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Specter Bug Thread

Fire Attunement.9835

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The ones  I noticed (sorry for repeats, just confirming):

- You can't give boons via traits while Siphoning from an ally, only an enemy. As the purpose of these boons is to buff allies, this doesn't make any sense and is likely a bug.

- You can't summon Warclaw in WvW without stowing weapon because the allied "Attack" prevents it. It treats it as combat, even though you're not in combat while targetting allies.

- Wells don't cast up stairs in the forts properly. This includes outside and inside the objectives. They're fine on most slopes, its just that for some reason stairs stop them from targetting.

- Wells can't be cast on walls or anywhere else where you can't Shadowstep.

- The Sceptor #3 skill with Pistol off-hand will send you flying past your ally if you're already in melee range of them, for example if you use it twice in a row. It sent me into water or lava many times this way.

- The Sceptor #3 flip-over skill prevents the casting of all other skills for a long time with no way to cancel it?

- The Shadow Shroud skills don't feel like Thief weapon skills, they feel like the skills of another class. This breaks gameplay, immersion and fluidity as Thief Initiative means their weapon skills are normally very responsive.

- There's NO stun break on the Spectre's utility kit (Wells). I consider this a bug, as other classes have stunbreak on nearly every utility kit, including most other Well kits.

- There's no combo finishers on the weapon or utility kits (?), which again is unlike any other kit in the game.

- All the Wells are Dark fields, while the #6 should be a Light or Water field, just like on Chrono, Engi and Necro Wells. Those were clearly consistent design decisions, so I'll consider this a bug, too.


While its okay to deviate somewhat from established game rules, you shouldn't break them, either.

Edited by Hannelore.8153
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Shadow Arts' grandmaster trait "Rending Shade" is supposed to fear when stealth-attacking an enemy with no boons to rip. In testing in a private sPvP arena with friends we saw it was not applying fear though, and seemed to instead be applying the "Slow" condition? This happened on both spectre and core thief now.  (might be related to the new conditions that got added to the game recently?)

Edited by Nighthawk.2401
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2 hours ago, Nighthawk.2401 said:

Shadow Arts' grandmaster trait "Rending Shade" is supposed to fear when stealth-attacking an enemy with no boons to rip. In testing in a private sPvP arena with friends we saw it was not applying fear though, and seemed to instead be applying the "Slow" condition? This happened on both spectre and core thief now.  (might be related to the new conditions that got added to the game recently?)

You've got to be right next to the person for the fear to reach. It's kind of annoying. Because the fear proc's on You, not the weapon. 

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Not sure if it's a bug, but a few times I've gone into then immediately exited shroud for the heal with Consume Shadows traited and it's simply consumed all my shadow force and not healed me at all. This was in combat but out of range of other players, with full shadow force. Not sure if it's an aftercast issue or just me being spammy xD

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Wells don't auto snap to target even if you have that function on other ground targeted skills.  Since I mouse-move, I found myself dropping wells on walls, on single targets at the periphery of a door fight, pretty much anywhere but on my targeted foe or ally unless I had spare seconds to move my green target circle manually.  I toggled it back and forth and checked on non-well skills to verify I had it on.

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While I really enjoy the Scpec and the idea behind it, i foung some missing synergies or not wortking as intended one, IMO:


Thrill of Crime:

Does not share the effects, when using "Siphon" on other player, but give the boons, when using on a npc od enemy.


Bountiful Theft

Does not work (or let's say, boon is not given), when using "Siphon" on other player or npc, but works well when using on enemys.


Hidden Thief:

Does not stealth, when using "Siphon" on other player, but stealth, when using on a npc or enemy.


Would love to see the effects expanded for using on targeted ally.

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every Scepter skill should be a projectile finisher, i am considering this as a bug because there is no reason why it shouldnt be that way and i like you think the dark field on the wells are intended to give Specter and allies life-steal. Else Pistol is the better mainhand by default.

Twilight Combo isn't working on close range since the first projectile colides the the enemy before the second one is launched, which isnt specified in the tooltip. Either intended and tooltip is missing or the second projectile should still hit, even if the first one has already hit.

Edited by Felices Bladewing.3914
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22 minutes ago, Doggie.3184 said:

I consider it a bug that you removed Pistol's Ricochet from Thieves and gave a better version of it to Necromancer but didn't give us a better version of Necromancer's AoE with Scepter that we can spam. Please fix. 😣

i have to say it souded a bit like that yeah, not what i was aiming at - but there is a projectile finisher on all other range weapons with 20% on AAs and 100% on the other projectile skills besides unload. why shouldnt that be the case with Shadow Bolt etc?

