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Verbal abuse


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Oh how I wish reporting people for verbal abuse actually did something. 


I am not that good at pvp, I admit it. I basically do it for dailies, while my main focus is pve. I generally end up somewhere in gold. But hey, even if I'm not all that great, I don't deserve the kind of abuse I've been getting the last few days. What the kitten is wrong with people? Going to such lengths to single someone out, spew insults, and generally be just kitten MEAN in every way they can - what do they get out of it? Do they seriously enjoy making people feel bad? The last one was very clear, he told me outright that he wanted me to feel as bad as possible. Are these people kittening sociopaths? That last one also declared he hoped I'd uninstall the game, because I had just "ruined" the game for 9 other players. How? I dunno, seemed to me I died about as often as everyone else on that team, and I still had some top stats. But I used a heal skill he didn't approve of, so I suppose that "ruined" it for everyone. Including the enemy team, somehow. 


*deep breath*


This is a rant, and I'm sorry. But I can't take this any more. I'm fragile enough as it is, and PvP is currently making me break down in tears every kittening day. This used to be fun. This is supposed to be fun. But... no. 

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43 minutes ago, Fny.4502 said:

Oh how I wish reporting people for verbal abuse actually did something. 


I am not that good at pvp, I admit it. I basically do it for dailies, while my main focus is pve. I generally end up somewhere in gold. But hey, even if I'm not all that great, I don't deserve the kind of abuse I've been getting the last few days. What the kitten is wrong with people? Going to such lengths to single someone out, spew insults, and generally be just kitten MEAN in every way they can - what do they get out of it? Do they seriously enjoy making people feel bad? The last one was very clear, he told me outright that he wanted me to feel as bad as possible. Are these people kittening sociopaths? That last one also declared he hoped I'd uninstall the game, because I had just "ruined" the game for 9 other players. How? I dunno, seemed to me I died about as often as everyone else on that team, and I still had some top stats. But I used a heal skill he didn't approve of, so I suppose that "ruined" it for everyone. Including the enemy team, somehow. 


*deep breath*


This is a rant, and I'm sorry. But I can't take this any more. I'm fragile enough as it is, and PvP is currently making me break down in tears every kittening day. This used to be fun. This is supposed to be fun. But... no. 

Avoid pvp and do your dailies on pve, since anet doesnt do anything. Why you would submit yourself to that kind of situation? 

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15 minutes ago, anjo.6143 said:

Avoid pvp and do your dailies on pve, since anet doesnt do anything. Why you would submit yourself to that kind of situation? 

make sure to lock your doors and never go outside, avoid any and all human interactions.
they could say something mean too and what then?

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1 hour ago, Fny.4502 said:

Oh how I wish reporting people for verbal abuse actually did something. 


I am not that good at pvp, I admit it. I basically do it for dailies, while my main focus is pve. I generally end up somewhere in gold. But hey, even if I'm not all that great, I don't deserve the kind of abuse I've been getting the last few days. What the kitten is wrong with people? Going to such lengths to single someone out, spew insults, and generally be just kitten MEAN in every way they can - what do they get out of it? Do they seriously enjoy making people feel bad? The last one was very clear, he told me outright that he wanted me to feel as bad as possible. Are these people kittening sociopaths? That last one also declared he hoped I'd uninstall the game, because I had just "ruined" the game for 9 other players. How? I dunno, seemed to me I died about as often as everyone else on that team, and I still had some top stats. But I used a heal skill he didn't approve of, so I suppose that "ruined" it for everyone. Including the enemy team, somehow. 


*deep breath*


This is a rant, and I'm sorry. But I can't take this any more. I'm fragile enough as it is, and PvP is currently making me break down in tears every kittening day. This used to be fun. This is supposed to be fun. But... no. 

Bruh, it really looks like a troll post but I always try to pretend they arent.
1 Ignore people, if someone is toxic and you cant take it insta mute them and move on.
2 Dont spam pvp, if you play many games in a row it gets worse and worse, pace yourself.
3 Turn the chat off, then log off and on to reset the chat when you feel like playing pve so you dont have to read it.
And honestly if people get you upset in pvp then kitten it and dont play it, personally I dont get how someone can cry after getting insulted. Heck, in some games I insulted people and they insulted me back as a way of banter, we move on and no hard feelings.

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Hi @Fny.4502, as someone who doesn't tolerate rudeness my advice to you is to block the mean players and if you are still feeling bad you could take a break from the game playing something else or do something else entirely with your spare time. Taking a little break from playing the game would be a healthier choice in this case. I am sorry you have had to experience verbal abuse for playing sPvP, not everyone is lucky enough to being raised with good manners and rudeness is not something we have to tolerate.

