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Nerf Dragonhunter and Herald; buff Berzerker


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Title explains itself. There's not enough build diversity in this game and everyone is choosing 2 out of the 3 heavy classes while disregarding the other unless it's support.Please stop giving DH and Herald special treatment. Revenant in general feels like a power creep for paying players and it's encroaching on p2w.Meanwhile Berzerker feels lacking and doesn't burn as well as Burn Guardian. That's absurd! Berzerker is all about burning with torch and yet Guard takes the cake!

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@gmmg.9210 said:Title explains itself. There's not enough build diversity in this game and everyone is choosing 2 out of the 3 heavy classes while disregarding the other unless it's support.Please stop giving DH and Herald special treatment. Revenant in general feels like a power creep for paying players and it's encroaching on p2w.Meanwhile Berzerker feels lacking and doesn't burn as well as Burn Guardian. That's absurd! Berzerker is all about burning with torch and yet Guard takes the cake!

not sure if troll or seriousberserker has never been all about burning. in fact the one time berserker (condi was meta) it was mace/shield + longbow. where is the torch????

threads like this is why balance is a mess in the first place

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Condi DH give you the illusion to be "strong" because it's only proficient at applying burn. It's both it's strength and weakness in the same package, you see the damage because burn is by design a low duration condition that "hurt". You forget to see that the spec lack other conditions with which they could deal damage and that the guardian isn't especially good at covering it's conditions. It's a one trick pony.

Revenant is another beast alltogether but I wouldn't say that it's especially stronger than any other professions. It can be pretty suceptible to hard CC which is in flavor since feb 2019.

Berserker issue isn't other professions being OP but it's special mechanism being horribly cluncky. You just can't ask other professions to be nerfed when you choose to take a crippling handicap like the berserker's mechanism. It's like being a necromancer, never using shroud in combat and then coming here to complain that other profession are unkillable and deal twice the amount of damage you can do.

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@"avey.4201" said:burn guard is kitten, needs tuned down but at the same time it's the only viable damage guard has, power/glass has less damage than tanky necro.

Wait what? Glass guard falls over to a stiff breeze, but if there's one thing it doesn't lack, it's damage.

Build in question that I use:


I have repeatedly bursted necros from full shroud to dead with this build. They think they're safe at full shroud so they don't dodge. They regret that decision every time...

Utilities are flexible. Sometimes I'll run Renewed Focus and/or swap out Judges Intervention for Stand your Ground. Save Yourselves has hilarious synergy with power of the virtuous. As if the build didn't have enough dps modifiers.

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Burn DH is the epitome of a one trick pony. Not only would there be no viable damage build for guard if it was gutted, but it’s not even all that impressive. Condi cleanse for this build can be completely baited or negated by applying condi to it and literally walking away...(the condi cleanse relies on getting blocks, which is triggered by the ATTACKER). Complete lack of stability if they are running Maw. This is a glass cannon build that only works with efficient team play and attackers who do not understand the mechanics. Not to say that the damage isn’t impressive, but unless there were buffs to make power viable, you are just asking to cancel the class from any dps role whatsoever. The Trapper rune aspect can be a legit gripe, but that’s shaky ground. Solid and mobile warriors can wreck a DH if they don’t stand in traps... I don’t wish to be harsh, but it sounds like an L2P situation. Play other classes, learn their mechanics. The DH DPS for somebody who stands in red circles IS impressive, but is countered so easily.

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@gmmg.9210 said:Title explains itself. There's not enough build diversity in this game and everyone is choosing 2 out of the 3 heavy classes while disregarding the other unless it's support.Please stop giving DH and Herald special treatment. Revenant in general feels like a power creep for paying players and it's encroaching on p2w.Meanwhile Berzerker feels lacking and doesn't burn as well as Burn Guardian. That's absurd! Berzerker is all about burning with torch and yet Guard takes the cake!

Berserker has sustain far and away of what is intended imo, it deserves a nerf as well. I've seen plenty of them, too much healing, stab.

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@Styros.8931 said:don't care about condi zerk because condi builds specially burn = cancer . Buff power zerk, want to see same life sustain and etc like guard instead of glass cannon or zero dmg with 2h sword

Dual swords are condi on warrior anyway so you're still going to do terrible damage. Condi berserker is actually really fun with mace.

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@CutesySylveon.8290 said:

@Styros.8931 said:don't care about condi zerk because condi builds specially burn = cancer . Buff power zerk, want to see same life sustain and etc like guard instead of glass cannon or zero dmg with 2h sword

Dual swords are condi on warrior anyway so you're still going to do terrible damage. Condi berserker is actually really fun with mace.

Cant disagree, but the point stands. Berserker is only useful as condi in groups. No other way to play it. Power is there for 3 bursts and it's over. It's a very pve spec. Only there can power berserker be sustained. As a warrior main, I just dont want to play SBP or Core (with the same weapons and skills mind you) all the time.

Granted a more wvw response than a pvp response, but small scale roaming is just like that.

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@Grand Marshal.4098 said:

@Styros.8931 said:don't care about condi zerk because condi builds specially burn = cancer . Buff power zerk, want to see same life sustain and etc like guard instead of glass cannon or zero dmg with 2h sword

Dual swords are condi on warrior anyway so you're still going to do terrible damage. Condi berserker is actually really fun with mace.

Cant disagree, but the point stands. Berserker is only useful as condi in groups. No other way to play it. Power is there for 3 bursts and it's over. It's a very pve spec. Only there can power berserker be sustained. As a warrior main, I just dont want to play SBP or Core (with the same weapons and skills mind you) all the time.

Granted a more wvw response than a pvp response, but small scale roaming is just like that.

Aside from the issues both condi and power berserker have, power is an entirely different beast to tackle in terms of balance. The CC damage nerf hit it much harder than most, and power zerk has much more predictable and easier to mitigate damage than condi. Add in that you need squishier stats and the degree that the damage power does is nerfed so much, I don't know when it will be viable again.

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@CutesySylveon.8290 said:

@Styros.8931 said:don't care about condi zerk because condi builds specially burn = cancer . Buff power zerk, want to see same life sustain and etc like guard instead of glass cannon or zero dmg with 2h sword

Dual swords are condi on warrior anyway so you're still going to do terrible damage. Condi berserker is actually really fun with mace.

Cant disagree, but the point stands. Berserker is only useful as condi in groups. No other way to play it. Power is there for 3 bursts and it's over. It's a very pve spec. Only there can power berserker be sustained. As a warrior main, I just dont want to play SBP or Core (with the same weapons and skills mind you) all the time.

Granted a more wvw response than a pvp response, but small scale roaming is just like that.

Aside from the issues both condi and power berserker have, power is an entirely different beast to tackle in terms of balance. The CC damage nerf hit it much harder than most, and power zerk has much more predictable and easier to mitigate damage than condi. Add in that you need squishier stats and the degree that the damage power does is nerfed so much, I don't know when it will be viable again.

I'm afraid that with EoD, Berserker will never be viable again and be forgotten. My hypothesis is that they may pull off a hybrid warrior build (defense + offense) without being SBP or Berserker tier in either. Basically an enhanced Core warrior. I doubt that they can introduce a roamer as good, if not better than spellbreaker, but in both cases, I don't see Berserker keeping up with the game anymore.

It requires greatsword for mobility and shield for blocking. Skills that root you (Gs 2) in 2021 meta, kill you. warrior suffers as a whole. It's not about getting the power creep back, but at looking how this class can finally breathe. Ofc I mention what has been said ever since PoF, so meh. Let's wait and see.

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