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[POLL] Do you like Mechanist?


Do you like Mechanist?  

227 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you like the THEME of this spec?

    • Yes, this is what I wanted
    • Yes, but I wanted somethin different
    • No, it is a bad execusion of what I wanted
    • No, and I wanted something different
  2. 2. Do you like how this spec is DESIGNED gameplay wise?

    • Yes, this is what I wanted
    • Yes, but I wanted somethin different
    • No, it is a bad execusion of what I wanted
    • No, and I wanted something different
  3. 3. Do you like how this spec is BALANCED?

    • Yes
    • No

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Roaming with it in WvW and probably some of the most fun I have had on engi in a long time. Definitely not for everyone but that's why we have 3 elite specs with varying playstyles. 

Mech has Bug issues but its damage, its presence, its impact... makes up for how clunky it moves.

Counters the old meta favs pretty well as a full damage mechanist. Leaving DHs, reapers and scourges in shambles as tghey just dont know what to focus and if they go after my pet I shadowstep it out of there.

Only issue I have with it is Core reactor shot and the fact that sometimes it desummons for no reason and wont come back out.

Otherwise, im maining it as long as nothing really changes gameplay wise.

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I like it, it's fun to play, but it has numerous glaring design issues that are seriously hurting its performance.  Doesn't matter if it's the most fun spec in the game if nobody wants you for fractals or wvw.


Toolbelt needs to be Available when mech is not.

Traits need to boost the player when mech is inactive.

Mech AI needs major improvements.

Lack of weapon options is still a serious problem for engineers in general, and kits really don't make up for that.

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in terms if theme, I would of course have wanted something with a little more heavy metal being a charr engineer. But it is a nice enough theme regardless.


Oh and don't get me wrong, I mean, I like the mech but a more Iron-like mech would be nice even if it's just a mech skin.


I'm also had alot of fun with the mace and combo fighting with the mech too since I alted a ranger a bit.

Edited by Stalima.5490
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6 minutes ago, Stalima.5490 said:

in terms if theme, I would of course have wanted something with a little more heavy metal being a charr engineer. But it is a nice enough theme regardless.

yea, my charr engi will stay scrapper, it just fits him so well.  Making a new asura engi for the gole... mech... though

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I have never been interested in Engineer.....until now.  This is WAY too much fun.  It will be interesting to see how it works in WvW.

Edit: After one day of playing: 

I loved it in PvE even though there were some pathing issues. It was so much fun and obliterated everything. 

I hated it in WvW.  When fighting around many people, I didn't know where it was most of the time and when it died, I was completely useless.

Edited by Anela.3867
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In its current form the spec feels boring on the level of wow's bm hunter i am sure lot of people like this kind of "gameplay" but i have never been really interested pet classes especially the ones where i don't have to do F all except send pet and watch while it plays the game.

Visual side the spec looks nice though.

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9 hours ago, kharmin.7683 said:

Isn't a poll premature?  I mean, it's the first look from a beta test.  The spec may be significantly different on the official release date which may render these poll results moot.

Why is it whenever your name shows up in these feedback/opinion threads, you're always trying to shut down others' say and everyone else sharing what they think and feel?

Why is it you always seem to stand away from the community and can't seem to understand that people can say whatever they'd like, when they like, as they see fit, and that your input to the situation isn't relevant if it is to just say, "Be quiet, nobody cares"?

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I don’t know that it’s really possible to judge balance at this point, but for a per spec, there’s a lot of potential here.  

The spec is still kinda buggy and the death of the mech is still too much of an Achilles’ heal since there’s not much you can actively do to keep it alive and the penalty from it dying is really heavy.


Still, I would venture to say that it’s the best of the elite specs so far except for maybe Specter.

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22 minutes ago, EdwinLi.1284 said:

I like it and it is designed so players can build towards either power or condition build compared to most Elite Spec which are designed specifically for either only power or only condition damage builds. 

Tbh, idk if thats good or bad. Because of that we have 0 build variety and there are already 2 power based e specs on engi.

But its surely nice to also being able to play power mechanist but still i am not sure because we lose that much build variety. 

Its basically what Was also said about harbinger. You play 111, 222 or 333 and here its similar. 

