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Tengu Voice Over Challenge - [Merged]

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@Randulf.7614 said:

@"Milkshake.4370" said:DISCLAIMED: I urge you to read this post with an open mind as it is not an attack on the game but rather some commentary from my personal gameplay experience.

Hey everyone,

I just finished playing through the latest content and I have quite a few comments on specifically the Tengu voice acting. What is going LOL! Why do they sound like little girls from Disney movies? I am a bit confused why they chose to voice these epic warrior birds as animated children. Although the voice acting is great on its own, it does not match the gameplay or the appearance of the birds.

If you take a look at
, it literally sounds like the Tengu birds.

Also, specifically in the dragon response mission with Canach, the way the voices are integrated into the game do not match. Canach has a large reverb/echo which makes him sound like he is in a large place (outdoors) and provides a feel of grandness to his character while the Tengu bird sounds high pitched and out of place.

Does anybody else have this experience LOL??? Seems so out of place

There a few threads on this already, so yes it has been noticed - some like the shriller, bird like approach and others do not. Also, Cananch has a new VA so that is contributing to him sounding different.

oh thats true!!! i totally forgot theres a new VA for him! excellent job on his part!!!

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As weird as it sounds, a giant bird having a high-pitched voice actually makes sense. Both golden and bald eagles have cries that are about the same pitch as seagulls (maybe even higher) despite being two of the largest eagles alive. If there's an eagle cry in a movie and it sounds fierce, they dubbed over it with, I think, a falcon (that or a hawk) because an eagle trilling does not exactly evoke a feeling of strength or epicness.

Of course then we get into how much tengu follow bird biology and how much being bipedal and flightless (aka having solid bones) affect them. We also don't know how fast they mature since a lot of real life birds grow to adult size quickly but take months/years to fully mature.

I do think part of it is how jarring it is to have a bird person about as tall as a charr sound like Ducky from The Land Before Time, though. If nothing else, new textures would help make it easier to denote age and differentiate between individuals.

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@Zephire.8049 said:As weird as it sounds, a giant bird having a high-pitched voice actually makes sense. Both golden and bald eagles have cries that are about the same pitch as seagulls (maybe even higher) despite being two of the largest eagles alive. If there's an eagle cry in a movie and it sounds fierce, they dubbed over it with, I think, a falcon (that or a hawk) because an eagle trilling does not exactly evoke a feeling of strength or epicness.

Of course then we get into how much tengu follow bird biology and how much being bipedal and flightless (aka having solid bones) affect them. We also don't know how fast they mature since a lot of real life birds grow to adult size quickly but take months/years to fully mature.

I do think part of it is how jarring it is to have a bird person about as tall as a charr sound like Ducky from The Land Before Time, though. If nothing else, new textures would help make it easier to denote age and differentiate between individuals.

Ducky!!! ?

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@Randulf.7614 said:

@"Zephire.8049" said:As weird as it sounds, a giant bird having a high-pitched voice actually makes sense. Both golden and bald eagles have cries that are about the same pitch as seagulls (maybe even higher) despite being two of the largest eagles alive. If there's an eagle cry in a movie and it sounds fierce, they dubbed over it with, I think, a falcon (that or a hawk) because an eagle trilling does not exactly evoke a feeling of strength or epicness.

Of course then we get into how much tengu follow bird biology and how much being bipedal and flightless (aka having solid bones) affect them. We also don't know how fast they mature since a lot of real life birds grow to adult size quickly but take months/years to fully mature.

I do think part of it is how jarring it is to have a bird person about as tall as a charr sound like Ducky from The Land Before Time, though. If nothing else, new textures would help make it easier to denote age and differentiate between individuals.

Ducky!!! ?No lie, my immediate reaction was "What? Why is Ducky a tengu?!" which definitely helped things. It's hard to get upset when you're laughing at the shock and absurdity of it :tongue:

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@Zephire.8049 said:As weird as it sounds, a giant bird having a high-pitched voice actually makes sense. Both golden and bald eagles have cries that are about the same pitch as seagulls (maybe even higher) despite being two of the largest eagles alive. If there's an eagle cry in a movie and it sounds fierce, they dubbed over it with, I think, a falcon (that or a hawk) because an eagle trilling does not exactly evoke a feeling of strength or epicness.

