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Can you add PvP aspects in the open world in the new expansion ?

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@Obtena.7952 said:

@"sorudo.9054" said:is this still going on, are ppl still not satisfied?if you like PvP, go play sPvP.if you like open PvP, play WvWif you like PvE, play PvE.is that really so hard to grasp, is the E in PvE so confusing that your mind starts to turn into goo?

To be fair ... I think what these people are looking for is simply a more freeform way to PVP ... which I think is completely reasonable. Unfortunately they think the way to get that is some misguided justification to put PVP encounters into OW PVE which is the most unreasonable way idea ever to implement a very reasonable desire to have freeform PVP.

I think one could come up with a design for these requests(let's assume for a moment it's not just about ganking and griefing people). Something between PvP and WvW played in matches of maybe 1 hour on maps roughly the size (and maybe even the open and "platformy" style of) EotM. Maybe add map objectives, make it team based or not, both could work. One would be like a smaller WvW skirmish, the other would be like deathmatch/free for all.

But, and that's a problem with many suggestions that would demand big changes to core components of the game, it would be better suited in a new game where this feature could be implemented from scratch. Not that GW2 can't change("But they did mounts - see - they do new things! Anything is possible!"), but adding something this big to a game this old and a playerbase this acustomed to the basics of the game, probably wouldn't work. At least not as well as the idea would work as its own game.

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@kharmin.7683 said:

@"Scrambles.2604" said:

This is the worst argument i've heard and it's repeated constantly. If someone is following you and spamming you it has nothing to do with dueling, it is just griefing and harrassment. A duel flag is just the vehicle. This could be accomplished with other mechanisms as well regardless of if it's a duel flag, trade window, inbox mail, instrument spam. The important thing is that you can block and report.

You are never 100% safe from harrassment. The only thing that matters is that you have tools to resolve harrrassment.

Everyone is so focused on dueling as the source of harrassment. Unless it is the ONLY source of harrassment (its not!) then your focus should be on strengthening support and reporting tools, not shooting down suggestions for options you're not interested in.

Yes, but I believe that the point is why even allow a situation to exist that might cause such harassment especially since the game already has a mode for those who desire to play against other players.

There are, iirc, three options: duel in Custom Arenas; duel in the Guild Hall; and duel in WvW. These options are all lacking in one or more fundamental ways.

  • Custom Arenas: Use the sPvP equipment and skill rules; thus, you can't duel using PvE skills/gear.
  • Guild Hall: afaik, only guild members can go there, so unless the person you want to duel is in your guild or has an open guild slot, no joy.
  • WvW: another option with a different skill set; also, can only duel players from the two worlds yours is fighting this week.

Finally, and perhaps most importantly, all three modes require you to go somewhere to duel. This means you cannot duel while waiting for a world boss, or for anything else in PvE because the map could be full when you try to get back in. Also, there is no area in the game where players can seek others who want to duel other than the default dueling area in WvW or the Mists.

If griefing is a concern, there are ways around this. For example:

  • Require that players select "dueling enabled" in options; if a player has not opted in, then other players cannot request a duel.
  • If dueling players are in an event area, the duel ends when the event begins.
  • Prevent dueling in areas near business or RP sites (bank, TP, taverns, etc.
  • As has been pointed out, say, map or whisper spam can be reported and the spamming player blocked. This is no different than any other use of chat to bother another.

Implementing duels in such a fashion might be work prohibitive, but that's not something we can decide, but that's not your argument here..

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@lokh.2695 said:

@"sorudo.9054" said:is this still going on, are ppl still not satisfied?if you like PvP, go play sPvP.if you like open PvP, play WvWif you like PvE, play PvE.is that really so hard to grasp, is the E in PvE so confusing that your mind starts to turn into goo?

To be fair ... I think what these people are looking for is simply a more freeform way to PVP ... which I think is completely reasonable. Unfortunately they think the way to get that is some misguided justification to put PVP encounters into OW PVE which is the most unreasonable way idea ever to implement a very reasonable desire to have freeform PVP.

I think one could come up with a design for these requests(let's assume for a moment it's not just about ganking and griefing people). Something between PvP and WvW played in matches of maybe 1 hour on maps roughly the size (and maybe even the open and "platformy" style of) EotM. Maybe add map objectives, make it team based or not, both could work. One would be like a smaller WvW skirmish, the other would be like deathmatch/free for all.

