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EoD Fishing needs work! [Merged]

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On 3/1/2022 at 3:39 AM, Palador.2170 said:

This is the kind of stuff they need to sell all over the place, but I can't find any source of it in Divinity's Reach, or in Arborstone when I teleported an alt there.

Agreed. I don't want to have to park a character by a merchant in Cantha just so I can fish on my other characters. I'm really loving fishing and glad it's been added to all the zones, but all the zones need fishing vendors, not just a handful of them in Cantha.

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On 3/4/2022 at 12:49 PM, HitmanHaydon.1053 said:

staggeringly annoying.

I'm only 2/5 with fishing mastery so I guess it gets easier, but atm its almost imposiible to catch fish in Tyria.

I understand that I shoulnt be able to catch rares, but I'm only after basic fish for a dialy.

Why put a daily in that I have zero chance of completing?

Its garbage, makes me want to turn off.


The third tier of the fishing mastery is huge. Lures, bait, rods, and the other mastery levels all give incremental improvements in fishing power. But if you get Fishing on a Full Tank (3), you can jump ~200 fishing power just by eating some sushi you make with previous fish you’ve caught.

 If you don’t have chef 400 and don’t want to spend the silver on fishing specific food, you can spend coppers on the cheapest food you can get and still benefit a very significant +100 fishing power just from staying fed.

Edited by Gibson.4036
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On 3/5/2022 at 1:31 AM, Aloha Kahuna.3976 said:

I hate it - I cant even continue my story and I will try a bit more, but maybe this is the time to switch to another game after playing since gw1. Sadly I spend the money for the game but I dont play to get frustrated.

Is it the instance where you fish for Aurene that you’re stuck on?

Before you retry the instance, if you head over to the southeast of the map to the fishing village you can buy some bait which will give you another 100 fishing power, and might be enough to get you past that spot.

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3 hours ago, Gibson.4036 said:

Is it the instance where you fish for Aurene that you’re stuck on?

Before you retry the instance, if you head over to the southeast of the map to the fishing village you can buy some bait which will give you another 100 fishing power, and might be enough to get you past that spot.

If they are stuck on the fishing tutorial, they are done for an the dodge and break bar tutorials. 

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Are you serious? No offense, but this is the first implementation of fishing I've seen that isn't completely brainless and boring. Yes, you have to do something, but it's still easy enough to have, say, a 90% success rate without fishing mastery and with just a basic lure or bait. Are we talking about catching regular fish or something special where the difficulty is drastically increased? So far I've fished open water/random pools and haven't really had any problems, so I'm wondering if that's what you're struggling with?

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On 3/8/2022 at 12:15 PM, Shadowmoon.7986 said:

If they are stuck on the fishing tutorial, they are done for an the dodge and break bar tutorials. 

The fishing tutorial wasn't hard for me, so I don't know what makes it hard for some people, but those tutorials are different things. You can get the dodge tutorial largely without dodging, by just circling around the NPC. The break bar just requires reading your tooltips and using the right skills.


4 hours ago, robzmom.8137 said:

Fishing could be fun but ramps up too quickly in difficulty. It isn't even fun like some of the other mini games.  I am managing to catch fish but not enjoying it much.

Where do you feel it ramps up to fast? I'm in Echovald right now, and surprised the fishing spots are really easy (green). This is with the bait and lures from Seitung and my fishing mastery only up to level 3, and the cheapest food I could find on the TP.

Fishing in non-EoD maps is more difficult, but it appears designed to be after you have played EoD. Even those spots I've so far found the second best sushi with Fishing on a Full Tank makes them doable without having finished the rest of the mastery track or using the best bait and lures.

Edited by Gibson.4036
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The current implementation feels to be as such to easily expand on it and add a collection per LS release. That being said, I would have hoped to see every fish modeled when you catch them. I'll admit it is a lot of work for flavor.

I hope they consider adding them even if it's only for legendary fish. I do think it would add a lot to the experience to have a legendary sound effect play out and see that fish pop into your arms.

