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Spellbreakers have too much resistance


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Absolutely, if you aren't boon corrupted as Spellbreaker then you have permanent resistance. I think the F2 should be at least on a 15-second cool-down, instead of 7. At mid to high level play, you will never get knocked down, live forever, and 2v1 with ease.

For as powerful of a boon as Resistance is, Spellbreakers have it up far, far too often. I could say the same with Agony.

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@newbihack.7180 said:Stop encountering spellbreaker with conditions maybe? I play power war and it is fair fight. You people just relying on a single mechanism to play. Pathetic.

Somehow I doubt your self-righteousness would hold up if a build had immunity to power damage. You said you play power warrior? Isn't a full power build "relying on a single mechanism to play"?

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Resistance should be a stat just like toughness instead of been a boon. Or maybe the res boon can stay and function like protection boon (-33% condition damage). And all the gears can boost that res stat just like toughness. That way vitality is not the universal solution against condition damage and toughness now has its use. But I guess it's too late to implement it now since everyone is used to the current stats. So just put everything into vitality and stay alive longer. :D So against the current stacked up resistance boon, I guess another spell breaker would do the job.

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@BBMouse.6510 said:Resistance should be a stat just like toughness instead of been a boon. Or maybe the res boon can stay and function like protection boon (-33% condition damage). And all the gears can boost that res stat just like toughness. That way vitality is not the universal solution against condition damage and toughness now has its use. But I guess it's too late to implement it now since everyone is used to the current stats. So just put everything into vitality and stay alive longer. :D So against the current stacked up resistance boon, I guess another spell breaker would do the job.

Hah vitality doesn't even do much against conditions. You live for maybe 1 sec more than you do if you do not have vitality. I tested, I ran rampage with a vitality amulet. I had close to 50k hp and I melted in 3 seconds instead of 2.

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lmao....condi doesn't stop them and playing a full power holo doesn't stop them either.

they are broken with either immune to condi and the fact they can take "zero damage" from physical attacks for xx amount of time with shield and another skill makes this class really impossible to deal with in a one on one matter.

they need a slight nerf noting crazy but they do need it.

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@zoopop.5630 said:lmao....condi doesn't stop them and playing a full power holo doesn't stop them either.

they are broken with either immune to condi and the fact they can take "zero damage" from physical attacks for xx amount of time with shield and another skill makes this class really impossible to deal with in a one on one matter.

they need a slight nerf noting crazy but they do need it.

They need a crazy nerf along with many other non warrior related things. The game is centered around three things: Condi, Power and Bunker. And all of them are overpowered if one of the other archetypes get nerfed heavily. The problem currently is not only are all three op, but classes can be typically be 2 out of the 3 archetypes in one build with no sacrifice.

Realistically though, no one should expect anything significant from Anet balancing. The game has been around for 5 years and its only have gotten worse. The core of guild wars 2 is bad for pvp, therefore everything built upon it will be bad up too. Clearly they created the game to be a pve game instead of a pvp game. Pve games with pvp as a side show always have these type of problems.

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@TheQuickFox.3826 said:Aren't warriors supposed to have loads of resistance? The last thing GW2 needs are squishy warriors.

Actually back at pre-launch/launch when you had a game that had experienced devs (most seem to have left to Amazon, etc), you had this strange notion that classes should have strengths and weaknesses, because that is what makes for balance, good gameplay, means some level of skill (even in a game like GW2 where the combat is pretty low skill for the most part), etc, which is why for example warriors and engys were designed to be weak to condies, why some classes lacked mobility, etc, but the game has basically turned into a nab fest where every class (for the most part) can do way too much.

GW2 is a fine example of power creep and ineptitude, they just add more and more powercreep, then to "balance" that they add yet more powercreep, resistance is a fine example of that, they buffed condies to the point they are barely damage over time so PvE zombies could tell themselves they had variety in PvE, (let's just ignore the PvE is still trash in this game, because the combat was basically built around PvP), that in turn effected PvP, so they added more powercreep to "balance" the condie powercreep by adding resistance.

