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Where do you think is the "gate" departing from the current map in to Canthan?


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2 hours ago, The Greyhawk.9107 said:

Its probably going to be Lion's Arch, the major sea port of Tyria is the most logical choice.

This. Seems likely to be airships again to me as well.


Which does raise a good lore question. With the advent of airships, was Cantha really still cut off in any way other than politically?

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2 hours ago, Faridah.8431 said:

Which does raise a good lore question. With the advent of airships, was Cantha really still cut off in any way other than politically?

Even with airships going to Cantha is a much longer trek then going to Elona is. And with all the problems Tyria was facing with the Elder Dragons, the various racial enemies, and gods, going to Cantha may have been technically possible, but not economically possible. So it was cut off in effect due to it not being really worth the trip.

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3 hours ago, Faridah.8431 said:

This. Seems likely to be airships again to me as well.


Which does raise a good lore question. With the advent of airships, was Cantha really still cut off in any way other than politically?

We didnit see yet Airship for "comercial" large-cargo yet, most of our airships are rudimentar "dirigible"(zepellin, i didnt know precise term in english) for military uses.


the only ones who seems use cargo/commercial airship are Zephyrites  ( https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Zephyr_Sanctum ).


So the preferred mode of non-land transport appears to vary by "organization",  base on LS3-4-IBS what we have seen:


Kryta officials - ships.(farren & krytan donations to ammon)
Asura - submarines.(ls3).
Charr - on IBS they have extensive use of charr chopetrs.
Pact & Zephyrites - Airships, respectively for military and commercial uses.
Norm - unknown, they just hitchhike with others.
Sylvari - the same as above.

On IBS DRM we also saw Rox arrive in a ship(owned by pact? olmakhan?).


The Pact Airship tech probably have distance limitations, since until Silverwastes, they first establish "camps".


The first time we seen Pact Airship traveling far away was Almorra on LS3, and then later, on POF our travel to Elona, and the Corsairs Ships.

Edited by ugrakarma.9416
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I wouldn't like to see airships again but from the trailer it's going to be it and by the angle taken in the cinematic I think it's going to be Lion's Arch again.

It's probably already all cemented in stone right now as the staff is probably busy working on the next elite specs to reveal next and I really want to see what's going to be the thief's one.

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At this point, I think we should assume traveling into new regions maybe always Lion Arch from now on just like back in GW1 just to emphasize the place being the center of trade and travel

I won't be surprised if future expansions end up being the same with their new regions beyond what we currently know about.

Edited by EdwinLi.1284
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Mai Trin has had a lot of involvement within the mists doing god knows what so I would guess that she has likely learned a lot over the years about how to navigate through it quite effectively but not perfectly.

I expect that she has at some point also encountered the voices that we hear in the End of Dragons trailers to, that being Lady Jade and what I expect to be Mother.
Whether she was actively seeking these beings on Scarlets orders or happened upon them by coincidence I don't know.
Whether she is ally or foe to them is also unknown and could dictate her role as friend or foe to us in End of Dragons as well.

So regardless of whether we are chasing Mai Trin as an enemy to settle an old score or she has returned specifically to recruit the aid of one of her old but arguably very powerful and capable enemies.. I expect that we will be heading to Cantha via the mists, likely by Airship with Aurine flying along side us as shown in the trailer.
Aurine will probably be the one to open a portal large enough for a ship to get in as well which we saw her do in LWS4 to knock Kralkatorrik out of the mists.

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Given that the EoD trailer has Aurene joining a fleet of airships, I bet we'll be taking Kiel's airship to Cantha, like we did to the Crystal Desert.


On 8/20/2021 at 11:20 AM, Faridah.8431 said:

This. Seems likely to be airships again to me as well.


Which does raise a good lore question. With the advent of airships, was Cantha really still cut off in any way other than politically?

Festival of the Four Winds 2014 - or 1327 AE in-universe - the Zephyrites had just came back from Cantha. With Zhaitan and airships, there's nothing that theoretically prevents Tyrians from going to Cantha. But the conjoined issue of local issues combined with vague state of Cantha and no clear economic value, means that any trip to Cantha would have to be considered a total loss. Kryta wouldn't be able to manage such until post-Season 3 due to the strife between Caudecus/WM and Jennah, and other races have less reason to go since Cantha was xenophobic last time Tyrians knew.


Then after Season 3, the PC was basically MIA from Tyrian concerns until IBS where everything was focused solely on charr civil war. So for all we know, Krytans did make contact with Canthans after Season 3, but the Commander/players hadn't heard of this. Similar to how the charr-human peace treaty was finally signed while the Commander was off in Elona, and we only learned when we got back with IBS.

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5 hours ago, Konig Des Todes.2086 said:

Given that the EoD trailer has Aurene joining a fleet of airships, I bet we'll be taking Kiel's airship to Cantha, like we did to the Crystal Desert.


Festival of the Four Winds 2014 - or 1327 AE in-universe - the Zephyrites had just came back from Cantha. With Zhaitan and airships, there's nothing that theoretically prevents Tyrians from going to Cantha. But the conjoined issue of local issues combined with vague state of Cantha and no clear economic value, means that any trip to Cantha would have to be considered a total loss. Kryta wouldn't be able to manage such until post-Season 3 due to the strife between Caudecus/WM and Jennah, and other races have less reason to go since Cantha was xenophobic last time Tyrians knew.