Edited by Rorschakiin.9437
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2 hours ago, robzmom.8137 said:

What is getting me is the player bar being a different speed than the green bar.  Also, Just not able to anticipate the different patterns of movement and lose the fish. 

Having the wider player bar due to high fishing power compensates for this. You'll have a longer time to change direction before the green bar is out, and it will take longer for the green bar to escape as you follow it.

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1 hour ago, Gibson.4036 said:

Having the wider player bar due to high fishing power compensates for this. You'll have a longer time to change direction before the green bar is out, and it will take longer for the green bar to escape as you follow it.

Thx Gibson, very helpful response!

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It is not easy for my older working fingers, but a lot like fishing, in that there is skill + luck...just be glad you don't stink or have to tie knots and do the rigging, lol.  I would love to see this refined to actual good spots, and types of fishing...fly fishing would be awesome because it is so detailed and requires matching flies to habitat, and weather.  So many things...bonuses for non-barbed hooks, catch and release, types of reels, etc.  I love it when the game teaches.  Sure beats finding barracuda in inland lakes, lol.  

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I posted this in another thread but seeing as this thread has been merged I figured I would share it here as well:


This post is not to pile on regarding the difficulty of fishing in the game in and of itself, as there are more than enough threads regarding that already (and I'm not sure I agree with them entirely), but I have encountered a few other issues that make the activity more problematic, and I'm not sure if they should be reported as bugs, or if the final product simply needs more polish.  Here are some of the issues I have encountered thus far:


1. When I tried to start fishing initially (when I had only acquired my pole), a message informed that I could not fish without a hook (or bait).  However, once you have acquired hooks and bait and proceed to fishing, when you run out of hooks (thus decreasing your fishing power), no such message appears and I can continue fishing.  I've never tried fishing with a rod and reel without a hook, but I imagine it doesn't work too well.


2. I caught one of the items (Pockmarked Vase) from the Oceanic Trash Collector in Lamia Mire in Plains of Ashford in water I would say was 2-3 feet deep.  Not really what I would consider "Oceanic".


3. The fishing circles in Straights of Devastation constantly vanish and reappear, and if you've already cast your rod, when the circles vanish so does your bobber, and more importantly, so does the exclamation mark signifying that a fish has been hooked.  I'm not sure if this is intended or a bug as the waves seem more active on this map than any other body of water I've fished in thus far. **UPDATE: This phenomenon is also occurring in Caledon Forest, where there is little wave activity, which leads me to believe it's a bug.


4. As someone who rarely encounters lag, I've noticed at times that the bobber slide (the slider the player controls) will be over the game slider but still does not positively influence the meter indicating if the player is close to catching the fish (My apologies if this description is poor, but I do not know how else to refer to all the various sliders/meters on the screen while fishing).  When fishing outside of Cantha this only makes already difficult fishing even more difficult.


5. The Depth Charge skill only appears on the Canthan maps.


6. This is only a suggestion, but please consider adding a fishing wallet/fishing template.  Personally I have a lot of bag space across all my characters, but I know this isn't the case for a lot of players, especially new ones.  I currently have 13 slots in my bags devoted to extra lures (1 slot) and bait (12 slots; one for each type of bait) and once I unlock the final fishing trait, 2 more pieces of equipment will have to be stored as well (I won't be wearing fishing gear in lieu of actual armor when I'm not fishing).

Edited by Ronin.4501
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Thought about making my own thread, but the merge has been real lately. There's a lot of stuff wrong with fishing, but today I'm here to talk about the Fishing Party buff and why it's kinda garbage as-implemented. This buff adds up to significant amounts of fishing power (thing that makes fishing easier), and it's crazy common to lose all 99 stacks of it to something dumb which can be a huge pain.

