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PoF bounties, 4 hours waiting in LFG for just one champion is too much


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I never had any problem to find people for bounties. Just say in /map chat that you are starting X bounty in a few second and say people can join you on your mentor tag, start the bounty, face the boss, and you’ll 100% of the time have enough people joining you.

I did every bounty in the game, and never used, or even looked in the LFG. People rarely create groups/squads for bounties, but they always join a ongoing one

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I think they should add 1 Elegy Mosaic to regular Bounty rewards, that could make them more popular. Loot has always been a weak spot for GW2. After you get associated Achievements, a lot of content has a very low reward/effort ratio.
At least make it so that such content allows you to accumulate something worthwhile in a predictable fashion.

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Do you still need help? I’ve had a very stressful day, but I did promise so will login later tonight if I can help at all. If I am not online, reply to me here and It'll notify me

edit: I did look for you, but it didn't recognise your account name when i tried to search for you. If I can't back on tonight, I am around most of the week at more flexible hours (UK time)

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Your anecdote does not align with my experience in this game.In the rare times I have needed a bounty kill all I have ever had to do is pop a tag and ask in /m if anyone could come help. Sometimes I don't even need the map callout. People just show up.I suggest that if your anecdote is legit, then there may be a problem with your approach.

There isn't a bounty that can't be two or three manned regardless of the ley-line buffs.If you don't have a friend or two to help you I suggest starting there.

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I pop a mentor tag, call bounty in /map and usually, there are enough ppl in 5 - 10 mins to kill it. I don't bother with comm tag and lfg for 1 or 2 bounties. I don't think people look for specific bounties in lfg. Just for trains or legendary trains.If you are really unlucky try it when it's daily or after the pinata.More people doesn't necessarily mean easier bounty due to scaling. Less people is often faster.Also there are builds that can kill many bounties solo.

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@Randulf.7614 said:Do you still need help? I’ve had a very stressful day, but I did promise so will login later tonight if I can help at all. If I am not online, reply to me here and It'll notify me

edit: I did look for you, but it didn't recognise your account name when i tried to search for you. If I can't back on tonight, I am around most of the week at more flexible hours (UK time)

Sorry, Randulf, I have had a bad day as well. I am sending you an ingame mail now so we can keep in touch.EDIT: I have just sent it to you

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@Touchme.1097 said:

@Randulf.7614 said:Do you still need help? I’ve had a very stressful day, but I did promise so will login later tonight if I can help at all. If I am not online, reply to me here and It'll notify me

edit: I did look for you, but it didn't recognise your account name when i tried to search for you. If I can't back on tonight, I am around most of the week at more flexible hours (UK time)

Sorry, Randulf, I have had a bad day as well. I am sending you an ingame mail now so we can keep in touch.EDIT: I have just sent it to you

unsure if he is awake 2am night time mate.

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@Touchme.1097 said:Dear ArenaNet,It became clear to me that most of the gaming community here doesn't like PoF maps and sitting in LFG for 4 hours waiting for players to join my squad just for one bounty champion has become unbearable. Why don't you just make normal bounties soloable and leave the group requirement only for legendary bounties?It has become easier to find a legendary bounty squad in LFG than non legendary ones because some professions can solo them but this is actually unfair on those players who play professions which can't solo all the normal bounties.Also please, don't make EoD like PoF with too much content built around groups because players like to get things done once and don't usually participate in that same event unless the rewards are seriously worth the time and the efforts like for the Meta events.

I am sitting in PoF maps waiting for a squad to do my bounties for my achievement and titles and I would love to have some fun but the way you designed these events are taking the fun out of them.

Sounds like you had some bad luck maybe. Im usually able to get enough people to do bounties when I or someone I know needs them. I usually find people by tagging up in the map, then shouting in /map which bounties Im doing. When they are for things like espec weapon collections I always mention its for that. I find many other people are often around that want that same bounty or maybe will help but they would also like to do another they need. Not sure your situation. Im just wondering if maybe that strategy could help.

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I have had the same experience. Needed a few bounties for collections to get simple ascended weapons, play on EU and a bounty, a djinn caused me big problems. People always came, but we could never kill him, because all People always died instant xx.In the end I gave up and will do it soon with some friends, without any LFG or Mentor-tagging. However, I can rely on people who have the skill to pull something like that, other don't.Pof maps are just annoyingly empty and in my experience, most of those running around are beginners. All the others have long since moved on to maps with better loot...

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@Astralporing.1957 said:

@Mortifera.6138 said:The obvious solution is to make PoF maps more rewarding... but that would require a sub fee. ?Why? It's not like making HoT maps more rewarding required sub fee, so i don't see why PoF would be different.

