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trolling tactics


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They took out bannering lord so we couldn't have long lord fights anymore...

few years later they reduce wall and gate strength so that we could get in faster....

with the excuse to have more inner and lord room fights...

Hmmm I wonder where they getting the advice to make those changes...

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1 hour ago, Strider Pj.2193 said:

Call it what you will.


But lord’s room battles with other servers in Garrison on reset night could be some of the best action in WvW…

I'm not disagreeing with that. I'm saying Tactics were a bad addition and that people complaining of Tactics being trolled need to not think of them as a failsafe. 

gdi OP got me saying the wrong word. Tactivator is what I meant, in case "tactics" is confusing anyone.

Edited by Shroud.2307
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1 hour ago, Shroud.2307 said:

I'm not disagreeing with that. I'm saying Tactics were a bad addition and that people complaining of Tactics being trolled need to not think of them as a failsafe. 

gdi OP got me saying the wrong word. Tactivator is what I meant, in case "tactics" is confusing anyone.

With that, I can agree.  

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On 10/12/2021 at 5:26 PM, Daredevil.2745 said:

it depends on the linked server, if i don't like that server, i will pull tactics and siege troll during all the linked period, not gonna help server i hate. and i don't care what people on y server think about me becasue of that, it is not me who links servers. if i +- like or at least don't care about the server that was linked, i will play normally, will not pull a single tactic or anything like that.

this is actually not trolling, this is hate that was established during all these years since 2013, no wonder linkings casue such issues when you link enemies together.

You’re going to love alliances, aren’t you?

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On 10/14/2021 at 2:02 AM, ArchonWing.9480 said:

redacted too long

Oh yea, and buff auto turrets.



Agree with the auto turrets , if you are alone , try building a ram near the gate with auto turret, the minute you go for second supply run, your half built ram is dead.
they need to add Auto turrets near all breakable walls.


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1 hour ago, SweetPotato.7456 said:

Agree with the auto turrets , if you are alone , try building a ram near the gate with auto turret, the minute you go for second supply run, your half built ram is dead.
they need to add Auto turrets near all breakable walls.


Also they need to do the same damage as ballistas.

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Dudes. World VERSUS World means kill or die. 

It is designed to be that way.

The day most players understand this rule , this game mode will truly become competitive and these kind of threads will stop going.

A complain of this nature only exposes that the player is not suited for the pressure going on Today.

Why cry about politeness? , go to PvE , Lmao.

Dont have a good set? , go to PvP , Lmao.

I belive these complains are wrong for this Game Mode.



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We on TC have a problem with 1 person who wipes out all Keep and SMC supply by making golems and then pulls all tactics intentionally so other servers can attack so we lose.

Understand game is play as you want but this is a problem cos then we can't build/repair anything and sometimes can't leave map cos of queue.

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On 10/12/2021 at 4:46 PM, LetoII.3782 said:

Therr are game mechanics that already are implimented to minimize these occurances.

That they aren't used in large part is the community's choice. 

 Even if the guild claimed an object decides to let only members use tactics. its so buggy that you have to check every few minutes if the function is still choosen or if you have to do again. so its waste of time. perhaps it would be used if repaired.

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On 10/12/2021 at 2:56 PM, Xenesis.6389 said:

They should just make all the tactics passive and triggered on certain conditions.

Airship, Chilling fog, triggered when the lord is aggroed.

Minor supply drop, triggered when supply gets under 25% of total.

Invulnerable fortification, EWP, Banners, triggered when a wall or gate(inner for keeps) gets to 25%

Usual cooldowns.

Now if you're thinking but Xenesis! they can still troll aggro the lords with aoes or trebs in some towers!... who cares! invul is the most used tactic on towers and it'll be on wall or gate damage not lords, chilling fog is garbage best they use it early so they don't get to use it for alacrity in the lord fight, airship is smc only and best used on lord fights.

There, done, troll talk over, forget about pulling tactics and move on with your gaming.


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2 hours ago, panthera onca.4251 said:

 Even if the guild claimed an object decides to let only members use tactics. its so buggy that you have to check every few minutes if the function is still choosen or if you have to do again. so its waste of time. perhaps it would be used if repaired.

