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Everything posted by NotTooFoolish.7412

  1. Braham's group is mostly dead, so it's just Dragon's Watch. Pact is still around, I wonder what is the Aetherblades involvement. Are they still our enemies? They were not shooting at Aurene in the trailer, so I'd assume we have befriended Mai Trin somehow. I have a strange feeling about Joon being a villain. She seems to be very invested in the dragon jade research and the future of Cantha. She sounds friendly (I love that Erika is voicing her btw), but that lair with jade machinery is giving off some villain vibes. If this technology is being misused, I'd see the Commander (PC) trying to stop that. The reason we're going to Cantha is Kunnavang talking to Aurene, right? I'm slowly starting to mix up all the voices in trailers.
  2. Last patch notes: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Game_updates/2021-07-29 Delivery was fixed, the items would remain disabled though. They might be still fixing something 🙂
  3. It's mentioned on wiki 😁 In Factions, she (Nika) joined Mhenlo replacing the two twin sisters, which are Emi and Chiyo. On Shing Jea Island Mai said: "I'm following in the steps of cousin Nika.". Mai also mentions Nika in A Favor Returned: "I can be as great as Nika!", so apparently she was looking up to her.
  4. Not sure if we are talking about the same picture, but the dragon does not seem friendly. It is likely some boss-like entity.
  5. My exact thought, we could kill the big lizard to forge her into a weapon. She seem like a kind of character eager to participate in a story as a noble sacrifice (she did die once). Living weapon? I need a talking sword in my life.
  6. I think this might be a pretty accurate assumption. In LW3, we meet two of the living dwarves. In Igneous Breach, we meet Rhoban, an we say to him exactly that "Didn't expect to encounter your kind out here. I thought the dwarves were wiped out in their fight against Primordus.". He didn't confirm it nor deny it then. Later he said that he might be the last dwarf despite skritt believing that there's another one at Durmand Priory. The other one being of course Ogden. It is fair to assume that more than two dwarves survived that endless battle. I'm not saying that we would suddenly see hundreds of dwarves running around ofc...
  7. We also have Aetherblades. Ever since we've heard about them coming to EoD, I was wondering what could be their involvement. Those pirates seem to travel a lot (at least in trailer). I could see them bringing some tech to Cantha as well. If Gods are involved in the story, I could see them bringing back the shrines. Fee works fine as an offering. So a visual only change?
  8. I wouldn't necessarily agree this is a problem. Back in EotN we were using asura technology in Cantha, namely gates. Are waypoints relatively new invention? If so, this might be explained (if at all) through the use of temporary ones... Or we might come and establish some. Cantha is a big continent, we are bound to use some kind of quick transportation aside from mounts.
  9. Announcing Gw3 now, especially after saying "this is not the end of Gw2", would be... uhm... not that smart of an idea. This could be a way to kill all the hype for the next expansion and any future ones. E.g. what would be the reason to grind all the legendaries going forward?
  10. Congrats, you can now play mono staff! Swapping from staff to staff sounds weird though. 4 axes, that you could use of power BS (you need only 2 though) 😛
  11. It has a bigger chance (100%) of salvaging the upgrades (not retrieving them) then the Silver-fed (80%). But a 5% lesser chance of getting the rare materials.
  12. I think that many players are using the mentor tag to bring people near to help them. Recently I see people using the map chat very often calling for help. When asked where (at least at lvl 80), the usual advise is to pop the mentor tag or ping a nearby POI. It's honestly not that hard to find them on the map. At least, I haven't encountered that problem. Nothing stops us from putting our tag (the comm one if you own it) on if we're close. Revisiting all the older maps certainly increased the frequency with which I use mine to bring people together.
  13. In raids, for Power Soulbeast (that's my experience) you have the abuse of animation as well. It's not Magic the Gathering complex (layers on layer between layers of layers), but there's a lot to take in here.
  14. Uhm, actually Dominion of Winds. It currently houses most of Tengu (to the best of our knowledge).
  15. LI doesn't prove much in Strikes, you may have killed first couple of Raid wings a bunch of times, but still have no idea what are the mechanics in Strikes. KPs on the other hand make more sense if someone is running those for achievements or simply farming. They go more smoothly than a simple "all welcome" party. I wish raiding community would grow a bit, there is a reward in all of that in a form of leg armor. There are also some training runs. Veterans might be slightly less forgiving to newbies (I'm putting it lightly)... Not everyone has to clear each wing in first 2 days after the reset. That being said, disregard all the abbreviations and do you. Find a guild, those are fun. They might like the same content so you don't have to look at lfg that much 😁
  16. I was thinking about the trailer again, what if the DSD is female and is the one talking to Kuunavang? "No Kuunavang, my name is Samantha.". We could call her Sam for short.
