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The roamming variety


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Well, in terms of roaming capability, you got ranger and thief covered already, thats 2 out of 9 professions mentioned.

"Condi bunkers" then cover mesmer (staff/axe), guardian (burn), ele (combowombo), rev (torment) and necro (lf regen).

That's 7 out 9 professions mentioned.

Then we got the power favored engineer (barrier tank/nades) and warrior (stunlock/nike)

That's 9 out of 9 with 4 being predominantly power (although I would argue that thief/ranger are as strong on condi) and 5 being predominantly condi that would most likely swap to power as soon as the fights exceed 2v2.

You're right diversity is kitten.


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1 hour ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

Well, in terms of roaming capability, you got ranger and thief covered already, thats 2 out of 9 professions mentioned.

"Condi bunkers" then cover mesmer (staff/axe), guardian (burn), ele (combowombo), rev (torment) and necro (lf regen).

That's 7 out 9 professions mentioned.

Then we got the power favored engineer (barrier tank/nades) and warrior (stunlock/nike)

That's 9 out of 9 with 4 being predominantly power (although I would argue that thief/ranger are as strong on condi) and 5 being predominantly condi that would most likely swap to power as soon as the fights exceed 2v2.

You're right diversity is kitten.


Trailblazer/Cele and thief + ranger are not spammed, i see👌

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2 hours ago, Zizekent.2398 said:

Why is the roamming so filled of condi bunkers, pew pew rangers, SA thieves with scopophobia (fear at being seen) and barely something else, where's the diversity at this part of wvw? 

My encounters in "roamming":
Teefs - all time all variants; Ranger - all time all variants; Engineers - mostly grenade spamming scrappers, rarely yolosmiths (grenades go brrr), barely seen core; Necro - mostly condi bunkers (core/scourge), rarely Reapers; Mesmers - mostly condi Mirages, rarely power burst memes (core/chrono/mirage); Mementalist - often some variatons of Weeber, some meme Tempests, 1-2 celestial core seen in last 3 months; Guardians - often trap DH bursts, rarely celestial Firebrands, very rarely core; Revenants - mostly celestial degenerades with bow; rarely herald in all forms, seen ~10 times core since 2015; Warriors - rarely power Spellbonker, even more rarely some Berserker 1shot meme, ~5 core in last 6 months.

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1 hour ago, Zizekent.2398 said:

Trailblazer/Cele and thief + ranger are not spammed, i see👌

And netiher is power, I presume? 👈

Just logged off and the two nastiest roamers I've met in the past 2 hours was... a minstrel firebrand pocket healer and a zerk berserker, which made a combo that could kill anything and was unkillable by anything that didnt outnumber it at least 3 to 1.

Because of course it was. 

Edited by Dawdler.8521
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From my experience you see solo roaming power builds only on professions that have a chance of running away when outnumbered. That comes either from high mobility (war) and/or stealth (ranger, thief, engi).

Everything else that can't run too well goes condi bunker. There are also the professions that you have to play extremely well to have success with power, mesmer and ele.

IMO condi bunker is also good result for low effort, a lot like sic' em LB ranger. So its natural you see more of these.

Edited by Hotride.2187
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I'm running into all sorts of builds while roaming. The only common denominators are wall/spawn hugging and only wanting to fight with superior numbers. Regardess of what class or build they play.

While certain classes and builds are much better suited for (solo) roaming than others, dedicated solo roamers are rare and therefore make up only a very small portion of roaming encounters.

Btw "condi bunker" builds are usually rather bad for solo roaming, because they tend to be slow in every regard (roaming does not equal dueling, mind you).


Edited by UmbraNoctis.1907
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3 hours ago, Hotride.2187 said:

There are also the professions that you have to play extremely well to have success with power, mesmer and ele.

Which is - incidently - one of the defining factors to being able to roam successfully and what usually goes along with people playing the same builds for hundreds of hours.

The "low effort" builds is usually a response to try to compete with that.

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2 hours ago, NorthernRedStar.3054 said:

I see very little deadeyes.

Mostly soulbeasts, dragonhunters, necros, mirages and grenadiers. Thieves in general are somewhere in the middle.

Few people roam solo, though; oftentimes, there's a firebrand or scrapper babysitter.

Weird, I see more permastealth deadeyes (well, I guess I don't actually see them) of both the power and condi variant than any of all of those professions listed above except for ranger and necro -- and usually in the case of necro they're not actually roaming, rather trying to return to their zerg. (Though those condi bunkers are around.) I still see plenty of DD and core, too, usually d/p sb with shadow arts. I have a build on my tab specifically for thieves, but often they're trying to burst me from stealth and I'm rarely able to switch to it.

You're certainly right about folks never seeming to leave home without their pocket support, though. What can you do.

~ Kovu

Edited by Kovu.7560
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See and run a variety of roaming builds. This might be one of those your mileage will vary kind of things depending on the server/map/time zone. More see a mix of the people that are the hit/run types versus the tankier ones. But no wouldn't say its a roamer so it must be condi. Have seen an increase in cele but that's because more elites and skills are now mixed and cele is seeing increased use due to that, at least in viability in builds I have created and fought against. 

