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Everything posted by Liewec.2896

  1. yeah "one condi per 10 seconds per minion" when you have 5+ minions is really: "passively transfer a condition from yourself to your enemy every 2 seconds." if people are actually trying to defend this passive BS then there is no hope for balance.
  2. but it is also on a class with a lot of easy access to roots and a few knockdowns not saying i agree with the nerf calling, just saying, ranger has ways to land stuff like this easily šŸ™‚
  3. necros in general are just brainless and annoying, but yeah MMs are probably the most braindead of the bunch. don't dare play a condi build against them or you'll kill yourself because the minions will just transfer everything right back to you. playing a power build? well a mountain of toughness on the MM has that covered too. turret engi got nerfed out of existence because there was too much PVE crutching in PVP, yet MM just gets left alone, we queue for pvp and end up fighting an army of NPCs... (and i'm not just talking about the bots)
  4. to be expected, since Anet randomly decided to make hammer absolutely useless in feb 2020!
  5. my favourite thing about FA was defending the walls as a longbow ranger! unfortunately the "height=range" mechanic wasn't carried over from GW1 to GW2. it was awesome being high on the walls and feeling like a true sniper, firing down on the silly turtle lovers!
  6. yes pls, i really want to make my warrior look like Red Sonja!
  7. as Dan said above they should just give CCs back their damage and balance it on a case by case basis. the abomination patch of feb 2020 was the worst thing to ever happen to this game. it killed off so many builds, most of which weren't played by very many people anyway.
  8. like i said, it was march this year (the 10th to be exact), just rewatched the video, had the sword buff so there is an extra 20% there, but no debuffs on the target from anyone else, and no external buffs on me from allies, noone else around. you don't need to believe any of this, but its the truth šŸ™‚ anyways i don't wanna sidetrack this topic any more with talk about better zerker classes (which is every other class!), Anet, please give guardians either more damage or more health!
  9. if you're playing a zerker who can solo them fast then it is worth doing so (if you know you won't be ganked) but yeah, if its going to take you a while, then its best only doing it when there is time to spare!
  10. nope these are both fairly recent, soulbeast clip is from March, only change since is a slight buff from the recent "Furious Strength: Increased bonus damage from 7% to 10%." buff. but you're right its about half the hilarity that it used to be, before the soulbeast nerf it was absolutely hilarious. as for "exploding on sight" both characters have blocks and escapes, ranger is susceptible to condis though. but i don't wanna get too far off topic, i just don't think there is a reason for guardians to be sitting on 11k health when classes that can do way more damage are sitting on 50-100% more.
  11. but hitting for 10k when you have 11k isn't really a great tradeoff. this is my typical warrior rotation to recap: 10,660 Decapitate > 11,578 Dual Strike > 24,247 Cyclone Axe > 13,673 Decapitate. 4 attacks, 60k damage, and it was initiated with a stun (they're usually down before the stun ends) my warrior has 2 stunbreaks, resistance, condi clear, leap escape, stability, 3 seconds of block and 19k health. or typical soul beast rotation! to recap: 20,311 Maul > 15,542 Maul > 8,203 Smoke Assault > 17,930 Worldly Impact. 4 attacks, 62k damage all initiated with a stunlock from stealth, by a character with 2 blocks (one lasting 6 seconds), leap escape, 2 stealths an evade and 16k health. note: i'm not sharing my gifs to try to flex or say i'm a good player, i'm very average, but for the zerker playstyle there are classes who can do it much better, much easier and much safer. dragonhunter zerker just doesn't have the damage to warrant that miniscule healthpool
  12. i used to play oneshot zerker trapper back when dragon maw did damage. but now its just not worth the 11k hp. other classes do more damage while sitting on 20k hp full zerker.
  13. i play it regularly! got called a hacker last week for "infinite evades" šŸ¤£
  14. was about to type this. i decided to try zerker DH since its about the only thing i haven't tried (since they nerfed it feb 2020) and i just can't justify having 11k HP for "decent" damage when i can pump out way more damage on way safer classes.
  15. alas this is what happens when they nerf everything to oblivion and only patch once per year. (and then the patch is minor junk.)
  16. if it was a set that i wanted then i might actually pay that price (as high as it is), but its just another fugly full plate set. hopefully they don't look at the poor sales of this ugly armour and decide again that armour isn't worth their time. release some sexy armour and i'll throw money at the screen!
  17. last year they nerfed my irrelevant hammer warrior...noone else was playing hammer. this year they nerf my irrelevant dual wield axe warrior...noone else is playing offhand axe meanwhile we have a million unkillable scouge necros spamming the node with a million Condis, they get buffed. behold the glory of GW2 once-a-year balance patches.
  18. buffing flamethrower scrapper, buffing condi necros and scourge tanks, another perfect balance patch for anet!
  19. a loooong time ago it was meta to play a glassy build that hit a huge backstab and then spammed heartseeker. i remember that build being mostly d/d but yeah i agree i'd like to see more love for D/D. perhaps a trait that massively reduces "Revealed" duration while you have d/d equipped.
  20. they haven't even begun to release a worthwhile balance patch until they start fixing the abomination that they created feb2020. this coming patch is a miniscule unnoticeable drop in an ocean of changes that should be made.
  21. yeah i like to play glasscannon zerkers who sacrifice survival for huge dmg.but dmg of every class keeps getting nerfed and nerfed and nerfedand now i can't really justify playing a "kinda decent" dmg guardian with 11k health...
  22. revert the ridiculous nerf to everything from last February and then start buffing everything else as needed. goodbye to NerfWars2, hello patches that people actually look forward too.
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