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Necro Wars 2


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@mistsim.2748 said:

@Marxx.5021 said:Not allowing class stacking would improve match quality. In ranked there is also no reason to allow switching classes before match starts other than match manipulation.

This is what I've been saying. I've also advocated for a brief drafting phase before match start, after which builds get locked in. Class stacking, and being allowed to switch to a third of one spec is absolutely ridiculous.

I disagree, having neither would kill this games pvp so fast. First of all u push players off their preferred class if class stacking is removed unless its up to matchmaking to never pair players together of the same class, or do we go by spec? Lol. Wait times be longer id assume.Lastly changing class to better counter the enemy composition is a smart and calculating tactic that really doesn't scream unfair imo, that said this would have a less negative effect to the games health than removing stacking of classes, especially if players still atleast still had the option to change specs and builds pre match.

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:

@Marxx.5021 said:Not allowing class stacking would improve match quality. In ranked there is also no reason to allow switching classes before match starts other than match manipulation.

This is what I've been saying. I've also advocated for a brief drafting phase before match start, after which builds get locked in. Class stacking, and being allowed to switch to a third of one spec is absolutely ridiculous.

I disagree, having neither would kill this games pvp so fast. First of all u push players off their preferred class if class stacking is removed unless its up to matchmaking to never pair players together of the same class, or do we go by spec? Lol. Wait times be longer id assume.Lastly changing class to better counter the enemy composition is a smart and calculating tactic that really doesn't scream unfair imo, that said this would have a less negative effect to the games health than removing stacking of classes, especially if players still atleast still had the option to change specs and builds pre match.

As far as i know the current match making system is taking classes in consideration and trying to prevent to much class stacking (4 of same class in same team for example) which is pointless because when you enter you can switch your class at the moment.i am against spec locking, but i am for class locking and not beiing changed after you enter the match lobby

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:

@Marxx.5021 said:Not allowing class stacking would improve match quality. In ranked there is also no reason to allow switching classes before match starts other than match manipulation.

This is what I've been saying. I've also advocated for a brief drafting phase before match start, after which builds get locked in. Class stacking, and being allowed to switch to a third of one spec is absolutely ridiculous.

I disagree, having neither would kill this games pvp so fast. First of all u push players off their preferred class if class stacking is removed unless its up to matchmaking to never pair players together of the same class, or do we go by spec? Lol. Wait times be longer id assume.Lastly changing class to better counter the enemy composition is a smart and calculating tactic that really doesn't scream unfair imo, that said this would have a less negative effect to the games health than removing stacking of classes, especially if players still atleast still had the option to change specs and builds pre match.

Ah, your argument is flawed from the get-go. You can't kill that which is already dead. Not sure if you understand how pathetically tiny the remaining spvp population is, and a good portion of it isn't enjoying the game mode beyond the ez gold and legendary armor grind.

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@mistsim.2748 said:

@Marxx.5021 said:Not allowing class stacking would improve match quality. In ranked there is also no reason to allow switching classes before match starts other than match manipulation.

This is what I've been saying. I've also advocated for a brief drafting phase before match start, after which builds get locked in. Class stacking, and being allowed to switch to a third of one spec is absolutely ridiculous.

I disagree, having neither would kill this games pvp so fast. First of all u push players off their preferred class if class stacking is removed unless its up to matchmaking to never pair players together of the same class, or do we go by spec? Lol. Wait times be longer id assume.Lastly changing class to better counter the enemy composition is a smart and calculating tactic that really doesn't scream unfair imo, that said this would have a less negative effect to the games health than removing stacking of classes, especially if players still atleast still had the option to change specs and builds pre match.

Ah, your argument is flawed from the get-go. You can't kill that which is already dead. Not sure if you understand how pathetically tiny the remaining spvp population is, and a good portion of it isn't enjoying the game mode beyond the ez gold and legendary armor grind.

I'm aware the games population is very low but that mire to do with poor balancing, infrequent balancing and lack of any innovation within the modes. The devs don't even address mechanical/design issues or traits they purposefully deleted from viability for yrs and yrs on end, with all these present the mode had 0 chance for longevity as far as a healthy population.Can't balance by number adjustments alone, the fact the devs deem this sufficient is telling of the games future.

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@Vancho.8750 said:

@"Nilkemia.8507" said:I guess people would rather have necromancers be nothing but food. As usual.There is that, but also the scourge design with all the constant Area denial kinda slows the game to a crawl, I think it supposed to be a traffic light design, but the green light is too short and most melee classes are generally useless when put in that position . Same issue like Burn DH had allot of area denial with low windows of opportunity.

In PVE there is this traffic light champion mechanic where you can fight it in melee or range and if you are with only melee options, sucks to be you , just afk till the traffic light returns to melee, I don't think Arenanet gets that this is not a fun gameplay design at all.

