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Everything posted by MedievalThings.5417

  1. Firebrand, druid, scrapper, tempest, and revenant are against the foundation of GW2 combat too. We were all supposed to be self sufficient, no trinity. However, they forgot that armor weights are part of the trinity. Then, they started adding more trinity elements, to get us to where we are now, a bastardized version of it. Feels like they would have been better off leaving classes the way they were in GW.
  2. It already exists in GW2, just in a bastardized version, which is why they can't figure out balance. Even the armor weights are based on the trinity, which is also making balance that much harder to maintain. So we kind of only have 2 routes to go, make all skills self only or go all in and restore the trinity. Until then, we are stuck in limbo.
  3. This trait is still broken. You can still be knocked off the oil. Any plans to ever fix this, or should we just ask you to remove oil from wvw?
  4. Those people that ktrained eotm for days on end need recognition, this is anet's way of giving it to them.
  5. Confirmed on the dead yaks. If you kill one, it will prevent projectiles for a good while.
  6. Mortars are ground target too, and they can be reflected. Interesting idea.
  7. This sums up my feelings as well. It is a horrible game design and it feels like a really bad step backward.
  8. The snipers don't add anything to the map. It literally is just a harassment mechanic, which is very poorly designed and annoys players. It's like the knights in Bloodstone Fen that had like 5k range on a dismount attack. It doesn't add "flavor" or difficulty, it's just annoying. Hopefully Anet will notice that and make changes like they did for Bloodstone.
  9. Depends on the play style of the server. Some servers always have an EB presence, with minimal coverage for borderlands (except during prime hours). So, it makes sense to have invulnerable for structures on maps you always have players. So, borderland keeps tend to have EWP so people from EB can get to it in time. Whereas the keep in EB will have invulnerable since people can just run from spawn or a tower.
  10. This keeps happening. Get to a map. Get the mine, lose the mine. Repeat. Finally get players on to the map, and by the time we get to the beach, we lose map rewards.I can understand trying to punish afk farmers, but I'm not even seeing those guys around anymore. Just the handful of people who get stuck on the non-main meta map, and when we finally get going, we get punished for nothing.
  11. At 11:54 in the video, you pop assassin's signet and then steal, and assassin's signet instantly refreshes...how are you doing that?
  12. Always ignore the rank. I play multiple accts each week (thanks ticket cap), but even with that, the accts are gold, gold, silver, silver and bronze. I have a rank 68 one as well, but I try to pretend it doesn't exit. So if you jump me on the very low bronze acct, you aren't gonna get a free noob kill. That aside, yes, there are some very broken builds in wvw. I just keep hoping that some of the more ridiculous outliers will get adjusted soon.
  13. I want them to finish "fixing" it.The 1 skill could roll over.The 2 skill could chase a ball of yarn.The 3 skill could lick it's paws.The 4 skill will get removed cause it's too OP.
  14. They're still not fixed like other classes though. I can copy and paste builds from metabattle into any class...except revenant. I expect it will break again next patch.
  15. My request, which was on the old forums, was a roller beetle skin, that was pocket raptors inside a hamster ball. Just sayin.
  16. At one point it was 100 per server. Before they switched to the new forums we got told it was 80 per server. That was also the last that was said on it that I can recall. I'm just hoping they make sure each side is set to the same number, cause quality control hasn't been great.
  17. Yeah, that's the interesting part of the lag. You can see it and "feel" it coming. Whether it's 30-40 players from your own server or the enemy, you can always see the slightest stuttering when lots of players are approaching. Mounts are obviously making it worse and I would imagine even mini pets don't help. Every time someone runs a minion raid the amount of visual artifacts that follow behind them is mildly amusing. The game also has a second type of server side lag though, the result is the same, but you don't get that "feel" of the lag, you just get the effect, and of course, the inability to do anything but move your character, cause no skills will work. Every MMO for 20 years has had the ability to "turn off other players effects"...except this one. I wonder if they added this option if it would save the servers trying to report all that flashy stuff to every single client, and reduce some of the lag. It might also reduce some of the seizure inducing light shows that the game has become.
  18. I.... grudgingly have to admit that is correct. :hatsoff: emoji. You said it. I expected this to go on for months, honestly surprised to see the quick fix. And, it is appreciated.
  19. That's the only way they will even get to it this month.
  20. It's enormously ironic that the Arenanet WvW design philosophy of encouraging gigantic zergs is countered by their servers' inability to handle it. I got a laugh from this cause it's too true. They also nerfed arrow carts again, which were already useless. /smh
  21. I have always avoided playing things that are known broken. But, tomorrow, I am riding this 20 target wave out. Scourges, scourges everywhere.
  22. The lag in huge wvw fights has always been there, server side, affects only skills. But the current trouble began when they switched to amazon hosted servers. And the problem isn't confined to wvw anymore, now it's on pve maps that are empty. Not once an hour, but every minute of every hour. You can see attacks not fire, the auto attacks speed up and slow down (or even stop).
  23. Please tell me you remembered to lower the target cap back to 5 since it is cast in both locations again. Otherwise, scourges hitting 20 targets will be so ridiculously broken.
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