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Everything posted by Orthonen.9470

  1. In regards to the raids I just wish there was a raid guide in game, also some backstory as to what's going going on and why. And a small strategy guide on boss mechanics, I mean you know it's senseless for heroes to go fight a boss without a plan. I still to this day do not know why we kill the things we do in them. WvW just needs to stop trying so hard to be an RTS and more about warfare/pvp.
  2. In all honesty I just want my warrior to be able to use staff. That's it. I have no idea where the dagger thing came from.
  3. As if it's an unerdlying ploy to make you? Really nobody is forcing you to be bored. ;)
  4. LMAO I remember that. Ight , Imma head out.
  5. Maybe this applies to hitting the training dummy realistically people have to use their dodges and actually move around on bosses. DPS checks feel like a thing of the past right now. I did VG the other day and we beat the timer on normal mode with like 3 min to spare, we didn't even have to worry about the green circles.
  6. It's not that simple, you have to handle packet queueing differently at a large scale. And it's difficult to tell exactly where the problem is. I think the biggest issue is the way Foreign Players are handled. As an example someone from France could be playing on a North American server; because of this you'll generate more exertion on the routers that perform the QoS and in return if you have too many foreigners converging on a set of nodes, you're looking at more priority given to the foreign clients than the native ones, thus explaining why you're getting lag. Something what may help is being closer to the server, and to do that you'd have to move to a server in your time zone. But realistically because of what I've said earlier that's not really going to happen. The most viable solution that comes in my mind is to simply just get rid of all the foreign players and that's never going to happen. However I'm also forgetting ANET built their own engine. Maybe they can optimize how their traffic is being handled through their C++ programmers. I myself have dabled heavily on socket programming in C but never in relation to queueing or QoS. We're talking about really big brain work here...and considering the layoffs....I mean finding a socket programmer that does sockets in C is hard enough as it is, finding one that does QoS with it is like finding a needle in a haystack. You have to be pretty smart with algorithms at that level of work. Tell you what, you apply to ANET and you fix the lag. Problem solved.
  7. Ahaha way to kill that momentum hard. I come by to check out how WvW actually is from time to time and this made my day. I'm not coming back into this game mode until ANET actually cares about it. PVE is actually fun now, that's the funniest part of all, WvW is in fact the most boring game mode out there.
  8. This is a whole other level of poor I've never ever seen in this game.
  9. I only have two comments to make on points 1 and 2. 1- The only difficult guild to find in my honest opinion is a raiding one. You may have to look through the official guild recruitment pages on the forums or on Reddit. Sundays are the days to look for such guilds because that's reset day for raids. Apart from that it's a mistery to me how you're having trouble finding a general guild. 2- I used to be in WvW since the Red Guard days and I will say I'm going to disagree with everyone on what they said about the mount. And creating the model centered as some sort of tower defense was a bigger mistake. If I wanted to play an RTS I would play one. If you're guessing, yes I used to be in fight guilds. Without fight guilds WvW is boring and just a game of who has more numbers. Also ANET has absolutely ignored WvW, it's a game mode that has been underdelivered, and for years on end just imagine, there are nights when you'd only encounter the enemy like one time in three hours. Then the losing team just cubby holes in keeps. When they introduced tier 3 walls, they made things even more boring because now to break in you have to spend more gold on better siege and waste more time trying to get in, and I tell you the waiting on siege, the dying to siege, the overall destruction of the walls, it makes you bored man. It's too much waiting and not enough actual fighting. Whereas I can go into Tyria and just hop into a fractal or do a raid, WvW makes you wait to have fun. I did alot of brawling back when I hardcore's WvW because that was the most fun there was. Being in a cohesive unit working together to bring down the enemy through steel and magic in these large scale brawls was amazing. When you knew your team of 10 people can dominate a team of 20 it felt absolutety awesome. That's the only good thing that came to WvW. Everything else from all the waiting to have fun, to waiting to for a t3 wall to come down just makes WvW boring and mundane.
  10. Have you seen the Zhaitan story? I'm just thankful we even have these characters.
  11. Or ANet can serve a five-star meal and forum goers will still think it's something the cat dragged in. That pendulum swings both ways. Except it doesn't because said people have never had a 5 star meal. I would keep the combat and better graphics
  12. General discussion forums seems to be the wrong approach, Arenanet can give people undercooked food here and they would tell you it's good.
  13. Of course! Let's worry about the 9 things in sequence we have to do to kill a holosmith in order while we have the constant pressure of 4 other players to worry about!
