is that really what we want? It's not what I want, whether I agree with those causes or not!

On the other hand, a rainbow colored cape is not exactly a banner ad. As symbology goes, I'd say it's fairly ambiguous. Why, if I had the opportunity to go and get myself a rainbow-colored cape from some sort of achievement that possibly involved a side quest featuring some of GW2's LGBT characters (but please, not explicitly for that purpose!), I think I'd probably go do that! I mean, who couldn't find a use for a rainbow-colored cloak? Am I wrong?

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@JosiahGreenwood.6924 said:Oh, thanks for letting me know. That's a shame, but it makes sense for the DIY aspect. Do you reckon they'll ever put out prefabs of at least umbrella categories? You know, LGBT, Pan, Ace, Nonbinary? It'd be real cool of them.

Anet generally have opted to shine these colours and motifs outside of the game through the website, social media and other areas where it is more connected, but there is scope for them to release say their rainbow version of the Anet dragon logo onto a T-Shirt like they have with the standard one.

Currently they have a smart looking BLM related logo on their twitter page for example and that could be something they could release as a t-shirt as well.

To do this they'd either have to be free or all proceeds go directly to the associated causes in some way. It would not sit right to profit from the causes, not that Anet strike me as being a company would do that.

@Shadowmoon.7986 said:Gw2 is played in china, which is very anti lbgt. I am actually very curious if kasmeer is gay in the chinese version, but I am sure she is censored over there. The kiss at the end of season 1 would not exist in china because the chinese version was released after season. Because of this, i doubt they will develop a gemstore item that is illegal for them to sell over there. If someone more familiar with the chinese version wants to correct me, i would love it

They can block items by Region. They have to for items with gambling for example. I think the Chinese client is also run slightly independently. In any case, they could easily sell something for the Western market that isn't available on the Chinese client and vice versa

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@AliamRationem.5172 said:While I support LGBT, have friends and family who are themselves a part of it, and see nothing wrong with symbols of the movement, I disagree with bringing overtly political statements into the game. I just think there are a lot of good causes out there and if a good argument can be made for one, then it might be made for any of them. Is that really what we want? It's not what I want, whether I agree with those causes or not!

On the other hand, a rainbow colored cape is not exactly a banner ad. As symbology goes, I'd say it's fairly ambiguous. Why, if I had the opportunity to go and get myself a rainbow-colored cape from some sort of achievement that possibly involved a side quest featuring some of GW2's LGBT characters (but please, not explicitly for that purpose!), I think I'd probably go do that! I mean, who couldn't find a use for a rainbow-colored cloak? Am I wrong?

I mean I can be a literal furry in this game but showing that I'm gay is too much? The last Pride Parade in GW2 was hitting map caps and causing 3-4 instances of every zone in Central Tyria because thousands of players participated.

Everything is politics on some level, anyway. For me if its not being gay, then its being a woman, or a PoC, etc.

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It was pointed out to me a while back when I suggested doing something for the current "support your local ...(fill in the blank)." It was a slippery slope if you started to support one cause and exclude others. Just because we support "X" in the US may be offensive to others around the world.

I would rather not have someone look at what my character is wearing (in support of) and boot me from the PUG. If you are booted enough times, you may assume it's because of your support stance and go to the admins to report that you aren't able to play the game like everyone else and support your cause like others are. It's a headache no one wants, players or admins alike.

Unfortunately, one of the easiest solutions is for support to go on through playing in a like-minded guild.

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@Hannelore.8153 said:

@AliamRationem.5172 said:While I support LGBT, have friends and family who are themselves a part of it, and see nothing wrong with symbols of the movement, I disagree with bringing overtly political statements into the game. I just think there are a lot of good causes out there and if a good argument can be made for one, then it might be made for any of them. Is that really what we want? It's not what I want, whether I agree with those causes or not!

On the other hand, a rainbow colored cape is not exactly a banner ad. As symbology goes, I'd say it's fairly ambiguous. Why, if I had the opportunity to go and get myself a rainbow-colored cape from some sort of achievement that possibly involved a side quest featuring some of GW2's LGBT characters (but please, not explicitly for that purpose!), I think I'd probably go do that! I mean, who couldn't find a use for a rainbow-colored cloak? Am I wrong?

I mean I can be a literal furry in this game but showing that I'm gay is too much? The last Pride Parade in GW2 was hitting map caps and causing 3-4 instances of every zone in Central Tyria because thousands of players participated.

Everything is politics on some level, anyway. For me if its not being gay, then its being a woman, or a PoC, etc.

Did I say it was too much? I think I pretty clearly indicated that a rainbow cape is fine and even suggested a way in which it could be done that I think would be great! My point was rather that we should be careful in how we approach this sort of thing. Not that we shouldn't do this at all.

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As much as I would love to see more lgbtq representation ingame, and love going to pride parades with my husband, rainbow capes would clash with everything in game, colorwise xDPersonally I would very much prefer more lgbtq storylines and characters, although gw2 doesn't really show many love stories at all. Just a few.

