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The amount of recycled/mediocre animations on Vindicator is unacceptable.


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2 hours ago, Teletric.3821 said:

I'm hoping that this is the case as well. I do think they should go back and re-do the trailers after the actual animations have been implemented.

That being said though, most of the PoF specs did not have any new animations when they came out, so I don't really get why it's suddenly a problem. I would prefer if we got new animations, but I'm perfectly okay if we don't as long as the animations that they chose make sense.

So you fine with gs2 looking like auto at the windup (which makes no sense given the swing anyway) huh?

Now imagine if maul looked like a regular autoattack from gs. Bad animation apart its a huge deal in pvp where animations should be clear. In current state how am i supposed to know if someone else does autoattack or hits me with gs2?


The animation used do not make any sense like gs5. Whirl around to open uhm... holes? What holes?. All of them r ugly af too. I remember when sword offhand had a reused block animation but at least a nice red shield popped up on ur arm making it seems different. How does that compare to gs4 block in current state?

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9 hours ago, Teletric.3821 said:

I'm hoping that this is the case as well. I do think they should go back and re-do the trailers after the actual animations have been implemented.

That being said though, most of the PoF specs did not have any new animations when they came out, so I don't really get why it's suddenly a problem. I would prefer if we got new animations, but I'm perfectly okay if we don't as long as the animations that they chose make sense.



I'm sorry, but it's just not true.


Compare Scourge and Mirage to this mess of Vindicator. Holosmith, Firebrand all have rich animations. Deadeye rifle is super distinctive. Warrior still had nice, distinctive trail effects even if the dagger animations were shared on some of the skills. Soulbeast dagger was the worst by far, but at least it got the merge special effect and the animal skills.


Spellbreaker and Soulbeast were the more barren PoF specs in terms of animations and effects, and they are still ahead of Vindicator.

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Honestly i always thought rev should have glint like spirit animations as the base color of skills.

Red and black is just so unimaginetiv and limited to me i just can't play the class because i get sad watching its super ugly. It's the same with necro that very ugly shade of green everywhere just kills it - its not good taste. Whoever thought the class should just have such a spiritless color scheme and be bound to it forever and shoved into everything?

It may be possible, MAY, to make a vampire rev setup that would be thematically fitting - but that's it - blood mage type thing.

Edited by Crackmonster.2790
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On 9/24/2021 at 11:14 PM, Zenith.7301 said:



Willbender is benching 36-40k DPS, Vindicator can't even break past 30k. What the hell are you even on.


Willbender elite is Chrono's elite well on half the cd, and mesmer elites already sucked to begin with.


Please spare me your guardian crocodile tears.


Because the world is revolved around hiting training golems. What's with the toxic salt? bad day at work?

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9 hours ago, quaniesan.8497 said:


Because the world is revolved around hiting training golems. What's with the toxic salt? bad day at work?



Certainly more than some meme format with 40 people dodging into a blob in some unbalanceable mess called supposedly PvP but allowed to have PvE stats and food without the spvp stat caps.


Seriously, take your guardian crocodile tears elsewhere. There has not been a single time since Vanilla GW2 where guardian hasn't been the centerpiece of some format in the game. Go pollute some other place in the forums with your guardian QQ about having a single spec that doesn't eclipse all other classes in multiple roles.


Your "bad" guardian spec does more damage than a power chrono DPS while having the same elite on half the cd with more built in mobility to boot, on top of having normal access to all the powerful guardian utilities like their monopoly on stability and resolution.

Edited by Zenith.7301
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On 9/23/2021 at 8:24 PM, Kidel.2057 said:

They share the same budget source. 

you will find the company budget is devided on %s for each department.. which then those Teams Spend their allocated Budget in what they feel are the best options.

So no the art teams Allocated budget isnt going to affect the Balancing teams allocated Budget.... you dont just go to the head office and "Debate your way" to getting the money for each individual Task.

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7 hours ago, Loules.8601 said:

GW2, as Fashion Wars 2 in many aspects of the game - very centric about your visual and look. And current Vindicator… just a no go from this position. 

I'd disagree. The specc looks pretty good, but it's largely a opinonated topic it won't be for everyone. 

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13 hours ago, Daddy.8125 said:

I'd disagree. The specc looks pretty good, but it's largely a opinonated topic it won't be for everyone. 

GW2 - AAA-class MMO, and create some new animations - not much more than year-revenue from one (!) actively donating player 

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7 hours ago, Loules.8601 said:

GW2 - AAA-class MMO, and create some new animations - not much more than year-revenue from one (!) actively donating player 


WoW a AAA Game, Changed Animations to be fixed to race, Every class Shares the same Animations the only change is Partical effects in some places otherwise. Same swing Animations same Ability animations.

FFXIV a AAA Game, Alot of its Animations are also Recylced and very alike one another again outside some partical effects.

So why is GW2 expected differently?..

Its very normal for Multiple skills across the board in all games to realistically share animations to some extent. its pretty obvious

If you were to train 100 People to Swing a sword, its Likely all 100 would basically Swing the sword in the same fashion lol.

MMORPGS are built on the concepts of Recycling content.. they always have done, GW2 is no different realistically.. and "Aesthetic" is a Core part of MMORPGS in general not just gw2. Vindicator does look cool. Imho from a Aesthetical point of view all the new elites look great.

Edited by Daddy.8125
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You want to know the fun thing? Half of the Reaper GS skill animations are reused from a bundle  that you use during the Personal Story in Orr. I forget the story step, but  it was when hunting the Eyes. One of the paths goes to an Orrian village where you kill the head of the village who drops their staff. You pick it up and it is legit the Reaper GS weapon kit on 1-3 but with old GW1 Dervish skill icons.