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18 hours ago, Kovu.7560 said:

Weird, I see more permastealth deadeyes (well, I guess I don't actually see them) of both the power and condi variant than any of all of those professions listed above except for ranger and necro -- and usually in the case of necro they're not actually roaming, rather trying to return to their zerg. (Though those condi bunkers are around.) I still see plenty of DD and core, too, usually d/p sb with shadow arts. I have a build on my tab specifically for thieves, but often they're trying to burst me from stealth and I'm rarely able to switch to it.

You're certainly right about folks never seeming to leave home without their pocket support, though. What can you do.

~ Kovu

Lot of those deadeyes are free food for the rest of us. Not only are they running glassy gear, but they aren't well-versed at comboing out their rotations.

I am genuinely surprised at the amount of roaming reapers I see. Maybe they're all just Holts fanboys?

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On 2/13/2022 at 6:28 AM, Zizekent.2398 said:

Why is the roamming so filled of condi bunkers, pew pew rangers, SA thieves with scopophobia (fear at being seen) and barely something else, where's the diversity at this part of wvw? 

Lets say we have an Olympiad, racing sport. During race they encounter fork, left road or right road. Left road is 2x faster than right road. 95% of racers pick left road.

And now you ask 'why almost all of you pick left road?'
Dont blame players, meta-slaving is common in all types of games. Blame developers that they left both WvW and sPvP modes, either with balance or updates.

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Roaming is Dead in EU,atleast at prime time. Nowadays i log in for an hour joining some tag and im bored and logg off again. If you consider roaming to be running with 10 baddies from which atleast 5 are full support,then sure..its alive and kicking !

Edited by Caedmon.6798
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On 2/13/2022 at 12:28 AM, Zizekent.2398 said:

Why is the roamming so filled of condi bunkers, pew pew rangers, SA thieves with scopophobia (fear at being seen) and barely something else, where's the diversity at this part of wvw? 

Two factors

1. Warclaw

2. DPS nerf


Warclaw meant you were going to get adds fast AND you wouldn’t be able to get away without stealth and trickeration. 

DPS nerf from Feb last year meant you weren’t going to kill as fast as before. Hence more adds.


You have condi builds for taking on 2 or 3. You have rangers and thieves working the quick kill and GTFO angle. These are the most effective tactics available. 

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22 hours ago, NorthernRedStar.3054 said:

Lot of those deadeyes are free food for the rest of us. Not only are they running glassy gear, but they aren't well-versed at comboing out their rotations.

I am genuinely surprised at the amount of roaming reapers I see. Maybe they're all just Holts fanboys?

Its big easy cleaving damage. If played defensively it can bait the glassy stuff into short range and blow them up with the relative safety of a full shroud which doubles as a dps spike. Not the best roaming option but probably one of the easier ones to get some traction with for 30 minutes of game time.

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16 hours ago, Caedmon.6798 said:

Roaming is Dead in EU,atleast at prime time. Nowadays i log in for an hour joining some tag and im bored and logg off again. If you consider roaming to be running with 10 baddies from which atleast 5 are full support,then sure..its alive and kicking !

Heyyoo i am roaming on EU servers since forever now:D it is definitly not what it used to be anymore, but there is some good fights you just have to know where to find them. Also being in a Tier 1 or Tier 2 server /matchup helps alot.. i heard lower tiers are kinda dead.

For example get 1 or 2 friends and make your way towards the enemy Northcamp. Run thru the sentry and continue to NC! there is 100% 1-4 roamers there waiting for you already. You dont have to overcommit and run straight for the camp. Linger around it for some time and people will call you out and more and more people will come to get you off that NC. We had times where we camped their NC as 3 thiefs for 3+ hours and it was awesome. when they finally got us it was over 15 people there that were spamming us with /w that we are some donkeyheads:D And isnt that what WvW is all about? 😄 Farming those precious tears.

Also(Any hardcore WvW roamers will shoot me for saying that 😄) you could try and play for objectives! go for some sneaky attacks on Bay or Hills. There will be atleast a few people on the other server that actually scout! and if they just see you and maybe your friend they will most likely try and stop you! There aint no zerg coming when they call  "2 nerds at Ascalion Hills!".  Sometimes you have to produce your own content instead of mindlessly running from camp to camp expecting people to be there and defend it. What i agree on is that Roaming is near dead on UBERPRIMETIME, because almost every spot on the map is occupied by someone that wants to join the zerg. On Primetime Deserts is a good place to find roamers, from my experience.


Also creating cheesy combs with your 2 buddy that can survive even a 10 man group is VERY FUN for us! there was situations where we wiped 15 man groups just because we had some stupid teamcomps were we had perma reflects/ they could simply not catchup  / and the ones that could got quickly bursted.  

Hope that helped, because we are having a blast in WvW even after close to 10 years now.