Honestly .. isn't that already what EoTM? I don't think that's what these people want. I don't believe they care about map objectives, etc ... I honestly think it comes down to not having to go to a place for PVP; instant PVP requests, etc ...

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@Dark Red Killian.3946 said:They could add areas to existing cities where you can “duel”. Talk to an NPC to sign up, you could have a crowd gather to watch, take bets if you want. This could make certain cities feel more immersive. Could even have achievements tied to it.

This is the only acceptable way to implement PvP in PvE. Essentially a copy of the guild hall arena placed in a new map.

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@Tom Hsiao.9705 said:I think it will be easier just to have a pvp server where players can pk other players in open world just because they feel like it Instead of doing faction pvp…

I played a game where there was PVP and PVE servers. After a time, PVP servers were merged together because there were not enough players on them. When I left that game for GW2, there were talks of closing the last PvP server and to merge it with a PVE server.

PVP and WVW players frequently complain there is not enough people playing those game modes, and opening a open world PVP server would not help that. It would only spread a small player population even thinner than it is now.

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@Blanche Neige.7241 said:

@Tom Hsiao.9705 said:I think it will be easier just to have a pvp server where players can pk other players in open world just because they feel like it Instead of doing faction pvp…

I played a game where there was PVP and PVE servers. After a time, PVP servers were merged together because there were not enough players on them. When I left that game for GW2, there were talks of closing the last PvP server and to merge it with a PVE server.

PVP and WVW players frequently complain there is not enough people playing those game modes, and opening a open world PVP server would not help that. It would only spread a small player population even thinner than it is now.

You'll need to be more specific with what game you're referring to. Which game is a game???Any game could have server merging if it's a dying unpopular game.Or if the game is P2W so people lose interest in PVP aspect very fast because majority of the people just can't keep up with the payment to be top PVP players.(But I don't see that happening in GW2 because everyone pretty much use same level of armor anyways so it's more about who's got better skills)

Here is a few reasons people complain about PVP and WVW for not having enough players:

  1. Mechanics sucks there is not PURE PVP in this game whatsoever, it is constantly chasing points in PVP.
  2. People complain about WvW because it gets old. You can't do much by yourself because you can't capture castle or whatever by yourself that's why having a normal map that doesn't focus on capturing castle or camps would be very nice. (lets not even talk about stupid participation points because you can potentially be fighting someone and lose all that because you're not killing some guard or getting camps)

Having a PVE map that can also PVP would open up more excitement for this game because people can do PVE while they do PVP and not worry about some points being ticked down while they're just farming monsters or harvest whatever material they need.

I'm assuming you don't participate enough PVP content in any game so you don't know the difference?People in this game are soooo afraid of changes and they're so content with what they have it's so hilarious.This game doesn't need updates or new patches because people on this forum are afraid of NEW stuff and changes lololololol

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@sorudo.9054 said:is this still going on, are ppl still not satisfied?if you like PvP, go play sPvP.if you like open PvP, play WvWif you like PvE, play PvE.is that really so hard to grasp, is the E in PvE so confusing that your mind starts to turn into goo?

I mean PvE is vastly more rewarding, if they could just take ALL OF YOUR REWARDS and put them into reward tracks and give us the ability to earn ALL Of the special goodies you guys can get then sure. Fine.. Id never likely go out and PvE for anything other than the story again.... you know what Im onboard, lets do it.

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@Thornwolf.9721 said:

@sorudo.9054 said:is this still going on, are ppl still not satisfied?if you like PvP, go play sPvP.if you like open PvP, play WvWif you like PvE, play PvE.is that really so hard to grasp, is the E in PvE so confusing that your mind starts to turn into goo?

I mean PvE is vastly more rewarding, if they could just take ALL OF YOUR REWARDS and put them into reward tracks and give us the ability to earn ALL Of the special goodies you guys can get then sure. Fine.. Id never likely go out and PvE for anything other than the story again.... you know what Im onboard, lets do it.

that can be said about wvw and PvP, if PvE ha a simple way to get tokens for awesome armor and weapons then it would be fine, being able to get ToK in PvE would be so much better.but guess what, it's not happening, just as open PvP isn't happening.

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@naiasonod.9265 said:

The real complaint I perceive underscoring what the OP is requesting is that they're bored and want to gank people and have a helpless audience on demand because they really want to flaunt in new ways at the people that don't care.

This is the actual reason. Anyone that wants to force PvP into the dominant PvE open world centers of the game just wants to take advantage of people by getting easy kills on fresh noobs in their beginner maps.