If a guild member authorized to activate tactics logs off it reverts to public. 

That's not buggy, that's super inconvenient to the point of *seeming* buggy

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F F F F you know... refresh sieges...erh tactivators...

By now it's all pointless anyways. Outnumbered 24/7

Enemies are a bunch of critters that ONLY engage when they can run numbers against you. *Yawn*

WvW nowadays ONLY consists of backpedal heroes that only dare to stay if they are 3+ vs 1. Else EVERY single on of you just runs runs runs runs urgh

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On 10/12/2021 at 6:54 AM, raykor.6723 said:

That some people have physiologically damaged brains that trigger dopamine hits for trollish behavior is just life. It's the way nature wired them. You probably won't believe me but I truly feel bad for them.

But what I cannot understand is why after nine years, ANET does not address the issue. There are game mechanics that could be implemented to minimize these occurrences. Ask the community for ideas and do something.

Is it not entirely feasible that the developers' brains are wired to take pleasure out of seeing this type of activity take place?

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Yes, I was referring to people using the tactivators when the objective is not under attack. Tactivators rarely make the difference in a win or loss but they do help.

I work as a programmer (business, not gaming) and most days I feel like 20% of my time is solving the actual problem and 80% is error trapping and planning for all the ways a user can do something dumb to break my app. I enjoy thinking about ways that software mechanics can be used to solve problems. What is interesting about game programming is that there is also a big social component, understanding how players think and why they do what they do.

There is no failproof solution but I would try a few things.

You could require a certain WvW rank before a player could use a tactivator. Furthermore, require a certain number of those levels have been earned on the server you are currently representing.

You could require that only level 80 players can use tactivators to discourage new accounts with low level characters made specifically to troll an opposing server.

You could announce in-game when a tactivator has been activated (without name shaming) and start a short timer of say 10 secs where other players can vote to accept or cancel the activation.

You could privately record the account info of the player that uses an activator and if enough people report it as a trolling activation that would trigger a customer service response.

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On 10/12/2021 at 5:54 AM, raykor.6723 said:

That some people have physiologically damaged brains that trigger dopamine hits for trollish behavior is just life. It's the way nature wired them. You probably won't believe me but I truly feel bad for them.

But what I cannot understand is why after nine years, ANET does not address the issue.

They not only don't address it, they are encouraging it! :classic_angry:

That Platter of Delectable Birthday Cakes that trolls, as soon as they spot several people moving in that direction, place on top of synthesizers or supply crates, which overwrites your expensive ascended buff food...

For real, ANet? :classic_ohmy:

Edited by Ashantara.8731
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On 10/15/2021 at 7:37 AM, Androx.8572 said:

Dudes. World VERSUS World means kill or die. 

It is designed to be that way.

The day most players understand this rule , this game mode will truly become competitive and these kind of threads will stop going.

A complain of this nature only exposes that the player is not suited for the pressure going on Today.

Why cry about politeness? , go to PvE , Lmao.

Dont have a good set? , go to PvP , Lmao.

I belive these complains are wrong for this Game Mode.



WvW won't ever be competitive.  The reason is that you will always have tons of players who think skill is fighting 50 vs 20 (or doors).  They will continue to server stack because anet encourages it.  The fastest way to get rank and loot is to blob down outnumbered servers.  And, when faced with equal size/comp'd blobs, people just hide on another map or transfer to an easier tier where no other blob is in their blobs playtime.

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3 hours ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

They not only don't address it, they are encouraging it! :classic_angry:

That Platter of Delectable Birthday Cakes that trolls, as soon as they spot several people moving in that direction, place on top of synthesizers or supply crates, which overwrites your expensive ascended buff food...

For real, ANet? :classic_ohmy:

They could do that with any cheap platter food.  

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On 10/12/2021 at 5:54 AM, raykor.6723 said:

That some people have physiologically damaged brains that trigger dopamine hits for trollish behavior is just life. It's the way nature wired them. You probably won't believe me but I truly feel bad for them.

But what I cannot understand is why after nine years, ANET does not address the issue. There are game mechanics that could be implemented to minimize these occurrences. Ask the community for ideas and do something.

Sure. Let's go and hear some ideas you have.

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