Edited by Sahne.6950
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On 2/15/2022 at 4:37 AM, Telgum.6071 said:

Lots of players who just want to play easy mode, that's why you see so many condi bunkers and SA thieves.

There might be a problematic build or two, but easy mode isn't why most people play them. Other players aren't going to hold back anything and you have to use what Anet gives you. Make a build for most classes with all of your morals and integrity and see how long you last in any scale fight. 

I play a low stealth high concentration DE and I'm super limited in the chances I can take because I'm the one who's going to get focused and have to tank and no one ever holds back anything. They're using their easy mode builds and I feel it.

Edited by kash.9213
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On 2/16/2022 at 1:31 PM, Sahne.6950 said:

Heyyoo i am roaming on EU servers since forever now:D it is definitly not what it used to be anymore, but there is some good fights you just have to know where to find them. Also being in a Tier 1 or Tier 2 server /matchup helps alot.. i heard lower tiers are kinda dead.

For example get 1 or 2 friends and make your way towards the enemy Northcamp. Run thru the sentry and continue to NC! there is 100% 1-4 roamers there waiting for you already. You dont have to overcommit and run straight for the camp. Linger around it for some time and people will call you out and more and more people will come to get you off that NC. We had times where we camped their NC as 3 thiefs for 3+ hours and it was awesome. when they finally got us it was over 15 people there that were spamming us with /w that we are some donkeyheads:D And isnt that what WvW is all about? 😄 Farming those precious tears.

Also(Any hardcore WvW roamers will shoot me for saying that 😄) you could try and play for objectives! go for some sneaky attacks on Bay or Hills. There will be atleast a few people on the other server that actually scout! and if they just see you and maybe your friend they will most likely try and stop you! There aint no zerg coming when they call  "2 nerds at Ascalion Hills!".  Sometimes you have to produce your own content instead of mindlessly running from camp to camp expecting people to be there and defend it. What i agree on is that Roaming is near dead on UBERPRIMETIME, because almost every spot on the map is occupied by someone that wants to join the zerg. On Primetime Deserts is a good place to find roamers, from my experience.


Also creating cheesy combs with your 2 buddy that can survive even a 10 man group is VERY FUN for us! there was situations where we wiped 15 man groups just because we had some stupid teamcomps were we had perma reflects/ they could simply not catchup  / and the ones that could got quickly bursted.  

Hope that helped, because we are having a blast in WvW even after close to 10 years now.

I know how to roam,i didn't really asked for an example on how to roam. I merely stated that roaming is Dead.

Edited by Caedmon.6798
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Yeah it's pretty idiotic. 


I run gunflame and bunker rangers eat it whole and don't flinch. 


Traps are the most trash concept of a skill ever. Because there is no skill downtime rly. You place the traps and can manipulate the fight in your favor, with relatively low cooldowns, invisible, quick to use and with the worst rune in the universe to abuse cause anet sucks dog kitten at these things.


Rly preparing to drop next week, I massively recommend for people who only do competetive to prepare as well.


I don't need no Cantha chinese covid kitten, i want a competetive game with decent balance changes often while making good use of a nice combat system.

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You see those builds because they are easy to play, strong, and allows mediocre players to kill bad players very easily. This is exactly what people want to do in every for the most part; kill and not die. That’s why a lot of roaming has become gank squads. It provides safety and guaranteed kills. 

You also have extremely unbalanced classes atm. Warrior, Mesmer, to a lesser degree ele are bad-to-mediocre in most categories while some other classes are good-to-great in every category. Why wouldn’t you play the class that’s just directly superior to others and guarantees you will be atleast moderately successful even if you can’t do basic things well like dodge large telegraphs, track boons, etc. 

Edited by oscuro.9720
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2 hours ago, oscuro.9720 said:

You see those builds because they are easy to play, strong, and allows mediocre players to kill bad players very easily. This is exactly what people want to do in every for the most part; kill and not die. That’s why a lot of roaming has become gank squads. It provides safety and guaranteed kills. 

Which doesnt make any sense since the argument here is that every bad player run the same builds that's supposed to be easy.

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12 hours ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

Which doesnt make any sense since the argument here is that every bad player run the same builds that's supposed to be easy.

Well, it gets a bit more complicated than that. I generalized, so I apologize for leading you to inappropriate conclusions. 

Mediocre players tend to run these builds. Bad players tend to run things that are not near as strong, or are so bad that it is irrelevant. 

Then the mediocre players find the bad players and beat them up. This is why many roamed spend their time killing pugs; they are bad. It’s part skill difference, part build superiority.

However, you touch on an important point; what happens when the mediocre players run into each other or better players? 
This is where ganking becomes prevalent in wvw. The two fight until someone comes to assist. This eventually starts to snowball into a gank squad running around killing solos or small groups. It’s just what people do when they can’t win. 

Then you get solos showing up to a map dominated by a gank squad and is completely oppressed by these builds, and then contributes to the frustration that causes the many “nerf this” “why does this exist” etc. threads.

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