Of course then we get into how much tengu follow bird biology and how much being bipedal and flightless (aka having solid bones) affect them. We also don't know how fast they mature since a lot of real life birds grow to adult size quickly but take months/years to fully mature.

I do think part of it is how jarring it is to have a bird person about as tall as a charr sound like Ducky from The Land Before Time, though. If nothing else, new textures would help make it easier to denote age and differentiate between individuals.

It's usually a red tailed hawk call that's used for eagles, and sometimes for any bird of prey and some dinosaurs. (Although dinosaur calls are also likely to be a composite of several bird calls.)

I agree that a high pitched voice actually makes sense for the tengu. My only problem with their voices in the new story instance is that to me the speech and the bird effects overlaid on top sound like two entirely seperate things, so it sounds more like someone having trouble with the microphone than part of their voice. Personally I'd have prefered they just record the voice actors and don't add effects, which as far as I remember is what they did for previous tengu dialogue. But I think the actors themselves are fine.

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I'd much prefer if Tengu sounded more like Arakkoa, Skeksis and more like a BIRD, than a human.The voice is out of place. It doesn't resemble birds in any sense; it's a teenage girl.Voice needed to be put into some filter and make the character sound more unique, so when we close our eyes and hear a specific race talk, we should be able to instantly tell what race it is.Right now the first thing that comes to my mind is a female Asura when I listen to that Tengu.

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@"Lord Trejgon.2809" said:I will answer to your question with a question....

Have you maybe heard, the kind of noises birds produce? At least on average......

(TL:DR highly pitched voice for a tengu make sense because beaks tends to be good at producing those)

sure but to what extent should "real" birds determine the fictional bird sounds?

The Angry Birds movie consists of pretty much only birds yet each character has a specific voice which matches its aesthetic and narrative. The teacher sounds like a teacher etc...

In this case, we have a warrior bird that sounds like a little girl. If they were going for a higher pitch "real bird" sound, then why did they include any chirps and squeaks and bawks.

I expected something similar to Crecia, Marjory, Zojja, Eir, or any of the other powerful women in the series!

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@"Zephire.8049" said:As weird as it sounds, a giant bird having a high-pitched voice actually makes sense. Both golden and bald eagles have cries that are about the same pitch as seagulls (maybe even higher) despite being two of the largest eagles alive. If there's an eagle cry in a movie and it sounds fierce, they dubbed over it with, I think, a falcon (that or a hawk) because an eagle trilling does not exactly evoke a feeling of strength or epicness.

Of course then we get into how much tengu follow bird biology and how much being bipedal and flightless (aka having solid bones) affect them. We also don't know how fast they mature since a lot of real life birds grow to adult size quickly but take months/years to fully mature.

I do think part of it is how jarring it is to have a bird person about as tall as a charr sound like Ducky from The Land Before Time, though. If nothing else, new textures would help make it easier to denote age and differentiate between individuals.

I think this is way too much of a technical approach to be honest. At the end of the day, GW2 is a video game meant to evoke emotions in players and provide a form of escapism. It's not a scientific construction of a hypothetical bird species. Even if it makes sense biologically, it doesn't illicit the response of "Oh wow this is a powerful bird warrior". I wish the voice was more epic.

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@Blur.3465 said:I'd much prefer if Tengu sounded more like Arakkoa, Skeksis and more like a BIRD, than a human.The voice is out of place. It doesn't resemble birds in any sense; it's a teenage girl.Voice needed to be put into some filter and make the character sound more unique, so when we close our eyes and hear a specific race talk, we should be able to instantly tell what race it is.Right now the first thing that comes to my mind is a female Asura when I listen to that Tengu.

I would go further and say it sounds like an immature Asura. The actual Asura speak relatively quickly and clearly which gives them the perception of being smart, quick witted, knowledgeable, nerdy. The tengu sound high pitch and slower paced like a child.I totally agree with your point!