They probably can't kill people who are actually good in the dedicated PvP and WvW modes and want to farm easy kills.

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@sorudo.9054 said:

@sorudo.9054 said:is this still going on, are ppl still not satisfied?if you like PvP, go play sPvP.if you like open PvP, play WvWif you like PvE, play PvE.is that really so hard to grasp, is the E in PvE so confusing that your mind starts to turn into goo?

I mean PvE is vastly more rewarding, if they could just take ALL OF YOUR REWARDS and put them into reward tracks and give us the ability to earn ALL Of the special goodies you guys can get then sure. Fine.. Id never likely go out and PvE for anything other than the story again.... you know what Im onboard, lets do it.

that can be said about wvw and PvP, if PvE ha a simple way to get tokens for awesome armor and weapons then it would be fine, being able to get ToK in PvE would be so much better.but guess what, it's not happening, just as open PvP isn't happening.

but see I dont think any of us would be opposed to you guys being able to get the pvp/wvw weapons (Most ALL OF THEM are ugly outside of a few anyhow) in PvE? Just do it. Id much rather that and having access to all of what the games rewards are in my game mode of choice, than forcing either side to have to play in modes they dislike.

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@Thornwolf.9721 said:

@sorudo.9054 said:is this still going on, are ppl still not satisfied?if you like PvP, go play sPvP.if you like open PvP, play WvWif you like PvE, play PvE.is that really so hard to grasp, is the E in PvE so confusing that your mind starts to turn into goo?

I mean PvE is vastly more rewarding, if they could just take ALL OF YOUR REWARDS and put them into reward tracks and give us the ability to earn ALL Of the special goodies you guys can get then sure. Fine.. Id never likely go out and PvE for anything other than the story again.... you know what Im onboard, lets do it.

that can be said about wvw and PvP, if PvE ha a simple way to get tokens for awesome armor and weapons then it would be fine, being able to get ToK in PvE would be so much better.but guess what, it's not happening, just as open PvP isn't happening.

but see I dont think any of us would be opposed to you guys being able to get the pvp/wvw weapons (Most ALL OF THEM are ugly outside of a few anyhow) in PvE? Just do it. Id much rather that and having access to all of what the games rewards are in my game mode of choice, than forcing either side to have to play in modes they dislike.

but the reward part isn't the issue here, it's the open PvP.

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i'll only be fine with adding open world PvP (in PvE zones) in all of GW2 or on the new expansion if and only if:

  1. you have a pvp toggle like in GTA Online (Passive Mode On/Off) and should default to PVP-OFF upon entering the map/zone.
  2. there are no Map/PvE achievements tied to it. wvw already has this somewhat.
  3. not required for pve/story progression.

as said previously by other commenters, WvW already exists for people who want mixed PvE+PvP, or sPvP for people who want arena battles. no need to mix it on PvE areas.

the best they can do to satisfy these people who want PvP in PvE is to create a new WvW map for the PvP loving community of gw2.

as for player duels, that's something i want since sometimes i want to kill time with friends while waiting for something or when bored. it can be simple as right-clicking another player/friend and selecting "Request Duel" + put some check box on the Options UI for auto-declining duel requests.

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@sorudo.9054 said:

@sorudo.9054 said:is this still going on, are ppl still not satisfied?if you like PvP, go play sPvP.if you like open PvP, play WvWif you like PvE, play PvE.is that really so hard to grasp, is the E in PvE so confusing that your mind starts to turn into goo?

I mean PvE is vastly more rewarding, if they could just take ALL OF YOUR REWARDS and put them into reward tracks and give us the ability to earn ALL Of the special goodies you guys can get then sure. Fine.. Id never likely go out and PvE for anything other than the story again.... you know what Im onboard, lets do it.

that can be said about wvw and PvP, if PvE ha a simple way to get tokens for awesome armor and weapons then it would be fine, being able to get ToK in PvE would be so much better.but guess what, it's not happening, just as open PvP isn't happening.

but see I dont think any of us would be opposed to you guys being able to get the pvp/wvw weapons (Most ALL OF THEM are ugly outside of a few anyhow) in PvE? Just do it. Id much rather that and having access to all of what the games rewards are in my game mode of choice, than forcing either side to have to play in modes they dislike.

but the reward part isn't the issue here, it's the open PvP.

and im saying the reason people ask, is because PvE open world is more rewarding than either PvP game mode. Fix the carrot and the stick will keep on chugging along, that and we get neglected for years at a time and you often get more content thrown your way (not aimed at you specifically don't feel like having someone assume the your means you as a person. No offence meant) That is actually underappreciated. I know a TON of us would kill for new maps/more maps in our game modes to make it fresh, along with some new toys to play with. (WHEN WILL WE GET CHARR TANKS IN WVW A-NET!!!?!?!?!)

