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[Petition] make home instance chests free to open


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This is a petition to make personal chests in your home instance free to open without a key.

  • Personal Bandit Chest
  • Personal Airship Cargo
  • Personal Crystallized Supply Cache
  • Personal Exalted Chest

Not being able to open these chests because you don't have the key is not a Feel Good moment. It's also not a good incentive to revisit the relevant maps. It's just an annoyance that makes my day a little bit worse.

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I actually wouldn't be against this. Had to think about it for a second, but the benefits are minimal enough that it wouldn't really hurt anything while still providing some home instance QoL. On top of that, I already have motivation to go back to those maps by way of feeding my HoT gobbler gizmo and doing the Silverwastes because it's still profitable.

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I don't find this necessary and I can usually only open one out of four for this reason. It's just really low effort to take care of this on my part by going back to the maps and earning the keys. This is coming from someone that has achieved the title "The Great Reformer" so I know what it is to grind those maps. This is a non issue folks.

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4 hours ago, StevenL.3761 said:


This is a petition to make personal chests in your home instance free to open without a key.

  • Personal Bandit Chest
  • Personal Airship Cargo
  • Personal Crystallized Supply Cache
  • Personal Exalted Chest

Not being able to open these chests because you don't have the key is not a Feel Good moment. It's also not a good incentive to revisit the relevant maps. It's just an annoyance that makes my day a little bit worse.

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There are Gizmo that you can get from doing Achievement that make it possible to convert different currencies needed top open those chests. Take a look at GW2 wiki for currencies/token.

This isn't a big problem, if you would once in a while play in relevant maps and help out those that haven't yet played throug all maps in HoT.

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Meh. I don't really care if I can't open any or all of those. The drops are not really all that special and if they were, I can always do a meta every few days and get the keys from the Hero's Choice Chest of the relevant map. In fact, that's what I usually do if I'm interested, at all. Something similar goes for The Silverwastes. I sometimes do Shovel farming there for Guild Hall purposes, so I always have map currency I can blow on keys. But again, if I don't have the keys, I just leave them. The rest of the home instance is why I go in there, anyway.

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35 minutes ago, ShadowCatz.8437 said:

There are Gizmo that you can get from doing Achievement that make it possible to convert different currencies needed top open those chests. Take a look at GW2 wiki for currencies/token.

I am aware of this and it's insufficient. You can only choose a single key, and choosing anything other than the Machete is just bad decision making from an efficiency viewpoint. And even then, you can only open 1 out of 4 chests if you have no other keys. There is no converter for bandit keys.


35 minutes ago, ShadowCatz.8437 said:

This isn't a big problem, if you would once in a while play in relevant maps and help out those that haven't yet played throug all maps in HoT.

Yes, it is a problem. When I do play those maps, I use up all my keys immediately. I never have more keys than there are chests when I play HoT maps casually. It wouldn't make sense to ignore chests to use them later in your home. Unused keys are just wasted potential. Buying keys with map currency is also not a good way to spend the currency.

The only way this could work for me is if they dramatically increased the keys rewarded for completing events. But that would bring imbalance to the game, which my suggestion does not.


33 minutes ago, kharmin.7683 said:

Want the rewards?  Play the content.  Quit asking for free stuff.  (sigh)

Not sure what to do with this useless criticism. The whole point of the home instance nodes is that you _already did the work_ to get those nodes. After that it's supposed to be a semi-passive reward system.  Chests are the only out of many personal nodes that are gated behind map participation, and for what reason?

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21 minutes ago, StevenL.3761 said:

I am aware of this and it's insufficient. You can only choose a single key, and choosing anything other than the Machete is just bad decision making from an efficiency viewpoint. And even then, you can only open 1 out of 4 chests if you have no other keys. There is no converter for bandit keys.

It's "insufficient", because that's just a bonus, not the main source of the keys. Play the content, farm up the keys and you're good to go. How is this even a problem...

21 minutes ago, StevenL.3761 said:

Yes, it is a problem. When I do play those maps, I use up all my keys immediately. I never have more keys than there are chests when I play HoT maps casually. It wouldn't make sense to ignore chests to use them later in your home. Unused keys are just wasted potential. Buying keys with map currency is also not a good way to spend the currency.

The only way this could work for me is if they dramatically increased the keys rewarded for completing events. But that would bring imbalance to the game, which my suggestion does not.

Ok, so if I keep spending all the gold I casually farm up, it means.... I should be asking for more free gold? Because as far as I understand, that's basically what you're doing here.

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I never use the HoT chests in my Home instance because I feel that they give less rewards then the ones in the HoT map themselves. This is at least true for the Airship Cargo node in your Home instance, which only gives 0-3 Airship Parts,  while the ones in the maps can give 3-68 Airship Parts.  Not going to waste a Pact Crowbar on that!  

