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pls nerf healing stuff game is soooo slow

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game is so slow and people dont know how to do damage so theres just a stream of necros and guards stalling nodes and rezzing eachother which means that fights never end and if you try to disengage to decap or +1 then the teamfight is eventually won by whoever has more rez potential so its just guards and necros with the occasional roamer running around between stalemates trying to stomp through 50 aoes and condis or dps through 10k scourge barrier and getting feared all over the place while guards just block everything and heal 20 times cause thats all people know how to play and no one knows how to dps its just like 2 ppl per game and its not enough to end fights or cleave and if you try to side node its just a stalemate again while your team loses the rez wars or facetanks necro aoe cause kiting a necro is too hard for 99.9% of people which just shows you how bad this meta is at teaching people how to play cause you can just roll necro or guard and sit on 2 points all game and most people cant dps through the healing barrier and rezzing its soooo boring pls do something or im just going to play mm and win 1v2s by afking.

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39 minutes ago, Paradoxoglanis.1904 said:

more damage would just make the ganking meta come back where people blow up after being ported on by a rev or stealth 1 shot by mes thief or engi.

Okay, then lets refine it. Unnerf Hard CC damage.


But seriously can we stop nerfing things and starting bumping numbers here and there again?

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15 minutes ago, Paradoxoglanis.1904 said:

i agree that certain things could use buffs, everything shouldnt be nerfed again. Sustain is a big issue though

It's only an issue because of overzealous damage nerfs. It wouldn't be an issue if Hard CC damage wasn't gutted or instead of the haphazard "across the board but not for certain classes" damage nerfs were instead levied equally across the board, but to a lesser overall reduction (like reduced by 20% rather than 33%).

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1 hour ago, Paradoxoglanis.1904 said:

i agree that certain things could use buffs, everything shouldnt be nerfed again. Sustain is a big issue though

Sustain is not an issue if you build for sustain at the expense of damage, that's what the definition of balance has always been. If a player invests in damage at the expense of sustain...he should be able to oneshots others, viceversa if I build for sustain...I should be able to tank enough dmg to be a serious issue without ever becoming a DPS threat. A build is OP when it has the sustain of a tank and the burst damage of a glass cannon and that brings me to the third variable: hybrid, where I can do some damage while having some sustain.


Problem with the GW2 community is that nothing is never accepted! If glass cannon...too much dmg pls nerf; if tank...too much sustain pls nerf; if an hybrid..too good as duellist pls nerf..


The issue is not sustain, the issue is people not tolerating glass cannon specs, which are needed to quickly resolve matches and avoid stalemates, the Feb 2020 patch brought forward by the will of the community effectively removed that glass cannon role...and now you all suffer from that decision because :  Glass+Bruiser+Tank=Balance and if you remove one element of the equation..you remove balance simple.


The problem is not sustain...the problem is the lack of dmg, only in rare instances the damage is too much to justify and deserve to be nerfed.

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1 hour ago, Stand The Wall.6987 said:

its possible to buff damage without bringing back previous meta lol

The only damage buffs needed are to the really weak weapons. In a game with all roamers & dps the damage and ttk is at a good level. Its only when you have supports and bunkers that you get awful sustain & rez battles.

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On 6/30/2021 at 8:16 AM, Paradoxoglanis.1904 said:

The only damage buffs needed are to the really weak weapons. In a game with all roamers & dps the damage and ttk is at a good level. Its only when you have supports and bunkers that you get awful sustain & rez battles.

i disagree. i think the hard cc damage nerf is fine and even the auto attack one too, but the burst skills on every weapon need to be buffed. either in raw damage, mechanics, cd, or cast time.

Edited by Stand The Wall.6987
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1 hour ago, Stand The Wall.6987 said:

i disagree. i think the hard cc damage nerf is fine and even the auto attack one too, but the burst skills on every weapon need to be buffed. either in raw damage, mechanics, or cast time.

Dealing damage on someone that has stability with a CC was a terrible thing and I'm glad it's gone.

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A smarter way would be to revert nearly all cooldown/energy/resource nerfs from Feb 2020, but leave all other nerfs ( including the sustain nerfs ) in tact. This would speed up gameplay and counterplay, reduce the +1 zerging ( higher CDs primarily benefit zerg strats), and act as an indirect nerf to a lot of the passive sustain builds.



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11 hours ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

Okay, then lets refine it. Unnerf Hard CC damage.


But seriously can we stop nerfing things and starting bumping numbers here and there again?

