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Can I get my money back ????

Raiden The Beast.3016

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- beta specs , hm looking meme, but still time left and the oppertunity to make them omega op like hot or even better pof 


- no new pvp modes

(bots, wt, ... is no content)


- no wvw content 

(alliance system is no content)


Maybe we get fishing to overcome >5min q time ?



Edited by Raiden The Beast.3016
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Thankfully, WoW taught me to hold off on pre-ordering. 

I haven't seen anything that makes me want to buy the new expansion yet. 

The new specs are a steaming pile of meh, and it'll take more than simple numbers to fix them. The philosophy behind them needs to change. They're prioritizing making something loaded with trade-offs with no benefit over making something functional or fun. 

Fishing is w/e. It's not for me. I don't load up Gw2 to go fish, I play it for the fun combat. It's a nice addition but not enough to sell an expansion. 

WvW alliances is a step in the right direction for the game-mode, but If I'm going to roam in WvW I don't need the expansion for that. It's not like I plan on playing any of the new elite specs in their current iteration. 

Some new PvP game modes would be nice. 5v5 death match was a nice idea, but the map design made it too snowbally and too easy to spawn camp, but I'm imagining what would happen if it took place on a larger map with better kite spots and multiple exits to prevent spawn camping. 

Perhaps they could try making a game mode with objectives which allow you to fight in a wider area. It may help create an environment that values more mobile builds like thief over AoE spam builds like Scourge and FB. 

I was hoping for something bold and new with EoD but what we've seen so far has been underwhelming at best. 

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Yes u can request refunds on expansions in max 2 weeks after ordering


Also u listed only cons, thats unfair from u

Here are some pros:

- fishing

- that new hammer and pistol in gem store for ele and war

- purchasing eod for pvp isnt needed since all specs are worse than hot and pof, even core

- 500 man alliances (anet forgot to count wvw players, they will lower it down to 50 on release)

And it costs only 30$ for all this


I just wish they add some new soundtracks to the game…

Edited by Filip.7463
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As a Guild Wars 1 vet and a avid gw2 player all i can say is PoF was the last expansion i buy and ill wait for Guild Wars 3 (if they make one) PoF was the first game / exp of theirs i didn't buy the big bundle of because i was disappointed then. The new expansion lacks a big draw for me. No dual classes like Gw1 still, classes are crap, new expansion doesn't have alliance battles 2.0 with lux and kurz  and finally they nerfed my 5 years old Minion build to the ground in the last few months,


I just played Diablo 2 : Resurrection and omg its a take me back to the good old days and well done.


September 28th is where New World comes out and all i can say is from what Beta previews i played... I will be signing off of this franchise till a new game (if that's even worth it)

Edited by Ziggityzog.7389
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I've seen enough, and what's offered in features of EoD, this is clearly going to be the meme expansion, and not in a good way. Have fun waiting another 4+ years in the DMV waiting room for anything new and interesting, like new weapon types or anything of the sort. This time around you get fishing and basically a multi person skimmer mount. 

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Thankfully, WoW taught me to hold off on pre-ordering. 

I haven't seen anything that makes me want to buy the new expansion yet. 

The new specs are a steaming pile of meh, and it'll take more than simple numbers to fix them. The philosophy behind them needs to change. They're prioritizing making something loaded with trade-offs with no benefit over making something functional or fun. 

Fishing is w/e. It's not for me. I don't load up Gw2 to go fish, I play it for the fun combat. It's a nice addition but not enough to sell an expansion. 

WvW alliances is a step in the right direction for the game-mode, but If I'm going to roam in WvW I don't need the expansion for that. It's not like I plan on playing any of the new elite specs in their current iteration. 

Some new PvP game modes would be nice. 5v5 death match was a nice idea, but the map design made it too snowbally and too easy to spawn camp, but I'm imagining what would happen if it took place on a larger map with better kite spots and multiple exits to prevent spawn camping. 

Perhaps they could try making a game mode with objectives which allow you to fight in a wider area. It may help create an environment that values more mobile builds like thief over AoE spam builds like Scourge and FB. 

I was hoping for something bold and new with EoD but what we've seen so far has been underwhelming at best. 

