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Why doesn't GW2 have the option of 1x1 duels??

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This is what Arenanet currently offers. It allows you to create your own arena, and you can invite whomever you want in there. 

For open world 1v1, we have Costume Brawl but it's not remotely what you're asking for. 

I believe we don't have 1v1 dueling because in other  games duel invites are often spammed. 
I feel like Guild Wars 2 has a place for it despite the protests in this forum. If they ever implement it, they could include an opt-in option, that would allow people who WANT to get duel invites to have a different color name, or maybe some kind of mark beside their name.  You could even have a small reward track for dueling. I say why not. 

I know, it's a lot of work etc. That doesn't mean it's not a good idea. 

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16 hours ago, ProverbsofHell.2307 said:

PvE players literally get more maps than they could possibly ever use. 

That's because there are so many more of us. Sure we got HoT and POF maps, but not everyone who likes PoF maps likes HoT maps and vice versa.  If 60% of the population were predominantly PvPers, you'd have more maps. But  Mike O'Brien said only a small percentage of the population or about 10% were predominantly PvPers.

If you want to PvP, take it to PvP. Plenty of 1v1 PvP rooms in hot join where you can 1v1 if you want.

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1 hour ago, shrew.3059 said:


You know this would be abused so hard. We have rank farm for PvP, 1v1 open world duelling would make this much easier, wouldn’t it?

I don't think 1v1 open world dueling would be on the same reward tracks as the rest of spvp since it takes place in open world. I can imagine it being along the same lines as costume brawl and akin to sparring. 

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I see nothing wrong with  added dueling, but since you asked why...


1) ANet didn't add this in at the start, and as with many possible features (e.g., the non-existent special effects slider), adding it in after the fact is more work than it would have been to build it in initially.

2) ANet has provided other options for dueling, though none of these offer the option to duel while waiting for an event to start.

3) There is a subset of players with "duel phobia," who agitate against the feature every time it's mentioned.

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20 hours ago, AgentMoore.9453 said:

The ability to duel is already in the game in ways that can be ignored and currently do not affect those who aren't interested in participating. I think maybe you might be threatened by the idea that you can't force your preferred mode on others, but feel free to enlighten me if you can articulate a practical need for open world dueling that isn't simply the desire to have an audience.

I literary gave a reason with a very specific example in the original post. 

19 hours ago, Blude.6812 said:

LOL, I guess you need to go back to WoW exclusivly.



19 hours ago, ArchonWing.9480 said:

It's "soft and cuddly" because the game as a whole encourages cooperation, and open world has minimized situations where players can come in conflict (shared nodes, etc). Failure just means some time wasted This is very much by design.

Once content even gets a bit harder (failing boss events) even when so little is at stake and suddenly people get salty. More so once you've entered instanced content, and then there are the competitive game modes...

Which actually lead to a strange situation where we have many players that just don't want or are afraid to interact with other players. Chatter is at a minimum and players get offended so easily. It might be also today's social, political situation in the world. 

I actually do think the community is better in competitive modes (outside you can hardly even talk about communities, besides close guilds, because interaction is at a minimum). Sure you might get occasional griefer, flamer but at least there are interactions which I think is healthier for the game environment and for the players themselves.  I mean getting offended even by a request for a duel is not normal. How do people interact in the real world if they get offended by a simple request like that? How do they react when in conflict (a completely normal and vital situation)?

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The amount of people who think "duels" = you are forced to PvP random people is beyond me. A duel needs to be agreed upon by both players before one can attack the other. Toxic behavior comes from players, not a feature so this argument is really stupid. The game should have had an open world duel feature ages ago, they should add it already. 

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1 hour ago, Jokuc.3478 said:

The amount of people who think "duels" = you are forced to PvP random people is beyond me. A duel needs to be agreed upon by both players before one can attack the other. Toxic behavior comes from players, not a feature so this argument is really stupid. The game should have had an open world duel feature ages ago, they should add it already. 

I haven't seen anyone here think they will be forced into random duels. I think we all understand how this is normally implemented with a request feature you can turn down, and the ability to permanently turn off if you don't want to see them.

A lot of us have experienced the constant nagging that people do in games with duelling, even if you've flagged yourself no_duel. And, we've experienced people bouncing around firing off skills on top of vendors or in the middle of crafting areas.

Sure, this is ultimately about individual people's lack of maturity. But there is such a thing as setting up immature people to run rampant, or curbing that tendency.

