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Status of the game?


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I know this question comes up a lot. So I'll add to the noise.

Haven't played GW2 in a long time. Toying with the idea of coming back, but there is always that old bugaboo of wondering if the game is going to be around.

With layoffs and people leaving the studio, I wonder if it is worth the time to invest in it.

Of course, rumours of GW2's death have been around for a loooong time. But it is certainly something that keeps someone like me from coming back or investing in it.

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It's in no danger. Even with the current dlc having a lukewarm reception, it's still got a sizeable population and isn't close to being dead, in maintenance mode or anything like that. An expansion is due later in the year as well which appears to mark the end of the 8 year arc and potentially set up new stories.

Any rumours of GW2's death are based on no facts whatsoever

It's got many years in it still

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They had 1 round of layoffs almost 2 years ago. That hasn't been repeated since. Yes individual staff have left since then but that happens all the time at any company with more than a handful of staff. 3 people have left my department at work in the past few months, but it's nothing to do with the organisation I work for - one is going into business with a friend, one has been talking about retiring for 5 years and one moved away to look after his parents. Unless you know their specific reasons you can't read too much into someone leaving a job, there's a huge number of reasons that could happen which have nothing to do with the work the company are doing overall.

Other than that we just had a new update last Tuesday, we know we're getting a festival next month and the next chapter of the story in March and they've already announced they're working on an expansion to be released later, probably later on this year.

So no, there is no reason to think GW2 is going to be shut down any time soon.

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Come back if you want to, don't if you don't. The game is still great and by design it doesn't matter all that much about the overall population. Most of the content can be solo'd, and th content that can't still has its fans. I wouldn't care too much about "gAeM dEd"-crowd.

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@Faline.8795 said:I know this question comes up a lot. So I'll add to the noise.

Haven't played GW2 in a long time. Toying with the idea of coming back, but there is always that old bugaboo of wondering if the game is going to be around.

With layoffs and people leaving the studio, I wonder if it is worth the time to invest in it.

Of course, rumours of GW2's death have been around for a loooong time. But it is certainly something that keeps someone like me from coming back or investing in it.

They announced expansion ...... few more episodes of final chapters to be released by May or so. Servers are literally ranging from medium to full with population (in fact I am in one where there no place left for new players)

Does that sound to you like game won't be around? Just a thought.

Edit: Also, it puzzles me. Give how you are returning player and I assume you own expansions. most of LS, why exactly don't you jump in and check for yourself will the game sink or not? As an example , for me big stopper of going back to WoW (last expansion) is that I didn't want to throw away money, which is moderate amount for entertainment and face disappointment ( I already done that once with Legion and regretted every single moment, it was cool and good expansion but I just didn't feel like playing it for some reason) - but you don't have this risk with GW2 (no sub, no additional costs unless you want to unlock LS you missed or buy cosmetic/convenient items from market)

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@Senteliks.2360 said:

Edit: Also, it puzzles me. Give how you are returning player and I assume you own expansions. most of LS, why exactly don't you jump in and check for yourself will thegame sink or not?

Because I have to re-download it. It isn't on my computer anymore.

And because I internet by satellite (rural America. Beautiful, but very limited internet), I have MASSIVE data limits. So it is a monumental effort to download a game like this.

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@Faline.8795 said:

Edit: Also, it puzzles me. Give how you are returning player and I assume you own expansions. most of LS, why exactly don't you jump in and check for yourself will thegame sink or not?

Because I have to re-download it. It isn't on my computer anymore.

And because I internet by satellite (rural America. Beautiful, but very limited internet), I have MASSIVE data limits. So it is a monumental effort to download a game like this.

Go to a library or a friend who have cable internet?

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@Linken.6345 said:

@Obtena.7952 said:I don't get why this is a problem for a NON-SUB game. Come back ... play it until you don't want to ... then leave. Nothing lost, other than some bandwidth.

If you have limited download Gigs per month, you can be hesistant to download a mmo like guildwars 2 willynilly

Sure ... that's why it's even MORE important for the poster to base his decision on his own experience with the game. Imagine he gets all this advice and decides to download it ... and it's NOT what he expected? We all know the right answer here.

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@Obtena.7952 said:

@Obtena.7952 said:I don't get why this is a problem for a NON-SUB game. Come back ... play it until you don't want to ... then leave. Nothing lost, other than some bandwidth.

If you have limited download Gigs per month, you can be hesistant to download a mmo like guildwars 2 willynilly

Sure ... that's why it's even MORE important for the poster to base his decision on his own experience with the game. Imagine he gets all this advice and decides to download it ... and it's NOT what he expected? We all know the right answer here.

Yeah, if you assume everyone giving him good advice has no idea what they’re talking about.

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@Faline.8795 said:With layoffs and people leaving the studio, I wonder if it is worth the time to invest in it.

You planning to play the game or invest money into them?If you get fun out of the game when playing why concern yourself too much about the layoffs which happened quite a while back.

SImply put, if you have fun playing, play. If you don't then dont. Nothing lasts for ever, at some point things will always come to an end, so enjoy the things you can. It's up to you how to spend your time, not the players of the game.

EDIT:Noticed that you rely on satalite internet, ok I understand.

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The game folder is almost 50GB. I don't know what your bandwidth limits are, but frankly the decision should be almost entirely down to how well that fits (or doesn't) within your budget.

If you can afford to let 50GB get eaten by the gw2 download one month, almost no harm in letting that happen (as others have said, there's really no way to truly know until you get back in-game yourself). If 50GB is beyond what you can allow for this sort of thing, then regardless of how bright the game's future looks, you probably shouldn't do it.

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There's no reason to get defensive about the state of the game, or on the OP's case for asking a simple question. They've explained why re-installing and seeing for themselves might not be an option and forgive me for thinking that hostility probably won't make them want to even try.

In answer to your question, the game seems alive enough - most, if not all Metas I go to do have lots of people ready to go and there are plenty of active guilds and communities full of players.

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@"Faline.8795" status of the game is imo overall pretty fine.

you find people in fractals, Wvw, for dailies, on all the openmeta maps (few exceptions like living world old maps - there are organized groups for every part of the game tho on certain times if u really want that)

i started like 3 years ago, and people had all this "daed gaem" talk back then in masses. funnily, quite some people that stopped playing earlier even came back.

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@Mortifera.6138 said:

@Obtena.7952 said:I don't get why this is a problem for a NON-SUB game. Come back ... play it until you don't want to ... then leave. Nothing lost, other than some bandwidth.

If you have limited download Gigs per month, you can be hesistant to download a mmo like guildwars 2 willynilly

Sure ... that's why it's even MORE important for the poster to base his decision on his own experience with the game. Imagine he gets all this advice and decides to download it ... and it's NOT what he expected? We all know the right answer here.

Yeah, if you assume everyone giving him good advice has no idea what they’re talking about.

Nope ... but I am assuming there is a large VARIETY in that advice ... Whether they know what they are talking about is irrelevant.

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