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I played, and loved, completely open PvP MMOs in the past. But, I don't want Guild Wars 2 to be like that. I like the cooperative design of PvE, because it allows me to just chill and enjoy the story, environments, and work at my own pace. That I probably why PvE is more popular. MMO players are now older with jobs (hopefully), families, etc. Persistent open world competitive games which were more popular in the early 2000s just don't have that market anymore. Few people can play a game for hours every day, let alone 3-4 hours a week.

@"Astyrah.4015" said:as for player duels, that's something i want since sometimes i want to kill time with friends while waiting for something or when bored. it can be simple as right-clicking another player/friend and selecting "Request Duel" + put some check box on the Options UI for auto-declining duel requests.

If implemented at all, this is probably the only thing I could really get behind.

That being said, I would like improvements to WvW. I just started playing some WvW, and the barrier to entry seems high, mainly because a lot of people already have many WvW hours under their belt. It would be nice to have some sort of noob buff (40% increase of health, run at least as fast as a Warclaw, no death from fall damage, etc.) if you are below level 50 WvW level. But if I find a good commander and follow them around, or steal a camp solo or with another roaming player it is pretty fun. The concept is amazing with constant sieges, espionage, small skirmishes, and large scale battles where I can't even see what I am hitting. I like that this is a game mode. It is easily accessible from anywhere with a click and maybe some waiting. But I definitely do not want PvP in open world.

@Thornwolf.9721 said:WHEN WILL WE GET CHARR TANKS IN WVW A-NET!!!?!?!?!)Yes!Also, piloted aerial combat would be fun to see, and could be exclusive to WvW. Better start building anti-aircraft cannons now.

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@firedragon.8953 said:I played, and loved, completely open PvP MMOs in the past. But, I don't want Guild Wars 2 to be like that. I like the cooperative design of PvE, because it allows me to just chill and enjoy the story, environments, and work at my own pace. That I probably why PvE is more popular. MMO players are now older with jobs (hopefully), families, etc. Persistent open world competitive games which were more popular in the early 2000s just don't have that market anymore. Few people can play a game for hours every day, let alone 3-4 hours a week.

@"Astyrah.4015" said:as for player duels, that's something i want since sometimes i want to kill time with friends while waiting for something or when bored. it can be simple as right-clicking another player/friend and selecting "Request Duel" + put some check box on the Options UI for auto-declining duel requests.

If implemented at all, this is probably the only thing I could really get behind.

That being said, I would like improvements to WvW. I just started playing some WvW, and the barrier to entry seems high, mainly because a lot of people already have many WvW hours under their belt. It would be nice to have some sort of noob buff (40% increase of health, run at least as fast as a Warclaw, no death from fall damage, etc.) if you are below level 50 WvW level. But if I find a good commander and follow them around, or steal a camp solo or with another roaming player it is pretty fun. The concept is amazing with constant sieges, espionage, small skirmishes, and large scale battles where I can't even see what I am hitting. I like that this is a
game mode
. It is easily accessible from anywhere with a click and maybe some waiting. But I definitely do not want PvP in open world.

@"Thornwolf.9721" said:WHEN WILL WE GET CHARR TANKS IN WVW A-NET!!!?!?!?!)Yes!Also, piloted aerial combat would be fun to see, and could be exclusive to WvW. Better start building anti-aircraft cannons now.

I mean we have all the stuff from this living.. I mean "Saga". The assets are there LET US HAVE THE CANNONS! Heck why not racial based siege and defense stuff. So like norn can bring mobile shrines to the spirits that buff everyone, and make them more powerful. That can also be placed into the keep to add guards and other such stuff, humans can bring six gods stuff. Sylvari can bring vine walls and extra goodies and asuran can bring FREAKING GOLEMS AND WEIRD LASERS!

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@Thornwolf.9721 said:

@sorudo.9054 said:is this still going on, are ppl still not satisfied?if you like PvP, go play sPvP.if you like open PvP, play WvWif you like PvE, play PvE.is that really so hard to grasp, is the E in PvE so confusing that your mind starts to turn into goo?