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It was very distracting and immersion breaking when I heard that voice coming from a full sized tengu. Based on the fact that she's a messenger, I would assume she's at least a teenager/young adult, but she sounds like she's a little kid (or a skritt/asura disguised as a tengu). I think even as much as scaling down her size would have helped a lot in her case. Although, I do wonder if we'll be able to see actual tengu children if/when we go to the Dominion of Winds.

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@Milkshake.4370 said:

@ugrakarma.9416 said:the act and talk is like a little girl, just the model messed up... but some people are still very confuse if they expected a rytlock like voice

I think I expected something similar to Crecia, Marjory, Zojja, Eir, or any of the other powerful female voices heard throughout the game.

shes more like a human 12yo or less.

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@Milkshake.4370 said:

@"Lord Trejgon.2809" said:I will answer to your question with a question....

Have you maybe heard, the kind of noises
produce? At least on average......

(TL:DR highly pitched voice for a tengu make sense because beaks tends to be good at producing those)

sure but to what extent should "real" birds determine the fictional bird sounds?

The Angry Birds movie consists of pretty much only birds yet each character has a specific voice which matches its aesthetic and narrative. The teacher sounds like a teacher etc...

In this case, we have a warrior bird that sounds like a little girl. If they were going for a higher pitch "real bird" sound, then why did they include any chirps and squeaks and bawks.

I expected something similar to Crecia, Marjory, Zojja, Eir, or any of the other powerful women in the series!

If you talk to her at the end she aint a warrior but a mail carrier so it fits.

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@Linken.6345 said:

@"Ferin Delanore.2674" said:Boom! 8:43m in she notices the exact thing I mean. Pretty much same reaction as I had initially. Not negative... just unexpected. This is one of GW2's partners who makes regular great vids.

But you forgot to add that they said .Not what I expected the first tengu to sound like, But I like it.

So not like your opening post at all.

She didn't like that... she was being polite to her host. She knows she gets perks from ANet and was trying to shallow that over cooked, unseasoned, raw in the middle, piece of larva butt. I watched enough of her video to know when she's truly surprised and happy, or when she's like "I'm just doing my job".

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Come on guys, we've heard better bird voice. I'm not blaming the voice actor, I blame the producers and character developers on this one. They tried so hard to be different, they messed it up. The voice for kunnavang sounds more fitting. I don't know if it would better with a chirp, whistle, or "Hawk" at the end of each phrase, but man that voice sounds so out of place.

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@Dawdler.8521 said:What I find impressive is that this forum has so many people with in depth knowledge about how a man-size bird should sound when speaking English.

One of the very few real animals with the ability to consistently imitate human language is actually a bird(the parrot).This should be the standard of what a Tengu should sound like.

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@Turtle Dragon.9241 said:

@Dawdler.8521 said:What I find impressive is that this forum has so many people with in depth knowledge about how a man-size bird should sound when speaking English.

One of the very few real animals with the ability to consistently imitate human language is actually a bird(the parrot).This should be the standard of what a Tengu should sound like.But... how do you know the female Tengu
literally imitating a Human/Asura she heard talking and this is result?

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@Turtle Dragon.9241 said:

@"Dawdler.8521" said:What I find impressive is that this forum has so many people with in depth knowledge about how a man-size bird should sound when speaking English.

One of the very few real animals with the ability to consistently imitate human language is actually a bird(the parrot).This should be the standard of what a Tengu should sound like.

Yep, right down to the constant "RAWKK" and the occasional "pieces of eight", perhaps she should have perched on the commander's shoulder too that'd be believable.

GW2 is the worst large humanoid bird voice simulator that I've ever played! I mean it's like it's not even important!

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@Dawdler.8521 said:What I find impressive is that this forum has so many people with in depth knowledge about how a man-size bird should sound when speaking English.

We've had in-game examples of man-sized Tengu voices all along, such as the Tengu guards near Shuttered Gate in Lion's Arch, or Kensho Arrowsoul in the guild halls. So we have reasonable expectations of what a full-sized Tengu should probably sound like.

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