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What is your favorite map in Guild Wars 2 so far and why?

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@Taril.8619 said:Wayfarer Foothills.

It's a nice map. There's some greenery, snow and ice. With a nice mix of everything from Shiverpeaks - Minotaurs, Dredge, Jotun, Sons of Svanir.

It is also quite nice to look at. All of the vistas are places where you can just get a good view anyway.

Yeah. This is another great one. I think all my avatars have played that one. Great for early training.

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Sandswept Shores - such a chill place, skimmer paradise and fun things to do. Shame it wasn't a fully realised as it could have been but is still one of my favourite maps.

Tangled Depths - I love the winding pathways and variety of environments here. It's an adventure playground! :)

Caledon Forest - one of the most beautiful starting zones.

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I have a couple.

Cursed shore. Great flow. Good events. I really like the view.

Blood stone fen, I love the gliding upgrades. I really wish they are universal. I like the environment and the events. Though it does suffer from cramming.

Fields of ruin. The events are okayish, but the layout and history are the best in the game. This is lore and nostalgia done right. It is the highly immersive.

Putting them together AB and VB. Master pieces in map design. I like the events in both.

Special mention for dragon stand. Not my favorite game play, however, this is probably the best looking map. Again, most immersive. Also, while not fun to replay, the event map event is one of the most memorable things in GW2. All other maps with map wide event feel like they are kiddie design in comparison.

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Hmm, hard to say. The only 2 maps that really stick out to me as memorable at the moment are Silverwastes and Dragonfall.

Silverwastes use to be like...the farm map and I use to be in a lot of communities that ran RIBA maps. The meta felt relaxed, the map chat was hilarious at times, and it wasn't on some timed schedule like a lot of other meta events are. The map itself may not be the prettiest but man did I spend a lot of time there and enjoyed earning that gold. Some of the NPC banter in Camp Resolve also still gets me; "What are you doing with that keg, soldier?" "Uh...carrying it?"

Dragonfall I kinda like...for the same reason and more. To me it felt like a really cool fusion of Silverwastes and Dragon Stand, and I really appreciated it not being on some sort of scheduled timer. I also think the map concept is freakin' hilarious (Kralk fell and couldn't get up, shoulda got Life Alert) and just feels so...different compared to most other maps. Was just a cool map with a good meta, and that's what I personally like to see.

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Tough because I could just list every map but off the top of my head I’ll say

Bitterfrost FrontierBjora MarchesDrizzlewood CoastDivinity’s ReachCaledon ForestKessex HillsMount MaelstromBloodstone FenDesert HighlandsFrostgorge Sound

Just to name a few. This is largely based off aesthetics, and I definitely have biases, snowy and heavily forested or woodland regions are my favorite by far.

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Verdant Brink was by far my favorite map. I got lost, A LOT, but it felt like every time I took a detour I was rewarded with a mastery point, hero point, achievement... no matter how stupid the detour was. And, oh boy, I did fear that night...

Tangled Depths was also one of my favorites, because it just felt so... large. Kind of like how the Ascalon Catacombs P1 graveling run feels large when you're new to the game, where it's actually super simple to navigate, but it feels nightmarish because the mob's are tough and you're not used to the layout.

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I have so many!!!

  1. Plains of Ashford. It's where I started as a low level charr ranger. All the nostalgia <3 I love the envrionment, the NPC chatter, the events...
  2. Diessa Plateau. Ascalon map, good lore, THREE JPs, a nice hidden strawberry patch, FLYING COWS, meatoberfest, my favourite mini dungeon
  3. Fireheart Rise. Ascalon map, fire, ash, tar. Flame Legion. Fun events. My favourite dungeon is present in this map. Just wish it had more built up lore.
  4. Frostgorge Sound. I love the kodan sanctuaries, the general aesthetic, the ice floes, the metas. Running champ train here was fun.
  5. Malchor's Leap. I have a lot of love for this map's lore and all the mysteries it holds - like the pyrite orb,. I love both JPs and the temple metas. Fun to explore. You can feel the melancholy. The sense of loss.
  6. Tangled Depths. You all can hate it, I love it. I am GOOD at navigating this map, it has my favourite HoT meta, great MP/strongbox spots, pretty, SCAR camp events are some of my favourite in the entire game, cool hidden JP...
  7. Ember Bay. Fire = me like it. Also has the best JP in the game.
  8. Draconis Mons had the most fun achieves ever, so pretty map, love the concept and the lore. Good JP too! And mastery.
  9. Sirens Landing just becauise it has the second best JP in the game.
  10. PVP lobby. I actually really like it now.
  11. Desert Highlands. Love the music, atmosphere, finding buried treasure, dwarven ruins, big waterfall, many secrets! Glint's Lair. <3 And... Vlast.
  12. Sandswept Isles. The mood of the map is awesome, and it has many fun little details like the dolphins, the sea turtles, Olmakhan living their lives, a storm, inquest shenanigans.
  13. Jahai Bluffs. It is a fun map witha fun meta event.
  14. Dragonfall. My fav meta event in the game with a lot of cool lore and design.
  15. Grothmar Valley is just breathtaking. I love the slow pace of the map, the sense of... calm. It is not a constant warzone. Exploring and spending time there is so much fun.
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Core? Probably Wayfarer Foothills. It's a really nice mix of different area types and there's lots of different enemies. I also think it has some of the most fun events - for example I really love the Raven riddles.

