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twisted marionette is virtually unwinnable for a casual group

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6 minutes ago, zealex.9410 said:

I dont get the mindset behind bashing your head against the private version if you cant do it and then comming to the forums to say the private squad version is tough for pugs.


If you cant handle it with 50 ppl try the public version which is 75 afaia.

If the public version was permanent(regularly scheduled too) youd be absolutely correct and id agree with you.🙂

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8 minutes ago, Dante.1763 said:

If the public version was permanent(regularly scheduled too) youd be absolutely correct and id agree with you.🙂


For this week at least it will be virtually winnable tho. I hope they keep the public version tho.

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I really hope that the design choice of the instance and public version will be reconsidered and the public one becoming permanent. All lfg groups ask for KP and stuff. I know people who played when this content was originally there and they've never touched any raids. So basically a good chunk of players are locked out from it despite knowing mechanics and basics. Kinda sad

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Public went easy as you get like 30 extra players to cover for the new or casuals even tho the lane with 18 failed somehow. Now doing that 10 times in one week will be annoying to finish achieve but much better then private with no reqs even tho I think asking for things like 250 li overkill just an experienced 50 should be np.

oh you can help kinda if u pull mobs close to another lane as we were helping kill that one that splits into a million smaller ones as the got close to the edge of our finished circle

Edited by Jilora.9524
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1 hour ago, Rukia.4802 said:

Did they change it from the original design? Marionette was easily farmed by noob scrubs back when it launched lol.

The original desing assumed 5 people per platform (125 players total). Private squad size is 50.

The problem is not that they changed the original design. The problem is that they didn't change it, when they moved it from an open world event (where it would have worked fine) to an instanced squad one.

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The amount of people who complain about it needing a nerf is absolutely ridiculous.

  1. That is completely false. People just need to learn what to do and what the mechanics of the bosses are. I've completed it on 3 pug groups.
  2. No, if I can solo a warden before the duo next to me kills theirs it's not impossible to kill, you're just bad.
  3. Other than the platform being empty because not enough people actually go in the portal, I haven't seen this myself so I can't really comment on that. You sure it's not just that some people don't go in the portal to begin with?

I would be extremely sad if they nerf it or make it easier. I've always thought world bosses are really f boring because you can just autoattack and watch youtube. Finally Twisted Marionette comes along, a 50 man event that actually requires some focus. I don't want this to be just another brainless beginner friendly pug farm.

ANet even said:


without a large and coordinated team, you'll be hopelessly outmatched.

suggesting that it is their INTENTION to make it difficult without a coordinated group. If you don't like challenging content there is other stuff to do in the game. You can play dragon response missions or world bosses.


Edit: I didn't even know that the public version could hold more players. That makes it easier. Play the public version if you are struggling.

Edited by Jokuc.3478
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1 hour ago, Dante.1763 said:


I see alot of people praising the difficulty, and thats fine, i love raids myself actually despite barely doing them(time zone issues), but i also remember how many guildmates and friends quit the game due to the ramp up of difficulty in HOT and never came back and im concerned about that happening again if they continue to make further content more difficult than POF. I know alot of my current guild struggle with HOT still, post nerf.



the problem is that by making the game super easy , arena has also scared a significant part of the community, many HM pve players AND pvp players left the game .

I stayed because I love the atmosphere of this franchise for 16 years but frankly between the nerf of  HOT, the end  of raids,  meta events which no longer have any challenge and being reduced to following a spam 1 bus, the pvp which does not evolve ... it is complicated.

suddenly it feels good this kind of event like the marionette, I finally feel a little adrenaline in game. What I had not felt for years in gw2.


I hope to see lots of content like this in cantha but I have little hope seeing the negative feedback at the slightest difficulty, it's exhausting especially when you see the potential of this game

Edited by radda.8920
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2 hours ago, Firebeard.1746 said:

More players dodge and attempt mechanics than most elitists in this community are willing to admit, it's just that there's a probability anyone will fail at any given moment and if you roll the dice enough, even a high probability of doing it (90%) becomes a liability. The same mechanic executes 10 times and that player will still have a significant chance of dying.

Also when I'm doing ley line, I can't even get abilities off due to the massive amount of lag. Like I'll press an ability and it won't exectute. So even this notion that people are just autoattacking to autoattack is a bit misguided because even in a full map, that's literally all you can do.

There are idiots in the community, but they're far more overblown than is reality.

the chance of failing the platform events are overcome by the special action keys.. if u kill your wardens quicckly.. u have to watch your allies in other platforms and if they get downed, u have to use the inspire special action key to rally them and give them massive defensive and offensive buffs so they can kill the enemy... u cant expect every platform to fail.. and every other successful platform can rally the downed player in the about to fail platform and improve the chances of success.. since the event is instancced to 50 ppl, the lag will be less to none and it wont be like the leyline anomaly event as u describe it to be


but one exception is.. if the allies in other platform dies before u kill your warden, then u cant help the other platform... thats one chance of failure

Edited by Crystal Paladin.3871
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Please stop asking for a nerf! Im not a good player I play one handed mostly and suffer from some medical issues and i dont want this nerfed. I never even got to play back when this was around, it needs to be a challenge i dont want a handicap, and im sure most people that try their best dont want one either. we want to succeed or fail on our own merit! 

