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When can we get a playable Tengu Race? [Merged]

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7 hours ago, Magek.4718 said:

I like how other games like WoW and FFXIV get new races with different body shapes added to the game.


But whenever the topic comes up for GW2, everyone just says "Nope, that's too hard!"


ffxiv don't create new races with new models, they are the same as the old (all of them use old armors models of others race) + there is also the problem of the lore and the voices that need all voiceovers for all quests of the game.

Edited by WindBlade.8749
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Hell Yea… I would love to see my ranger as a Tengu. Be it a playable race or combat tonic. They can definitely do it. If a tonic then offer it now as part of the early pre-order.

I am tired of reading “no they can’t or no new races…etc.”

Unless you work for ANET and they allowed you to inform the players or you have actual proof ANET is not going to add new races then stop saying it’s too much work or it’s not possible.  Yet they said the same thing with WvW Alliance that its complicated, too much resources, etc.. WvW drops now we getting WvW Alliance. Now is it too late or will it still be able to bring back WvW players – time will tell.

Now before this statement is turn around at me – please note my comment is basically saying let players ask for what they would like to see and let ANET directly respond if it’s possible or not.

Bottom line, any company will offer/add in this case anything that will increase their sales – they will add it no matter the resources, work needed to make it happen, etc.  

If it increases their sales – they will add it no matter the resources, amount of work need, etc.

Now let us see what else ANET will introduce for the expansion because the main highlight so far seemed more like a patch.

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5 minutes ago, killforbeers.7534 said:

Unless you work for ANET and they allowed you to inform the players or you have actual proof ANET is not going to add new races then stop saying it’s too much work or it’s not possible.

You don't need to be employe of AN to know how big projects tends to work, and how much work certain features would take.

Nowaday every software engineer is expected to be estimate a "cost" (in development hours) of any given feature, before they start working on it. Ain't rocket science.


6 minutes ago, killforbeers.7534 said:

Yet they said the same thing with WvW Alliance that its complicated, too much resources, etc.. WvW drops now we getting WvW Alliance. Now is it too late or will it still be able to bring back WvW players – time will tell.


Who are those "they"? Also there is huge difference between adding a new playable race and overhauling system like WvW matchmaking. In particular latter requires just software engineers, + some UI guys to update the front-end. New playable race takes whole art department, ontop of software engineers.


Bonus points for Alliances being something AN has already promised couple years ago. Now tell me when they promised that they ae going to add new playable races post release?


9 minutes ago, killforbeers.7534 said:

If it increases their sales – they will add it no matter the resources, amount of work need, etc.


And here is where you are very wrong. It is not about just increasing sales, no matter the cost.


Companies are about increasing profit. Which means increasing sales but while still minimizing the cost. Because it doesn't matter that your sales has spiked through the roof if the cost for that was 10 times higher than the income revenue from that spike of sales.

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I personally wont like or use a combat tonic. I dont understand why people like those. No background story, no adjustable looks. 


I'm hoping that now they don't add it to EoD they will give an official statement on why not. It's the most requested feature since the start of gw2. 

I understand why people keep requesting it. 

They said they didnt want to do mounts. We requested. They delivered. 

A lot of people requested fishing. They delivered. 

Underwater skimmer? Here you have it. 

Legendary across all characters? You asked, they delivered. 

The reason we didnt heared of new races yet is because i think they want to do it. But its just insane hard to implement. (I say it again: dont give tengu all armor skins. Let them join the story from this point onward.)


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Thank you for your reply Lord Trejgon


Bottom line, Only the company knows if there is an ROI and if its worth it.

No project is too big if there is a ROI - project management 101 and not added to my 1st post.


Again let the players post and ask - let ANET reply if they dont then keep posting.

Unless a reply is a direct links to ANET project managers or work for ANET then let the community keep posting and let ANET reply when they are ready if its possible or not.


Note - the following statement is not at you but to all.


Again I stress the following... let the players post what they want and stop this guessing if ANET can or cannot as only ANET knows and will reply when they are ready. Just keep posting and lets us see what happens.


Edited by killforbeers.7534
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35 minutes ago, linkym.2069 said:

man, devs know how much we want a new race. Adding a tonic and not the actual race would be so wack. Would be like saying gw2 doesnt have the resources to compete with triple a mmos.

Well, that's for sure - it's extremely unlikely for them to posess resources on the same scale as Blizzard or Square-Enix.

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On 7/28/2021 at 4:00 PM, Veprovina.4876 said:

are people really going to just buy more slots or delete characters just so they can play a Tengu?


YES. 😀


Then again, I have two free slots, so no need to delete anything. 😉


On 7/28/2021 at 4:00 PM, Veprovina.4876 said:

I don't get the tengu hype at all.


That means you've never played GW1 and its DLCs. There was one where you experienced past events in Cantha, and those included the Tengu. The content was so good and the Tengu very cool.


Edited by Ashantara.8731
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On 7/28/2021 at 7:54 AM, Carnibulos.9078 said:

Hello ANET



As the title reflects:


When can we get a playable Tengu Race?



I still have hope we get the Tengu playable race to be added and please not like the Endless Kodan Tonic.


I know many asked for a Tenug playable race for years and I hope this can still be possible – what a better time if that new race be introduced in EOD. 



Thanks for your time in reading this post.


There really is no clean way to implement a new playable race like Tengu as it would never fit in with the current role of the player character as Aurene's champion and Commander of the Pact - and later Dragon's Watch and with it all previous story content. One solution of course is creating a whole new personal story path in Cantha, but that would also entail making it as big as Central Tyria of Core GW2, and let's be honest, something that big has never been in the scope of expansions.


