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Should we changes to the # of Elite Weapons

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I had proposed, with the new expansion coming, we could change the number of weapons elites could use. I know the Devs stated that this next expansion will not be the last, but a lot of players feel they waited long enough playing their profession without their weapon of choice. It maybe a long time coming before you see your profession without your weapon of choice, going the route ANet is currently taking. Players also suggested seeing current elite weapons having different skills available with future expansions

So should we continue this path of 1 new weapon with a new expansion or should we take a different approach. I have my idea of what I would like to see, but I think putting it up to a vote, maybe ANet would consider something different if most people can agree on a change.

I can see each class getting to use 6 new weapons if they had 6 new elites, but they might not create 6 expansion. Not knowing how many Elite Specs will be coming, would it be a good idea to give each elite two new weapons instead of one. They have the new Expansion coming next year and they could drastically change the direction of how the next expansions, if any, will go.

If they did give each profession two weapons per expansion I think these would be a good idea:

HOTDragon Hunter: Long Bow & off hand SwordBerserker: Torch & main hand ShieldHerald: Shield & offhand FocusDruid: Staff & offhand FocusScrapper: Hammer & main hand MaceDaredevil: Staff & Dual MaceChronomancer: Shield & Dual DaggersTempest: Warhorn & offhand ScepterReaper: Great Sword & offhand ShieldPOFFirebrand: Main hand Axe & main hand FocusSpellbreaker: Dual Daggers & offhand FocusRenegade: Short Bow & Great SwordSoulbeast: Main hand Dagger & RifleHolosmith: Main hand Sword & StaffDeadeye: Rifle & offhand FocusMirage: Main hand Axe & Main hand PistolWeaver: Main hand Sword & main hand FocusScourge: Torch & Offhand AxeEODGuardian: Offhand Mace & offhand ScepterWarrior: Staff & Dual PistolsRevenant: Dual Pistols & main hand ScepterRanger: Hammer & offhand ShieldEngineer: Great Sword & offhand FocusThief: Torch & Great SwordMesmer: Short Bow & WarhornElementalist: Long Bow & Great SwordNecromancer: Rifle & Hammer

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but a lot of players feel

Just my two cents of advice. Try to avoid these kinds of statements.Who are you to make such a statement? What mandate do you have to speak on behalve of anyone but your own and how could this mandate be checked? Using such lines might seem good as it makes one case stronger, but as the mandate isn't backed up by facts it is hollow and empty. The poll is still early, but looking how it goes, the mandate seems pretty thin.

As the subject. Balance is also important. In GW1 this was an issue due to the endless amount of combinations and possible builds. With the current system, balance is better (although far from perfect). This is the core issue. Versability causes less balance. It has been a complaint in comparisson with GW1 since the game launched, but consensus is that the current system is fine. By introducing one weapon at a time, connected to an elite spec, it gives the devs a lot more control over the balance.

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No need for more weapons on the elite specs in my opinion. Having 1 weapon that meshes well with the thematic of the spec and it's intended playstyle is enough.

Also I wonder... your suggestions seem a bit biased. Why are you giving thief dual maces for daredevil, yet just mainhand mace for scrapper?

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I voted having one weapon per e-spec, but having more than specializations per expansion...because I don't know if that's worded incorrectly or not, but I I take that at face value, it could mean anything including what we currently have also. We do get more than specializations per expansions, last time around we got mounts.

With how the choice is written I wouldn't mind if one of the extra things this time around was every spec gets their 1 wep, but every core class got something like spears on land or even a new weapon entirely.

If this voting selection actually meant more than one e-spec, then I think I would still stick with the same vote...it would throw a wrench in balancing that would be worse than prior versions, but I'm always for more choice in how the game is played. GW1 may have been a balancing nightmare for anet, but to players....that is what I think made the largest impact on why the game was so memorable. Theory crafting and build diversity was the heart of a game like that. Virtually a collectable card game in rpg form.

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@VocalThought.9835 said:a lot of players feel they waited long enough playing their profession without their weapon of choice.

Players also make idiotic suggestions and complain the entire time about how their "profession of choice" is weaker or in need of buffs while other professions are in need of nerfs. No matter if this in any way is objectively substantiated or in any way reflected in any metric in this game be it PvE, Spvp or WvW.

In short: players are subjective and biased and half the time best ignored.

@VocalThought.9835 said:It maybe a long time coming before you see your profession without your weapon of choice, going the route ANet is currently taking. Players also suggested seeing current elite weapons having different skills available with future expansions

Even worse, there is a high chance each and every profession in this game will NEVER gain access to certain weapons. Terrible, I know. Yet somehow, we will have to manage.

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The major issue with this suggestion (Besides the added workload for the Devs, creating new skills for all the new weapons) would be Warrior.

There are only 6 weapons that Warrior cannot currently use: Scepter, Staff, Pistol (MH), Pistol (OH), Focus and Shortbow.