HoT maps are more difficult, so players receive the proportionate reward. Seeing as how no one want HoT difficulty back, sub fee is the only other option.

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@Touchme.1097 said:

@Randulf.7614 said:Do you still need help? I’ve had a very stressful day, but I did promise so will login later tonight if I can help at all. If I am not online, reply to me here and It'll notify me

edit: I did look for you, but it didn't recognise your account name when i tried to search for you. If I can't back on tonight, I am around most of the week at more flexible hours (UK time)

Sorry, Randulf, I have had a bad day as well. I am sending you an ingame mail now so we can keep in touch.EDIT: I have just sent it to you

Ok I’ll login in this afternoon and have a look

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@Linken.6345 said:

@Randulf.7614 said:Uh I can't reply to you as it doesn't recognise your account name in the mail

Anyway - I'm usually on/off at no particular times. If needed and I'm online and it's EU, just pm me. If you get sorted before, that's great

Usualy on 1 hour after reset during the night as well?

Sometimes. It depends if I have work the next day or whether I have other things to do, but I've often played a post reset Drakkar or pootled around in the early hours

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@Mortifera.6138 said:

@Mortifera.6138 said:The obvious solution is to make PoF maps more rewarding... but that would require a sub fee. ?Why? It's not like making HoT maps more rewarding required sub fee, so i don't see why PoF would be different.

HoT maps are more difficult, so players receive the proportionate reward. Seeing as how no one want HoT difficulty back, sub fee is the only other option.I don't see how one has any relation to the other. Those two things are completely independent and serve different purposes.
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@"Fuchslein.8639" said:I have had the same experience. Needed a few bounties for collections to get simple ascended weapons, play on EU and a bounty, a djinn caused me big problems. People always came, but we could never kill him, because all People always died instant xx.In the end I gave up and will do it soon with some friends, without any LFG or Mentor-tagging. However, I can rely on people who have the skill to pull something like that, other don't.Pof maps are just annoyingly empty and in my experience, most of those running around are beginners. All the others have long since moved on to maps with better loot..."People always came""Pof maps are just annoyingly empty"Pick one.

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@Randulf.7614 said:Uh I can't reply to you as it doesn't recognise your account name in the mail

Anyway - I'm usually on/off at no particular times. If needed and I'm online and it's EU, just pm me. If you get sorted before, that's great

Don't worry, I have done all the bounties already, I had to advertise a payment in gold to convince a commander to run bounty train, he was nice and didn't take the gold but I reached a stress point where I would have gladly given away my gold in order to get the bounties done because they are not rewarding enough gold and some of them require more people than legendary bounties like Ignis or Muckstalker and I still believe this thread should reach ArenaNet because the current state of Bounty rewards and balance is something that needs to be addressed before even considering the release of EoD and the reason is if the company doesn't make the old content competitive in terms of rewards the new content will just make things worse and PoF maps will just sunk into oblivion.

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No worries, glad you got it done.

At the end of the day everyone is going to have a different view. Feeding back is fine, but everyone should bear in mind that their perspective gets overuled by the data and metrics Anet sees about completion rates. Whilst there will be struggles to get PoF content done - even more so post EoD - they may have a tolerance level for failure rates they are happy enough with.

My thoughts have always been that whilst I rarely have issues completing content in groups, scaling events needs a more flexible approach as populations dwindle or spread out and Guilds need more love in order to help players through these obstacles. I also think they don't utilise their meta and boss weeks enough which really do help incentivise players to do the content.

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@mindcircus.1506 said:

@"Fuchslein.8639" said:I have had the same experience. Needed a few bounties for collections to get simple ascended weapons, play on EU and a bounty, a djinn caused me big problems. People always came, but we could never kill him, because all People always died instant xx.In the end I gave up and will do it soon with some friends, without any LFG or Mentor-tagging. However, I can rely on people who have the skill to pull something like that, other don't.Pof maps are just annoyingly empty and in my experience, most of those running around are beginners. All the others have long since moved on to maps with better loot..."People always came""Pof maps are just annoyingly empty"Pick one.Both work at the same time.

Its like on borders. There is no one around. You call for help, no one responds. You keep calling, still nothing. You are just alone wherever you go.

Then you tag up, not saying a word. Complete silence. And yet minutes later... there is 10 friendlies around your tag. Where did they come from? No one knows. Did they even exist before you tagged up? Its a mystery.

Ah PvE, you're more like WvW than you want to admit.

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