So while you all are complaining that it is using the Gravedigger animation, that animation isn't even original to Reaper.

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19 hours ago, Daddy.8125 said:

WoW a AAA Game, Changed Animations to be fixed to race, Every class Shares the same Animations the only change is Partical effects in some places otherwise. Same swing Animations same Ability animations.

FFXIV a AAA Game, Alot of its Animations are also Recylced and very alike one another again outside some partical effects.

So why is GW2 expected differently?..

Because GW2 - much more importance on visual, unlike, as example, WoW. In GW2 your visual - about half of the game, and in WoW - it's just side function. 
You're trying to compare games which have very different game-design ideas. So unless GW2 have the same content as FFXIV and WoW (lot of high-end PvE/different type of PvP like in WoW) - visual much more important in GW2 than FFXIV or WoW. 
If GW2 don't have visual in the current GW2 design - what do it have in the end?...

Edited by Loules.8601
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  • 4 months later...
On 9/23/2021 at 3:34 AM, Zenith.7301 said:

Literally the same swing animation on the first chain of greatsword autoattack and greatsword skill 2. Greatsword skill 4 particle effects don't even feel like a revenant, but more like an elementalist. The weapon trail effects are incredibly plain and muted. I'm comparing a normal greatsword to the legendary Eternity, and virtually no projectiles or particle modifications.


The Archemorus utility skills 1-4 are virtually all the same animation effect outside mobility skills displacing your character. The only visually distinctive stance skills are the elites.


What happened with this expansion? The ability icon art and the legend art looks super garish and nowhere near as painterly as the previous art assets. The orange and blue are so saturated and ugly.


Compare the previous legends, particularly renegade and herald and mainhand sword animations with this EoD batch. This mediocre presentation cannot go live.

Welcome to spellbreakers world lol. Most of the especs in eod is quite cheesy imo. But especially the untamed and harbringer took it to next level so i won't complain what revenants are getting. By biggest problem is launching self to atmosphere once in 20 seconds, it is visually ridiculous.

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On 9/23/2021 at 4:11 PM, Infusion.7149 said:

Imagine thinking beta 130+ days before launch is the final iteration of art design. Of all feedback possible this is the most worthless.

Imagine the expansion launching in less than 10 days and nothing changed.

Animations and designs are copy paste of existing animations of other professions.


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    I've installed recently Lost Ark and consumed a lot of videos about their classes, and even taking apart the greatsword animations from Vindicator (which are all boring clones of skills from Ranger and Reaper with worse fx) the way in which the "main new mechanic" (the jump dodge, which itself is not a new mechanic at all) is showcased pales entirely of how similar jumps are portrayed in LA in classes as the Gunlancer and the Paladin. FF XIV's Dragoon jump animations look like crap, tho.

   I known that capturing new animations and adding new fx (specially the former) can be quite expensive, but man: if after 4 years of drough you plan to not spent money in the developement of the new specs for your expansion how you could aspire to sell the product to the players?  Instead of having entirely new visual designs, effects and mechanics to enrich and diferentiate the EoD specs we have a insane buch of recycled moves with muted, toned down effects...  And don't talk me about "is just cosmetics": they have a plethora of bugs in the Revenant class which still remain unfixed, so is not like they aren't spending resources in visuals because they are instead fixing the fundamentals, they are not!

   And all of this AFTER a 6 months delay over the initial release date of summer 2021...

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On 10/4/2021 at 4:19 PM, Loules.8601 said:

Because GW2 - much more importance on visual, unlike, as example, WoW. In GW2 your visual - about half of the game, and in WoW - it's just side function. 
You're trying to compare games which have very different game-design ideas. So unless GW2 have the same content as FFXIV and WoW (lot of high-end PvE/different type of PvP like in WoW) - visual much more important in GW2 than FFXIV or WoW. 
If GW2 don't have visual in the current GW2 design - what do it have in the end?...

Also subjective. Appearance means the same to me in every game. Playstyle means the same to me in every game. You can't just say visuals are more important in GW2 because you think so. I know people in WoW that have been farming mogs and mounts for a decade, just to have the appearance they want. I also know GW2 players that never change appearances from the base look, because they don't care.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I just don't understand why they didn't incorporate some of Balthazar's animations? Like they're right there! If you're going to recycle something then recycle those since NO one uses them as of yet.

Having the sword float around you as you almost dance with the weapon, makes sense given the vindicator in arborstone referencing how the legends "dance" in unison and move and fight in a sort of rhythm. So too should the revenant and their blade. And this is from the guild wars 2 vindicator NPC lol... like Then it'd be a unique Greatsword? Maybe make it have a skill that has the ability to move and pull rather than punt or rush the enemy? 

https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Scholar_Lutta <=== the vindicator 

  Could've used some of the animations above, some of them. Even if it was only a few and it'd of set the spec apart by quite a ways given how it'd function; Also don't forget Legendary weapons don't effect the skill effects of vindicator when it comes down to greatsword animations.

For further inspiration since ya'll wana bring up WoW; What about Denathrius ? Imagine thematically the greatsword being the living embodiment of the two spirits which instead of us swapping utilities it was the weapon skill functionality that'd change while our utilities for once were focused on mist magic? Turn the idea of channeling warriors of legend on their head? Like our sword is their "Physical" conduit and they're fighting alongside us. THAT would've sold the spec.

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