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3 minutes ago, Super Hayes.6890 said:

Beat it with a private squad. Commander demanded all DPS builds and no one enter except them to start. Worked on the first try. Everyone pulls their weight, it's easy with 50. They were running discord but not requiring it.

organized groups always clear it easily.. ppl in this thread debate about the content being too hard for casual groups.... but anet included a few failsafe features to improve the chances of success.. like if u die in lane, u have 3 nearby waypoints to your lane to get back into the fight... and if ure downed during platform phase, ur allies from other platform can rally you and buff you with defensive and offensive buffs even if u run a bear bow build, after ure buffed with boons, u can easily and quickly defeat those wardens in platforms

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I don't want a nerf and I don't want it to be easier, but I do want more time. One week only for the public version is totally insane.   The devs go through the trouble to set this up only to change it to some kind of boss raid after a week, making it completely unapproachable for most players after that.  I remember when Tequatl was new, it took most of us more than a week before we got our first kill, and it wasn't for lack of trying.

Also, it would be nice to not get dropped in a map that already has the aether canon half charged before I ever load. I've heard of some people loading into already failed maps, and having to wait two more hours for another chance to fail. 

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28 minutes ago, Crystal Paladin.3871 said:

organized groups always clear it easily.. ppl in this thread debate about the content being too hard for casual groups

I'm sure you meant say public groups. Sheesh, are people already doing the "casuals" vs. "hardcore" shtick?


I can easily guess that there are groups who limit participation by some arbitrary numbers and that only meta build are allowed.That's what adding raids will do to a game.

Edited by Yggranya.5201
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21 minutes ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

1) Anet needs to tweak it so that at least one person ends up on a platform

2) Make sure the warden scales properly so that one person can solo it if played well.

3) MAYBE allow other players to hop platforms once their platform is cleared.


Not sure if trolling or serious...


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5 hours ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

1) Anet needs to tweak it so that at least one person ends up on a platform

2) Make sure the warden scales properly so that one person can solo it if played well.

3) MAYBE allow other players to hop platforms once their platform is cleared.

Except of point 3 I think this points are good.

If other players can help after their platform is cleared it will be way too easy because every lane just needs one player who knows what he is doing

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6 hours ago, Crystal Paladin.3871 said:

organized groups always clear it easily..

No, they don't. I have been in quite a number of well-organized groups with competent players knowing mechanics, that still failed.


6 hours ago, Crystal Paladin.3871 said:

and if ure downed during platform phase, ur allies from other platform can rally you and buff you with defensive and offensive buffs even if u run a bear bow build, after ure buffed with boons, u can easily and quickly defeat those wardens in platforms

Most builds cannot solo the first warden

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Yesterday i tried to do it with simply private squad 2 times. Unsuccessfully, ofc. Then I did it 3 times with 250+li groups. As i expected, it was easy and no problem.

So, dear Anet, I want to ask you - for WHAT part of community you did this event? For raiders only? Thanks, but i dont need 50 ppl raids here. It was a long time ago in 2005, in another game. You know wery well, what game am i talking aboutIf I wanted to keep playing in 50 ppl raids - I would play classic WoW. At least there were testers in wow and there were no bugs like: " 3 ppl in one platform and 1 in another".

I hope you will understand that for almost the entire community (excluding the microscopic percentage of raiders) this event will be pain, despair and decay. 

Therefore, I will ask my question again - for whom did you make it? It would be better if you didn't spoil the memories of the old event at all. Because now I see that you don't understand how it worked in core game. 

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19 minutes ago, Peanutz.3129 said:

Except of point 3 I think this points are good.

If other players can help after their platform is cleared it will be way too easy because every lane just needs one player who knows what he is doing

There's a time limit. One player, no matter how good, is unlikely to be able o clear all 5 platforms on their own. But if someone is capable of doing that, it should be rewarded, not punished by them having to stand helplessly watching as other platforms fail.

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17 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

No, they don't. I have been in quite a number of well-organized groups with competent players knowing mechanics, that still failed.


Most builds cannot solo the first warden

organized groups => organized in terms of knowing the basic mechanics and familiar with raids and have proper builds and willing to participate fairly for the rewards and not afk (to put it mildly, min 50li+ requirement or some acceptable asc/exotic gear ping requirement to make sure ppl who are serious about getting the kill are allowed in the squad) so griefers, afkers wont be in the mix to sabotage the encounter


the way I see it, even with a few survival open world build, bear bow pew pew , we wont fail if ppl has the clear intention to participate pay attention and give it their best... Its their will.. that's all it matters that determines the success of the encounter


even then if organized groups fail, it could be maybe one time and they wont fail a second time...


FYI: I did it twice with organized groups and 4 times with random all welcome group and I got 2 kills from organized and one kill from random all welcome group... still think its hard for ppl to clear the encounter? a random all welcome group failed 3 times but killed it the fourth time.. it's because they are willing to give their best and they synchronized with the squad... i hope ppl improve gradually with events like this ...

Edited by Crystal Paladin.3871
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6 minutes ago, ParadoX.3124 said:

Create 250 LI squad : first try

If u post this, ppl will try to derail the thread.. they'll claim 250 li is too much to ask from normal pve players.... but in reality, determined players with few exotic proper gear and the willingness to participate and not afk, will definitely succeed in this event

Edited by Crystal Paladin.3871
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