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Chillout with the loot please.

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I think a better thing to ask for in general is to have less loot items that give you more loot items. They literally made a whole unid system to counter this so just remove all the stuff that's only going to give you an unid anyway and drop those instead. Imo they should probably just remove blue/green items in general since they're literally worthless and could be something that actually feels rewarding to get. There's already a ton of currencies in the game so I dunno about if that'd work but I'm sure there's a better idea out there


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I finally decked out my Main character with all 32-slot bags, with all the bagslots unlocked.  I now constantly have over 200 free slots so that I can open a full stack of Unids almost in one go.  So satisfying. 🙂 I still have to watch out for the slots not slowly filling up anyway....  


I think loot could be better, not less though. That is why I wanted Housing: they could then shower us with new mats, rare mats, rare blueprints and recipes, ultra rare furniture dropping from Bosses, you name it. Sellable, accountbound, Storebought stuff, mix and match and balance.  And the powercurve would not be in danger since all that loot is Cosmetic only.  The 4th expansion, I am sure of it!

Edited by Tyncale.1629
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I mean, just don't bother picking up the loot. That is an option. At first, I was annoyed by inventory management but then I took some time figuring out a system that worked for me. Later I bought convenience items from the gem store to improve it further while supporting the game. Totally managable without spending a dime though thanks to the unidentified system.

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8 hours ago, Zunki.3916 said:

They could just reduce the amount of different champ boxes and stuff like that. The clicking orgy all the time if you hop zones is quite a chore. Too much inventory management for nothing.

Except that different champ boxes reward different things, which is one of the reasons they exist.

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20 hours ago, Southerncarl.2740 said:

I'm a returning player working through the expansions and having a great time! One thing I noticed is that the loot rewards have gone into full overdrive. I'm getting swamped with so much of it I really feel like I'm not earning it and I'm just being worshipped by the game. It's gotten to the point where its becoming a chore to go and open all my chests and receive my loot tsunami to go and have to sell it. I don't know what half of it does really and there's so much of it I don't really feel a great desire to. 


Can we make the loot a bit more impactful somehow? Less of it would be a start I don't need to be rewarded with loot for everything I do in the game sometimes experience is enough. Maybe events give you experience but if you complete the full event chain you get loot boxes etc. I'm sure there's a ton of ways the loot system can be made better and I think it's something you really need to look at in the next expansion as at the moment it treats your players like they have the attention span of a goldfish and can't survive without being showered in praise and loot for doing even the smallest of tasks in the game.

My loot strats work as follows:
Have 1 of the rare salvage kits or the basic ones in my loot bag. I currently have the infinite ones in a shared slot. Open bags. Hit deposit all materials button. Salvage gear that's given to me already identified lower than or equal to rare. Sell exotics worth more than 40s on the TP. Salvage everything else. There are some items I consider junk that it's easier to vend (like the green rarity medallions), but I only do that every so often. I can go for at least an hour on my WvW character that has no more than 20 slots empty with this strat. (All the seige and other items that build up are on him).

It's far easier for me to deal with than other loot systems. I try to keep my material storage somewhat empty so I can deposit when i'm out in the world. This means selling more common materials when they're full or close to full which i do every 1-2 weeks.

I have some sympathy because when I first started playing the loot system was overwhelming and I didn't understand how valuable everything was. but it's actually better once you figure out you can deposit materials from anywhere. And sell stuff from anywhere.

Edited by Firebeard.1746
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18 hours ago, Bristingr.5034 said:

You're preaching to the choir. The chance to stop greedy monetization practices died over a decade ago though.


The choir created this issue by giving into those monetization practices and immediate gratification. If players realized they control the market and not developers then the gaming community would be better off.


Honestly, the only thing the community has to do is "stop purchasing" in game items. Then developers have to rethink marketing strategies and incentivize players. 


No revenue = Out of business, its really simple logic.

The hard part is getting non-educated players to understand the psychology behind these monetization practices.

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In guild wars 1 if a gold armour or weapon dropped everything got put on hold to check it out. Maybe it had a valuable rune in it or a upgrade component you could extract. It was such a thrill to find useful loot. There wasn't a whole ton of stuff dropping either in gw1. It kind of feels like gw2 goes in the opposite direction and devalues the entire looting feeling.

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21 hours ago, Southerncarl.2740 said:

The fact that companies do this is actually awful. Purposefully creating systems and problems that are harmful to the players to sell the solution and we all put up with it because we are beaten down in every other monetized mmo.

I can get by on very little inventory space on my most packed character. See my post above. It wouldn't be that different even if I had the salvage kits that are normal, I might lose a few slots to those, but it'd still be fine.


