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What will you stop doing to fish?


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1 hour ago, HowlKamui.5120 said:

Icebound chests are more passive than fishing yet it's among the best gold farm in the entire game. You just run up to a chest and hit it open.


Players in 2021: I want Fishing SO BAD!!! It's a perfect way to just socialize and relax. This game needs more purely social features!!

Players in 2022: If it's not giving me 30g an hour, it's not worth it.

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I can only see myself fishing while chatting with people over discord with nothing else to do but waiting for something better to to do. And if I am not waiting for someone do do something in GW2, I will probably never start GW2 in order to fish but play one of the games on my ever increasing backlog on steam.

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6 hours ago, Quench.7091 said:

Depends on if a secret playable tengu race or another griffon mount is locked behind fishing.

Nope. Maybe some secret, but def not birbs.

1 hour ago, HowlKamui.5120 said:

Icebound chests are more passive than fishing yet it's among the best gold farm in the entire game. You just run up to a chest and hit it open.

At least you move around I guess...

17 minutes ago, mindcircus.1506 said:


Players in 2021: I want Fishing SO BAD!!! It's a perfect way to just socialize and relax. This game needs more purely social features!!

Players in 2022: If it's not giving me 30g an hour, it's not worth it.

Isn't italways like this? People have their Idea of fishing and "it will be all perfect and so much fun and all and yes I wil do it even if it's not profitable for my account, because the feature is just so good..." and in the end, if there's other things to actually do, peoplewill chose the more engaging thing to do. At least for players who chose a game with strong combat and mobility at its center.


As for myself. Will be fishing for AP and progression. If it makes me some money on the way I won't be unhappy about it. Beyond that, can't say it looks all that amazing. While I wait for something, sure, I could go fishing in game...or i could get myself something to drink, go to the toilet or just log off until whatever I actually want to do starts. If repeatability isn't strongly incentivised, I doubt I will be fishing any more than I have to for reasons other than "hey, this fishing minigame is realy fun", aka AP/Skins in my case.

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I will stop IRL things to catch fish. 


Like, "There's some hot pockets in there!"


"But dad, we been eatin' hot pockets all week! Even the ones that was in there from last month that Vince left opened and left on the counter and put back in the fridge."


"Tell your mom.  Eat dirt.  I don't care.  I'm fishing."


I'm. 👏🏽 going. 👏🏽 to. 👏🏽 catch. 👏🏽 every. 👏🏽 dang. 👏🏽 fish. 

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2 hours ago, lokh.2695 said:

Nope. Maybe some secret, but def not birbs.

At least you move around I guess...

Isn't italways like this? People have their Idea of fishing and "it will be all perfect and so much fun and all and yes I wil do it even if it's not profitable for my account, because the feature is just so good..." and in the end, if there's other things to actually do, peoplewill chose the more engaging thing to do. At least for players who chose a game with strong combat and mobility at its center.

What I think is truly hilarious is that the complete hypocrisy of all these people who said they just wanted a "relaxing social feature" has already been exposed as what it really is....the desire for an even easier gold farm.

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Fishing looked amazinggggg.

I was a little worried they would take the easy road and just make it a click here in this spot, little 5 sec animation, then poof fish in inventory. 

But the fact they made it into a little minigame AND added skills to it AND masteries ala FFXIV AND added another mechanic to compliment it (skiffs)...very very pleased.

Looking forward to crafting lures and poles.

Edited by Marikus.1875
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4 minutes ago, Marikus.1875 said:

Fishing looked amazinggggg.

I was a little worried they would take the easy road and just make it a click here in this spot, little 5 sec animation, then poof fish in inventory. 

But the fact they made it into a little minigame AND added skills to it AND masteries ala FFXIV AND added another mechanic to compliment it (skiffs)...very very pleased.

Looking forward to crafting lures and poles.

This really looked like engaging gameplay to you?

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17 minutes ago, mindcircus.1506 said:

This really looked like engaging gameplay to you?


LOL. Coming from WoW, it absolutely looks like engaging gameplay and 100x better than WoW fishing...I'm not spoiled to casual gameplay elements and if anything, have been deprived from them...coming from WoW...it's a nice change of pace from the "hardcore" crap.

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24 minutes ago, Marikus.1875 said:


LOL. Coming from WoW, it absolutely looks like engaging gameplay and 100x better than WoW fishing...I'm not spoiled to casual gameplay elements and if anything, have been deprived from them...coming from WoW...it's a nice change of pace from the "hardcore" crap.

Interesting how you turned an honest question about gameplay into tired "casual vs hardcore" rhetotic.

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3 minutes ago, mindcircus.1506 said:

Interesting how you turned an honest question about gameplay into tired "casual vs hardcore" rhetotic.


You seem to want to pick a fight and I'm not interested in that.

I find the fishing and skiffs gameplay engaging from what I have seen and it's miles ahead of anything I have experience in WoW. I don't need to justify anything else beyond that. If you find these two new features so uninteresting than perhaps you should seek entertainment elsewhere.

I don't need to have my enjoyments questioned. Thanks.


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Can't wait for the obvious ''You need to catch X fish and unlock mastery rank 2 or 3 to continue with the story'' part... not. Hopefully fishing will be just a gimmicky mini game with no real impact to the game itself. I like mini games like fishing, playing cards or pet battles in other games from time to time but i will stop playing if i will be forced to it on a regular basis because the benefits of it are too impactfull to miss/skip it.

Edited by SunTzu.4513
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Now I am happy for everyone who looks forward to fishing, more power to them. I'll probably get the masteries done and maybe the associated achievements IF the rest of the game has content which is enjoyable to me. I've fished in other games to pass time between things I actually enjoy.

Not a core feature which drives an expansion imo and the stream yesterday did little in persuading me to believe otherwise.

How this plays out though we will see once the expansion launches.

Interesting side question:

Considering fishing is one of the heaviest boted content in many MMORPGs which have fishing (because it is such engaging content /s) and Arenanets track record of how well they deal with bots (abysmal), how much money are current bot websites about to make in increased revenue?

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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21 hours ago, Rogue.8235 said:


Same here.  

I will spend much less time running in a circle over and over while talking to friends.  I wish there was a counter to see how many circles I've ran; it has to be in the tens of thousands at least.

But then again, running in a circle is a long-standing MMO tradition.


So many circles.  And planting Kudzu's flowers back and forth along the top of the fence by the orphanage in the DR home instance while waiting for guildmates to finish node gathering.  I wouldn't want development time spent on it, but I'd be fascinated to see what my idle time footfall count is.  Fishing was never a feature I was motivated to ask for, but I do have enough idle in-game time that it'll be nice to have a dopamine drip to go with it.

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