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WvW feels boring


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WvW belongs to the hackers now.  Most players are cheating and they really show it in one on one situations.  Glass Classes taking little to zero damage, healing at will and gaining super health shields while dealing enormous damage per hit (even though you have more defense than them)....  Yeah, that has gotten old and way obvious cheaters.  You're not helping the "Devs" at all.  WvW is a poor concept game mode but the cheating has flat-lined what little fun that could have been.  It's only about farming legendaries now, nothing more.

If you wanna have more fun, you gotta join the cheaters or forever face a one on one where some Glass Build Class is taking next to nothing on damage and healing every 5 seconds with a health shield that's large and stays forever, all while cutting through your enormous health pool, toughness, toughness sigils and enhancements like "carapace", as if you had zero defense.

It has nothing to do with playing skill because GW2 is a click action based game, not manual.  Cheaters are displaying no skill at all, they're just taking no real damage from all hits while constantly healing and dealing God damage to you.  Sorry, that's not skill, that's obvious cheating.  You're also making the "Devs" look worst because you're saying they have Classes that "OP" to were other classes against them will have Zero chance....  I know the 'Devs' are bad, but I don't think they're THAT bad.  The cheaters are ridicuous...cheating and calling it skill, they gotta be like 10 years old and younger or have other mental issues.


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It's simple really. Everytime u login to wvw it's a new exp. Sometimes it dead, sometimes it's not dead. All depends on what servers ur up against really. But u'll NEVER have the same exp twice, which is what i love about it. 

Roaming is definitely not as enjoyable as it has been, that's just a fact. But if ur like me, and u prefer the small guild group vs big numbers aspect, there is nothing like wvw. Nothing more satisfying then wiping groups 2 or 3 times ur size. 

Ill never understand ppl who take pleasure in running the same dungeons/events day in and day out. So for me wvw is a godsend. 

Ppl also have this strange thing about asking for content in wvw. Well it's not pve u know. If there is no content, then U, yes im talking to U. Go make ur own. This is the magic that makes wvw the amazing platform that it is. Dont blame devs for ur lack of engagement and willingness, to interact with wvw. Screaming 'any content' in chat, from the safety of a wall. 


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3 hours ago, Thomas.2564 said:

It's simple really. Everytime u login to wvw it's a new exp

I took a 3 year break, came back, and saw the exact same asura ele playing the exact same build.

It's not new at all, the games stale and boring and gains zero new players.


Edited by Kozumi.5816
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When an activity in the PvE zones dries up you can wander around or focus on another event or general area and it will have some life and vibrancy even if there aren't a lot of people.

When things dry up in WvW, that's pretty much it. Might as well go see what's up in another game mode. What we have right now though is what people keep claiming they want in WvW. This forum doesn't want open world connectivity or interaction, but then complains when WvW isn't alive and kicking like the open world zones. 

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I honestly think it's time the german servers and the french servers get their own tier to play in. These servers have 0 interest in anything besides ktraining during downtime hours. 

The instant there is any kind of opposition that stops them just running up to a structure, throwing 5 rams or catas. They just run away, and go somewhere else. And if they dont have a tag they are no where to be found either, since they have zero roamers.

Even if they have a tag and come across a blob their own size, they run away too. Listen, if ppl just wanna ktrain and relax with that aspect of the game I dont mind. We all enjoy the game in different ways. But not being able to have any wp's, cause there is a huge ktrain running around reflipping all ur kitten the instant the buff is off, is just tiering.

It's been like this for years and we all know it. So I dont really see an issue with letting the germans fight germans and french players fighting french players. Since these servers all seem to have a similar way of enjoying wvw. 

Guess we can only hope that the alliance's can put a stop to this ktrain madness 😊

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13 hours ago, Thomas.2564 said:

It's simple really. Everytime u login to wvw it's a new exp. Sometimes it dead, sometimes it's not dead. All depends on what servers ur up against really. But u'll NEVER have the same exp twice, which is what i love about it.

Of course you are having the same experience, over and over. The maps are the same, the servers are the same (more or less), the directives are the same each and every day (even if their order might vary), fights are repetitive because there are only so many "Oh, wow, this is new!" moments you can have with the amount of meta builds present.