Otherwise... Grothmar Valley or Dragonfall. Grothmar gives me really great nostalgia vibes, really fun events (METAL LEGION!!!) and I love the overall ambience. Dragonfall is visually stunning, but not a fan of the events.

Queensdale will always hold a special place as the first map I really explored, and I still enjoy to do completion there. I will also always love Diessa Plateau because of the hidden strawberry patch!

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I don't have a favourite map, but my top list are Grothmar Valley and Plains of Ashford. They remind me of Pre Searing so much, and that was a big part of my cherished memories from when I was younger. I just love those comfy, lazy fall days, that can be warm and cold as you sit by the fire eating pie and looking out into the orange forests.

The other maps that come after that are Bjora Marches, Snowblind Fractal and Bitterfrost Frontier because of their mysterious looking forests.

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@kratan.4619 said:Queensdale, just because it is the first map I played and it was wonderful...

Agreed. Queensdale was also my first map and it was there that I fell in love with GW2. There's a number of maps I like, a few I don't, but to this day I keep coming back to Queensdale again and again with my key farmers. It just feels comfy and familiar. Heck, I've got a key farmer running around there right now. :)

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LOL, I think my overall favorite is Tangled Depths, even though after years of playing in it I STILL get lost following the HP trains there ALL the time. Maybe that's what I like about it- even though I have at least one character who has 100% on it, it's so complex that it doesn't feel "used up" or "finished" or "old." I also really like the giant underwater tunnel on the lowest level. (I LOL'd because I didn't expect to see so many other people say they like it when literally every time I go there half the map chat is "OMG I hate this map!") But other than the chak eggs being icky, it's a really pretty map and I really like the Nuhoch npcs.

CORE- Metrica Province/Brisban Wildlands, and then certain areas of the Shiverpeaks but not any particular map there. Timberline Falls would get it if it wasn't so full of leeks and krait. Especially the leeks.

HOT - Tangled Depths, see abovePOF - Desert Highlands because it's got the least desert in it. The snowy dwarven area, the wetlands, and the big chunk of brand give it good variety. The desert areas are beautifully crafted, it's just that I don't like hot places. I do have to offer serious compliments on the palm trees- whoever designed those has absolutely been to Florida or somewhere else where you can't get away from them lol. 90% of the top part IRL is just dead tan fronds hanging off and then a tiny green fringe at the top, and you guys NAILED it! xD A meticulous detail that needs to be appreciated.

LW - Draconis Mons, Bloodstone Fen, Sandswept Isles. The first 2 are aesthetically gorgeous and way more fun now that I have a skyscale. And Sandswept I just love the north meta with the eerie driftwood and the sunken chests afterward. I kind of like Ember Bay and Kourna too but not all areas of them. Siren's Landing is awesome but way too small. And Dragonfall is pretty in the Melandru area, but it's just way too flippin hard to get around before you have the skyscale, it's like prohibitively hard and I pretty much couldn't do the meta at all until I had one because I couldn't keep up with the zergs who had them.

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@Tukaram.8256 said:For me it is a toss up between Crystal Oasis and Snowden Drifts. Mostly because they were the most memorably fun. They are also the ones I have done on more characters, because they were so fun.

I will have to say that Grothmar Valley ranks pretty high, but is too small to really count. It is almost as good as GW pre-searing. The pre-searing was the best map/game of all time.

I love Grothmar Valley, I rate that as the most fun map in the game. I love, love, love the demolition derby mini-event, and metal concert is just wow. I'm not quite so keen on the other three metas, although they are also fun.

I hope the devs/artists/actors/anyone I have forgotten (sorry) had as much fun making that map/set of activities as I've had playing them.

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