What's wrong with taking it to a PVP arena?

Edited by Gibson.4036
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11 minutes ago, Gibson.4036 said:

I haven't seen anyone here think they will be forced into random duels. I think we all understand how this is normally implemented with a request feature you can turn down, and the ability to permanently turn off if you don't want to see them.

A lot of us have experienced the constant nagging that people do in games with duelling, even if you've flagged yourself no_duel. And, we've experienced people bouncing around firing off skills on top of vendors or in the middle of crafting areas.

Sure, this is ultimately about individual people's lack of maturity. But there is such a thing as setting up immature people to run rampant, or curbing that tendency.

What's wrong with taking it to a PVP arena?


That's all hearsay. A few of you had a bad experience or just equate PvP to toxicity - I'm sorry but I see no reason to ban cars for example because a minority misuse them. If the world operated on that logic we wouldn't even have a society.

Also PvE players always talk about their great community - well, clearly you have absolutely zero faith and think for some reason that the majority of players are going to act like mindless apes and harass you. This isn't a rational view, and anyone who purports that view is just being overly emotional. 

If someone is bothering you - then as always, just block them, like any other scenario.

Lastly, what's wrong with taking it to a PvP arena? That completely negates the point of casual dueling. Also, the PvP maps are very repetitive as a PvP player, we see nothing but those maps. We could have totally crazy duels in PvE maps, incorporating the verticality of PvE maps, and even mounts and such. 

Edited by ProverbsofHell.2307
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9 minutes ago, Gibson.4036 said:

I haven't seen anyone here think they will be forced into random duels. I think we all understand how this is normally implemented with a request feature you can turn down, and the ability to permanently turn off if you don't want to see them.

A lot of us have experienced the constant nagging that people do in games with duelling, even if you've flagged yourself no_duel. And, we've experienced people bouncing around firing off skills on top of vendors or in the middle of crafting areas.

Sure, this is ultimately about individual people's lack of maturity. But there is such a thing as setting up immature people to run rampant, or curbing that tendency.

What's wrong with taking it to a PVP arena?

Are you currently spammed with requests to duel 1v1 in the arenas?

Probably not.

I see no reason for this to happen if open-world-pvp-duel-request were to be implemented in the game. There is no data to support this claim, except a few people who claim to have experienced this in other games.

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1 minute ago, ProverbsofHell.2307 said:



That's all hearsay. A few of you had a bad experience or just equate PvP to toxicity - I'm sorry but I see no reason to ban cars for example because a minority misuse it. If the world operated on that logical we wouldn't even have a society.

Also PvE players always talk about their great community - well, clearly you have absolutely zero faith and think for some reason that the majority of players are going to act like mindless apes and harrass you. This isn't a rational view, and anyone who purports that view is just being overly emotional. 

If someone is bothering you - then as always, just block them, like any other scenario.

Lastly, what's wrong with taking it to a PvP arena? That completely negates the point of casual dueling. Also, the PvP maps are very repetitive as a PvP player, we see nothing but those maps. We could have totally crazy duels in PvE maps, incorporating the verticality of PvE maps, and even mounts and such. 


1 minute ago, ProverbsofHell.2307 said:



That's all hearsay. A few of you had a bad experience or just equate PvP to toxicity - I'm sorry but I see no reason to ban cars for example because a minority misuse it. If the world operated on that logical we wouldn't even have a society.

Also PvE players always talk about their great community - well, clearly you have absolutely zero faith and think for some reason that the majority of players are going to act like mindless apes and harrass you. This isn't a rational view, and anyone who purports that view is just being overly emotional. 

If someone is bothering you - then as always, just block them, like any other scenario.

Lastly, what's wrong with taking it to a PvP arena? That completely negates the point of casual dueling. Also, the PvP maps are very repetitive as a PvP player, we see nothing but those maps. We could have totally crazy duels in PvE maps, incorporating the verticality of PvE maps, and even mounts and such. 

Not hearsay. It's direct experience. Hearsay is if I was telling you someone else told me they had this experience in other games.

I don't have zero faith in the community. I do know it only takes a few.

If 1v1 dueling was banned from cities, jumping puzzles, and major world event areas, it might answer my reservations about it. It means the possiblity to get away from obnoxious people if needed.

Maybe you could ask for some new PVP arenas that are heavily vertical and allow for mount use?

1 minute ago, Imba.9451 said:

Are you currently spammed with requests to duel 1v1 in the arenas?