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2 hours ago, BlackTruth.6813 said:

How do you get verbally abused on a dead game anyways, thought pvp was full of bots/win traders


P.S There's  a block button use it, also ANET has not been banning ragers and verbal abuse even though the game was popping.


4 minutes ago, Eugchriss.2046 said:

Call me toxic if you want but if you re getting triggerred by something that some random dude told you on video game then your real life must be awfull. I can only recommand you this YT channel. Good luck.


Absolutely tone-deaf individuals excusing toxicity by blaming victims. Nice

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8 minutes ago, Arklite.4013 said:



Absolutely tone-deaf individuals excusing toxicity by blaming victims. Nice

Not excusing anything. I'am just saying that no matter where you are and what you do there are people who will always judge you in meanest way possible. So stop being a kitten and adapt yourself. Life is tough sweetheart.

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On 10/18/2021 at 11:38 PM, Eugchriss.2046 said:

Not excusing anything. I'am just saying that no matter where you are and what you do there are people who will always judge you in meanest way possible. So stop being a kitten and adapt yourself. Life is tough sweetheart.

Stop telling people to man up, if you can't write something nice don't write anything at all. 

Edited by Touchme.1097
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3 hours ago, Fny.4502 said:

Going to such lengths to single someone out, spew insults, and generally be just kitten MEAN in every way they can - what do they get out of it?  


Who knows, and who cares. It’s their problem, not yours. Not worth your time to try to analyze it, because you’ll never know what is driving the behavior.

You have just as much right to play the game as they do. And if you’re in gold and in a match with them, chances are they’re gold too.  In other words, they probably aren’t really any better at PvP than you are, regardless of how awesome they are in their own mind. 

So basically - just ignore them and don’t give them anything to feed on. It might feel like public humiliation if they do this in team chat.  But really, any reasonable player that reads that stuff is thinking “what’s wrong with that toxic guy” rather than wondering what’s wrong with you.  

That or insult them back - but that doesn’t sound like your kind of thing based on your post.


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5 hours ago, Fny.4502 said:

Oh how I wish reporting people for verbal abuse actually did something. 


I am not that good at pvp, I admit it. I basically do it for dailies, while my main focus is pve. I generally end up somewhere in gold. But hey, even if I'm not all that great, I don't deserve the kind of abuse I've been getting the last few days. What the kitten is wrong with people? Going to such lengths to single someone out, spew insults, and generally be just kitten MEAN in every way they can - what do they get out of it? Do they seriously enjoy making people feel bad? The last one was very clear, he told me outright that he wanted me to feel as bad as possible. Are these people kittening sociopaths? That last one also declared he hoped I'd uninstall the game, because I had just "ruined" the game for 9 other players. How? I dunno, seemed to me I died about as often as everyone else on that team, and I still had some top stats. But I used a heal skill he didn't approve of, so I suppose that "ruined" it for everyone. Including the enemy team, somehow. 


*deep breath*


This is a rant, and I'm sorry. But I can't take this any more. I'm fragile enough as it is, and PvP is currently making me break down in tears every kittening day. This used to be fun. This is supposed to be fun. But... no. 

Pity them for the fact they have so much of their ego and self-worth tied up in a kittening video game. kitten ‘em.

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3 minutes ago, crewthief.8649 said:

Pity them for the fact they have so much of their ego and self-worth tied up in a kittening video game. kitten ‘em.

So it would be better if it was a game of basketball, or football, trading room? you know in everything where there's a team and its competitive if your a weak player some one on your team will let you know and sometimes they won't be nice or tactful about it the way to solve that is to pull your weight.

Dota2 just had a 40m dollar tounie perhaps you need to come to terms gaming is as competitive as IRL sports.

Edited by Genesis.5169
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33 minutes ago, Genesis.5169 said:

So it would be better if it was a game of basketball, or football, trading room? you know in everything where there's a team and its competitive if your a weak player some one on your team will let you know and sometimes they won't be nice or tactful about it the way to solve that is to pull your weight.

Dota2 just had a 40m dollar tounie perhaps you need to come to terms gaming is as competitive as IRL sports.

It’s pathetic. I’m sorry that hurts your feelings. GW2 ranked PvP is hardly a serious esport. 😂😂😂

Edited by crewthief.8649
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5 hours ago, Fny.4502 said:

This is a rant, and I'm sorry. But I can't take this any more. I'm fragile enough as it is, and PvP is currently making me break down in tears every kittening day. This used to be fun. This is supposed to be fun. But... no. 

Whatever the cause, no one should remain in a situation like this.

Since you mentioned your main focus is PvE and you primarily PvP for dailies, have you considered WvW for dailies?  Many of them are PvE-based and plenty of PvE people go just for those dailies, so you'd be in good company, particularly around daily reset.  WvW can have its share of bad sportsmanship too, but IME it's far less than in PvP.

