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This is the fractal Meta

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9 hours ago, mikko.4013 said:

I've been playing Tempest Healer, HealBrand, Druid Healer, Heal Scourge  in fractals, and HB only falls flat with very very very bad teams.

Aegis are quite spammable (mantra) if you don't waste them, and mace-shield can bring even more Aegis... not to mention #3 Tome...

In addition to these, HB has projectiles negation (#5 shield, #3 Tome, and other situational reflects).

You can add might, quickness, stability, regeneration, healing, cleansing to that huge utility package..


These are the reasons why I think that HB is the "negation" class : Aegis, Stability, cleansing, allow your team to face-tank/ignore most mechanics (with the exception of "no pain no gain" which is more of a debuff).


It is true that "newborn HB" tend to spam all their skills in very little time, therefore quickly suffering from "on cooldown syndrom", but there is a huge difference between meh HealBrand, OK HB, and good HB, indeed.


As long as you teach your team how to stack on the healer, HB can carry almost anything...


On the other hand, Tempest Healer does have huge healing power, but brings very few "negating utilities". No aegis, little stability... Overloads take time, auras are meh (can be heal traited though)... CCs, Rebound, and mobility are the only better features, in comparison to HB.


HealScourge is  the "low PUG" carrier (barriers/rez), and it does very good job in that regard, with some nice CCs and "good" DPS depending on the gear.


Druid healer can do the job well, but spirits can't move, no Aegis, little stability... Druid healer shines better in raids than in fractals.

Yeah and I'm not refuting any of this, I actually agree with it. I play an HB now for a reason. But at the time, heal tempest is what worked and it's what I had, so I used it to climb, Infusion seems to have taken my comments on why I don't like the glass cannon meta and why I used heal tempest to climb levels to mean that I'm full sustain and support it, which just isn't true, both now and in this thread. I've also explained to OP earlier in the thread why the community would never call their comp "meta"., The only thing I've said is I won't judge other's choices if that's what they run in a private group. Once you get to t4, there's enough good DPS that the drawbacks to HB just don't exist.

I've also already stated I don't have a good alternative to the glass cannon meta: I don't feel like encounters that weren't balanced this way are fun. It's just a hard fact of PVE in this game that there's no way around.

Edited by Firebeard.1746
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Reading OPs other posts, he/she seems to have at least quite some knowledge about fracs/mechs/classes in general...
Why this comp then?
🤨Maybe... just trying to show an alternative for fracs?
🤨Maybe... some basic comp for low-level fracs or beginners? (Because nowhere is written that it is for t4/CMs)

🤨Maybe... troll-post.

Some clarification pls.
Why and what for is this topic fractal meta related?


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People who hate on this topic and try to make fun of it obvisouly dont understand that fractal meta.

The haters who have never played it and never will, just to "prove a point", will of course never understand it. And while they think that their comments like "why dont you play with 5 supporters!" are clever or smart, theyre in fact just plain dumb and show only that these people have no idea what theyre talking about.


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1 hour ago, Blumpf.2518 said:

People who hate on this topic and try to make fun of it obvisouly dont understand that fractal meta.

The haters who have never played it and never will, just to "prove a point", will of course never understand it. And while they think that their comments like "why dont you play with 5 supporters!" are clever or smart, theyre in fact just plain dumb and show only that these people have no idea what theyre talking about.


Would you mind specifying why this comp and for what type of content?
CMs ? t4? t3 and lower?

Because i would like to comment to, but it depends on what you wanna do with that comp.
Calling it "meta" without specification and enough detail is a bit critical.
Since i can spot some things too that arent thought through very deeply...


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  • 2 weeks later...

I agree with the OP. This is the fractal meta, Chrono needs to be nerfed, it's had it too good for too long. Anet should remove boon share from Signet of Inspiration. I was hoping after PoF Guardian would have another dps spec to rival Dragonhunter but no one uses the firebrand in fractals. Also it's really sad to see Scourge put all those tempests and druids out of the meta, I really hope this upcoming Wintersday Balance patch shakes things up. It's been a year and still don't see Renegades in fractals ever., even the Spellbreaker has more utility to offer in PUGs.

Things look pretty bleak here in 2018.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 6/20/2021 at 1:44 PM, Blumpf.2518 said:

Well you all obviously never played this. You can stand at the Bosses and do DPS all day long and ignore all mechanics. You just Block/Shield/Stabi/Reflect everything.  You dont have to care about Fluxbombs or area damage or anything at all.

Allow me to blow your mind here.

Quickbrand.  Condition damage variant does bonkers DPS and gives big quickness+fury.  Can swap to radiance heal variant for more CC+buffs if need be.

Alac Ren.  Big CC.  Good sustain.  Average damage.  Sunqua can take an alac mirage over an Alac Ren.

1 Condi DPS; preferrably ones with torment, but Firebrand also work.

2 Condi scourge.  Gives barrier.  Has an Epidemic that will actually do damage.  More Condi Scourge = more damage as  scourge synergizes with scourge.

All of these together makes for an indestructible team comp.  Scourge gives big barrier, quickbrand/healbrand give big aegis, alac ren gives big sustain through kala.

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I'll say what I've said before. What is 'meta' is relative to the individual. If someone can't play what the community has deemed 'meta' then it is not 'meta' for that individual. If said individual performs at a higher level with a different build/group comp, then that is what is 'meta' for them.


T4 isn't hard if you know the mechanics. For some people speed clearing T4+Reqs is meta, for others it maybe instead lowest effort required to win, i.e. ignoring the mechanics and breezing through at a slower speed.

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My Healbrand disagrees with you. Additionally if you want to run CMs the Meta is way different than you would expect, especially in 100 CM. I Can do my dailies and recs in less than an hour without depending on the current Meta anyway.