  14. Shouldn't we try to be inclusive? ;) I agree that diversity matters, even when somebody on another thread wrote they didn't get why some of us thought it worth mentioning that the amount of gay Vabbians at that particular heart quest seems to have been decreased sagnificantly. They said that representation of gays and lesbians in video games doesn't make a difference in RL - but it does. It all happens on a subconscious level. So, yes, cool that Jormag turns out to be a female dragon. :+1: Especially in the light of the Sons of Svanir being misogynists, heh heh. B) I'm actually glad that Jormag is a female villain. I think she's actually pretty epic. And I don't care about the number of gays in a video game.
  15. Actually, Jormag is voiced by a woman. No idea who yet, though. https://twitter.com/tomabernathy/status/1167709836890345473 Then the producers tried so hard to unnecessarily make it sound like a guy. That's pretty dumb in my opinion. Mordremoth was a guy; it was pretty clear that he was too. Aurene is a female, we even refer to Aurene as she. Her brother was obviously a male. And somehow Anet decided to make a dragon whose gender is unknown? Then if it's voiced by a woman, even if by a manly woman, then that means Jormag is a female.
  16. Anet can make a character with a beard and masculine structure, with a male voice, and people in this game would still question if the character is a guy. It is literally voiced by a guy guys. Come on. If you are familiar with the anime franchise. Many male characters are voiced from a female VA. For example: Naruto is voiced by a female, Goku from Dragon Ball is voiced by a female, Dexter is voiced by a female, Pikachu also is voiced by a female and yes Pikachu is a male before you argue because of his tail being sharp and not round like the female pikachues, even Bart Simpson is voiced by a female VA. So yeah... it doesn't matter who voice him... what maters is how does he sound and look like at the end. Also about this, the people who voiced those characters are chosen because their voice sounds like the characters they fit, but it's because they're trying to convey that illusion; women are used to voice little boys because adult male vocal chords can't emulate anything near the pitch that little boys use in their voices. The reason they don't use actual little boys is because it is illegal to employ kids for jobs in America. Also using the Japanese Goku voice to describe a male one is laughable at best, my initial reaction to hearing him the first time is that he sounds like a complete whimp. Pretty sure a bunch of other people thought so as well; literally not a single guy in Japan sounds like his Japanese counterpart. With Jormag, there is no question about it; they're not trying to make him sound like a woman at all, there is no illusion there, they're literally using the voice of a man. With your logic we may as well say Glint was probably a guy, and we know that's not true at all. Try not to be naive about it.
  17. I mean everyone kept telling everyone to /uninstall so now the pros are pretty much playing with themselves. Also the fact that downed state still exists in pvp game modes points to how much of a joke the game is. I kill you somehow you still alive? And you get magically nursed back to full health by an unkillable ele despite 3 people hitting you? And all these 1 trick pony classes that insta down you like it's nothing? No thanks /uninstalled. I only come to these forums to savor and enjoy the fruits of what happens when Anet managers doesn't care about our opinions on balance or anything else in the game.
  18. You're right, real games have actual progression systems in them.
  19. I quit the game a while ago! This game, while the combat is fun, was way too unbalanced. DPS did too much Damage in 1 second to outweigh the benefits of Vitality and Toughness, the only class that really could outsustain the power damage was honestly Engineer, and the fact that people had serious trouble killing one is absolutely mental. I skimmed at some of the patch notes, and clearly Anet still doesn't understand these flaws; there shouldn't be meta "classes" for any game mode, there shouldn't be any less distinguishable viability between what people decide to go with, but it exists. Literally in gold t1/2 back when I played engineers were everywhere, and I mean everywhere. People will play meta to the dot and I'm against this practice. It's not fun, it's annoying, and it kills the idea of having a main. Literally they buffed damage on like half the classes on the patch on July 16th, they didn't need buffs, in fact every class needs a nerf to damage and go back to the original vanilla GW2 damage when fights lasted more than 3 seconds. It's pretty moronic to keep going with this train and I'm just fed up with it. I literally went through over 250 ranked pvp matches and about 80% of those had annoying Engineers all over them, and before that season, Scourges were running around 1 shotting people with Condi FOR AN ENTIRE YEAR, no I'm done with this.
  20. At the rate these kind of posts are emerging I'd say every class needs a tone down. Except for Revs, revs seem pretty balanced.
  21. Videos exist on the matter idk why people still say things like this. Please use the internet.
  22. That makes it more realistic. I mean there's plenty of other armor options that are viable and have toughness and vitality that you can use to survive while still dealing good damge. I use minstrels in open world and I still deal good damage. Aggro more for more challenge I say! :sunglasses:
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