"Stale and boring" is a good summary of what WvW represents once you have run out of compelling rewards.

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14 minutes ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

Of course you are having the same experience, over and over. The maps are the same, the servers are the same (more or less), the directives are the same each and every day (even if their order might vary), fights are repetitive because there are only so many "Oh, wow, this is new!" moments you can have with the amount of meta builds present.

"Stale and boring" is a good summary of what WvW represents once you have run out of compelling rewards.

This is complete nonsense and shows that you don’t really play WvW. Every fight is different, the servers are not the same, every server and every commander have different tactics. But you have to do more than just flipping camps and standing afk at spawn.
In no way is “stale and boring” an accurate summary of WvW.  

Edited by yoni.7015
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5 minutes ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

I played it frequently for years, and this is how I feel about it today. Sue me.

Of course you did … I suppose you are one of the PvE players in WvW, never joined squad or voice, only flipped camps. Yeah then WvW surely gets boring. 

Edited by yoni.7015
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4 hours ago, yoni.7015 said:

Of course you did … I suppose you are one of the PvE players in WvW, never joined squad or voice, only flipped camps. Yeah then WvW surely gets boring. 

But flipping camps can be exiting too. Like, how many golems will there be at north camp? 1? 3? Or maybe 8? Will there be more golems or balistas? Or even rams? And how many players will show up to defend it against a lone roamer? Can be anything between 0 and 50, really, you never know until you check it out.

Edited by Zyreva.1078
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7 hours ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

Of course you are having the same experience, over and over. The maps are the same, the servers are the same (more or less), the directives are the same each and every day (even if their order might vary), fights are repetitive because there are only so many "Oh, wow, this is new!" moments you can have with the amount of meta builds present.

"Stale and boring" is a good summary of what WvW represents once you have run out of compelling rewards.

WvW isn't about repeatedly finding "Oh, wow, this is new!" moments, because obviously you will run out of those in any game. It's about repeatedly finding those "oh, wow, this is fun!" moments in the areas you find "fun", whether that be roaming, small group, havoc, scouting, defending, zerging, blobing, gvging, dueling, whatever, etc. Arena or BR or Moba games are popular, not because they always offer a lot of new stuff in regards to game play and maps, but they offer a lot of repeats of elements you may find fun.

Repeated play is the usual for mmo's, up to you to find what's fun to keep doing it. 🤷‍♂️

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There 3 things interesting with WvW:

- Getting invested: Trying to build the most suitable group, and server, for you. The more you do for your server/guild, the more you feel and the better the game feels. If you just run around aimlessly like a bot, of course your flame will die soon.

- Trying out new things: New builds, new ways of communicating, influencing people around you, it is all an everlasting experiment. Challenging yourself and discovering new information is part of the fun.

- Community that allows expression: You can express yourself anywhere and even boring games like Runescape and Minecraft have longterm players because of it. Being in comfortable environment where you can not be too serious and make memes or poems and roleplay whenever you feel like is amazing.

Then of course there is socializing with other people, but WvW has become so punishing that is it lesser aspect these days. Of course you can socialize with your guild in other gamemodes or games and just play WvW when you want to be serious.

Edited by Riba.3271
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On 5/31/2023 at 2:31 PM, Horace.3184 said:

WvW belongs to the hackers now.  Most players are cheating and they really show it in one on one situations.  Glass Classes taking little to zero damage, healing at will and gaining super health shields while dealing enormous damage per hit (even though you have more defense than them)....  Yeah, that has gotten old and way obvious cheaters.  You're not helping the "Devs" at all.  WvW is a poor concept game mode but the cheating has flat-lined what little fun that could have been.  It's only about farming legendaries now, nothing more.

If you wanna have more fun, you gotta join the cheaters or forever face a one on one where some Glass Build Class is taking next to nothing on damage and healing every 5 seconds with a health shield that's large and stays forever, all while cutting through your enormous health pool, toughness, toughness sigils and enhancements like "carapace", as if you had zero defense.