There are other options, unbuff all healing skills that were buff when mender got removed and/or half transference healing


Necros need nerfs, they are part of the reason supp builds are so good right now, you run supporting knowing you most likely will have 1 or 2 necros in your team is just great, they either focus the necro or you, necro will prolly kill half of your team if you focus supp, if you focus necro if he gets downed he'll be insta ressd and fight starts all over again. Until there if your team doesnt have a similar comp you already lost mid.


2 defensive stats amulets have to be split into 2 amulets, one with vit/tough one with healing power, so everybody has more dmg and less defense. With this once supps run off cds they will die cuz they don't have vit to back em up

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1 hour ago, Master Ketsu.4569 said:

A smarter way would be to revert nearly all cooldown/energy/resource nerfs from Feb 2020, but leave all other nerfs ( including the sustain nerfs ) in tact. This would speed up gameplay and counterplay, reduce the +1 zerging ( higher CDs primarily benefit zerg strats), and act as an indirect nerf to a lot of the passive sustain builds.



Initiative too?

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4 hours ago, Multicolorhipster.9751 said:

Not that any CC skills would have done damage anyway, but there's other boons called Aegis and protection which are the block/damage-reduction boons respectively. 

I've been hit by 5k bullscharge before, making counterplay to cc irrelevant.

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The only real issues we have are related to necros. Combine necros with a good support and the sustain goes a bit over the top.  


- Big nerf to scourge. I would personally only nerf the shields they provide to others.

- Big sustain nerfs to necro in general. Id nerf the shroud gain mostly.

- Minor sustain nerfs to prot holo. 

- Minor sustain nerfs to (fire)weaver




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1 hour ago, Shao.7236 said:

I've been hit by 5k bullscharge before, making counterplay to cc irrelevant.

Fair enough. 

I got hit by a rev sword 3 for around that damage once, also making all counterplay to it irrelevant. We need to work together to get rid of that absolute monster!


While we're at it, we should just nerf the damage coeff on every skill with more than 1 single effect to 0.01

I'm joking please don't get any ideas, CMC

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7 hours ago, Master Ketsu.4569 said:

A smarter way would be to revert nearly all cooldown/energy/resource nerfs from Feb 2020, but leave all other nerfs ( including the sustain nerfs ) in tact. This would speed up gameplay and counterplay, reduce the +1 zerging ( higher CDs primarily benefit zerg strats), and act as an indirect nerf to a lot of the passive sustain builds.



there is a bunch of skills that got CD nerfs instead off damage nerfs

memsers axe 3. 10s -> 15s cd ( no damage nerfs )
mesmer scepter 2. 8s->12s cd
Its not so cut and dry, first thing they should change is revive speed, then the power of a support.
Im fine with supports being strong but not having one makes the game unwinnable, and unfortunately strongest support ( core guard ) is both braindead and mind-numbingly boring.
1 revive power reductions ( healing sigil shouldnt work on revive speed/revive skills )
2 small healing reduction ( ~5% would be good enough )
3 necro nerfs ( shroud generation mainly )
and then they can adjust from there

when you fight dps vs dps, fight are somewhat quick and fun. but its so kittening rare, everyone just plays safe 😕

Edited by Leonidrex.5649
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1 hour ago, Multicolorhipster.9751 said:

Fair enough. 

I got hit by a rev sword 3 for around that damage once, also making all counterplay to it irrelevant. We need to work together to get rid of that absolute monster!


While we're at it, we should just nerf the damage coeff on every skill with more than 1 single effect to 0.01

I'm joking please don't get any ideas, CMC

So your idea is to make CC spam even more prevalent? Got it.

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One possibility for reducing rez speed/potential without actually reducing anything would be to make the healing reduction from Poisoned twice as effective on downed bodies only (Up from 33% to 66% for downed bodies, still at 33% for upstate).


This would both make it harder to use rez signets and make it harder to hand rez. When Sigil of Transference was added to PvP, it made it so that poisoned bodies could still be resurrected with the signet, reducing the counterplay that poison previously provided.


This isn't a foolproof change by any means - for one, necro is one of the 6 professions that has access to poison, but it would certainly be interesting to see scourges countering other scourges' resurrections.


And it would be nice for once for the balance team to buff counterplay and provide more options instead of just nerfing the meta.

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As I am seeing it, some players were used to instakills so they did not had to fight.

Now that they actually have to fight they are complaining on getting bored/tired from it because they are zero endurance irl.

I bet they are getting bored from fighting dragons in PvE if ever do it.

So no. Just no. The current game state is fine and to my liking.

Want instakills no downed state? Go farm Queensdale.

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maybe make poison twice or 3times effective on ressing capability while keeping the same alive healing reduction and dmg the same or remove full res utility or make cast times much longer for the reward given. i think its the only way without adding dmg or removing alive support capability.

Edited by Tanbin.9402
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