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26 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Ok, so if I keep spending all the gold I casually farm up, it means.... I should be asking for more free gold? Because as far as I understand, that's basically what you're doing here.

That's a false analogy. Gold can be spent on many things. The keys can only be spent on their respective chests. The differences are too big for a direct apples to apples comparison.

29 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Play the content, farm up the keys and you're good to go. How is this even a problem...

I already addressed this.

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Yeah the fact that the home instance versions of those chests cost a key on top of not dropping their respective map currency make them completely useless to me. Less than useless, even, since opening them is a loss no matter what... They should either 1. still use a key but drop map currency or 2. not drop map currency but also not use a key. Right now they're the worst of both worlds.

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11 minutes ago, StevenL.3761 said:

That's a false analogy. Gold can be spent on many things. The keys can only be spent on their respective chests. The differences are too big for a direct apples to apples comparison.

Is it? You get stuff from those chests. Stuff that you can turn into gold by selling/recrafting/exchanging it and then use that gold how you want. Both cases are about increasing your "ingame wealth" and both are asking for "more for free" because you don't want to get more by yourself. The main difference here is that I used "gold" in my analogy (hence it's still an analogy instead of being exactly same thing), while the chests provide "items that can be turned into gold". So clearly not all that different and not all that "false" analogy.


I already addressed this.

Your take on that in your previous post -for now- doesn't seem to be true at all. If it was supposed to be passive/free, then it would be. But it's not. What you gain here is the fact that you don't need to go to those maps to open those chests. Farm up the keys and then keep opening the chest while gathering the home instance. slowly, daily, over time, but still all at one place, which is what's already convenient about it.

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1 hour ago, StevenL.3761 said:

Not sure what to do with this useless criticism. The whole point of the home instance nodes is that you _already did the work_ to get those nodes. After that it's supposed to be a semi-passive reward system.  Chests are the only out of many personal nodes that are gated behind map participation, and for what reason?

Yes, you did the work to get the home instance nodes.  That is the reward.  Now, you need to visit the zone to get the keys to actually gain the rewards that are in the nodes.  You're making assumptions about the reward system that don't go with reality.  That you go to the zone(s) and use up all of the keys there is a you problem, especially since you can visit vendors and purchase more keys with the relevant zone currency.

Again, if you want the reward, then you need to actually play the content.  Otherwise, yes, you're asking for free stuff.

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4 minutes ago, StevenL.3761 said:

I invite you to take a look at all the home nodes that can be gathered daily without having to play events around the world. Home instance - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W)

Why should the chests be different? Why are they different? How can you argue that only the chests should require event participation but not every other node?

The nodes don't need the keys in the first place. And they still use up the gathering tools. What are you trying to show here?

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The home nodes are supposed to be high initial effort, then low maintenance effort. That's just how it is and I don't need you to try to challenge this idea, because you won't change my mind about it. Every other node lives up to that bar.

Gathering tool charges don't even come close to the effort that goes into farming keys. Don't you have unbreakable tools anyway? Even if not, there is a vendor just outside the instance.

The whole point of this post is to challenge the status quo. There is no good reason for the chests to be locked. Or maybe you want to keep the real reason a secret? Your argument that it is free stuff is very shallow. If that's the problem then we need to get the devs to remove all home nodes immediately! Too much free stuff! 

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15 minutes ago, StevenL.3761 said:

The home nodes are supposed to be high initial effort, then low maintenance effort. That's just how it is and I don't need you to try to challenge this idea, because you won't change my mind about it. Every other node lives up to that bar.

Nobody even needs to challenge anything here, because the reality shows you're wrong with your take in this thread.

15 minutes ago, StevenL.3761 said:

Gathering tool charges don't even come close to the effort that goes into farming keys. Don't you have unbreakable tools anyway? Even if not, there is a vendor just outside the instance.

Well, don't you have HoT currency/keys farmed up anyways? If not, then you should, that's all.

15 minutes ago, StevenL.3761 said:

The whole point of this post is to challenge the status quo. There is no good reason for the chests to be locked. Or maybe you want to keep the real reason a secret? Your argument that it is free stuff is very shallow. If that's the problem then we need to get the devs to remove all home nodes immediately! Too much free stuff! 

What exactly are you suggesting with me "keeping my real reason a secret"? Honestly, I have no idea what you're talking about, so please, share with me what the conspiracy theory here is.

Whether you think "my argument is shallow" or not doesn't matter, because what I said there is simply a fact. You know it's a fact and that's why you're sidestepping it by responding with "it's very shallow!" non-answer that tries to challenge reality without actually responding with anything specific.

