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tower gates people trollin


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@Nightcore.5621 said:

@Nightcore.5621 said:make a timer on how many times per sekund u can enter the gates people run in and out all time to stay alive is depressiv to look at

aren't you that core condi thief that tried to farm people at our spawn tower and then angily /w me after i just went into the tower instead of dealling with your stealthing and running away after loosing 1 HP BS?

playing the easiest and cheesiest 1vs1 class and then crying on the forums when you get outplayed by a gate. can't make this kitten up xD

i play warrior.

u have buble with hammer or mace , is there a chance to add more stun lock skills inolved?

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@Nightcore.5621 said:make a timer on how many times per sekund u can enter the gates people run in and out all time to stay alive is depressiv to look at

That's what CC and pulls are for. Just don't fight near gates, it should be self explanatory. You're on their ground there, and you fight on their terms. If you want to even the score, fight away from the gates.

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Man, this thread is priceless.Though I do agree gates can be pretty funny. Watched like 7 dudes chase a group of 3 around a tower, with them going through the gate to get some time to heal up before the group got around the broken wall.

Eventually the 7 smartened up and had some post out on both sides of that gate. But man was it funny to just stand there and watch.

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@Nightcore.5621 said:make a timer on how many times per sekund u can enter the gates people run in and out all time to stay alive is depressiv to look at

maybe if youd stop griefing other players and ganging up on players that they have to run into a tower to stop the ganking process then maybe its you thats the prob. its called narcissism. look it up.

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@Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

@manu.7539 said:I play ele, I really enjoy my vapor form downed skill when I'm near a gate :p

I've been denied stomping eles so often because of that...

I used to play a build where I'd put a 4s immob on downed eles near gates just before they mIst formed. Boy, were they surprised when they just hovered in place, only to reappear right where they were downed. XD

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@Choppy.4183 said:

@manu.7539 said:I play ele, I really enjoy my vapor form downed skill when I'm near a gate :p

I've been denied stomping eles so often because of that...

I used to play a build where I'd put a 4s immob on downed eles near gates just before they mIst formed. Boy, were they surprised when they just hovered in place, only to reappear right where they were downed. XD

Yeah, I've done that before as well, but I don't always carry throw bolas with me.

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@Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

@manu.7539 said:I play ele, I really enjoy my vapor form downed skill when I'm near a gate :p

I've been denied stomping eles so often because of that...

I used to play a build where I'd put a 4s immob on downed eles near gates just before they mIst formed. Boy, were they surprised when they just hovered in place, only to reappear right where they were downed. XD

Yeah, I've done that before as well, but I don't always carry throw bolas with me.

I was using a sword, so it was actually Flurry. Fun times....

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