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As I said in my reply on the feedback thread this spec nails the golemancer fantasy asuran engineers have wanted since launch. The mech is customizable and versatile. It is a big investment trait and skill wise but I feel it's ultimately worthwhile.

That said it is absolutely overtuned atm. The default soldier's gear setup the mechanist has absolutely rolls over even the harder pve foes. I tried a harrier stat build with the middle supportive line and the thing can face-tank champions while pumping out obscene boons and barriers. It's amazing but it very much needs to come down a couple notches.

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I think it's OK and it will cater to the casual crowd. It has a slower, more relaxed play style to it. It hits as hard as a Holosmith with its abilities, but its slower rate of attack reduces its DPS to keep things in balance. The ranged traits are IMO the best for the mech and it pairs really well with pistol/pistol setups.


Personally I would have preferred to have a "shroud" like specialization for the engineer. A battery that charges and allows you limited access to your exo-mech with 5 unique abilities. I think that would have offered a more well rounded solution and it wouldn't rely on pet AI, which even Anet demonstrated is problematic. It would also be much easier for ArenaNet to balance. A pet mech that has no pet swap mechanic and high recharge time is going to be highly sensitive to nerfs. Reduce the damage or utility too much and engineers will start to wonder if it's worth the hassle or just better to revert back to Scrapper or Holosmith.

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12 hours ago, Bomboed.5697 said:

Lets collect opinions! Feel free to comment!

It'd be interesting to see this poll broken down by game mode. It seems to work horribly in WvW, especially in large encounters. I'm not exaggerating when say it's one of the worst specs I've ever tested across many expacs, despite many attempts to make it work. But maybe it's the polar opposite in PvE. 


Unfortunate, since the aesthetics are nice. 

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Don't know about the balancing. But for the first two: No. I always would have loved to play the engineeer as some kind of sniper (or ranged dps). Though thief already got a profession similar to this.

Scrapper and Holo feel melee and the core isn't really special/elite.

As for the execution: Would have preferred to still be able to use toolbelt skills - at least 1-4. And other options to customize. (Traits ont tied to this.) Unlocks - like with the ranger that can charm pets.

But ... tbh: I only played a lil bit. Since it is also Halloween event running + the new "Return to". Bad timing for ArenaNet to - again - bring tons of stuff at the same time. (Other time 1-2 weeks nothing is running/new.) Felt like the Golem was sturdy - might be good for support in small/mid sized groups. (Trying it in fractals maybe.) And for soloing PvE content in open world + survivability, I guess?

From the specs I have seeen (barely played any other classes and any of the other elite specs that are older - besides Mesmer that I tried as 2nd main): Mesmer, Thief, Ele ... the new ones seem most inteesting. Never liked the thief. (Least liked profession.) And for Mesmer I like Chrono more than Mirage. Nothing really special though at the previous e-specs. The new ones seem to change the class a bit more instead of just having the skills f1-f5 pretty similar with just a minor detail changed.

In that regards the Mechanist offers a lot (totally different - people describe it as mixing the other professoins - here engi with ranger). But I do not like this. I'd rather had a 4th trait line with different stuff (2 options) for each profession. More work though to develop such stuff. Or sub classes for the elite.

Edited by Luthan.5236
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Tried it in all three modes and worked pretty well :D.

That said I do agree there are some tweaks that I would like. More options when the Mech is in the air or afk. The active skills seems to be a DPS loss instead of a DPS gain. Mace needs some more oomph. Toolbelt would be nice to see back in some form.

Other than that I think the spec has a good foundation already. And will have some good play all around. I will write down a better text in a later stadium :p.

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Only thing I dont like right now is that sometimes it gets annihilated and then you are just a very bad core engi.. 

But I like the moves on it, how it fires from ranged, the dismount seems like it will be abused in lower level areas just like the raptor is. So that will suck for daily. 

But still from all the specs released I like this one the most.

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The jade buster cannon currently seems a bit underwhelming in my opinion, the elite signet seems much better used to simply revive your mech when it inevitably gets destroyed in pvp/wvw. That being said I'm not even really saying it should be changed, just giving my opinion on how it feels to me.

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