Right now:
- You lose it if you leave your boat longer than a few seconds
- You lose it if you leave your boat to join the fishing competitions through the NPC and don't get back in time (Participation in this event should be a pop-up when you enter the event area, like mount races)
- You lose it if you waypoint, even within the same map (Some say you keep it, I've not seen this reflected in my stats or the fishing UI)
- You lose it if you're disconnected for any reason
- You lose it if you switch maps (or if a map automatically closes itself on you)
- Fishing in open water (outside of fishing holes) does not contribute to the buff
- You're discouraged from leaving the boat or deviating from fishing to gather nearby materials, participate in events, or assist struggling players in the vicinity (Getting to 99 stacks solo can take upwards of 20-30 minutes, longer if you're not good with the mini-game; few people will want to give this up to gather a clam)
- You can be kicked off your boat by attacking mobs and locked in combat (The UI does not give you a readout of the boat's health, so you just have to guess when it's time to move)
- You can be kicked off your boat by fishing holes located in no-mount zones (and subsequently dropped into combat long enough to lose stacks)
- Depth charges put you in combat and remove the ability to cast
- Depth charges do not actually help to clear a fishing location for use and will often aggro more mobs than the ones that were attacking you
- Depth charges do not work outside of Cantha (Neat)
- The buff vanishes from the UI once you reach 99 stacks (it's still functionally there; there's just no indication of this outside of a tool-tip that appears when a fish is hooked)
- There is no way to see how long you have left to get back onboard before the buff vanishes if you're de-boated with 99 stacks, because the buff is invisible
- If you step onto the boat of someone with fewer catches than you, your buff drops down to their level; this also works in reverse.

Proposed Solution:
Tie the buff to the player, not the boat.

I'm cool with needing to be on my boat to gain stacks, but once I have them, they should persist for an hour or so, re-upping/increasing whenever I (or my friends) stand on my boat and catch a fish.

I enjoy fishing (and have netted several thousand of them by now) but the way this buff works ensures that if you're fishing, it's not feasible or efficient to do anything else. That's bad. Fishing should be complementing existing activities in the game, not replacing them.

Edited by AgentMoore.9453
Too many hyphens.
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On 2/28/2022 at 5:05 PM, Randulf.7614 said:

I’m struggling to understand where the complexity is. The green bar moves slower than your red catchment bar so you barely have to do anything. Just keep it over it long enough until the fish is caught


my only minor gripe is so far I can’t keybind fishing but maybe I’m missing that in the menu?

It's the nuance of trying to predict the direction change, not following it all the way to either end, and understanding that sometimes the bar moves faster, and sometimes it moves slower, all on the same fish. People just need to learn the tricks, and failure rates will go down. I feel like people are just trying to follow the thing blindly, without trying to predict the next move, and not taking action to head it off.


If you (general) have moved more than half of the distance to the other side without changing, maybe think about letting it move past you while you wait for it to shift back. Also, leveling up the mastery helps.

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8 hours ago, quaniesan.8497 said:

The progress bar decline speed should be reduced by about 50%,  and  same for the speed of the green dots.  There's no point if the green dots move twice as fast .

I've also noticed that the progress bar declines twice as fast when the green dot is outside of the "bobber" ("bobber" being the bar the player controls) to the right as it would when the green dot is outside of the "bobber" to the left.  Again, not sure if this is intentional or a bug.

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On 3/9/2022 at 9:24 AM, Gibson.4036 said:

The fishing tutorial wasn't hard for me, so I don't know what makes it hard for some people, but those tutorials are different things. You can get the dodge tutorial largely without dodging, by just circling around the NPC. The break bar just requires reading your tooltips and using the right skills.

I had a hard time passing the tutorial too because I thought you were trying to move the green bar instead of the red and yellow one.  It stood to reason you would move the bar in front not in back.  Maybe that is the issue?

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I do not necessarily believe fishing is too hard... having played a lot of stardew valley its actually pretty easy for me. I know not everyone will share that mindset and everyone is different. 

