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The Rapidfire One Wolf Pack Easymode Nonsense Is So Broken

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On 6/13/2021 at 8:14 PM, HARDOFREADING.7298 said:

     Totally fair to allow a class with 1750 Range (documented with the arc) to just use 1 skill to do 30k damage in just over a second to a toon with 2500 armor.

And before people come and start crying....dodging has nothing to do with anything.     This aint about dodging.....Its about allowing rangers to press 1 keey and do 30k damage from ranges no one can reach.

 The Ranger bias is straight sickening. Disgusting

You forgot they are unblockable too.

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2 hours ago, SweetPotato.7456 said:

You forgot they are unblockable too.

? No unless they run signet of hunt utility which has 40s cd with no additional benefits and it only lasts for 6 hits. So yea you can pick that if you play tower ranger i guess? For fights is terrible if you pick unblockable.

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I got so bogged down in debating the definition of burst I didn't read the topic creator's figures close enough...


1750 range with arc? What are you doing, riding your warclaw around in a circle by the sentry as a ranger fires at you from a wall or something?


30k damage? I'm not sure that one is possible to begin with--but if it is you'd have to have 25 stacks of vuln on you, be utterly glass, and be sleeping at the wheel to even see a figure like that.  I'm assuming this is the case and the 30k is counting warlcaw health so you're just being insta-gibbed because can't figure out that warclaw is not immunity.  


Though with the topic creator's chosen name I guess we should have all assumed how this topic was logically going to turn out...

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1 hour ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

I got so bogged down in debating the definition of burst I didn't read the topic creator's figures close enough...


1750 range with arc? What are you doing, riding your warclaw around in a circle by the sentry as a ranger fires at you from a wall or something?


30k damage? I'm not sure that one is possible to begin with--but if it is you'd have to have 25 stacks of vuln on you, be utterly glass, and be sleeping at the wheel to even see a figure like that.  I'm assuming this is the case and the 30k is counting warlcaw health so you're just being insta-gibbed because can't figure out that warclaw is not immunity.  


Though with the topic creator's chosen name I guess we should have all assumed how this topic was logically going to turn out...

Yes, ranger lb does hit furher than 1.5k stated range, it's a fact. 
On no-downstate week I was bursting Scourges from 100 to 0 including mount in 1 burst sequence on Soulbeast. And that wasn't "1timething" either. 

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Really what they should do is buff ranger and give us more un-blockable abilities. Quite tired of classes being able to shut projectiles down for ages in an aoe area. Just sit there unable to do anything but go into melee range and die. Or die to our own attack. 


Druid is a meme cause of cc on one talent. Why take a Druid over a scrapper? No one would do this. 

Soulbeast beating people, means those people are bad or are a class that would normally die to any projectiles regardless. This thread is just another "I lost to X class so it needs to be nerfed". 



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4 hours ago, TrollingDemigod.3041 said:

Yes, ranger lb does hit furher than 1.5k stated range, it's a fact. 
On no-downstate week I was bursting Scourges from 100 to 0 including mount in 1 burst sequence on Soulbeast. And that wasn't "1timething" either. 


That's because you are stunned after being dismounted allowing for bonus damage.  It has little to do with the rapid fire channel and everything to do with how mount mechanics work.  


Which is why I think the topic creator is one of those that just rides the mount around like its immortal (since it can't be CC'd); they then meet LB ranger and come here to cry OP.  

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10 hours ago, Gorem.8104 said:

Really what they should do is buff ranger and give us more un-blockable abilities. Quite tired of classes being able to shut projectiles down for ages in an aoe area. Just sit there unable to do anything but go into melee range and die. Or die to our own attack. 

Or 90% of ranger players could stop roleplaying Legolas and use other weapons as well.


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On 7/3/2021 at 9:49 AM, Nitrosiili.5628 said:

Or 90% of ranger players could stop roleplaying Legolas and use other weapons as well.


yes more should use mesmers throwing greatsword from 900 distance in your face spawning 5 clones at same time right in your face and kill you in a blink.....

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