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Everything posted by Shiyo.3578

  1. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Crisis_Zone Also why are augments self target on a support spec?
  2. I want revealing/sexy armor for both genders but I know women aren't allowed to be attractive in video games anymore while every movie/tv show has 6 pack dudes and supermodel women.
  3. Showing ANY skin in video games is inappropriate in 2022.
  4. No, basic group features in every other MMO shouldn't be locked behind a ~300g paywall. It's stupid and harmful to the game.
  5. Any sane person would uninstall the game after losing the DE meta once.
  6. Don't partake in their sadistic psychological experiment.
  7. Just like FF14, the game Anet is desperately trying to copy. Ugh. If I wanted to play that trashcan of a game I'd go play it.
  8. I see you've become accustomed to games being released unfinished. Try upping your standards.
  9. Your first mistake is trying to use hammer. Play d/d.
  10. I tried vindicator in duels for 5 minutes last beta and immediately went "this is busted". They literally don't care, and I don't want them to care, they should ignore PvP exists and let it die.
  11. It's a psychological experiment. How shiny can they make the carrot while making it impossible to reach for 99% of people without killing their game.
  12. Take a look at LFG for Dragon's End, and play the game. No one is doing anything else.
  13. Challenging content belongs in instances or small meta events, not 50+ person zone-wide metas. I'm less than 1% of the success rate to a 50+ person meta, that isn't fun.
  14. This psychological experiment you're doing to the player base is taking a stranglehold on the game and no one is doing ANYTHING besides spam trying this 2 hour long meta over and over trying to get their expansion-defining feature(Turtle). I cannot play any other content because there is no one playing anything else. Please just remove the RNG off this bosses mechanics already and make it so she can only use tail ONCE per phase, as well as a guaranteed break bar at the start of the final 20%.
  15. By who? I don't even have the page for that zone because it's not worth the karma.
  16. Half the mechanics need to be a single variable check per phase, especially the tail. It's like whoever designed this is in love with math.random().
  17. I know you don't read your forums, but drop the Blizzard-tier arrogance and appropriately nerf this boss. Your chance of clearing shouldn't be at the whims of RNG(tail up when breakbars spawn)
  18. Then they shouldn't make replaying story a requirement for rewards.
  19. 3 unid rares, 18 unid greens,8 unid blues, 18 bags of stolen goods and ~20 writs of echovald This is worse than vanilla world bosses, and so far every zone meta I've done is this unrewarding.
  20. I assumed when they added "return to" they would've added skips. How naive of me... Weird, literally no other game created by mankind has this issue.
  21. Can we trade every single augment for https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/"Protect_Me!" ?
  22. WvW is garbage as well. The biggest "FU" to me is the fact air 2 has a 3 target cap in ALL GAME MODES. A long channeled ability that only hits 3 targets? Wtf were they thinking?
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