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[Poll] Should there be a Graphics update?

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i don't think it'll happen lie a full blown graphics upgrade.what we'll most probably see is newer maps looking better than older ones, like as usual in most MMOs.eventually we might get a character upgrade, although they seem to be handling surprisingly well for their age.IMO they could just upgrade the lighting system and the game would already look better. :)

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Dx12 support, and some better day>dusk>night>dawn lighting would go a LONG way to giving the game a better performance and a nicer look. Conan Exiles blows me away when the sun sets or rises. I want (something like) THAT in Guild Wars 2. Not... okay it getting a little bluer now. I seriously don't notice the changes between time periods. It's legit too subtle and lends to a rather bland lighting in the core maps.

Actual dynamic weather and touching up the core maps (Dry Top and onward just blows them out of the water) would not be turned down either. Mostly just need the mountains/cliffs to look less like a simple application of the "raise terrain" tool and more like actual mountain/cliff sides (like in every zone from Dry Top onward.) That alone will breathe a ton of fresh air into the core maps.

Also, as an aside, I think the game would look good with an optional "cartoon outline" shader, but all I have to go on is a few spell effects that sort of accomplish the look for a reference.

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I like how the game looks currently in both core maps as expansion maps/living world (apart from the eyesore of effects from skills/infusions, you know the big ball of light and thereby not seeing what you fight). I don't think my laptop would be having fun with higher graphical demands and the likes. However, I would not mind if they fixed them lags and optimalised the game a little. Loading screens start to take ages these days no matter where you go to.

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One of the major selling points of this game is that it is easy to get into it. And no painful gear treadmill - you can quickly access most content.The same might go for the hardware requirements: You don't need a super expensive computer.

(Though it seems they did some minor increase for the requirements with PoF and the bigger maps I think. Maybe next expansion will increase it a bit more.)

I'd be fine with some minor graphic changes and if the sys requirement did not increase a lot. (Graphics card upgrade might be okay. But CPU, RAM ... should not increase too much. And of course it should still run on windows 7.)

Other than that: Optional stuff can happen as much as you want. (If you can still have it disabled and play with lower specs.)

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I actually think your screen shots have made the game look objectively worse and kinda grainy. I actually don't see how people think GW2 looks worse than FF14 or WoW. The only reason i see to do anything to the engine/graphics are if it actually benefits the gameplay significantly.

i found this video showing the 4 most popular mmos

and thought it showed pretty clearly that none of them looks signifcantly better or worse than the other really.
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@"Psykewne.3025" said:I actually think your screen shots have made the game look objectively worse and kinda grainy. I actually don't see how people think GW2 looks worse than FF14 or WoW. The only reason i see to do anything to the engine/graphics are if it actually benefits the gameplay significantly.

i found this video showing the 4 most popular mmos

and thought it showed pretty clearly that none of them looks signifcantly better or worse than the other really.

That's subjective. I wanted to make it look painted as a personal preference. Ill update some screenshots with just stylized sharp images to compare.

The game doesn't look bad, but compared to other MMOs GW2 needs help with the lighting and texture department. Gw2 needs some more stylization like wows new areas. For me it need to not just look ok, i want to look at it and be impressed.

Everytime i try to introduce the game to a friend they end up not playing because of the graphics.

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@Psykewne.3025 said:

@"MatyrGustav.6210" said:Everytime i try to introduce the game to a friend they end up not playing because of the graphics.

I'm curious, do they play any of the other mmos in the video because if so it seems like their threshold on graphics is pretty tight.

They actually played all 4. They all think FFXIV graphics look amazing, and feel like WoW and ESO look good. Most agree that Guild Wars 2 looks dated in the sense of it looking washed out and low textures.

I asked them specifically on WoW, and they stated that the game looks crisp with high textures. The fact that WoW is more stylized now really helped it look up to date. They all feel like the old areas need some love though.


Below i used GeForce Freestyle. You can make it look how you want. I prefer a slight cartoony look since i hate seeing low res textures. Im also getting solid 60 frames

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Voted no.I would turn up visual detail on my computer more, if it would not have to render all the visual noise my fellow players create via infusions, legendaries, skins and headache inducing skill effects. You won't see better graphics (even if the PC would run smoothly with better setting or an update), if 80% of your screen is filled with a cacophony of colour and light in a combat with more than two people.

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I think they should optimize the existing engine. As some users previously posted, even $2000+ PC's are unable to run a solid 60fps (god forbid 120+ fps) at max settings. The DX12 mod does help (especially with 1% minimums and quick rotations of the camera) but actually having dx12 built in, and optimizing the existing systems for current hardware would make a huge difference.