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6 hours ago, Fny.4502 said:

Oh how I wish reporting people for verbal abuse actually did something. 


I am not that good at pvp, I admit it. I basically do it for dailies, while my main focus is pve. I generally end up somewhere in gold. But hey, even if I'm not all that great, I don't deserve the kind of abuse I've been getting the last few days. What the kitten is wrong with people? Going to such lengths to single someone out, spew insults, and generally be just kitten MEAN in every way they can - what do they get out of it? Do they seriously enjoy making people feel bad? The last one was very clear, he told me outright that he wanted me to feel as bad as possible. Are these people kittening sociopaths? That last one also declared he hoped I'd uninstall the game, because I had just "ruined" the game for 9 other players. How? I dunno, seemed to me I died about as often as everyone else on that team, and I still had some top stats. But I used a heal skill he didn't approve of, so I suppose that "ruined" it for everyone. Including the enemy team, somehow. 


*deep breath*


This is a rant, and I'm sorry. But I can't take this any more. I'm fragile enough as it is, and PvP is currently making me break down in tears every kittening day. This used to be fun. This is supposed to be fun. But... no. 

Let me just say this. 90% of the pvp community in ALL Games, Not just gw2, Are only in it to grief others. Even this thread is filled with people dismissing you by saying "Use ignore" And stuff like that, just to make you feel worst about yourself. And while it is true that you should use the ignore feature, It's a band aid fix, pure and simple, because the truth of the matter is, If the Gw2 gave the player the ability to harass you, they will do it without hesitation. Just so they can throw you into the pit of despair, just for the lul of it. They don't care about your feelings, your opinion, your very existence. They only care about your suffering. Why you think they're rude and vulgar all the time? Saying stupid nonesense like "Sit." And "Seethe and cope."? Because they don't want competition, they want rewards, seeing people lose it. That is why Pvp is toxic. That is why you should be above it and not let it get to you. Because if you're not the one who is win trading? If you're not the one who gets Angry and rage at someone because you lose? You are FAR Better then this joke of a game mode. Trust me, if Anet give griefers the tool, they would steal everything in your account just so they can see you lose it, so be thankful that is not the case.

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7 hours ago, Fny.4502 said:

Oh how I wish reporting people for verbal abuse actually did something. 


I am not that good at pvp, I admit it. I basically do it for dailies, while my main focus is pve. I generally end up somewhere in gold. But hey, even if I'm not all that great, I don't deserve the kind of abuse I've been getting the last few days. What the kitten is wrong with people? Going to such lengths to single someone out, spew insults, and generally be just kitten MEAN in every way they can - what do they get out of it? Do they seriously enjoy making people feel bad? The last one was very clear, he told me outright that he wanted me to feel as bad as possible. Are these people kittening sociopaths? That last one also declared he hoped I'd uninstall the game, because I had just "ruined" the game for 9 other players. How? I dunno, seemed to me I died about as often as everyone else on that team, and I still had some top stats. But I used a heal skill he didn't approve of, so I suppose that "ruined" it for everyone. Including the enemy team, somehow. 


*deep breath*


This is a rant, and I'm sorry. But I can't take this any more. I'm fragile enough as it is, and PvP is currently making me break down in tears every kittening day. This used to be fun. This is supposed to be fun. But... no. 

I'm sorry you're dealing with toxic people in pvp. While it should be expected to some degree it's no excuse for that kind of behavior. The truth is that this game is in a low period right now due to the lack of content and balancing issues. The good news is that more stuff is on the horizon, and with that hopefully more players. In general, more players with more content gives better results. Ignore the trolls in the game and this thread (actually the best advice I can give is to not take these threads too seriously) and just work on self improvement on the class/mechanics. 


Just remember it's a game for entertainment. So do whatever you'd like to do to have fun and enjoy yourself:) Take care  

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23 minutes ago, Gladiotor.7561 said:

Can personally confirm reports for verbal abuse do work, even for ridicolous things. 

Block, report, move on. If you cant handle it turn off chat or grow a thicker skin.

See this? Griefer. Only in it to get a riot out of you. He had no reason to be rude to you, but he chooses to anyway. When you lurk the forum long enough, you will see that a lot of threads are filled with People like these, where they feel the need be condescending, or be a jerk entirely. I agree with his advice. Just turn off chat, In fact, it better you don't interact with with chat at all for as long as you play the game. Nothing good comes from it, trust me. Notice how I am respectful and civil my response is? It's a rarity in this forum, don't expect any sympathy here if you asking this forum for help because something went wrong, because they would rather accuse you with something with no evidence to back it up then to help someone like you, hell. I guess that also mean, don't use the forum then.

Either way, Just don't interact with anyone in this game is my best advice. Pvers are usually more kinder. Usually. But I been wrong before lmao.

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