If adding an additional weapon to each E-Spec and 2 for EoD, that is 5/6 weapons utilized (6/6 if Pistol/Pistol gets bundled together like with Dagger/Dagger for Spellbreaker)

So... What happens next? As mentioned, EoD isn't the last expansion. Thus is likely not the last E-Spec. What weapons would Warrior get afterwards?

Beyond that, honestly, I'd only really want secondary weapons added to E-Specs that have only a one handed weapon (Be it a MH or an OH one) so they get 5 total skills with the E-Spec like the ones that get a two handed weapon. Though, the issue here would be how such a thing would work with the E-Spec gear, since Spellbreaker is the only E-Spec that has received 2 weapons, but they're both Dagger, so they still just get the 1 dagger upon unlocking the E-Spec and from doing the E-Spec related collection. Meanwhile, not all E-Specs with a single one handed weapon can get gain the option to wield a second one (Due to things like Torch, Warhorn and Shield being off-hand only, Ranger can already use offhand Dagger etc)

Personally, I'd like to see more weapons added to Core. Since Core weapons add more diversity to builds because they can be used in ANY build, rather than just builds with the specific E-Spec. Also, many current Core weapons are OmegaTrash which makes some classes awful to play pre-80.

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So many people are fixated on there only being a certain amount of weapons available to different classes, like Warrior can only get x,y or z because that is all that is left, but no that is not all that is left, Anet can develop new weapon types (Greataxe, Spear) and frankly that is what they need to do so this game does not become a clown fiesta where rangers use hammers...

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@Vavume.8065 said:So many people are fixated on there only being a certain amount of weapons available to different classes, like Warrior can only get x,y or z because that is all that is left, but no that is not all that is left, Anet can develop new weapon types (Greataxe, Spear) and frankly that is what they need to do so this game does not become a clown fiesta where rangers use hammers...

Rangers had good hammer builds in Guild Wars. Yet it wasn’t a clown fiesta.

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I would be OK if they made it so all the classes could use all weapons, but a lot of these suggestions just seem silly. No one should be using mainhand shield or off-hand scepter because those are silly suggestions to begin with (mainhand focus kind of makes sense at least, because at least I can picture people casting spells with mainhand focus and it working and not looking completely stupid.) My suggestions would be more like short bow for warrior, swords for necromancers, offhand swords for thieves, just things that are similar to what the professions already have, but just letting every profession use every weapon seems fine too. I agree with @Vavume.8065, I don't want hammers on rangers or necromancers unless just everyone can use hammers, because there are so many weapons, both already existing and not, that would make more sense than that, or than dual shields on any class at all.

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@Coeruleum.9164 said:I would be OK if they made it so all the classes could use all weapons, but a lot of these suggestions just seem silly. No one should be using mainhand shield or off-hand scepter because those are silly suggestions to begin with (mainhand focus kind of makes sense at least, because at least I can picture people casting spells with mainhand focus and it working and not looking completely stupid.) My suggestions would be more like short bow for warrior, swords for necromancers, offhand swords for thieves, just things that are similar to what the professions already have, but just letting every profession use every weapon seems fine too. I agree with @Vavume.8065, I don't want hammers on rangers or necromancers unless just everyone can use hammers, because there are so many weapons, both already existing and not, that would make more sense than that, or than dual shields on any class at all.




So these links is to show that there's nothing wrong with using an off-hand Scepter or dualing Scepters, and there's nothing wrong with using a main hand Shield or even dual weilding shields.

I'm glad people are voting, but I'm surprised people would rather have just one elite weapon instead of two, but would then advocate for weapons not even in the game or aquatic. I figured, there's more likely to make a main hand Shield than create an entire new weapon.

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@"Akari Storm.6809" said:I voted having one weapon per e-spec, but having more than specializations per expansion...because I don't know if that's worded incorrectly or not, but I I take that at face value, it could mean anything including what we currently have also. We do get more than specializations per expansions, last time around we got mounts.

With how the choice is written I wouldn't mind if one of the extra things this time around was every spec gets their 1 wep, but every core class got something like spears on land or even a new weapon entirely.

If this voting selection actually meant more than one e-spec, then I think I would still stick with the same vote...it would throw a wrench in balancing that would be worse than prior versions, but I'm always for more choice in how the game is played. GW1 may have been a balancing nightmare for anet, but to players....that is what I think made the largest impact on why the game was so memorable. Theory crafting and build diversity was the heart of a game like that. Virtually a collectable card game in rpg form.

Sorry, I meant to say, "having more than one elite specializations per expansion". Like possibly two elites with each expansion. It would have been nice if they created elites that fit the theme of the expansion.

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I'd much rather one new weapon per elite-spec/expansion, but have the weapons themselves detached from requiring the elite spec to be active. Sure, in a lot of cases the weapons are kind of bleh without the mechanics of their elite spec, but then, ALL weapons are bleh without support from a solid build. Elite weapons just happen to be even more bleh without their specific trait line.

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