Then they could work on increasing texture resolution, draw distance, lighting, shaders, and animations to a higher level. I personally really enjoy the art style and don't think it needs drastic changes.

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I don't think a full rework is necessary at this point in the game, as it doesn't feel worth it. However, I would be in favor of updating older graphics to match those of newer maps, as a lot of the environment in older maps is very inconsistent (and slightly poorer looking) than similar ones of new maps. It wouldn't need as much work as a full rework, but it would still be a nice update, especially for for retaining new players.

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I don't get it, why would you want something more graphically heavy on your system and servers when its already pretty bad in game daily.. Its not like Anet does a lot to fix serious stuff so making even more issues for our selves seems counter productive in my opinion.

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@"Dante.1508" said:I don't get it, why would you want something more graphically heavy on your system and servers when its already pretty bad in game daily.. Its not like Anet does a lot to fix serious stuff so making even more issues for our selves seems counter productive in my opinion.

I personally wouldnt want something more graphically heavy. I'd prefer a stylized approach. This could be achieved with current graphics, and would ultimately improve performance since it will smooth out textures. Yes, id want better lighting and such, but thats an optional feature if added with DX12.

So basically, overall it will improve everything, and those with good PC's can enable the higher end features

WoW started using a stylized approach and everything looked and performed better. If this game is going to appeal to a larger audience and last for the next decade and beyond i think it would be a good move.

Stylized games can be beautiful.

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@"lare.5129" said:vary many player who I know from live play gw2 also because the pc can do it. The not have dx12 card and etc. So if we move graph forward we cut very many good players.

They could do the "BDO approach" keep the "old" graphics and add a Remaster. You enable the Remaster if you wish so, you keep it off if you wish so and bam, everyone happy.

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@TheQuickFox.3826 said:Yes, an updated graphics rendering engine with better multicore support and DX11/DX12 and/or Vulkan.No, not an entirely different art style. I don't want my game to look like a painting or a cartoon. I prefer the more realistic style we have now.

It doesn't have to look entirely different. They could just turn the stylized aspect a bit higher then what it already is.

To make the game look more realistic would be more work for the devs and heavier on our pc's. I mean, yes please if what youre suggesting can be accomplished, id prefer that. If not i'd settle for a more stylized approach.

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@"StarPT.7431" said:They could do the "BDO approach" keep the "old" graphics and add a Remaster. You enable the Remaster if you wish so, you keep it off if you wish so and bam, everyone happy.that can be only on odeal world. in practice to do that is make 2x+ more work for result, so support both modes not economical good way. I am play now few games more, and today gw2 have best graphics and improve something more here look for me very strange ..

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@lare.5129 said:

@"StarPT.7431" said:They could do the "BDO approach" keep the "old" graphics and add a Remaster. You enable the Remaster if you wish so, you keep it off if you wish so and bam, everyone happy.that can be only on odeal world. in practice to do that is make 2x+ more work for result, so support both modes not economical good way. I am play now few games more, and today gw2 have best graphics and improve something more here look for me very strange ..

They are already doing 2x the work because old maps and new maps use a different post processing algorithm so items, dyes etc need to be tested to work on both. If they are able to do 2x the work for all these years, and be fine with it, consolidating all maps to use the newer post process and adding an entirely new Remaster version would still leave them with the same amount of work they have today.

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@lare.5129 said:

@"StarPT.7431" said:They could do the "BDO approach" keep the "old" graphics and add a Remaster. You enable the Remaster if you wish so, you keep it off if you wish so and bam, everyone happy.that can be only on odeal world. in practice to do that is make 2x+ more work for result, so support both modes not economical good way. I am play now few games more, and today gw2 have best graphics and improve something more here look for me very strange ..

@"StarPT.7431" said:They could do the "BDO approach" keep the "old" graphics and add a Remaster. You enable the Remaster if you wish so, you keep it off if you wish so and bam, everyone happy.that can be only on odeal world. in practice to do that is make 2x+ more work for result, so support both modes not economical good way. I am play now few games more, and today gw2 have best graphics and improve something more here look for me very strange ..

They are already doing 2x the work because old maps and new maps use a different post processing algorithm so items, dyes etc need to be tested to work on both. If they are able to do 2x the work for all these years, and be fine with it, consolidating all maps to use the newer post process and adding an entirely new Remaster version would still leave them with the same amount of work they have today.

Noting that I'm not complaining about the graphics, I like them and it's a pretty beautiful game for 2012, a graphics update and keeping both graphics would just cater to a lot of players that want, at the very least, the new maps graphics applied to the old ones while not compromising anyone's ability to play the game due to outdated graphic cards all of a suden.

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