  17. I feel like with many successes of the public instance over the private ones (removal of 50 person limit), ANet might have considered this and opted not to allow it. I understand the choice, I probably won't repeat it as often in the future after I get the achievements, so naturally I would like to see it available always. I also got my backpiece from sprockets, so i might not be the best sample. I think that the idea of adding more alternating events to the EotN is not that strange, so in the future we might see more sense in this approach. I think in some time in the future, people would still play this, like DRMs, Dungeons etc. e.g. for materials to get runes/weapon skins.
  18. I feel like adding new races similarly to the new profession is a bad idea. They always feel a bit less exciting than the existing ones in comparison. Revenant suffered slightly due to its release with elite spec at the same time. While other professions got something new, they were just there. With the addition of Cantha, the personal story part for a new race might not fully make sense. If Cantha is released as a new set of lvl 80 areas, there might be no room for that. Should we simply say that Tengu would start with a story at a different lvl? That would make them only a cosmetic change with no extra content. Not a fan of such additions, especially for Tengu since they are currently the most secretive and mysterious of the races we've met. We still haven't seen what they've done with the place (I mean Dominion). I'm more excited to see them as NPCs than to get another playable race that's hard to dress due to the weird shapes and sizes. I still have my charr just sitting there collecting dust (or birthday gifts) at lvl 80.
  19. Zhaitan is dead. There was his body floating somewhere in the water near Orr.
  20. She is revealed as Livia. We can see her face etc. It would be very weird if we were to see a sudden errata... https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Livia
  21. I was hoping/suspecting to see Razah again. They (if i recall correctly genderless character) are not human, so I would expect them to be alive somewhere. If it's them, I wish it was earlier when we started all the Mist talk... Let's not forget Balthazar used her mirror to deceive us. The reference was that if she ever learned about this she'll be mad. Was she directly helping him? I'm wondering... the talk about mortality in the trailer... it might be an actual reference to gods. Cantha was closely tied to Dwayna in the past. I think they will use that. Also Kormir, said that she was the only one to stay behind... what if the Goddess of Truth has deceived us as well? What if the Gods are still walking among us?
  22. As if noisy neighbors have never drove anyone to more. With all that magic we freed from the other Dragons he might be slightly corrupted at this point, so even if he/her/they were friendly, that might not be the case now. I feel like Aurene should struggle a bit more at this point as well. All that talk about the time in the trailer. It is like a reminder on mortality. It makes me wonder what kind of other entities we might see in Cantha. In the Way Forward we've seen a bit of DSD. There seems to be one head, unless the things on the sides are 2 additional necks. I think we can expect something closer to Leviathan this time. Remember, the Jade Sea might be an actual sea this time which I expect to be the home of DSD. I know that there was a reference that the gw2 and gw factions leviathans are not related but still, what other use do we have for a big body of water? I hope Anet will design something interesting. Jormag and Primordus were a bit sad 😕
  23. Ok, I'm gonna go cry a bit before logging in today... This means that we would go through every single one of those with the next episodes too... I was so happy when I completed Siren's Landing without Mesmer help... I guess for those who haven't completed it yet, it is an opportunity to use ppl's help. The maps are a bit more populated again, so it's easy to find someone. EDIT: I must admit, the community is great with those. There are comms already selling the JP, but plenty of people are doing this for free. All completed, waiting for the next return to the story.
  24. They are not going to make us go through all those JPs again, right? This one is exceptionally painful, but I really don't need to revisit any of them. I got my achievements 😐 Diving goggles in ep. 1 worry me that this might be the case.
  25. Long story short: Grab a shovel people! We are going north to dig out the lost settlements of norns. Maybe we'll find some frozen dwarves. I miss those little guys. I think that with Jormag dead, the weather up there should calm down enough to enable us to establish some settlements. Norns are used to building in the north. What could stop them this time? I feel like with the EoD coming (likely as next LW), we might see some stories about races returning to places they left cuz of dragon activity. Asura were driven to the surface by destroyers, Norns were chased south by Icebrood, Kraits and Largos ran away from Bubbles?, even Tengu built themselves a new home. No one is where there supposed to be, except humans... cuz racism. All of that might also give us an opportunity to visit more of Charr territory to the east. Throughout the years, we have met many characters, some rather important leaders in fact. There are plenty of reasons for us to travel around Tyria.
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