I mean PvE is vastly more rewarding, if they could just take ALL OF YOUR REWARDS and put them into reward tracks and give us the ability to earn ALL Of the special goodies you guys can get then sure. Fine.. Id never likely go out and PvE for anything other than the story again.... you know what Im onboard, lets do it.

that can be said about wvw and PvP, if PvE ha a simple way to get tokens for awesome armor and weapons then it would be fine, being able to get ToK in PvE would be so much better.but guess what, it's not happening, just as open PvP isn't happening.

but see I dont think any of us would be opposed to you guys being able to get the pvp/wvw weapons (Most ALL OF THEM are ugly outside of a few anyhow) in PvE? Just do it. Id much rather that and having access to all of what the games rewards are in my game mode of choice, than forcing either side to have to play in modes they dislike.

but the reward part isn't the issue here, it's the open PvP.

and im saying the reason people ask, is because PvE open world is more rewarding than either PvP game mode. Fix the carrot and the stick will keep on chugging along, that and we get neglected for years at a time and you often get more content thrown your way (not aimed at you specifically don't feel like having someone assume the your means you as a person. No offence meant) That is actually underappreciated. I know a TON of us would kill for new maps/more maps in our game modes to make it fresh, along with some new toys to play with. (WHEN WILL WE GET CHARR TANKS IN WVW A-NET!!!?!?!?!)

this is true, if they wanted to at least fix one carrot they could make some PvE rewards for PvP modes and allow some PvP rewards to ether drop in PvE or be an equal as easy reward.i am personally completely against open world PvP because of it's inevitable toxicity, the spamming and overall harassment, i played both open world PvP games and per invite duels and both are filled with ppl forcing you to go along with it paired with plenty of name calling.

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@sorudo.9054 said:

@sorudo.9054 said:is this still going on, are ppl still not satisfied?if you like PvP, go play sPvP.if you like open PvP, play WvWif you like PvE, play PvE.is that really so hard to grasp, is the E in PvE so confusing that your mind starts to turn into goo?

I mean PvE is vastly more rewarding, if they could just take ALL OF YOUR REWARDS and put them into reward tracks and give us the ability to earn ALL Of the special goodies you guys can get then sure. Fine.. Id never likely go out and PvE for anything other than the story again.... you know what Im onboard, lets do it.

that can be said about wvw and PvP, if PvE ha a simple way to get tokens for awesome armor and weapons then it would be fine, being able to get ToK in PvE would be so much better.but guess what, it's not happening, just as open PvP isn't happening.

but see I dont think any of us would be opposed to you guys being able to get the pvp/wvw weapons (Most ALL OF THEM are ugly outside of a few anyhow) in PvE? Just do it. Id much rather that and having access to all of what the games rewards are in my game mode of choice, than forcing either side to have to play in modes they dislike.

but the reward part isn't the issue here, it's the open PvP.

and im saying the reason people ask, is because PvE open world is more rewarding than either PvP game mode. Fix the carrot and the stick will keep on chugging along, that and we get neglected for years at a time and you often get more content thrown your way (not aimed at you specifically don't feel like having someone assume the your means you as a person. No offence meant) That is actually underappreciated. I know a TON of us would kill for new maps/more maps in our game modes to make it fresh, along with some new toys to play with. (WHEN WILL WE GET CHARR TANKS IN WVW A-NET!!!?!?!?!)

this is true, if they wanted to at least fix one carrot they could make some PvE rewards for PvP modes and allow some PvP rewards to ether drop in PvE or be an equal as easy reward.i am personally completely against open world PvP because of it's inevitable toxicity, the spamming and overall harassment, i played both open world PvP games and per invite duels and both are filled with ppl forcing you to go along with it paired with plenty of name calling.

Sounds like raiding in this game currently, I mean I always loved open world PvP but I dont see it as having a place. Im glad that we agree about the rewards though; I think that would fix alot of animosity between the player base.

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Why are you people getting soooo heated over something that's not even gonna happen anyways I don't get it lol!!???! This post is already 4 pages long and NO admin bother to answer anything because it's clearly NOT gonna happen ok! Some people on this forum needs to take chill pills seriously lol. The negativity is crazzzyyyy

Also what's up with against changes anyways? I never seen any crowds that's so against any changes or updates it's like you guys don't need new content and you want to just play the same thing over and over and you're satisfied lol! In that case I think offline games are best for you all because you can be certain there won't be any updates or changes to destroy your fantastic game experience. Sorry if I'm too direct but the amount of people attacking OP is just ridiculous! If this is not cyber bully I don't know what is.

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