Edited by Touchme.1097
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1 hour ago, Infusion.7149 said:

If you use the definition of "meta" it means the dominant strategy or convention. That means HB+ alac ren (not the staff mirages that do next to no damage when CC bar is broken).

It's an acronym for "Most Efficient Tactic Available."  This disregards what you or I are capable of playing and, currently assumes, the following: "What team composition can kill (Boss) in the fastest time?"

Granted you could change this question to "What team composition allows us to be the laziest while still passing the content?" and the meta shifts to answer that question.

OP forgot to mention the goals of this team composition.  It's not a speedclear group, but also there are a plethora of roles that fill in  the boons Chronomancer does these days just as well and make it easier to survive while doing more damage.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 8/7/2021 at 7:46 PM, marielleberto.3865 said:

Don't understand exactly the point of this topic, but I play my power soulbeast and do a lot of damage. More important than having specific classes/builds on a team is having players that know what they are doing, including mechanics.

No. You need quickness, alac might, fury and vulnerability covered. Those together increase dps of a single player by more than 100%. You dont have to care about mechanics if you phase everything in 3sec or kill all normal t4 bosses in sub 20sec.

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On 6/23/2021 at 12:13 PM, Blumpf.2518 said:

People who hate on this topic and try to make fun of it obvisouly dont understand that fractal meta.

The haters who have never played it and never will, just to "prove a point", will of course never understand it. And while they think that their comments like "why dont you play with 5 supporters!" are clever or smart, theyre in fact just plain dumb and show only that these people have no idea what theyre talking about.



This guy doesn't understand fractal meta lol

If you want to see the meta just go to LFG and see what they are asking for, 90% of groups want the meta comps.

Also https://discretize.eu/  always has the meta.

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14 hours ago, Nephalem.8921 said:

No. You need quickness, alac might, fury and vulnerability covered. Those together increase dps of a single player by more than 100%. You dont have to care about mechanics if you phase everything in 3sec or kill all normal t4 bosses in sub 20sec.

No. You don't NEED all those roles. Yes, they make everything ridiculously easier and faster, but it is doable with or without them as long as you and your team are skilled. When Fractals were launched, the game was super new, there were no meta builds comparable to what we have today and we still managed to clear everything. I like to think that the fact that we had to learn mechanics instead of just burning everything in 3sec made us better players 🙂 Also, when you're pugging, you HAVE to know the mechanics, since you'll probably not have every single role covered properly and will not kill the boss in 20sec. 

Edited by marielleberto.3865
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24 minutes ago, marielleberto.3865 said:

No. You don't NEED all those roles. Yes, they make everything ridiculously easier and faster, but it is doable with or without them as long as you and your team are skilled. When Fractals were launched, the game was super new, there were no meta builds comparable to what we have today and we still managed to clear everything. I like to think that the fact that we had to learn mechanics instead of just burning everything in 3sec made us better players 🙂 Also, when you're pugging, you HAVE to know the mechanics, since you'll probably not have every single role covered properly and will not kill the boss in 20sec. 


Meta build from 6 years ago. In fact meta back then was far more limiting than today. It was basically everyone berserker or gtfo.

You can technically solo most fractals but why should you? Having the stuff i mentioned makes them more than twice as fast as your everything goes approach.

Back then nothing even had mechanics. The boss with the most mechanics was mai trin. Everything else had just incredible op base stats and oneshotted with basic attacks.

Meta builds existed even during the old dungeon days. Very few people even played high level fractals back then. Healers were a big contributor towards a bigger audience together with generally nerfed dmg in fractals.

Waiting 30+min longer for a good comp would still result in a faster clear than your approach. Also you cant have properly balanced content with this mindset. Its about time that they balance the highest tier for good build and compositions and not for 5 necros in soldier gear.

For a game without any gear treadmill it feels like im permanently overgeared and doing content from 2-3 raid tiers ago. Sometimes even from last expansion.

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1 hour ago, Nephalem.8921 said:


Meta build from 6 years ago. In fact meta back then was far more limiting than today. It was basically everyone berserker or gtfo.

You can technically solo most fractals but why should you? Having the stuff i mentioned makes them more than twice as fast as your everything goes approach.

Back then nothing even had mechanics. The boss with the most mechanics was mai trin. Everything else had just incredible op base stats and oneshotted with basic attacks.

Meta builds existed even during the old dungeon days. Very few people even played high level fractals back then. Healers were a big contributor towards a bigger audience together with generally nerfed dmg in fractals.

Waiting 30+min longer for a good comp would still result in a faster clear than your approach. Also you cant have properly balanced content with this mindset. Its about time that they balance the highest tier for good build and compositions and not for 5 necros in soldier gear.

For a game without any gear treadmill it feels like im permanently overgeared and doing content from 2-3 raid tiers ago. Sometimes even from last expansion.

I think you misread the part I said "there were no meta builds comparable to what we have today". With the elite specs and "new" gear/weapon stats meta builds became way more complex. I disagree that nothing had mechanics back then. We had mechanics that matched the the level of complexity the builds had.

I don't think fractals content needs balancing. If you can get a good group that covers all the roles and clears everything fast, good for you! If the 5 necros in soldier gear take forever to clear everything, but still do it, good for them! Everybody cleared fractals, everybody is happy. They can't balance the content to make players only play classes and roles you want. Some people just like to take the hard path, let them. I'm with you, I prefer to have all roles covered while doing fractals, but I won't trash players for playing a class that makes the gameplay more enjoyable for them. In my opinion, they should balance the classes, in order to have more of them covering more roles, instead of having super required classes and those hated by everybody. The content is fine, they need to balance classes.

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