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The Untamed - new ranger elite spec


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18 hours ago, vectorfox.6894 said:

Just coming to say i knew it wasn't super pet focused anymore than regular ranger and yet people were jumping for joy they got a pet spec the opposite to soulbeast, when lo and behold Engi was the real pet spec in this round of elites.


Ah Ah

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2 minutes ago, Varrg.2704 said:

Not a single word on pet AI, as cool as Untamed and Mechanist are, this stuff is DOA


Mechanist maybe.  Untamed seems to be a straight up upgrade to core and is going to be a nightmare I think--for at least an hour or so until PvP sub gets it deleted from the planet.  


The only real question is if it can weapon swap.  

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To pre-emptively balance all the people who'll come in saying how disappointed they are: I AM EXTREMELY EXCITED.

The visuals aren't nearly as obnoxious in gameplay as they were in the teaser video, and the lore behind it has mollified me. I love the way they implemented the pet-ability buttons into the profession UI. The Primal Swap mechanic looks good, and it looks like it has some good extra traits to go along with the swap besides the hammer skills. This spec is going to let me make an even better version of the build I've been trying to play and I'm absolutely thrilled.

Also, all the non-Rangers are going to hate the pet shadowstep and I'm delighted.

p.s. I actually like the Build-A-Robot engi spec - I think they did a good job of making it a pet spec without being better at being a pet class than being a ranger.

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22 minutes ago, mistsim.2748 said:

Oh yeah? According to whom? I don't see any authorities here on what's DOA.

Don't worry ... some people have convinced themselves this is already trash simply by the fact that it has a pet. They just want to perpetuate their 'no-pet' agenda by crapping on every development Ranger gets as long as it has a pet. 

Edited by Obtena.7952
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5 minutes ago, Gomes.5643 said:

So did they clarify that the additional pet skills are only for the untamed? It sounded like it is a general thing .... as even the golem had 3 skills ....

It's definitely an Untamed-only change. I think the Jade mech has it for the same reason Untamed has it, i.e. it's a pet-focused spec which relies on using the pet itself as part of your gameplay. I wouldn't be surprised if the idea made it to the Untamed because they came up with it for the Mechanist.

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4 minutes ago, Gomes.5643 said:

Did we the actually loose something for it? Like petswap again? Because currently it seem the Untamed is the better ranger.

Pet swap looked to be enabled. I'm assuming the tradeoff is the offense/defense trait toggled by the unleash ability. That is, the untamed always takes more and does more damage or takes less and does less damage. Kinda like a berserker/inverse berserker mechanic.

Edited by covahlam.6391
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7 minutes ago, Gomes.5643 said:

Did we then actually loose something for it? Like petswap again? Because currently it seem the Untamed is the better ranger.

Sure, except you have to used the Untamed traits and profession mechanics instead of whatever other third specialization you would've wanted. It's a pet-focused ranger, of course it's going to make the pet abilities better. Like how Soulbeast makes the ranger's abilities better.

I guess if you want to focus on what we "lost" - the normal F1 F2 F3 functions are gone. (I think.)

Edited by Inventrix.3158
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I can't believe I'm about to type this, but I'm actually hyped to try this spec. 


Sure it still relies on pet AI, but those shadowsteps really should alleivate a lot of problems.  And having condition cleanse outside of WS may be the best thing that came out of that entire presentation.  

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4 minutes ago, Gomes.5643 said:

Did we then actually loose something for it? Like petswap again? Because currently it seem the Untamed is the better ranger.

The only trade off I can think of is choosing between damage buff or defence buff. That and you have to mostly main hammer to make any use of the CC damage bonus because only hammer has Unleashed state. 

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4 minutes ago, Inventrix.3158 said:

Sure, except you have to used the Untamed traits and profession mechanics instead of whatever other third specialization you would've wanted. It's a pet-focused ranger, of course it's going to make the pet abilities better. Like how Soulbeast makes the ranger's abilities better.

I guess if you want to focus on what we "lost" - the normal F1 F2 F3 functions are gone. (I think.)


