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Gold to Gems


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The more people convert gold to gems the more gold it takes to buy 1 gem. The gold to gem and the gem to gold conversion rates are dependent on which is more prevelant. If more people are converting gold to gems, the amount of gold it takes to buy gems will increase. If more people are converting gems to gold, the amount of gold it takes to buy gems will decrease.

The sales on the gem store are the reason for it. More people are converting their gold to gems to buy the items that are on sale on the gem store.

It will likely go down once the sales are over.

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Whenever there's a sale on a popular item, the price goes up. This week we had sales on:

  • Character slots
  • Storage expanders
  • Bank tabs
  • Shared inventory slots
  • LW2, 3, and 4

which are popular items so with a large discount and only available for 24 hours, a lot of people are buying them via gold-gem conversion in a short amount of time.

The conversion rate will drop back down in a week or two (provided nothing of note comes out in the gem store on Tuesday) when people aren't in a rush to buy things.

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@"nellone.5836" said:ok, if fluctuates.... but it's slowly growing! 3 years ago gems were half the price!immagine.png

The more we go further and more new players will be in a big disadvantage.

No, they're not in a big disadvantage. There's more gold in the game now, current content gives more gold than it did in the past, people are willing to pay "more" for certain mats and so on.

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@Sobx.1758 said:

@"nellone.5836" said:ok, if fluctuates.... but it's slowly growing! 3 years ago gems were half the price!

The more we go further and more new players will be in a big disadvantage.

No, they're not in a big disadvantage. There's more gold in the game now, current content gives more gold than it did in the past, people are willing to pay "more" for certain mats and so on.

Someone told me that LW3 is the more paying content, and it is out since July 26th, 2016

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@nellone.5836 said:

@nellone.5836 said:ok, if fluctuates.... but it's slowly growing! 3 years ago gems were half the price!

The more we go further and more new players will be in a big disadvantage.

No, they're not in a big disadvantage. There's more gold in the game now, current content gives more gold than it did in the past, people are willing to pay "more" for certain mats and so on.

Someone told me that LW3 is the more paying content, and it is out since July 26th, 2016

Whatever those people told you should not lead you to conclude there is some disadvantage or that there is something wrong here. Gem/gold conversion works the same way now as it did the day it was released.

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@nellone.5836 said:

@nellone.5836 said:ok, if fluctuates.... but it's slowly growing! 3 years ago gems were half the price!

The more we go further and more new players will be in a big disadvantage.

No, they're not in a big disadvantage. There's more gold in the game now, current content gives more gold than it did in the past, people are willing to pay "more" for certain mats and so on.

Someone told me that LW3 is the more paying content, and it is out since July 26th, 2016

Yea it was so good that anet caped it to once a day ( and new people can do this conentent to once a day run around killing champions and looting lots of chests in istan) so new content you can get more money per day.

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The exchange rate always jumps up when there's sales in the gem store, especially on popular items like character slots and bank tabs. Then it drops when there's nothing exciting in the gem store for a while, when something is added to the game which mean a lot of people want a lot of gold at the same time (like when the griffon mount was discovered, or when new legendaries come out) or sometimes around events like Christmas when lots of people get given gems or money and some choose to convert it to gold.

The exchange rate has gone up gradually over time, but as other people have said that's because gold has become easier to get over time and that's true for new players as well as existing ones. (The one possible exception is players on free accounts who don't get login rewards, meaning they don't have a regular supply of laurels and mystic coins that can be turned into gold.)

Having said that if you want to convert gold to gems to buy an item while it's discounted it's a good idea to convert the gold before the sale when it's cheaper, which usually means converting some gold whenever you have enough and there's a good exchange rate, then holding onto the gems until the items you want go on sale (because the exchange rate will start rising as soon as the sale is announced, due to people doing this).

Alternatively have an idea of what you consider a reasonable exchange rate and how much gold those items would cost at that exchange rate, then compare how much you'd have to spend to convert at the higher rate to buy them during the sale - you might well find it's actually cheaper to wait until the sale is over and the exchange rate drops.

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@"nellone.5836" said:ok, if fluctuates.... but it's slowly growing! 3 years ago gems were half the price!


The more we go further and more new players will be in a big disadvantage.

I remember when the game was new I only earned a few silver a day from doing events and salvaging. I earned so little back then I was wondering if I could afford the cost of waypointing after I hit level 80. It took weeks before I had my first gold coin in my wallet. In 2016 they added two gold for completing 3 easy dailies. That’s a big handout and had an equally big impact on a lot of player’s income. With more gold flowing into player’s pockets the gem prices are naturally going to increase. Also, as players hit max level and finish gearing up the gold they have doesn’t have as much ingame need which means it’s freed up for buying cosmetics.

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This may just be me but I think part of the problem is no matter how expensive the gold to gem exchange rate is I never feel like it's worth doing it the other way around.

Yesterday I noticed the exchange rate had gone up again, probably because of the new stuff in the gem store and started thinking maybe it would be worth converting some gems into gold while the exchange rate is so high but then I looked at how much I'd get and it just seemed more worthwhile to keep it as gems. I have less than 10g in my wallet right now, but since I don't spend time farming gold it's basically free money that just turns up while I'm playing so paying for it seems kind of pointless.

Maybe I'm the odd one out and other people regularly convert gems into gold and think it's good value to do so, but it wouldn't surprise me if far more people convert gold into gems.

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@Danikat.8537 said:This may just be me but I think part of the problem is no matter how expensive the gold to gem exchange rate is I never feel like it's worth doing it the other way around.

Yesterday I noticed the exchange rate had gone up again, probably because of the new stuff in the gem store and started thinking maybe it would be worth converting some gems into gold while the exchange rate is so high but then I looked at how much I'd get and it just seemed more worthwhile to keep it as gems. I have less than 10g in my wallet right now, but since I don't spend time farming gold it's basically free money that just turns up while I'm playing so paying for it seems kind of pointless.

Maybe I'm the odd one out and other people regularly convert gems into gold and think it's good value to do so, but it wouldn't surprise me if far more people convert gold into gems.

I converted some leftovers I had from the sales we just had to buy some skins on TP for my weapons

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@Jski.6180 said:

@Jski.6180 said:No one wants to spend real life money on this game any more.

And you know this because you talked to everyone?

That why gold to gems is getting worst if this was not true then the gems to gold would be getting worst.

I see you didn't answer the question, so I'll take that as a no then.

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@TheNecrosanct.4028 said:

@Jski.6180 said:No one wants to spend real life money on this game any more.

And you know this because you talked to everyone?

That why gold to gems is getting worst if this was not true then the gems to gold would be getting worst.

I see you didn't answer the question, so I'll take that as a no then.

He answered the question as best anyone without actual developer statistics can: the ratio of amount of gold converted to gems outpaces the gem to gold conversion.

While there are multiple factors going into this, in total this holds true.

We could speculate on all types of reasons and it likely is a mix of factors coming together, but across all players which interact with the gem-gold/gold-gem exchange, in absolute numbers less gems are being converted to gold versus gold being converted to gems. We can make no accurate assumption on gem purchases but it stands to reason that with more gold conversion to gems the necessity for players to purchase gems also decreases.

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