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Why is there 1200 range unblockable pulls in WvW?

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To pull commanders and ruin fights?  How come these are in the game?  Don't tell me roaming....  How about limiting the range to 600 and add it to this balance patch coming up...  I can't see any reason a 1200 pull is even in the game unless I'm missing something....



Edited by hunkamania.7561
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I do this regularly, and specifically against boon balls that have every advantage over a disorganized, possibly even tagless group of pugs.

They bring their communication and organization, I target the head. Seems fair enough to me.

Also, experience has told me that yes in fact it is possible to have near permanent Stability. There are some comms that are almost impossible to pull because their stab uptime is so high that the window for pulling them isn't often worth doing even when I can.

I do agree that pulls can be very trolly in this scenario, but just like Rangers that actually know how to be useful in large groups, people who know how to abuse pulls properly are few and far between. This isn't often an issue.

Have someone prepared as a backup commander. I don't know why more people don't do this anyway tbh. As much as I think Indo is a tool, he and Tiff working together to cover each other when things like this happen is a very good idea.

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Pulling commanders a legit tactic? Lol. In a gamemode where players and guilds dropping like flies you would think anet would protect commanders giving players content and something to do in their game.  How about making a group of your own to fight the "boon ball" or bring some strip classes like Chrono, warriors and scourges.  Would rather have organized groups out there than pew pew solos sniping the commander.


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39 minutes ago, hunkamania.7561 said:

 you would think anet would protect commanders.


So in a 1v50 fight, that 1 player actually has such an advantage over the 50 man group that someone within this 50 man group need extra protection from him.


Should we feel honored or insulted?

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54 minutes ago, hunkamania.7561 said:

Pulling commanders a legit tactic? Lol. In a gamemode where players and guilds dropping like flies you would think anet would protect commanders giving players content and something to do in their game.  How about making a group of your own to fight the "boon ball" or bring some strip classes like Chrono, warriors and scourges.  Would rather have organized groups out there than pew pew solos sniping the commander.


Honestly, I agree in some ways, but I don't think it should be nerfed just because it's annoying in a niche situation. 
But then, that's also how Anet tends to balance, so I wouldn't be surprised if they did change it. They love to throw those curve balls nerfing the super obscure stuff.

The best strategy to combat this is to have your own pull troll. Slot someone who knows how to use it and have your group keep eyes on and be ready to kill the one(s) that are sniping.

Again, I do this a lot when necessary and I can tell you the fastest way to get me to stop is to have someone(s) doing it back to me. It's hard enough to find an opening to actually pull the comm when Stab uptime is so high and you have to count their defensive skills, the position of your group, anticipating where the enemy group is moving, then you throw someone in to the mix who's also pulling you back and it becomes a lot harder to secure that tag snipe.

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17 minutes ago, RisenHowl.2419 said:

As a pin, this is a skill issue. I get targeted


All. The. Time.


Made me quicker at reacting with stunbreaks so I don't get pulled the full 1200 and encouraged a better stab rotation.

Must be those reaper pulls gettin ya, Risen ... wink, wink, nudge, nudge :classic_tongue:

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51 minutes ago, Shroud.2307 said:

The best strategy to combat this is to have your own pull troll. Slot someone who knows how to use it and have your group keep eyes on and be ready to kill the one(s) that are sniping.

Or something like a small 5 man focus group within the squad that can be deployed to secure the flanks and keep small clouding annoyances away from the main zerg by long range pewpew.


Oh wait.


That's illegal.



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4 hours ago, RisenHowl.2419 said:

As a pin, this is a skill issue. I get targeted


All. The. Time.


Made me quicker at reacting with stunbreaks so I don't get pulled the full 1200 and encouraged a better stab rotation.

When do you command next?  Let's see about that lol

Edited by hunkamania.7561
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5 hours ago, hunkamania.7561 said:

Pulling commanders a legit tactic? Lol. In a gamemode where players and guilds dropping like flies you would think anet would protect commanders giving players content and something to do in their game.  How about making a group of your own to fight the "boon ball" or bring some strip classes like Chrono, warriors and scourges.  Would rather have organized groups out there than pew pew solos sniping the commander.


The only problem here is your lack of adaptability. You learned one way to fight in this game and you are successful with it (of course you are, because the game mode is imbalanced and favors big organized numbers). And now you tell everyone who uses (players) or offers (ANet) counter strategies that he would ruin the game.


Too bad players don't just feed your blob.




The constructive part: if your blob falls apart once it lost its commander: determine a backup commander, that immediately takes over.

Edited by KrHome.1920
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pulls need to be affected by line of sight, and at least a reduction to 900 range would be good. it's a cheesy tactic overall.


there's not a lot outside of firebrand that gives stab. scrapper can, but that's not on every scrapper.


this ganker-crybabism with "mimimi boonball"... is like entering spvp and expecting people to only 1v1 you - while certain classes like holo and thieves are basically, despite amongst the better duelists, are seeking for 2v1s to get faster kills even there. and others like the burn-dh are way better against more enemies due to the aoe of the traps and SoJ's...


...tiny groups that secure flanks and finish downed could technically work, but practically the coordination between the one-party-groups and the main blob rarely works alike.  its usually the cloud that refuses to join but walks with a zerg or blob who either does that job ideally. often enough those are just mispositioning and feeding, rallybotting or afking into the enemy push.


that to be said, the group would still need scrapper and firebrand or they get just pulled and 111'd by the enemy blob. or immobilized and ganked by the enemy cloud.


commander pulling is kinda dorky. the situation that is talked about here, is when during fights between two groups, some gankers go fishing for the comm with pulls.

would be good if stability was like superspeed, so non-strippable or corruptable.

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17 hours ago, hunkamania.7561 said:

How about limiting the range to 600 and add it to this balance patch coming up...  I can't see any reason a 1200 pull is even in the game unless I'm missing something....

Don't you guys like to frequently abuse utilize a 1500-range pull against solo players?

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