Old F3 is return to me. I definetly saw the button for that on the untamed - seems to be f4 now. F1 is attack target - which still should be applied when commanding the autoattack (new f1).



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Where is the elite spec drawback? 🤨

The Untamed looks interesting and I'm sure many people will enjoy this spec but I'm not one of them. I simply don't like the theme of corrupted nature magic, pet zombification and all that stuff. However there is one thing I absolutely love - direct control over pet's skills. I really wish this to be implemented as a core part of ranger's pet system rather than being locked behind the elite spec.

New pets sounds great but I'm a little bit disappointed by no new canine pet like frequently requested black wolf. Instead we're getting another cat?

Overall not bad. Unfortunately new ranger stuff didn't click with me.


Edited by AkantorCZ.8952
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Really like the lore behind it. I haven’t played in a while but to me it looks to fill the gap ranger had in WvW because of all the CC and added condi removal. Unless the pet still dies too quickly. I think it will be fun in end game PvE as well, syncing the CC with more damage. 

Edited by Bast Bow.2958
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53 minutes ago, AkantorCZ.8952 said:

Where is the elite spec drawback? 🤨

The Untamed looks interesting and I'm sure many people will enjoy this spec but I'm not one of them. I simply don't like the theme of corrupted nature magic, pet zombification and all that stuff. However there is one thing I absolutely love - direct control over pet's skills. I really wish this to be implemented as a core part of ranger's pet system rather than being locked behind the elite spec.

New pets sounds great but I'm a little bit disappointed by no new canine pet like frequently requested black wolf. Instead we're getting another cat?

Overall not bad. Unfortunately new ranger stuff didn't click with me.


Where is the drawback?

Dunno if you've noticed but there is no soulbeast pet ress, meaning this is a core ranger 2.0 at best, when your pet dies is a hefty cd to wait

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I kinda like what I saw, though there didn't seem to be much in the way of condition damage options in the traitlines, though maybe they're hidden inside the pet skills or something and aren't in plain sight?

I'm honestly slightly worried about that trait I saw, 10% of strike damage healing the ranger.

Having healing be based on a % of outgoing damage can very very easily get out of control since that means that your offensive stats are now acting as your healing stat too.

In Grim Dawn where damage=healing can be very prevalent, it was so strong that bosses ended up being given a 95% resistance to it so the player would only heal 1/20'th as much when damaging them.

Birds will be a TON stronger with untamed since you won't allow them to waste time on the swiftness buff skill.


The hammer skills having different variations when unleashed mode is on the ranger, is that hammer only?

Do any other weaponsets get variations on the skills while unleashed? I wouldn't expect that they do, but if they did it would make untamed gain a ton of build variation and depth which would be amazing.

The marksmanship traitline is going to probably see a massive increase in usage with Predator's onslaught and Moment of clarity since those traits would activate frequently with untamed's cripple/cc focus.

Edited by magic fly.2041
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6 minutes ago, magic fly.2041 said:

I'm honestly slightly worried about that trait I saw, 10% of strike damage healing the ranger.

Imo, this is mostly useful for large scale fights in WvW where you're bonking 3-5 people at all times. In duels, it should add up as well over time. Very nice trait overall. Didn't see an internal cooldown.

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2 hours ago, Obtena.7952 said:

Don't worry ... some people have convinced themselves this is already trash simply by the fact that it has a pet. They just want to perpetuate their 'no-pet' agenda by crapping on every development Ranger gets as long as it has a pet. 

It's more of a "Make pets not garbage" agenda, to be honest

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1 hour ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

I can't believe I'm about to type this, but I'm actually hyped to try this spec. 


Sure it still relies on pet AI, but those shadowsteps really should alleivate a lot of problems.  And having condition cleanse outside of WS may be the best thing that came out of that entire presentation.  

Me too. Even if they do not adjust the AI, the shadowstep almost makes up for it. We had it before on the Cheetah F2 and Smoky after swap, but now we have it on the extra skills too which is great. 

And yes, the condi removal is great, I just hope the F5 counts as a weapon swap so I can combine the trait with a sigil of cleansing for 4 condi removal per 10s in WvW.

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