Probably not.

I see no reason for this to happen if open-world-pvp-duel-request were to be implemented in the game. There is no data to support this claim, except a few people who claim to have experienced this in other games.

Hm, wish I could take you for a visit to other games where it does happen regularly so you could experience it. Admittedly, it's been quite a few years since I played one, so maybe people magically changed and it doesn't any more.

In spite of your rhetoric, I hope you can understand why people might spam others standing around a city with duel requests, but wouldn't spam them with requests to run off to an arena.

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4 minutes ago, Gibson.4036 said:


Not hearsay. It's direct experience. Hearsay is if I was telling you someone else told me they had this experience in other games.

I don't have zero faith in the community. I do know it only takes a few.

If 1v1 dueling was banned from cities, jumping puzzles, and major world event areas, it might answer my reservations about it. It means the possiblity to get away from obnoxious people if needed.

Maybe you could ask for some new PVP arenas that are heavily vertical and allow for mount use?

Hm, wish I could take you for a visit to other games where it does happen regularly so you could experience it. Admittedly, it's been quite a few years since I played one, so maybe people magically changed and it doesn't any more.

In spite of your rhetoric, I hope you can understand why people might spam others standing around a city with duel requests, but wouldn't spam them with requests to run off to an arena.

Just to make it absolutely clear, and I didn't feel the need to disclose since I figured it was a given - but when I vocalise my support for this feature, I do so with the assumption that it will have an option to decline any duels, or to allow duels only from those you've added as a friend. And thus eliminating your issue. 

You already said they would be unlikely to type out verbal requests, so we have agreed on that. So there's no issue, right?

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6 minutes ago, Gibson.4036 said:


Not hearsay. It's direct experience. Hearsay is if I was telling you someone else told me they had this experience in other games.

Well, for us it is.


6 minutes ago, Gibson.4036 said:

If 1v1 dueling was banned from cities, jumping puzzles, and major world event areas, it might answer my reservations about it. It means the possiblity to get away from obnoxious people if needed.

I actually agree on the cities part.

6 minutes ago, Gibson.4036 said:

Maybe you could ask for some new PVP arenas that are heavily vertical and allow for mount use?

Thats much less reasonable than allowing Dueling in the open world.

6 minutes ago, Gibson.4036 said:

Hm, wish I could take you for a visit to other games where it does happen regularly so you could experience it. Admittedly, it's been quite a few years since I played one, so maybe people magically changed and it doesn't any more.

GW2 is not the first game I played, yet I have never encountered the this problem to the extend you describe it.

6 minutes ago, Gibson.4036 said:

In spite of your rhetoric, I hope you can understand why people might spam others standing around a city with duel requests, but wouldn't spam them with requests to run off to an arena.

Uhm, no, because you provided no argument for this.

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1 minute ago, ProverbsofHell.2307 said:

Just to make it absolutely clear, and I didn't feel the need to disclose since I figured it was a given - but when I vocalise my support for this feature, I do so with the assumption that it will have an option to decline any duels, or to allow duels only from those you've added as a friend. And thus eliminating your issue. 

You already said they would be unlikely to type out verbal requests, so we have agreed on that. So there's no issue, right?

No, I haven't said that. My experience in other games is that people /whisper /zone /talk pester people who have theirselves set to automatically reject duels.

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8 minutes ago, Imba.9451 said:

Well, for us it is.


I actually agree on the cities part.

Thats much less reasonable than allowing Dueling in the open world.

GW2 is not the first game I played, yet I have never encountered the this problem to the extend you describe it.

Uhm, no, because you provided no argument for this.

I'm not sure some new arena designs are harder than implementing open world dueling. I don't know enough about designing and coding games to say that.

I'm also no expert in psychology, but I expect there's just a big difference between saying, "c'mon, duel me bro!" and "Hey, want to get some people together and go enter a custom arena and do some dueling?"


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Just now, Gibson.4036 said:

I'm not sure some new arena designs are harder than implementing open world dueling. I don't know enough about designing and coding games to say that.

Well, I consider designing new maps more difficult than "simply" enabling open world PvP. But since I am not a programmer either, this could be completely wrong, thus I have to concede my argument here.

Just now, Gibson.4036 said:

I also no expert in psychology, but I expect there's just a big difference between saying, "c'mon, duel me bro!" and "Hey, want to get some people together and go enter a custom arena and do some dueling?"