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Made a new char. Now using Dire stats. Gives me a base hp of 20k. Still,when entering Shroud im Not getting the bonus  HP ontop which should be 30k total for me as described on the shroud tooltip. Again..it worked fine the first day,since yesterday its broken for me.

Can someone please confirm ?

Edited by Caedmon.6798
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Maybe bug:
Some of the new shadowstep wells drop flamethrower in Underground Facility fractal but some do not , I didn't get a change to doublecheck this.

Probably bug:
Specter scepter dual atatcks trigger monk rune on druid (i.e. different player)

Edited by Infusion.7149
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  • Scepter/Pistol 3 skill second attack beam doesn't render when attacking non-living objects. For example Inquest Supply Crate or Inquest Rifle Turret in Sandswept Isles. And with many others.
  • Scepter/Pistol 3 skill first attack have only aiming animation, when you raise hand with pistol, but not shooting animation. Looks weird.
Edited by Dzheen.5291
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Scepter skills don't have a projectile's combo field finishers. They are useless with thief smoke field from pistol, dark field from wells, and don't count as a projectile's. But they get all the projectiles hate from reflects, absorb and etc. They can be reflected with thief daggers strom, engi shield 5, smoke screen and etc.
Scepter skills should either be a complete projectiles with combo field finishers, or they shouldn't be reflected, absorbed by skills and fields.

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Twilight Combo (Sc/D 3):  Cannot attack enemies while Action Camera is on.  "You must have an enemy or ally targeted to use that skill."
Endless Night (Sc/P 3):  Cannot attack enemies while Action Camera is on.  "You must have an enemy or ally targeted to use that skill."
Shadow Bolt (Scepter 1):  Auto-attack does not activate on allies or enemies when Action Camera is on.  
    Even when using 1 key or 2 key to "attack", NOT left click (which never activates auto-attack).  
    Loses ally target after initial chain, no longer landing hits.
Dawn's Repose (Shroud 3):  Needs tooltip info for attack radius.
Shadow Force:  Numbers on the bar (like 0/150), or on mouse-over would be helpful.
Improvisation:  Does it do anything?  Maybe it could grant some (20?) Shadow Force when leaving shroud?

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Bugged Skills:

  • One of the most obvious bugs pretty much everyone should have noticed is with Triple Bolt. The skill triggers twice if used without a significant delay.
  • Skill retargeting is a core part of GW2 and is utilized heavily in all endgame content, in particular in competitive modes and regarding any channeled skills. Currently, the option under settings (labeled Allow Skill Retargeting) is supposed to work for enemies only. However, even that does not work properly in the case of Specter’s sceptre channeled skills.
    • For example, Unload is a channeled skills which can utilize this feature. Comparatively, Endless Night does not allow skill retargeting. You can see the targeting change and the character’s model shift, but the skill does not retarget.
    • Furthermore, this skill retargeting mechanic is a much bigger issue for Specter because it’s the only spec in the game that utilizes skills on allies as well.
  • The skill Twilight Combo has numerous issues with how it currently functions; all of which can severely impact gameplay and effectiveness of the class. Having said that, some interactions are interesting and can prove to be useful in certain situations.
  • The skill Measured Shot shoots the caster way past the ally chosen if they are close enough as it utilizes an actual projectile for the Shadowstep portion, defeating the intended purpose of the skill and often resulting in a very awkward and out of position situation. Unfortunately, I do not have a clip of this, but it is effortlessly reproduceable.


Bugged Traits:

The Acrobatics traitline has been considered a completely useless traitline by hardcore players for nearly 2 years now (and by some even longer); so, having bugged traits that don’t even function as they should makes the traitline even more of a joke. With the release of EoD, hopefully we will see some serious changes to this traitline – for the time being, hopefully the following issues are addressed.

  • The trait Assassin's Reward is one of the most inaccurate and buggiest trait on thief, and been that way for years (it does not heal for as much as it claims – base heal is supposed to be 102/initiative). Furthermore, Specter makes this situation even worse. The trait does not work for any of the Specter sceptre skills – NONE OF THEM!
  • The trait Swindler's Equilibrium does not reduces the recharge of Siphon.

Should anyone at ANet require a HD version of the clips showing the bugs and issues, I have them available at my disposal.

Edited by Asur.9178
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