Home nodes are "as free" as they are in the rest of the open world. They just work exactly the same. And so do these chests. Yes, both nodes and chest work the same way they do as their corresponding chests/nodes in open world. You've tried to claim what I said in my previous post was "false analogy", because I compared "gold" to "items that can be turned into gold" (so it's NOT a false analogy btw), but now you're trying to equate chests to nodes and... now you don't see how that's a false analogy? 🤔

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8 minutes ago, StevenL.3761 said:

You don't seem to understand what challenging the status quo means. Continuing this discussion serves no purpose until you do. Have a good day.

Hey, please stop dodging what I wrote. Repeating "I'm challenging status quo" isn't an argument nor is it an answer to anything in this thread. The main argument you had in this thread seemed to be based on comparing the chests to the nodes. But the chests aren't nodes, so it's a complete miss.

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25 minutes ago, StevenL.3761 said:

The home nodes are supposed to be high initial effort, then low maintenance effort. That's just how it is and I don't need you to try to challenge this idea, because you won't change my mind about it. Every other node lives up to that bar.

Who decided that?

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Your entire argument: "the chests are locked, because the chests are locked... and free stuff".

Yes, the chests are locked, I know. Yes, free stuff, I know. I already told you I don't buy the idea that it would give players too much free stuff. All the home nodes do that but none of them require event participation or spending map currency.

You're comparing the home chests to the actual map chests, which is totally unnecessary. They don't need to behave the same way just because they look the same.

I'm arguing that home chests should behave like every other home node. You're not giving me any reason why they shouldn't. All you're doing is telling me that nothing should change "because free stuff".

There are already many reasons in this thread why this would be a good change.

  • home nodes are supposed to be low hanging fruits
  • being unable to open them is an annoyance; annoying design is poor design
  • the home chests don't award map currency, or in lesser amount than the actual map chests
  • hoarding keys instead of opening every chest in sight is a waste
  • spending map currency on keys is a waste
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22 minutes ago, StevenL.3761 said:

Your entire argument: "the chests are locked, because the chests are locked... and free stuff".

No, the chests are locked, beacuse that's how these chests work -not just in the home instance, but also in general, anywhere they are avaialble. That's a fact.

And free stuff was mentioned in the first place because you pretended it's not about that. But it is and so comparing it to gold isn't "a false analogy" like you've tried to claim. That's also a fact. Not an opinion, not nitpicking, not false analogy. Just a fact.


Yes, the chests are locked, I know. Yes, free stuff, I know. I already told you I don't buy the idea that it would give players too much free stuff. All the home nodes do that but none of them require event participation or spending map currency.


Home instance nodes work exactly the same way they work in open world.

Home instanced chests work exactly the same way they work in open world.

You trying to compare chests to nodes and claiming they should be opened for free "because IF you have infinite tools, they're also kind of free to open!" (except for that part where you've already paid a lot for the tools anyways) is a false analogy. Do you understand that fact?


You're comparing the home chests to the actual map chests, which is totally unnecessary. They don't need to behave the same way just because they look the same.

They don't only "look the same", they ARE the same.


I'm arguing that home chests should behave like every other home node. You're not giving me any reason why they shouldn't. All you're doing is telling me that nothing should change "because free stuff".

Am I not giving you anything? Maybe you need to re-read the posts you've previously ignored, because what you've just said is clearly false.

And you are still trying to equate chests to nodes. Meanwhile, without a change, they're two different things, so stop with this false analogy.


There are already many reasons in this thread why this would be a good change.

  • home nodes are supposed to be low hanging fruits

Their convenience comes from having it in one place in your home instance.

  • being unable to open them is an annoyance; annoying design is poor design

Hey, me not getting more free gold is also an annoyance. Hardy an argument for getting more free stuff. And clearly not an argument for a claim about "poor design", as it's what someone already said in this thread above -it's a complaint boiling down to wanting more free stuff.

  • the home chests don't award map currency, or in lesser amount than the actual map chests

How exactly is this relevant to anything here?

  • hoarding keys instead of opening every chest in sight is a waste

You can easly farm more keys than you can use by "opening every chest in sight". Hence the thing that's been brought up in this thread long ago by @kharmin.7683: "Want the rewards?  Play the content.  Quit asking for free stuff.  (sigh)" -that's exactly what it is.

  • spending map currency on keys is a waste

lol, no it's not. If you think it's a waste, then you think the rewards are not worth it. If you think they're not worth it, I don't get why you'd feel bad about not opening the chests. Keys bought for currency is literally part of the design of those maps (aside from VB). So that's not even remotely true in the first place.

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