With that said my only major gripe is that I think the system discourages community play. I will get penalized for leaving my boat to help people. I have this lovely buff to my combat that comes with a 150+ boost to fishing. It would make sense to put a pause to my fishing and go help a meta, especially in the new maps where they really need the people. Its not like i can just hop to another map or help them as it stands, i would lose potentially 30 - 45 minutes of progress to work with them. I don't care if i lose it jumping to another map, although if a map closes, having it maybe carry over with the volunteer opt in would be a nice touch ( and i am not even asking for that )

Let me be a team player and keep my stacks please. All i want. 

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I have zero interest in the fishing minigame, I find it incredibly boring and I'm really frustrated by how the elite spec collections all require you to go out and catch some abysmally low drop rate fish to finish. I just spent close to two hours, desperately trying to cling onto my sanity in the hopes of getting just one of those fish before giving up.


I really do dislike the development teams desire to force players to interact with systems and game modes they might not have any interest in to progress with those which they are.

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I dislike the fishing for several reasons.  First of all the weapon collections are locked behind it.  In any other part of the game I can think of if I have an issue getting something someone can help me, and if they have an issue I can help them.  But fishing removes that, no one can help, so if you want to finish that collection you HAVE to finish it by yourself.  


My other issue is I have hand and neck problems from work.  So when I am fishing, I get really tense trying to keep the bars together and I am doing repetitive motion.  It's awful and I can't do it.  It causes my hands and neck to hurt horribly.


I also believe fishing should be a relaxing thing in any game, and all that I have played it is...until now.  


I am also somewhat put off by the fact that you have to change spots often.  You can be fishing on your skiff in a nice fishing hole and suddenly it vanishes.  Why?


I know there are lots of people who love it, and want it...like everything else to be something of a challenge.  I get that, but for some of us, it's simply too much of a challenge.  Not everything in GW2 has to be overly complicated.

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12 hours ago, Jaricko.6143 said:

I do not necessarily believe fishing is too hard... having played a lot of stardew valley its actually pretty easy for me. I know not everyone will share that mindset and everyone is different. 

With that said my only major gripe is that I think the system discourages community play. I will get penalized for leaving my boat to help people. I have this lovely buff to my combat that comes with a 150+ boost to fishing. It would make sense to put a pause to my fishing and go help a meta, especially in the new maps where they really need the people. Its not like i can just hop to another map or help them as it stands, i would lose potentially 30 - 45 minutes of progress to work with them. I don't care if i lose it jumping to another map, although if a map closes, having it maybe carry over with the volunteer opt in would be a nice touch ( and i am not even asking for that )

Let me be a team player and keep my stacks please. All i want. 

While I’m really enjoying fishing, my one issue lines up with this. The way fishing is designed it encourages us to do nothing but fish while we are doing it. You don’t want to run +fishing power food when you are doing other things, so to get that +150 fp I commit to fishing exclusively on that character for a half hour. Add the skiff fishing party buff as well, and you take a big hit in fp if you try to fish here and there while exploring or in between story missions or events.

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6 hours ago, Minjin.8259 said:

I dislike the fishing for several reasons.  First of all the weapon collections are locked behind it.  In any other part of the game I can think of if I have an issue getting something someone can help me, and if they have an issue I can help them.  But fishing removes that, no one can help, so if you want to finish that collection you HAVE to finish it by yourself.  

To be fair, the adventure requirements for HoT specialization weapons were no different for many of us. At least for fishing, once you have full mastery and decent equipment, it's just time consuming, where some of the HoT adventures still required at least basic skill at the adventure. To this day I don't know how I ever managed Fallen Masks for the Dark Harvest collection, but I do know that all my tries combined took a lot more time than fishing any of the exotic fish I've caught for the EoD collections up to now.


2 hours ago, Gibson.4036 said:

Add the skiff fishing party buff as well, and you take a big hit in fp if you try to fish here and there while exploring or in between story missions or events.

While I don't mind the fishing food all that much (you get plenty of fish in the process to cook your own or to sell for gold to buy new food), the skiff buff really is non-intuitive. I've tried it a few times after maxing the skiff mastery, but have since decided to simply ignore it.

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