I do occaisionally spend money on convenience items, but i could still get by fine before I did. 18 slot bags are pretty cheap. This system is better than even non-monetized ones like in wow. You can literally empty almost everything except things you need to vend from anywhere. And vending is fairly instant with how Wps work.

Now this game's loot system was way worse before Un'ided gear but still livable with salvage kits, it just wasn't optional keeping them in your inventory to keep its management sane.

I think the real problem is it's not obvious how to manage it, like the game doesn't teach you. It started out as a random right-click option. I didn't figure it out for a while after playing. Also the inherent value of items aren't apparent either.

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1 hour ago, Arnox.5128 said:

I don't think the issue here is with the AMOUNT of loot drops per se. It's all the loot that requires attention to sell/sort out.

This is somewhat true. I spend a lot of time sorting out my Un'ided items from time to time. THere's really almost no point in blue-rare item quality. Like it's only useful when you're making your first character. After it's in exotics past level 80, you could just turn those into material drops because that's essentially what they are (minus precursors).  Granted, I think they're more compact as Un'ided, but the process is still pretty long.

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1 hour ago, Redfeather.6401 said:

In guild wars 1 if a gold armour or weapon dropped everything got put on hold to check it out. Maybe it had a valuable rune in it or a upgrade component you could extract. It was such a thrill to find useful loot. There wasn't a whole ton of stuff dropping either in gw1. It kind of feels like gw2 goes in the opposite direction and devalues the entire looting feeling.

Not when an ascended item drops in WvW loot boxes or from rare bosses. Because of stat-swapping, they're almost always useful.

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5 hours ago, Super Hayes.6890 said:

I mean, just don't bother picking up the loot. That is an option. At first, I was annoyed by inventory management but then I took some time figuring out a system that worked for me. Later I bought convenience items from the gem store to improve it further while supporting the game. Totally managable without spending a dime though thanks to the unidentified system.

I really don't like this idea that you buy these items because you believe you are supporting the game. You already supported the game when you bought the main game and each of the following expansions after that and probably a couple of living world episodes if you missed some. It's not about you helping them support the game it's about making as much money as possible from the player. 


The idea of convenience items really bugs me as it encourages arena net to make annoying or bad systems within the game so they can sell you the solution. 


Arena net = "isn't it annoying that you only have that many bags slots"

yes because you made it purposefully limiting so you can sell us more.


The idea that the developers are incentivized to make the game experience worse in order to sell things that make the experience better just baffles me and we all just go along with it.


These companies could just make good money and good profit you know they don't have to squeeze out all the money it's greed.


Edited by Southerncarl.2740
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2 hours ago, Bear.9568 said:


The choir created this issue by giving into those monetization practices and immediate gratification. If players realized they control the market and not developers then the gaming community would be better off.


Honestly, the only thing the community has to do is "stop purchasing" in game items. Then developers have to rethink marketing strategies and incentivize players. 


No revenue = Out of business, its really simple logic.

The hard part is getting non-educated players to understand the psychology behind these monetization practices.


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Less but better, so checking your drops is a thing again.  I mean who playing GW2 ever gives notice to your drops unless it's your first day.  We all know what it's going to be well before it drops.

I keep the loot to the end of the day were I take a quick look and it's shocking how worthless most of it is.  A day wasted.

Edited by Follyfoot.2803
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2 minutes ago, Follyfoot.2803 said:

Less but better, so checking your drops is a thing again.  I mean who playing GW2 ever gives notice to your drops unless it's your first day.  We all know what it's going to be well before it drops.

You dont like getting 200 green drops? 😛

Its kinda sad, but loot isnt exciting in this game. The continued addition of infusions that drop so rarely they may as well not exist have just furthered that. I got Frostsaw last week, the previous "Amazing drop" i got was a Khan Ur Helmet, last year. Such amazing loot. Done tequatl everyday since i came back to the game 3 months ago, no exotics have dropped from her(Or her boxes), and i havent gotten one of her weapon boxes..just why.. Only reason im still doing it, and dragonstorm are for the gold they give, otherwise i woulda stopped, cause they dont drop anything worthwile.

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45 minutes ago, Southerncarl.2740 said:

I really don't like this idea that you buy these items because you believe you are supporting the game. You already supported the game when you bought the main game and each of the following expansions after that and probably a couple of living world episodes if you missed some. It's not about you helping them support the game it's about making as much money as possible from the player.