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@"Hannelore.8153" said:I mean I can be a literal furry in this game but showing that I'm gay is too much? The last Pride Parade in GW2 was hitting map caps and causing 3-4 instances of every zone in Central Tyria because thousands of players participated.

Everything is politics on some level, anyway. For me if its not being gay, then its being a woman, or a PoC, etc.

Who said showing you're gay is too much?You can even show you're a gay furry by creating a charr and giving him a rainbow colored armor.or creating a mount rainbow.or using "Gayfrost"You have so many options to make political statements - you dont need a rainbow cape from the gemstore for that.

If we start arguing about stuff like that, we might aswell ask why we can only play male/female characters...

Also: The pride parade is an event organized by players, isnt it? ANet and NCSoft have always been careful about making political statements within their game or the official platforms. They always keep stuff like that to third party platforms - currently shown by changing their Logo on social media such as Twitter. (german twitter -> rainbow, english twitter -> black)

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How about a "bifrost" type cape. Changing colours constantly with multiple colours.Is NOT exactly the LGTBIQ flag BUT it can appeal to LGTBIQ membrers and other members too. And it will go well with the shiny cluster kitten that is this game :DDDD.

I can't and wouldn't want to imagine GW2 with IRL flags like country ones or other IRL things. Maybe that "bifrost" changing cape can be the solution, even myself would buy it.

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@"AliamRationem.5172" said:While I support LGBT, have friends and family who are themselves a part of it, and see nothing wrong with symbols of the movement, I disagree with bringing overtly political statements into the game. I just think there are a lot of good causes out there and if a good argument can be made for one, then it might be made for any of them. Is that really what we want? It's not what I want, whether I agree with those causes or not!

On the other hand, a rainbow colored cape is not exactly a banner ad. As symbology goes, I'd say it's fairly ambiguous. Why, if I had the opportunity to go and get myself a rainbow-colored cape from some sort of achievement that possibly involved a side quest featuring some of GW2's LGBT characters (but please, not explicitly for that purpose!), I think I'd probably go do that! I mean, who couldn't find a use for a rainbow-colored cloak? Am I wrong?

What about the Seize the Awkward outfit and the Mini Guardian Angel Aurene and Extra Life title? Aren't those also bringing real-life issues into the game? Especially the outfit, which literally has the organisations logo on it. Come to think of it, Sadie Salvitas in GW1, who explicitly says her pink dye is in support of breast cancer awareness, would be the earliest example.

So if the concern is that doing it for one organisation or cause means they need to do it for everything then I guess the flood gates are already open and they need to get going with adding even more. Seriously though, Anet have already shown us that they are willing and able to add in-game items promoting a specific cause when they think it's appropriate and it wouldn't surprise me if they do it again.

I think players already do a good job using existing items and dyes to show their support for causes, with Pink Day in LA and the Tyrian Pride Parade being good examples, but - as Pink Day shows - official items can go alongside those and help open it up to more people. (And aside from all that I like the idea of a rainbow cape, especially if as someone suggested it was like the Bifrost's trail design instead of simply multi-coloured cloth. I think that could look really cool.)

@Randulf.7614 said:To do this they'd either have to be free or all proceeds go directly to the associated causes in some way. It would not sit right to profit from the causes, not that Anet strike me as being a company would do that.

They've done both in the past. The Seize the Awkward outfit was free, and proceeds from the Extra Life bundle were donated to the charity. The other option is to do it like the Pink Day dye in GW1 where it's only purchased with gold, which officially has no real-world value. I suppose the main consideration is whether their priority is to raise awareness and get people talking about the cause, or to raise money to support it in other ways. (There are secondary considerations, international fundraising can be incredibly complicated, but the designated charity will have people who can sort all that out.)

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Seize the Awkward: Mental healthExtra Life: Medical treatment for childrenSadie Salvitas: Breast Cancer

You might notice that those organizations/characters deal with or make aware of different health issues.ANet has never partnered with any political movement/organization so far, did they?

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@Danikat.8537 said:

@"AliamRationem.5172" said:While I support LGBT, have friends and family who are themselves a part of it, and see nothing wrong with symbols of the movement, I disagree with bringing overtly political statements into the game. I just think there are a lot of good causes out there and if a good argument can be made for one, then it might be made for any of them. Is that really what we want? It's not what I want, whether I agree with those causes or not!

On the other hand, a rainbow colored cape is not exactly a banner ad. As symbology goes, I'd say it's fairly ambiguous. Why, if I had the opportunity to go and get myself a rainbow-colored cape from some sort of achievement that possibly involved a side quest featuring some of GW2's LGBT characters (but please, not explicitly for that purpose!), I think I'd probably go do that! I mean, who couldn't find a use for a rainbow-colored cloak? Am I wrong?

What about the
and the
title? Aren't those also bringing real-life issues into the game? Especially the outfit, which literally has the organisations logo on it. Come to think of it,
in GW1, who explicitly says her pink dye is in support of breast cancer awareness, would be the earliest example.