New modes are simply necessary, thanks to the increase in specializations, taking into account the core(yes, I understand, not all are reproduced well, same problem with some especs), hot, pof, eod are already 36 options, which in turn is equal to the number of WoW specializations, and all this is multiplied by the number of builds. Inspiration can be taken from the Battleground WoW maps, I don't think it will be a copy past, because WoW has already been noticed copying ideas from guild wars. Maps already exist for this, perhaps something similar as guild halls.This is the only way to get more epic possibilities of combo friction and synergy.

Edited by DomHemingway.8436
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Well I got the $80 deluxe version thing with 4000 gems that Ive used some of so I doubt I could get a refund. Guess I'll just see how this turns out. If all fails, theres fishing to look forward to

Besides, my last bastion of hope is the Engie elite spec. Im trying to be optimistic about that. 

Edited by Pimsley.3681
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On 9/24/2021 at 4:24 PM, DomHemingway.8436 said:

New modes are simply necessary, thanks to the increase in specializations, taking into account the core(yes, I understand, not all are reproduced well, same problem with some especs), hot, pof, eod are already 36 options, which in turn is equal to the number of WoW specializations, and all this is multiplied by the number of builds. Inspiration can be taken from the Battleground WoW maps, I don't think it will be a copy past, because WoW has already been noticed copying ideas from guild wars. Maps already exist for this, perhaps something similar as guild halls.This is the only way to get more epic possibilities of combo friction and synergy.

It is not. PvP has a low population if you get a new mode and you will divide that even further.

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19 minutes ago, eyelogix.1654 said:

It is not. PvP has a low population if you get a new mode and you will divide that even further.

Possible, but it is difficult to draw a conclusion until we can visually imagine what 1000 people, 10000 people, etc. are

I don't think that the population is low now, if it were low, it would make sense to combine the EU and US.

Edited by DomHemingway.8436
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P. S. Lyrical digression. If we could each represent such a people numbers, then we would not need managers from the government who manage only through the ego, without understanding what emptiness is. Tips have always been near us - the animal world + our humanity

Edited by DomHemingway.8436
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Don't pre-order ever


We all know how anet handled the game after the first xpac and we also know that before pof a lot of coders where going to Amazon and making new world (and they just came back) all we see is kinda pretty early. I guess it's a lot of chaos atm for anet. 


The xpac comes in February, I bet we will see improvements to all the specs with the November beta, when we can test them all, they all feel a bit in an early status, we will see how it goes. 


Don't get angry about all this, it's all beta stuff and the other specs don't go away, I also expect that we get the 15vs15 pvp map with the xpac release, and maybe some other stuff for pvp. 


They did a lot of stuff in the past that they teased and I think they hold it all back to get a bigger xpac release

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Can I get my money back ????

That's not how it should work - to be honest. 

You might have to learn the hard way to never ever preorder a digital (which means an endlessly available) product, because you fool yourself as a customer. Your power in capitalism is to be able to check a product's (subjective) quality before you buy it. If you give up that power for no reason, then that's your problem.

Edited by KrHome.1920
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On 9/24/2021 at 7:20 PM, Ragnar.4257 said:

Why on earth would you ever pre-order anything in 2021?

Because of Cantha 🙂 
that was actually my reason, so even if everything else turns out as crap I still got the experience of playing gw2 in Cantha.

Which in any case is worth it for me because if Cantha is nice and I can enjoy it then great, perfect. If it sucks then I can at least say that from my own experience I didn't like it, leave the game and, without any second thoughts, never come back.
Might sound a bit harsh but after all the HoT, PoF and LW halfbaked, rushed kitten and all the nonsense they've pulled off the last couple years, especially in sPvP, and waiting for the Cantha release since basically release.. if they fail to deliver on the world building and gameplay loop in EoD I'm out. I'm already not active anymore tbh.

But in general yea, I'm never pre-ordering anything except for veeery few exceptions. Cantha being one of them.

Edited by DoomNexus.5324
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On 9/23/2021 at 5:19 PM, Raiden The Beast.3016 said:

- beta specs , hm looking meme, but still time left and the oppertunity to make them omega op like hot or even better pof 


- no new pvp modes

(bots, wt, ... is no content)


- no wvw content 

(alliance system is no content)


Maybe we get fishing to overcome >5min q time ?




Don't you just love how they stole their fishing mechanics from Stardew Valley? and try to pass it off as their own like no one would notice? Didn't even add anything innovative lol its literally you sitting there pressing 1-2 over and over lol.

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