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Player's Personal Siege Cap


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Personal player's siege capping on any one map.  This is to prevent/counter siege troll.

Our personal siege troll who used to build golem, pull the tactivators and used up all the supply everywhere, has today come up with new way to troll the server, by siege capping our map for several hours, we can't drop any siege anywhere on the map.  See picture, I have a video where I run to enemy tower, to drop a cata and was told that I am unable to deploy siege at the location


One player get to drop 2 of each type of siege on one WvW map, they can drop another set  at an  interval of 45 minutes in any objective/structure, tower/keep and its vincinity  in the same map. 
Commander can have a higher siege cap depending on the size of their squad.


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Can confirm. We were unable to do much on EBG for hours but take camps and pvd if we could. This person normally doesn't go this hard with their troll. But regularly uses up supply and pulls all tactivators.

Just seems a bit silly that one person can influence an entire servers gameplay through such a mechanic, that i'm sure is very rarely reached in most situations and normally a non issue. At least in 2021. However TC has a dedicated troll with multiple accounts to circumvent bans that does this almost daily and he sticks around to refresh the siege.

Please look in to this anet, even if you temporarily remove the map siege cap per server. But I worry that he'll just drop endless siege until he crashes the server or something if you do that. I know this sort of thing is hard to police, but it got to the point where nobody could play the gamemode really on one of the maps.

Lots of us just went to other maps and enjoyed it there, but it doesn't excuse it.

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Much lower expiration times for unbuilt siege sites could be good, except for the automatic ones on castle walls. A finished catapult can be used again later, but a random catapult build site left untouched without a single supply for let's say 5 minutes could as well expire.

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This isnt a new way, its existed since launch. Its just that few spend the effort to do it, lol. Limiting siege per player is an acceptable solution but it assumes we can pack up siege again. Otherwise you absolutely wreck roamers ability to sustain sieges. If you are successfull on a map a small group might not be able to put down siege after the second tower, or first keep.

Edited by Dawdler.8521
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Omg that is awesome, love it!!! Also you can still use golems as they have a different cap. The siege is ~130 pieces of siege but I dont know if golems have a different cap or not. This is something I will have to test now.

Also just lead a zerg towards the wall and maybe they will clear it. Amateur building where a zerg can wall bomb it.

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9 hours ago, SweetPotato.7456 said:

Personal player's siege capping on any one map.  This is to prevent/counter siege troll.

Our personal siege troll who used to build golem, pull the tactivators and used up all the supply everywhere, has today come up with new way to troll the server, by siege capping our map for several hours, we can't drop any siege anywhere on the map.  See picture, I have a video where I run to enemy tower, to drop a cata and was told that I am unable to deploy siege at the location


One player get to drop 2 of each type of siege on one WvW map, they can drop another set  at an  interval of 45 minutes in any objective/structure, tower/keep and its vincinity  in the same map. 
Commander can have a higher siege cap depending on the size of their squad.



This would not work. A Zerg, Warband or Havoc lead drops a ton of siege in a short period of time and this would block game play. Even while running solo players can drop a ton of siege. No this is an example of changing game mechanics for players abusing the system but it shouldn't change the game play. I feel for you, but this is a GM issue, not a change to the game mechanic type issue. In the past some servers and guilds have had players designated to build defenses and some of still do, this would also block their game play as they were left there to build defense for an objective to prep to repel the other side to attack though defending these days grows less and less of a thing its still valid. If anything request that ANet code, if they don't already, audits to understand where and when people drop siege so that if it is reported as abuse then they can follow up on the issue and take action if needed. But to block normal gameplay for valid drops would not be a good thing.

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It'd be fine as long as we can pick the siege back up and take it to another location. In fact I'd say it'd be even better for roamers and small havoc groups that way since they can prebuild siege.


Just make it so that there's a special action skill which places it back in your inventory as a completed siege blueprint that can be instantly built somewhere else then you can cap the amount of siege per player.

(Note: This should only work on siege that you placed, to prevent trolling.)


I don't think it would affect blob fights since they almost always insta-build siege anyway.

Edited by Hannelore.8153
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Sooo... I won't be able to build even a basic amount of defensive siege in keeps/towers because others abuse the system? Or I'll just pop a tag and invite some friends to build troll siege if I want to drain supplies etc.? Also, imagine a commander popping a tag for a quick defense or some havoc stuff and not being able to build enough siege because the squad is small or people won't join in the heat of the moment. And will the extra siege dropped by commanders just despawn as soon as they tag down or will it stay?


Sorry, this suggestion seems pretty flawed to me.

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2 hours ago, Daredevil.2745 said:

So what? Catas block building acs? Just jump down from walls and fight instead of sitting on arrow carts, big respect to the guy preventing people from using arrow carts. If you can't win a fight with keep boons without arrow carts, you don't deserve to have it.


1 hour ago, Zikory.6871 said:

One player doing gods work keeping the rest of the map clear of degenerate siege users. 🙏

Godspeed you glorious kitten! 

I feel with these two posts the point has been missed entirely. Nobody was wanting to drop ac's or any defensive siege. People just wanted to actually try to cap stuff but nobody could drop rams or catapults anywhere else on the map so EBG was at a standstill for us.

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44 minutes ago, Shinjiko.1352 said:


I feel with these two posts the point has been missed entirely. Nobody was wanting to drop ac's or any defensive siege. People just wanted to actually try to cap stuff but nobody could drop rams or catapults anywhere else on the map so EBG was at a standstill for us.

Nah, I understand it fine. It's a hilarious issue Anet should address. 


But I'm not on TC nor would I have much interest in taking your objectives. So being able to be in TCs 3rd without half your pugs spamming siege would be a nice change of pace. 

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2? How cheap are you people? I drop 2 to attack  one objective lol. Back when I actually cared, I'd probably have at least 6-7 siege to my name on each objective.

There really isn't a good solution beyond banning the offenders if you ask me. I think each section of the map should have its own cap, so you won't be blocked from attacking a structure if someone siege trolls your keep.

Btw while we're at this, can we not put the tactivators so close to the nodes?

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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2 hours ago, aspirine.6852 said:

2 sieges per map per player seems quite ok. Perhaps some ppt coms will have a problem when they cant drop 6 rams or 6 catas per paper tower.. But plenty in squad to still do that anyway. 

How would this work? So the siege carrier is suppose to stop, send mail to the next player and then try and show them where to drop it? Rarely have I seen where a driver has asked others to place siege for them since they have some plan on where they want it deployed.


A 6 person havoc that has their traits set to carry max supply and has their guild set to claim camps can build 3 guild cats per objective per supply run.  So that's 3 a tower and then potentially 3-6 per keep. Quite a lot of havocs will preset siege so that they have cats up to hit targets when needed so will drop siege around before use depending on the tactics on if they are looking to take, decoy or preset in prep for a larger group to roll up and be able to hit. 


A number of posts over time has been about siege wallets, simply because for people that do deploy siege they might be carrying quite a bit of it. Leave a stack of most common guild siege in shared inventory at all times and then usually have a set of superior on each WvW toon. If running with a havoc will usually have a full 250 stack of cats but at least over 100 to start the run with plans on getting more in short order if needed.


2 per person per map......I don't think that's going to work. Again this is an issue that needs to be addressed by a GM, not a change to game logic.

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