So if the concern is that doing it for one organisation or cause means they need to do it for everything then I guess the flood gates are already open and they need to get going with adding even more. Seriously though, Anet have already shown us that they are willing and able to add in-game items promoting a specific cause when they think it's appropriate and it wouldn't surprise me if they do it again.

I think players already do a good job using existing items and dyes to show their support for causes, with Pink Day in LA and the Tyrian Pride Parade being good examples, but - as Pink Day shows - official items can go alongside those and help open it up to more people. (And aside from all that I like the idea of a rainbow cape, especially if as someone suggested it was like the Bifrost's trail design instead of simply multi-coloured cloth. I think that could look really cool.)

@Randulf.7614 said:To do this they'd either have to be free or all proceeds go directly to the associated causes in some way. It would not sit right to profit from the causes, not that Anet strike me as being a company would do that.

They've done both in the past. The Seize the Awkward outfit was free, and proceeds from the Extra Life bundle were donated to the charity. The other option is to do it like the Pink Day dye in GW1 where it's only purchased with gold, which officially has no real-world value. I suppose the main consideration is whether their priority is to raise awareness and get people talking about the cause, or to raise money to support it in other ways. (There are secondary considerations, international fundraising can be incredibly complicated, but the designated charity will have people who can sort all that out.)

So what? I just stated my preference. You got yours, too? Coolio...

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@AliamRationem.5172 said:

@AliamRationem.5172 said:While I support LGBT, have friends and family who are themselves a part of it, and see nothing wrong with symbols of the movement, I disagree with bringing overtly political statements into the game. I just think there are a lot of good causes out there and if a good argument can be made for one, then it might be made for any of them. Is that really what we want? It's not what I want, whether I agree with those causes or not!

On the other hand, a rainbow colored cape is not exactly a banner ad. As symbology goes, I'd say it's fairly ambiguous. Why, if I had the opportunity to go and get myself a rainbow-colored cape from some sort of achievement that possibly involved a side quest featuring some of GW2's LGBT characters (but please, not explicitly for that purpose!), I think I'd probably go do that! I mean, who couldn't find a use for a rainbow-colored cloak? Am I wrong?

What about the
and the
title? Aren't those also bringing real-life issues into the game? Especially the outfit, which literally has the organisations logo on it. Come to think of it,
in GW1, who explicitly says her pink dye is in support of breast cancer awareness, would be the earliest example.

So if the concern is that doing it for one organisation or cause means they need to do it for everything then I guess the flood gates are already open and they need to get going with adding even more. Seriously though, Anet have already shown us that they are willing and able to add in-game items promoting a specific cause when they think it's appropriate and it wouldn't surprise me if they do it again.

I think players already do a good job using existing items and dyes to show their support for causes, with Pink Day in LA and the Tyrian Pride Parade being good examples, but - as Pink Day shows - official items can go alongside those and help open it up to more people. (And aside from all that I like the idea of a rainbow cape, especially if as someone suggested it was like the Bifrost's trail design instead of simply multi-coloured cloth. I think that could look really cool.)

@Randulf.7614 said:To do this they'd either have to be free or all proceeds go directly to the associated causes in some way. It would not sit right to profit from the causes, not that Anet strike me as being a company would do that.

They've done both in the past. The Seize the Awkward outfit was free, and proceeds from the Extra Life bundle were donated to the charity. The other option is to do it like the Pink Day dye in GW1 where it's only purchased with gold, which officially has no real-world value. I suppose the main consideration is whether their priority is to raise awareness and get people talking about the cause, or to raise money to support it in other ways. (There are secondary considerations, international fundraising can be incredibly complicated, but the designated charity will have people who can sort all that out.)

So what? I just stated my preference. You got yours, too? Coolio...

I'm just saying we're way past the point of saying if they do it for one cause they'd have to do it for all of them, because they've already done it for at least three causes.

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smacks forehead oh my gods, being LGBTQA+ is not a political statement! It is only "political" because you are making people's identities political, and that's on YOU.

"Can I have a cape that looks like a pizza slice to show I have a great love of pizza?""NO! Food preference upsets the pizza haters, and people from places where they don't acknowledge pizza as a food!""But... there's a pizza in the game...""Acknowledging real-life pizza is a political statement and tacit approval of pizza rights!"

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So wait, so you're saying fighting discrimination, something that should be intrinsic to the foundation of democracy and the very core principle of justice, is a bridge too far?
Then by that logic, encouraging people to do their civic duty and vote is far too political.

Let's be real here, people here are uncomfortable that gay people exist and that discrimination exists and don't want a rainbow around reminding them.The problem is you've chosen to view people being proud of their identity in the face of adversity as inherently political if they actually show signs of said pride instead of secretly, quietly being gay somewhere that won't upset you.

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Interesting discussion. Does Anet have the resources to handle the inevitable debate that will arise from implementing this? I've never been one to use my game avatars to make any kind of statement so perhaps this is lost on me. "Pride Flags" just sounds like it will not serve the purpose the OP thinks it will. It would probably just generate conflict. I could be wrong I guess.

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