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Vindicator Bug Thread

Fire Attunement.9835

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Jumping 100 ft in the air does not let you overcome 4 foot walls. /Joke.


The animation is just that. A longer, controllable evade that does not take priority of such "walls" like line of warding/ring of warding/spectral ring no matter how stupid it looks visually. So stupid, you would think it's gotta be a bug but knowing how lazy anet is, it's probably intentional. 

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29 minutes ago, troy.3257 said:

When I mount , go downed or zone  it swaps my tactics back to blue and I want to use the red one.  Its annoying having to swap those back and forth every time.

Sorry I cant recall what the names of the Legends are.


Yeah it's annoying, but otoh the first thing I do when I dismount is dodge to get the 15% damage buff so I can just leisurely swap back while waiting patiently to land. What's actually a really annoying bug is that often times when I use tailswipe off my raptor, when I hit the ground my actual endurance bar is emptied so I can't dodge.

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2 hours ago, Jthug.9506 said:

Yeah it's annoying, but otoh the first thing I do when I dismount is dodge to get the 15% damage buff so I can just leisurely swap back while waiting patiently to land. What's actually a really annoying bug is that often times when I use tailswipe off my raptor, when I hit the ground my actual endurance bar is emptied so I can't dodge.

It's dumb because it's not even consistent enough to make a habit of getting around it. There have been a few times for me where it defaulted to red instead, and I have no idea how I did it. 

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- Trait "Balance in Discord" doesnt work at all.

- Dodge doesnt dodge a lot of AoEs, including stunns and fears -> resulting in breaking dodge.

- Red legend keeps resetting to Blue legend, when dismounting, changing legends (F1), switching Maps or builds, relogging or simply dodging.

- Spear of Archemorus keeps missing moving targets due to flying too slowly. 

- Its possible to have the urn upkeep and switching to Red legend -> Resulting in Elite Slot being covered by "Deactivate Urn", then goes to Archemorus Spear


(Might be due to Battle Scar nerfs) 

- Battle Scar Stacks wont use oldest (first stack to disappear) at first

Edited by Virdo.1540
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11 hours ago, troy.3257 said:

When I mount , go downed or zone  it swaps my tactics back to blue and I want to use the red one.  Its annoying having to swap those back and forth every time.

Sorry I cant recall what the names of the Legends are.


yeah can this get fixed please

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To everyone experiencing the "alliance switches to blue issue", what solved it for me was: switch to red, then switch to a different build template, exit hero panel, then switch back to Vindicator build, and then it stays this way. The issue only appears if your character gets downed or dies, until then it stayed okay for me. 

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6 hours ago, zallesz.1650 said:

To everyone experiencing the "alliance switches to blue issue", what solved it for me was: switch to red, then switch to a different build template, exit hero panel, then switch back to Vindicator build, and then it stays this way. The issue only appears if your character gets downed or dies, until then it stayed okay for me. 

You rock! Thank you!

This bug still needs to be fixed though. 

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Going underwater after dismounting from skyscale automatically sumons Urn of Saint Viktor. 

I have Jalis on land and it's slotted to Alliance underwater. So when it swaps to Alliance because it goes underwater, it summons Urn automatically. It only happens after I land on water from a mount I think. 

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On 3/1/2022 at 7:39 PM, Barnesy.5839 said:

I don't think you've actually tested the bug to know what you're talking about.

The heal waits until the vindicator lands. When the vindicator lands, nothing happens. The entire dodge is wasted.

Well you described it way differently the first time. Now I agree it's a bug. And I shouldn't have to test it, frankly. 

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17 hours ago, zallesz.1650 said:

To everyone experiencing the "alliance switches to blue issue", what solved it for me was: switch to red, then switch to a different build template, exit hero panel, then switch back to Vindicator build, and then it stays this way. The issue only appears if your character gets downed or dies, until then it stayed okay for me. 

thanks for contributing solutions ,but it doesnt work for me ^^  might be many different ways to trigger that bug

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"Selfish Spirit" (Red alliance) 

Healing per hit: 714 (0.22)?

 Number of Casts: 4


It heals 5 times by standard, not 4. Doesnt increase healing if one enemy is nearby & getting hit by the heals (at 2 enemies its healing additional as theres 1 target).

Vuln + Might applies are working fine (5 casts aswell)

Edited by Virdo.1540
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If you use alliance tactics literally ever, you will be permanently stuck with Saint Viktor's skills by default when you demount or swap stances until you respec out of vindicator spec, go to character select or relog whilst still respeced out of vindicator spec, and then log back in.

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Vindicator: Nomads advance makes my weapon disappear on use. Looks like im just slamming down with two hands. Not sure if a bug, but visually it looks bad.  Please keep weapon(s) in hand when using this skill.


Vindicator: Defaults to St. Viktor when dismounting, map changes etc...default should be Arch or at least remember what legend I last was on

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On 3/5/2022 at 3:31 AM, verysaltysnackk.3916 said:

I keep having bug on vindicator: some skills on my skillbar keep looking like im pressing the skill, but im not. Never had this problem on herald. Anyone know fix?

This is probably the new tickbox setting the causes combo finisher skills to glow when you are in a combo field and CC skills to glow when target has a defiance bar

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On 3/5/2022 at 8:42 AM, Virdo.1540 said:

thanks for contributing solutions ,but it doesnt work for me ^^  might be many different ways to trigger that bug

Removing and re-equipping the traitline made it default to red for me again, after i had the bug. Maybe that works for you.


 To add to the buglist, even if i‘m not sure if it is one: underwater dodge is kinda wonky. It channels the dodge first, then channels the damage portion, taking a really long time. On land the damage portion is instant (kinda, still interruptable for some reason) after the dodge channel.

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Vindicator Greatsword 3 dash fade-out (at the end of the animation) cuts sharply if there's no target and it doesn't finish in the swirl, seems like an animation/transition is missing. It looks very jarring if you just use it for movement, character should "fade back in" from the mists in a sense.

Nomad's advance does not maintain weapon model on jumping, but it does maintain trails/weapon effects, it seems like the animation was designed for the model to be there and it would make sense to be there. 

Mentioned numerous times but the "stance" of the Legendary Alliance is not consistently saved to whatever you last selected, often defaulting to the healing/support one instead of the damage one.

The skill bars on Legendary Alliance completely lack any animations, and the F3 swap is incredibly quiet, there's very little feedback to you swapping between the two from the Legendary Alliance. I am not sure if this is a bug or a desired effect (if so this would be the only legend without a skill bar effect ...) but a proper transition like for all other legends is sorely needed. There needs to be proper gameplay feedback to me pressing the button. Since there's really no feedback to the swap I am adding this under the bug thread and not the feedback thread.

In general, F3 feels buggy and because of this lack of feedback the Legendary Alliance feels unresponsive and clunky.

Edited by Diruuo.6314
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Death Drop does no damage if you legend swap, weapon swap, then use a skill as you land. Didn't try with imperial impact, but I assume it would act the same nor did I try with just weapon or legend swapping.

Edit: Seems you might not even need to use a skill as you land to cause death drop to do no damage. Seems just swapping legends and weapons while in the air can cause it.

Edited by nikotuck.7259
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The Trait "Vassals of the Empire" makes Aerial Impact to do damage, give Might&Protection to allies and increase everyones(5) boons by 2 seconds. 

The 2second boon-increase does NOT count for Protection and Might 


-The Trait "Forerunner of death" is broken underwater. It gives the "evade frame" followed by the "attack casting", which is as long as the evade frame, if not longer, then attacks

Edited by Virdo.1540
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