So a 1-time purchase doesn't necessarily fund continued development. It was when Anet's revenue started dropping that we had the layoffs and interestingly enough around covid when a lot of people came back that some of those people were re-hired. NCsoft has it in their mind what they want Anet to make them, so these people buying items may very well be supporting the continued development of the game. What I don't like about buy to play is this very fact. Anet has the least aggressive monetization of any B2P game I've touched so far, and they may have payed for it. That being said, the reason I feel more comfortable spending money on them is that they aren't releasing problems solved by cash shops like other games do. The best they could do is perhaps killing living world altogether and just releasing expansions. That way you're paying for content you consume that's being constantly developed. That's pretty much the only alternative to the cash shop.

The best monetization i've seen for B2P other than expansions is probably season-based bonuses/rewards with battle passes. Halo did something really cool where you can still earn them after the season is over. But many games devolve into pay 2 win that are buy to play for this reason. They need continued money but they know if they keep releasing more buy to play content they're stratifying the player base, so they take the easy way out to fund continued development.

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Copper-fed salvage-o-matic defnitely changed how I feel about the amount of random loot. I'm aware, however, that this is exactly what ArenaNet wanted, which was to get me to purchase something with gems that was worth the cost of 200,000 equivalent salvaging kits. They designed an annoyance in to the game (constantly stocking salvage kits) so I'd fork over more money.

Now that I have it, my loot problem isn't so much the amount of vendor trash and unid gear, which I can process and make sure to periodically dump, it's all the random things that might just be needed some day. I get all these strange things with no idea if some day I'll find there's a particular achievement needed for a particular thing I'm pursuing that just happened to need that odd bauble of an item I picked up somewhere.

Which means I'm always a little nervous about getting rid of anything I don't immediately recognize, and have these stupid sessions with the wiki open on a second monitor reading up on all this junk to make sure I can vendor or trash it.

Oh, and the stupid mats that are worth less than the minimum listing price on the TP. 😛 Those are annoying. Why in the world hasn't ArenNet tweaked lucent mote drops yet? Or milling stones?

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Has loot ever been impactful in GW2? 


My favourite thing is that rather than balance loot distribution, they just put out gobblers/sinks. When one thing falls behind in distribution (like leather), they put in a dedicated farm...


At something like level 65 you get one piece of dragonite/bloodstone/emperyal fragment. A few hours at 80 has you stuck with piles of it. Tens of hours later you have a dump for them, and what does it fart out in exchange? The same loot that came with the material to begin with: a random green or blue.


Bag it. TP it. 

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1 hour ago, LSD.4673 said:


At something like level 65 you get one piece of dragonite/bloodstone/emperyal fragment. A few hours at 80 has you stuck with piles of it.

There was a time I was drowning in bloodstone dust, and had to intentionally seek out dragonite. These days I’m drowning in dragonite and empyrean fragments but have to intentionally farm bloodstone.


Not really sure why. Must have changed content I tend to do somewhere along the way.

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34 minutes ago, Gibson.4036 said:

There was a time I was drowning in bloodstone dust, and had to intentionally seek out dragonite. These days I’m drowning in dragonite and empyrean fragments but have to intentionally farm bloodstone.


Not really sure why. Must have changed content I tend to do somewhere along the way.

Do you open your exotic champion bags on a lower level?

If so it dont drop any bloodstne dust.

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First time i see a post that says, OMG the loot is too much please take it back! lol


Have you forgotten that there is always an option to delete things that you didn't want? Ok i'll help you here :

Right Click on loot,

select Delete

select Yes.

Problem solved.


There is no need to ask to change something just because you and maybe and the other 0.000001% of the player base don't want them and upset the rest of the 99.999999 % 🤦‍♀️

Edited by Mil.3562
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23 minutes ago, Mil.3562 said:

First time i see a post that says, OMG the loot is too much please take it back! lol


Have you forgotten that there is always an option to delete things that you didn't want? Ok i'll help you here :

Right Click on loot,

select Delete

select Yes.

Problem solved.


There is no need to ask to change something just because you and maybe and the other 0.000001% of the player base don't want them and upset the rest of the 99.999999 % 🤦‍♀️

lol you know as well as anyone that going through the loot, pressing delete, pressing yes would actually take more time than just selling it cheap to a vendor. Give us something more meaningful than what is there now it's just clicking boxes inside boxes inside boxes. I want to be happy when I see a chest but at the moment I just know I'm about to get some more dull items when that chest pops up.


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9 minutes ago, Southerncarl.2740 said:

lol you know as well as anyone that going through the loot, pressing delete, pressing yes would actually take more time than just selling it cheap to a vendor. Give us something more meaningful than what is there now it's just clicking boxes inside boxes inside boxes. I want to be happy when I see a chest but at the moment I just know I'm about to get some more dull items when that chest pops up.


There is nothing more they can do here, you will be happy the first and maybe second time you get the new loot then unhappy about the same boring stuff all over again.

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