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New Forum Emoji

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Using the board in dark mode, which is quite appealing to the eye. But those emojis? Too small and they do not really fit. Both thematically and visually. Like, Thank You and Laugh are ok, but the other two are rather confusing - which already lead to a few discussions about that very topic itself :S. 

Most GW2 fan-sites and discord servers, I have seen, have customized GW2 icons, but not the official forums. As we still cannot embed pictures (I keep repeating this until it gets fixed or I stop playing), I would like to at least add a few cute quaggans or rampaging choya in my posts. But the board is rather sterile, when it comes to GW2 art. 

An option I absolutely like about Discord is that you can pick any emoji and react with that to a post and others can add up to those.

But honestly, I think that rolleyes-emoji getting implemented is more realistic than anything I listed above XD.

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I dont think we need emoji or like dislike at all. It  takes away from discussion, and fosters trolling. Dont have anything of worth to add to the conversation, toss an emoji. Want to troll someone no matter the content of the post, toss out an emoji. The human race is devolving and this type of cheesy system makes it worse. Soon we will communicate with grunts and hand flailing again because people have unlearned how to have a discussion. 

Edited by Zuldari.3940
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4 hours ago, Zuldari.3940 said:

I dont think we need emoji or like dislike at all. It  takes away from discussion, and fosters trolling. Dont have anything of worth to add to the conversation, toss an emoji. Want to troll someone no matter the content of the post, toss out an emoji. The human race is devolving and this type of cheesy system makes it worse. Soon we will communicate with grunts and hand flailing again because people have unlearned how to have a discussion. 

Do they?  I wonder how many people would write a non-constructive reply if they didn't have a negative emoji option?

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15 hours ago, Strider Pj.2193 said:

We need an ‘eye roll’ forum reaction emoji.



I think many of the ‘confused’ reactions would disappear.


And for those of you that don’t like forum reaction emoji’s?  🙄



Hot take here (Or should I say confusing?  Probably should be confusing.)
I think reactions should be done away with or at least removed from notifications.

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I ignore emojis on my posts, they don't convey WHY one might or not agree with me, especially the confused one, is it because you disagree, or because you didn't undestand what I wrote? (apparently a more "negative" emoji is seen as toxic in the year 20snowflake21?). In general, if you disagree with me just quote my post and reply.

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17 hours ago, Zuldari.3940 said:

I dont think we need emoji or like dislike at all. It  takes away from discussion, and fosters trolling. Dont have anything of worth to add to the conversation, toss an emoji. Want to troll someone no matter the content of the post, toss out an emoji. The human race is devolving and this type of cheesy system makes it worse. Soon we will communicate with grunts and hand flailing again because people have unlearned how to have a discussion. 

Well, if we were talking face to face, you’d see me nod along to a good point you’re making. 
I like being able to “yeah, what you said” with a heart or little trophy cup rather than wasting forum space on a post just to say “this, right here”.

I’m thinking part of the problem with the confused emoji is not its negativity, but its ambiguity. It’s negative in a passive, meaningless way. It’d be cleaner just to have a “disagree” emoji. 

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30 minutes ago, kharmin.7683 said:

If one disagrees, and doesn't provide a post detailing why, then an emoji really isn't necessary in the first place as far as I'm concerned.

I can see that.

But if I think about emojis as a stand in for nonverbal communication we all rely on when face to face, it makes sense that I can see heads nodding in agreement and eyebrows furrowed in disagreement. 
I wouldn’t miss emojis if they disappeared completely, but I can see the value in not have threads full of posts saying only “nope” and “yes, totally”.


Edited by Gibson.4036
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18 minutes ago, Fueki.4753 said:

The forum needs less emojis, not more.

Like and thanks (and maybe the laughing one) are sufficient.

Everything else would just be abused as a downvote and therefore should not be present.

Actually,  one more that clearly reflects what should be said in many instances. Can't count how many times  I wished there was a dunce cap I could use.

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35 minutes ago, Blude.6812 said:

Actually,  one more that clearly reflects what should be said in many instances. Can't count how many times  I wished there was a dunce cap I could use.

That'd fall under shaming others, which is something that should not be done.

If you disagree with something, you ought to either comment on it or ignore it and move on.

Leaving a negative mark without giving your opinion or concern is no different from flipping birds.

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I wonder if you could map conversations about forum emojis to the news cycle of the game. I was thinking about how a little bit ago we had the "confused emoji" thread, and now we have this one.

It's kind like everyone ran out of real things to talk about until we at least see the chat later today.

Which, I guess, makes a lot of sense. Since we're in this big "return to" holding pattern for a quite a while, which is just "replay the old stuff for new shinies".

Just feels like forum emoji conversation is what we get to when we're really scraping the bottom of the barrel.

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2 hours ago, kharmin.7683 said:

If one disagrees, and doesn't provide a post detailing why, then an emoji really isn't necessary in the first place as far as I'm concerned.

I am sort of on the same opinion about the confused emoji, as well, to be honest. How is that helpful to the person who left the post? They obviously understand what they meant. Without specifics, what should they clarify and to whom?

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On 10/21/2021 at 6:01 PM, Strider Pj.2193 said:

And for those of you that don’t like forum reaction emoji’s?  🙄

I hate them as they are just a prepubescent way of replying to a message.

If you dissagree with a point or comment made, say it dont just  emoji react with TikTok level IQ

Edited by Smoosh.2718
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