The general notion has been "AoE or rev" since last year. If you're a(ny other) single-target DPS main, tough luck, you've been made redundant.

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@NorthernRedStar.3054 said:

@"Nilkemia.8507" said:I guess people would rather have necromancers be nothing but food. As usual.There is that, but also the scourge design with all the constant Area denial kinda slows the game to a crawl, I think it supposed to be a traffic light design, but the green light is too short and most melee classes are generally useless when put in that position . Same issue like Burn DH had allot of area denial with low windows of opportunity.

In PVE there is this traffic light champion mechanic where you can fight it in melee or range and if you are with only melee options, sucks to be you , just afk till the traffic light returns to melee, I don't think Arenanet gets that this is not a fun gameplay design at all.

The general notion has been "AoE or rev" since last year. If you're a(ny other) single-target DPS main, tough luck, you've been made redundant.The general notion from the start of PoF is that scourge is making anything redundant for one reason or the other. Some consider Mirage the worst crap that was added to the game but for me personally scourge is the worst design to be added in PVP since it affected not only PVP but also WvW to the extent that it ejected too many builds out of play just by existing.
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@mistsim.2748 said:

@"Nihil.9817" said:play anything outside of scrapper and ele im pretty sure you can farm necros if you give them enough pressure, this is a non issue, anet please remove necros from the game thank you

You can't "farm necros" when they're supported by good players.Well you can't farm anything if it is supported by good players anyway. I think people could even pull off Arms Berserker with good support.

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@Vancho.8750 said:

@"Nilkemia.8507" said:I guess people would rather have necromancers be nothing but food. As usual.There is that, but also the scourge design with all the constant Area denial kinda slows the game to a crawl, I think it supposed to be a traffic light design, but the green light is too short and most melee classes are generally useless when put in that position . Same issue like Burn DH had allot of area denial with low windows of opportunity.

In PVE there is this traffic light champion mechanic where you can fight it in melee or range and if you are with only melee options, sucks to be you , just afk till the traffic light returns to melee, I don't think Arenanet gets that this is not a fun gameplay design at all.

The general notion has been "AoE or rev" since last year. If you're a(ny other) single-target DPS main, tough luck, you've been made redundant.The general notion from the start of PoF is that scourge is making anything redundant for one reason or the other. Some consider Mirage the worst kitten that was added to the game but for me personally scourge is the worst design to be added in PVP since it affected not only PVP but also WvW to the extent that it ejected too many builds out of play just by existing.

Whenever scourge is a meta contender, the game feels sluggish and horrible. Add in global damage shaves, and you've got a serious problem spec in your hands.

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@Ayrilana.1396 said:

@"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:I'm just gonna leave this here.

So it did a lot of damage with the elite which is now on a 140 second cool down?

this does sicem+owp+rapidfire level of damage, exept it lasts 10s instead off 2she was landing hits for 6,2k every 0,7s

btw it could be much more dmg as he didnt even use lich 2, which deals decent dmg on reaper due to 100% crit chance

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@Quadox.7834 said:

@"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:I'm just gonna leave this here.

quickness should get removed from self when you enter lich but otherwise it seems fine. it's kinda like genji ult in OW.

You're probably right on that actually. Maybe Lich form should consume all current boons upon use like the Spellbreaker heal. As compensation maybe it also gives a small heal like +2500 or something like that, but what I did there in the clip was I was using Spite & Dread. The amount of Quickness you get from popping Reaper Shroud and blowing #3 fear with Dread and then leaving to go into Lich is enough to stay with Quickness all through Lich form. It's definitely questionable if that should be happening.

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Okay I give my 5 cent to this.

Main problem is the meta is good for Necro/Reaper and perfect for Scourge to screw with but it is also like Kuma said and how we discussed a few times if you nerf build A other builds get an indirect boost and build B is the new top build. This is just the nature of things.

What I saw is they don't ball but instead keeping they range until the support is out of condi clean . Well I didn't know that but looking back it seems they want to lure out range pressure too and using then their CPC.(?)

From the meta point of view scourges elite skills are all unblockable the meta since feb last year is all about cc and block skills which lowers the amount of dps considerable. Most mimi about tank build were just about people who using it vs bad player and bad builds. Scourge is pretty much a killer for this kind of meta.

The problem with necro from a fight point of view is it can do both good range pressure and close range. Especially the close up the amount of soft cc was always ~~a problem ~~ broken because they come in pulses. Only Auratempest can have enough condi clean for this(because it is broken too) because of this usually ranged classes fighting necro or you jump in with full condi clean and kill one after another.

On top of this comes barrier and shroud . Ah what also changed is they use fear in tandem but in general it is clear what you need to do1.Take condi clean with you

  1. Mark one
  2. Push and kill him or pull him to you Pulling seems better so they can't use their combined fear spamming to chancel this.
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