The combat in this game was more skillful, better designed, etc 4 years ago than the shitfest is it now, which is why all I do in this game is screw about in WvW and go play DOTA 2 or something when I want to play a proper game.

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Unfortunately zinkz is right, I played this game beta and the PvP has been on a downward road since then. The how fast you melt or melt the enemy, being the worst to my concern.2 day's ago I was testing a Druid build and got to a cap where arrived a enemy Scrapper too, we fight for over 2 or 3 minutes, I'm not sure, without no one else interference and sadly it was the best PvP I had for ages in GW2, I won but even if I had lost I would be satisfied and he did too, he whispered me with "Let's do this again?"This is so rare, when it should be the rule.With this skritt meta "Fast and Rageous" is what GW2 PvP is failing the most... To bring satisfaction to their player's.

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I personally don't mind if warriors are flooded in resistance. It's just that they have way to many ways to avoid all kinds of damage. they can use ample resistance, channel block, dodge alot, make themselves immune to physical damage and chain all those things in succession to last an unusually long amount of time. I just think that a warrior needs to be balanced by being forced to either go physical damaage mitigation or condi damage mitigation but not both at once. I think this can be done via traits as long as they are made mutually exclusive.

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everyone is complaining and no one is giving any advise but to nerf the sustain of this game.what do you think when a big nerf will come. other ppl will complain saying each fight goes forever like 3 min which is so boring. (remember bunker chorno meta?)if you nerf dmg you will need a nerf to sustain which inturn will need a nerf in dmg again and all over again.

so to buff or to nerf is not the problem of this game per se .

the main problem of this current game arethere is almost no counter class or build beside to rev. (counter is condi build or range dmg)- warrior almost counter them all. other class or build dont have a counter, which mean they dont have unique weakness (beside rev)each few class or build can do it all. dmg class have good sustain with dodges, evades, healing, etc....*no role (beside thief) - thief role is to decap and +1. any other class dont have unique role and have both good sustain and dmg.

anet is going in the right direction trying to give us more builds to play, like sage ele or comeback of FA ele. guardian as support bunker. engi as dmg dealer.they still have few mistakes here and there which their only fault is not doing frequent patch like 2 weeks. warrior sustain should have nerfed already, necro dmg nerf already, renegade buff should have come already. DE dmg should nerf already or easy to avoid. ele sword buff already.

the more the community waits the worse it goes. as ppl want more changes to come and more precise ones which anet tend to fail.

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@Akilles.4320 said:Unfortunately zinkz is right, I played this game beta and the PvP has been on a downward road since then. The how fast you melt or melt the enemy, being the worst to my concern.2 day's ago I was testing a Druid build and got to a cap where arrived a enemy Scrapper too, we fight for over 2 or 3 minutes, I'm not sure, without no one else interference and sadly it was the best PvP I had for ages in GW2, I won but even if I had lost I would be satisfied and he did too, he whispered me with "Let's do this again?"This is so rare, when it should be the rule.With this skritt meta "Fast and Rageous" is what GW2 PvP is failing the most... To bring satisfaction to their player's.

There are plenty places to duel if you want to satisfy that urge. You need to have burst to break bunker/stalemate metas. Also depending who has the cap and your role, spending 2min dueling an unwinnable and unlosable match-up is costing your team. People are going overboard with suggestions even that are not spellbreaker related, screaming for blood isn't going to balance it. SB needs slight adjustment to statistics but not it's mechanics which is a player related problem that's usually a product of people tunneling and treating modes like SPVP like deathmatch, which it isn't. Warriors need resistances because they downside of their naturally high HP is they don't have access to things like aegis etc.

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@Aza.2105 said:Spellbreaker is currently broken. Resistance needs to be shaved and mobility and evade from great sword needs to be nerfed.

If we're going to advocate for spellbreaker nerf, maybe focus on the spellbreaker mechanics instead of advocating changes that hit every warrior build that chooses to use Greatsword.

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