That depends on many, many more factors. For example the wilingness of the community to engage in PvP. How much is it "socially acceptable" to do duels? How much recognition is tied to engaging in duels?

Considering the possibility to do duesl in private arenas, "c'mon, duel me bro!" could be said now as it could with open world duel requests, because it will always relae to the options available.  More available options will not agically increase the amount of people whispering to to engage in a duel.

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1 minute ago, Imba.9451 said:


Considering the possibility to do duesl in private arenas, "c'mon, duel me bro!" could be said now as it could with open world duel requests, because it will always relae to the options available.  More available options will not agically increase the amount of people whispering to to engage in a duel.

Not magically, but when duels are easily available everywhere, the expectation increases. It feels like a smaller ask.

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1 minute ago, Imba.9451 said:

 More available options will not agically increase the amount of people whispering to to engage in a duel.

It would though? Do you randomly whisper players in PVE, right now, to go hop into a PVP room? I havent had anyone do that. If this feature came to be you -would- have folks whispering to dual.

Hell, all i had to do was mention i didnt even want to get whispers about it here, and someone whispered me in game. Dualing is not a problem in and of itself, its the trolls who have ruined it that are. One bad apple spoils the bunch, and it doesnt take many toxic encounter to turn one off from a type of content, to the point they dont even want to see it.

Coupled with the limitations anet would more than likely put on such a feature, would it be worth it?

I doubt they would let be done anywhere, i doubt they would let you do it around event locations, How would they prevent people from pulling mobs into the dual and killing both players? How would the disable mobs from attacking players? etc etc, the list goes on with the issues they would have to solve to even make this feature possible.

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Just now, Gibson.4036 said:

Not magically, but when duels are easily available everywhere, the expectation increases. It feels like a smaller ask.

Thats a very heuristic way of looking at this. And well, maybe it will happen. rarely. I fail to see the apocalyptic picture of spammageddon you try to paint coming to reality though.

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1 minute ago, Dante.1763 said:

It would though? Do you randomly whisper players in PVE, right now, to go hop into a PVP room? I havent had anyone do that. If this feature came to be you -would- have folks whispering to dual.

No, you would right click them and select "request duel". And get a message that the player does not accept duels if selected so under options.

1 minute ago, Dante.1763 said:

Hell, all i had to do was mention i didnt even want to get whispers about it here, and someone whispered me in game. Dualing is not a problem in and of itself, its the trolls who have ruined it that are.

To be fair, you make yourself an easy target with such requests that are tailored especially to your demands. Does not justify the trolling, but again, action = reaction. Yet you make it out to be worse than it actually is for normal behaving players.

1 minute ago, Dante.1763 said:


One bad apple spoils the bunch, and it doesnt take many toxic encounter to turn one off from a type of content, to the point they dont even want to see it.

For you maybe. Not for me. And probably not for many others. We simply click block if the person doesn't get it and then we are done with it.

1 minute ago, Dante.1763 said:

Coupled with the limitations anet would more than likely put on such a feature, would it be worth it?

For some people, yes. Not for me, because, like I said, I do not acre about 1v1. But most of your arguments are simpy nothing more than "I don't want this!".

1 minute ago, Dante.1763 said:

I doubt they would let be done anywhere, i doubt they would let you do it around event locations, How would they prevent people from pulling mobs into the dual and killing both players?

Honsetly, that only increases my interest in this feature. Kinda like dark souls invasions. I see myself participating in this 🙂

1 minute ago, Dante.1763 said:


How would the disable mobs from attacking players? etc etc, the list goes on with the issues they would have to solve to even make this feature possible.

Or do duels far away from mobs. Or accept mobs as an additional threat. Since I suck at 1v1, luring someone into a pocket raptor spawn and stunning him seems like alot of fun to me.

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26 minutes ago, Gibson.4036 said:

Not hearsay. It's direct experience. Hearsay is if I was telling you someone else told me they had this experience in other games.

I don't have zero faith in the community. I do know it only takes a few.

Yep. My experience in other MMOs (and video games in general) has soured me to PvP because even if you're minding your own business and auto-decline duels, there's always at least one person who starts whispering you demanding you drop everything for them and/or this person you've never interacted with starts insulting you out of the blue.

The only way to prevent that is to either play offline (which cuts you off of social features in GW2 so not an option here) or not play at all.

It's definitely a small minority of people who do that but it's vile enough many of us remember the instances for a decade or more.

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