Honestly, anyone hyping up their expectations for a playable Tengu race over the years, but especially since the initial EoD announcement a year and a half ago, has just been setting themselves up for disappointment.


Now I totally think a new Tengu playable race would be awesome, but I just don't see how they could cleanly pull that off.


Edit: Also the notion that Tengu just don't get a lot of existing armor skins makes no sense. Are the really going to be the one race that goes to the TP to buy armor and half of whatever their armor weight class armor is just blocked? That presents another layer of issues people will complain about if they actually did it.

Edited by Faridah.8431
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52 minutes ago, Katary.7096 said:

That is so obviously wrong I'm surprised that someone has actually posted it.


What do you mean, exactly? There was a DLC/add-on/whatever you want to call it, I just have a terrible memory for names. I remember accompanying Master Togo and having all those great duels and fights with all those "legends" - was it present time, not the past in which we relived those events? :classic_blink: It's been so long, sorry.


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6 hours ago, killforbeers.7534 said:

Again let the players post and ask - let ANET reply if they dont then keep posting.


Many threads already exist on the topic of playable Tengu.  You can use the forums search feature to find them.  Reposting multiple threads on the same topic may run afoul of the forums CoC.


If Anet hasn't answered the many, many existing threads, there really isn't a reason for anyone to create yet another thread on the topic.  I'm pretty confident that they are well aware.

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1 hour ago, Ashantara.8731 said:


What do you mean, exactly? There was a DLC/add-on/whatever you want to call it, I just have a terrible memory for names. I remember accompanying Master Togo and having all those great duels and fights with all those "legends" - was it present time, not the past in which we relived those events? :classic_blink: It's been so long, sorry.


No, you remember the content correctly. The official name of that DLC was "Guild Wars Bonus Mission Pack".

What you got wrong is the assumption that every person who played GW1 + BMP automatically understands the hype around "playable Tengu in GW2". One can absolutely play the Togo mission (which is a good mission) and still think that the Tengu are anywhere between "okay" and "lame".

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16 hours ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

People want a new race so little Timmy can have his 5min hype fix while the rest of the community will suffer from this choice for years to come. 


so 1 guy will just be in content and others will be depressed for life?




and yo, likely there will be a few sets of tengu exclusive armor but they can still use the Draconic Armor or even your PvE and WvWvW legendary armors..


anyway, more thoughts about the Tengu+Snake race..


Remember the planned expansion of GW1 Utopia, where it is set on like an Aztec area and was scrapped because of reasons privy only to the devs? well let's say that these Tengu+Snake race will lead you to a path to that kinda "Utopia" continent in a mini(or even full) expansion next to EoD. it is said that Aztecs revered this Feathered Serpent god and could be the Dragon of the New World. so that parallels to that and maybe the next land to explore after "Cantha" is "Amazonia" or something like that.


So After the "End of the Dragons" come the expansion entitled "Is It Really The End of the Dragons?".


and let's say Cantha is the Far East juxtaposed to the current maps. Surely, the Jade Sea is the Pacific Ocean and traversing the Jade Sea will lead us to Amazonia, which is the Current Whole American Continent.


and of course, as lore makers in A.NET wants to fast forward years, we could even possibly see Amazonia in the 19th century, where Cowboys and Native Americans are fighting..

Edited by alcopaul.2156
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10 minutes ago, Katary.7096 said:

No, you remember the content correctly. The official name of that DLC was "Guild Wars Bonus Mission Pack".


Rrrright. :classic_smile: Thanks.


10 minutes ago, Katary.7096 said:

What you got wrong is the assumption that every person who played GW1 + BMP automatically understands the hype around "playable Tengu in GW2". One can absolutely play the Togo mission (which is a good mission) and still think that the Tengu are anywhere between "okay" and "lame".


Ahh, now I got you. Okay, I agree that not everyone has the same taste. So my assumption was probably very one-sided.


I just don't get how one can possibly dislike those cool creatures. :classic_biggrin: Then again, when I look at how the Tengu are voiced in GW2, I might join the other club very soon. 😆

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3 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

And they have already told us long ago that it is not worth it for them.

Thank you for your reply.


Many of us are either new players or did not start during beta so there will be many similar posts that may have been answered by ANET in the past.


Okay now, I keep reading .. they said... okay ... please can someone tell us if they mentioned this via a post, a live stream?


In the meantime, I did a search "tengu" and it resulted 118 pages. Starting at page 118 it dates back at 2017 so this is not an old topic from what I noticed. Now so far I read 25 pages starting at page 118 year 2017 and no posting from ANET so far stating something like your comment. Hell after I read all 118 pages and there is no ANET posting found then it is a "she said he said" and no actual proof. Then I will send out an email to ANET and see what they reply so this topic is either a finally put to rest or there is still a chance.

Edited by killforbeers.7534
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24 minutes ago, killforbeers.7534 said:

please can someone tell us if they mentioned this via a post, a live stream?


Neither. People are making it up. They might have mentioned once the work that would be involved in adding another race, but they never said it was off the table.

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32 minutes ago, kharmin.7683 said:

Many threads already exist on the topic of playable Tengu.  You can use the forums search feature to find them.  Reposting multiple threads on the same topic may run afoul of the forums CoC.


If Anet hasn't answered the many, many existing threads, there really isn't a reason for anyone to create yet another thread on the topic.  I'm pretty confident that they are well aware.


Please note the following:


- Just because someone does not address an issue/question - it does not mean the issue is resolved or gone. Let the players keep posting and let ANET reply.


- Now some say they did reply and said no and others say they have not replied  - then what is it ..


- If too many posting then ANET can group them up into one and even reply - that should resolve that issue. 


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