Then after Season 3, the PC was basically MIA from Tyrian concerns until IBS where everything was focused solely on charr civil war. So for all we know, Krytans did make contact with Canthans after Season 3, but the Commander/players hadn't heard of this. Similar to how the charr-human peace treaty was finally signed while the Commander was off in Elona, and we only learned when we got back with IBS.

Ya there really was nothing really holding anyone back from entering Cantha since we entered the point in the world of GW2 technology in core regions began to rapidly advance ever since the events of Zhaitan Arc. It is a point old issues preventing people from traveling into regions outside of the core regions were no longer a issue due to the new technology invented and how society in core regions is going through the phase of being more fantasy to be more sci-fi fantasy. 

However, we also had no good reason to even attempt a journey to Cantha since the Commander and his/her allies are focused on the war against the Elder Dragons and other threats. Heck, the only reason we even consider going to Elona, for example, was because Balthazar had to be stopped and airship could have gotten us there anytime.


It is a interesting development in GW2 world because we rarely see a fantasy world reach the point when their society shifts into more sci-fi fantasy. Normally it is Fantasy and some sequel does a hundred year or etc time skip to a point they skip the process of the world becoming more sci-fi fantasy.

Edited by EdwinLi.1284
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It'll likely be by airship, as they always do it now. Sigh, I miss going from zone to zone like in Core-LS2-HoT.


As for why we haven't gone to Cantha already, its important to understand that while technologies like airships exist, they're not in common use and typically only reserved for military. And other methods of travel like Asura gates and waypoints need a destination to be setup first, which we see properly in Fort Trinity and Dragonfall.


We do have the tech to portal to locations without receiving gates, but its established that it has negative effects on the space-time continuum and shouldn't be done on a regular basis (the Inquest just doesn't care).


On top of this, all these methods cost far more money than anything but governments can tend to afford. For example, using the egg as a base price, it costs about $60-70 USD for the PC to teleport across the map (for 4s75c WP cost). And this is considered a small fortune to commoners, who refer to copper as gold coins.


And then on airships, you have to worry about the supply costs, food preservation, etc. for a long-range trip; remember that the game world is compressed and it actually takes days, weeks or months to get anywhere. After All or Nothing, the PC was gone for an entire month, just going to Lion's Arch or whatever.


Airships are also quite possibly the slowest form of vehicular travel possible, since they're basically zeppelins. It took us so long to get to Elona that Balthazar already had entire fortresses built.

Edited by Hannelore.8153
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40 minutes ago, Hannelore.8153 said:

I miss going from zone to zone like in Core-LS2-HoT.

I still think that PoF should have started with a chapter that would have had us make our way into the Crystal Desert via the land way.

The expansion should have started at the gate to the desert in Fields of Ruins, which has been in the game since the very beginning.


But unlike Elona, there is no land route we could possibly take to Cantha, so ships and airships are our only options.

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8 hours ago, Fueki.4753 said:

I still think that PoF should have started with a chapter that would have had us make our way into the Crystal Desert via the land way.

The expansion should have started at the gate to the desert in Fields of Ruins, which has been in the game since the very beginning.


But unlike Elona, there is no land route we could possibly take to Cantha, so ships and airships are our only options.

Yeah that path never unlocking as a map after having that gate there since launch really bugged me.

Edited by Faridah.8431
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9 hours ago, Fueki.4753 said:

I still think that PoF should have started with a chapter that would have had us make our way into the Crystal Desert via the land way.

The expansion should have started at the gate to the desert in Fields of Ruins, which has been in the game since the very beginning.


But unlike Elona, there is no land route we could possibly take to Cantha, so ships and airships are our only options.

What I never understood is they could've used it as a chance to advertise. When free players got near the gate it could've said "You need Path of Fire expansion to enter the Crystal Desert", but instead they just have some throwaway lines about how its too dangerous to enter, long after players have entered.


Its a wasted oppertunity in every possible way.

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2 hours ago, Faridah.8431 said:

Yeah that path never unlocking as a map after having that gate there since launch really bugged me.

Mount Maelstrom and Brisban Wildlands also drive me mad with their visible, but nowhere leading gate >.>


At least they kinda gave a reason for not using that gate(You can go to the other side of that path in Elona and the road has been collapsed.), Still seems bad to have it mentioned as the route that can be used despite that.

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4 hours ago, Hannelore.8153 said:

What I never understood is they could've used it as a chance to advertise. When free players got near the gate it could've said "You need Path of Fire expansion to enter the Crystal Desert", but instead they just have some throwaway lines about how its too dangerous to enter, long after players have entered.


Its a wasted oppertunity in every possible way.

The fact that there's chunks of areas missing that could have been better utilized for exploration purposes still irks me to this day. The lands on the Elon River connecting Mount Maelstrom to Crystal Oasis would have been a perfect exploration zone to connect the two areas together. 


This is why I miss GW1 map at times. You could literally have people run you from one zone to another.

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