It has nothing to do with playing skill because GW2 is a click action based game, not manual.  Cheaters are displaying no skill at all, they're just taking no real damage from all hits while constantly healing and dealing God damage to you.  Sorry, that's not skill, that's obvious cheating.  You're also making the "Devs" look worst because you're saying they have Classes that "OP" to were other classes against them will have Zero chance....  I know the 'Devs' are bad, but I don't think they're THAT bad.  The cheaters are ridicuous...cheating and calling it skill, they gotta be like 10 years old and younger or have other mental issues.


For 11 years, Anet continually and repeatably chose to ignore WvW Community concerns. The Community provided Anet, years of unlimited evidences with hard evidential pictures and videos including Profession design and mechanics being openly exploited and abused.

Thousands of posts and threads in the forum by all Profession players alike, begging Anet to take action....

Thousands and posts and threads in the forum by all Profession players, giving suggestions, ideas and solutions...in hope that Anet would Care...

What we are continually witnessing and experiencing  for the past 11 years is called Consequences.



Edited by Burnfall.9573
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On 6/1/2023 at 11:26 AM, Xenesis.6389 said:

WvW isn't about repeatedly finding "Oh, wow, this is new!" moments, because obviously you will run out of those in any game. It's about repeatedly finding those "oh, wow, this is fun!" moments in the areas you find "fun", whether that be roaming, small group, havoc, scouting, defending, zerging, blobing, gvging, dueling, whatever, etc. Arena or BR or Moba games are popular, not because they always offer a lot of new stuff in regards to game play and maps, but they offer a lot of repeats of elements you may find fun.

Repeated play is the usual for mmo's, up to you to find what's fun to keep doing it. 🤷‍♂️

Actually I mix up my play, or everything becomes stale. Thats the great thing about games like this, you can wvw one day raid the next, do metas , explore, do achievements, fractals , strikes, dungeons...these games have a lot to offer, shame too many people only lock themselves to one part of the game.  

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i started wvw/pvp do not recommend the game modes they are toxic and will ruin your gw2 experience. running in big group is pretty boring. its always the same people jumping you even if you are new

Edited by gimmick.1845
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On 5/27/2023 at 4:20 PM, hardloop von edgehoven.851 said:

gw2 wvw is the definition of rewardless boredom

I got my legendary armorset from wvw :s

On 5/27/2023 at 4:20 PM, hardloop von edgehoven.851 said:

too large maps with bad mapdesigns

EBG counters that. Treb heaven.

Borderlands are fine too.

The desert map is too large and bad designed.

On 5/27/2023 at 4:20 PM, hardloop von edgehoven.851 said:

and no rewards for using siegemechanics other than wall rams. iliterally cracked open walls with longrange siegeweapons and the zerg just rushed to the spot and inside n killed npcs gettin all the whocaresabout.

Well it's been years around. So people adapted to what works best/safest or is easiest. Esp, if you run in a ppt zerg it's just routine. Even zerg vs zerg has its repeating rotation.

WvW has been neglected. What Anet is working on (the alliance system) is not wanted much by the players from what I heard so far. But almost everyone wants something to change in WvW.

If the maps and/or mechanic gets changed, then what do you think will happen after 2-3 years? Routine. Same business as usual. Then you are here again.

I mean if you do Tequatl all go for the left foot. If you do Drakkar, all go for the left foot. Jormarg... well you know already, left foot... It has no reason but that it's the lazy routine.

Edited by Lucy.3728
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18 minutes ago, Lucy.3728 said:

WvW has been neglected. What Anet is working on (the alliance system) is not wanted much by the players from what I heard so far. But almost everyone wants something to change in WvW.


The thing is, that the system atm is bad because of the 500 peoples cap. My Server has still over 1000 Players at least. 500 Cap is no alliance. It is a guild. And that means that my community where some peoples play since 10 years together are getting cutted in different groups and that would mean they can't play often anymore together.  That is why there is a growing outrage about the "Alliance Update". It also started to make peoples toxic, because guilds which do form an alliance have to decide who can join and who can not.

And then  there are PvX Guilds which do have 500+ members already. Imagine the chaos they will have. They have to kick out some folks which maybe don't play that much wvw etc. Not nice when you ask me. 

It seems Anet has not the Manpower for coding a real Aliance with a 2000 cap at least (2500 would be a very good spot).

Edited by Burial.1958
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