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Already seeing reapers/firebrands/renegades/Pof specs and nothing else OW


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15 hours ago, Shiyo.3578 said:

Nerf these overpowered specs properly if you want EoD specs to be played.

I'm assuming lots of people are trying to beat the final meta event to unlock the last mastery. It's an extremely tight, mechanically driven, event, so I can understand a lot of people wanting to play 'what they know'.

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Personally, I started the story on my Firebrand (that I just finished fully gearing).  Nerf made no difference to me as I don't camp F1 all the time.  However, I decided that in order to unlock the new elite's ascended weapons  you need to finish the story with them, I switched to my (also nerfed) Scrapper.  I farmed up some hero points in PoF and use the same equipment - and voila!


Honestly, most of the new specs don't look that interesting, not surprised people haven't jumped on them right away.

My 'main' is a necro - and harbringer just sounds awful - I don't care how it plays or performs, I hate the idea.  My Rev loves short bow, so the new elite is out.  So, Mechanist it is!


I think you'll see people exploring the new specs fairly soon, but most people are taking 'an old friend' through the new story rather than a fresh character - and not really surprising.


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So, you have a few problems which is why you may not see newer classes the way the skills are unlocked is fine, but until you unlock the third and final trait on the line you'll only be hurting yourself by switching over to the spec. The good news it's simple to get the middle line unlocked.

The other problem is a lot of the newer specs aren't really that great like I have no reason to pick Willbender over Dragon Hunter, FireBrand or even default Guaridan. Willbender is a close get in and get out class which isn't that great and somewhat meant to be able to chase down fleeing people but fails at it (which is only needed during WvW or PvP).

The major chase abilities to chase/catch up with people is Judge's Intervention which is a default skill and sword skill two which is a default weapon. You have access to F1-F3 which makes your character run forward or run backwards, but it's range is very short. You'll still have a hard time trying to chase an Elementalist or a thief. You're better off just taking Dragon Hunter with the two skills above and trying to throw a spear to catch anything.

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15 hours ago, Infusion.7149 said:

Has it occurred to you some people don't have hero points stockpiled?

This makes sense. I started a new revenant (my 3rd now, for different races), and I don't have anything built up on him. I can totally see people waiting until they are at least 75% done with the trait line, if not completely done. I've chosen to use it from the start, and honestly, it feels like my character is learning how to be this new revenant, and I really like it. This isn't the way for everyone for sure, and might not even be how I choose to level any of my other characters, but it's pretty fun this time. Totally agree with you, though.

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3 hours ago, Miss Lana.5276 said:

....have you considered that people might just straight up not be interested in trying the new specs yet? Or even at all?

Thank you!  "Yet" being the operative word...the sound is so overlayered that I have to read the map chat and survive at the same time to figure out what is going on...or there are so many ppl in a battle that I cannot see a thing, lol. 


As an older player I like to peel the game like an onion, and map exploration is always my number one (and greatest) pleasure.  I think we should be mindful that we are in the first week of play of a monumental achievement...far more complex than the average car.   Let's try to be a little patient, and all try to provide supportive, constructive, and helpful feedback to this place where, hour for hour of "involved entertainment", there is no better deal around.  

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16 hours ago, Infusion.7149 said:

Has it occurred to you some people don't have hero points stockpiled?

I was kind of surprised by this. I don't consider myself particularly obsesssive about planning, but it seemed like the most natural thing over the last few months to make sure I got 250 on all my characters so I had the option.

My daughter, on the other hand, who decided to buy EoD at the last minute, also suddenly decided she wanted to play Mechanist. So I'm now taking her around the Crystal Desert to get her the HP, and there are a ton of people doing HPs right now. So you're totally right on this.

I'll note that builds are starting to show up on the build sites. It's possible a good portion of the player base is just waiting for the theorycrafters to test things out and tell them what works. Meanwhile, they're enjoying the story and new zones on familiar builds.

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26 minutes ago, Gibson.4036 said:

I was kind of surprised by this. I don't consider myself particularly obsesssive about planning, but it seemed like the most natural thing over the last few months to make sure I got 250 on all my characters so I had the option.

It was one of the first things I did when EoD was announced, but I did it as a means to get new meta builds quickly if the meta changed, as I fractal+raid regularly. However, not all players will either have the foresight - or will straight up be bothered - with doing something like that.

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Maybe if new specs werent horrible, bugged to the moon and had less recycled animations (sry look vindi gs - 3 skills use same animation) people would play them more..


People sticking to old specs means only one thing - they are poorly designed, unfun to use. Rushed not well out thought specs that. Devs and designers of said specs failed to deliver, pretty much all of them need a rework

Edited by Scoobaniec.9561
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17 hours ago, Shiyo.3578 said:

Nerf these overpowered specs properly if you want EoD specs to be played.

Well, that's nonsensical because I'm seeing LOTS of EoD specs being played. We know Anet collects data on what is played and what isn't ... and we know they will make changes to get things played at a level they are happy with. But sure, somehow your anecdotal observations less than 72 hours after the expansion is released is somehow a relevant datapoint in what needs to be nerfed. LOL.

Your motivation to increase the relevance of EoD specs couldn't be more obvious. Maybe you should tell us what you are REALLY hoping to accomplish here because the reality is that what other people play has no impact on you ... so why do you care so much?

Edited by Obtena.7952
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6 minutes ago, ugrakarma.9416 said:

i have Core Burn guard, willbender is insteristing to burn?

Dragonhunter here.

I just hate that they emphasized WB as a mobile spec but most of the skills require you and your enemy to be stationary to get full use out of it. It doesn't work imo. Let me just what...hope they stay in my flames?

Edited by Faridah.8431
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I love playing my renegade, already have gear and build.  Why should I instantly drop that just for starting a new expansion? I'm trying out vindicator as well, but I also want to enjoy the story and not to have to get accustomed to something new right this moment.  I'll play more if the new elite spec when I'm ready, not just because I hit Cantha....let people enjoy things in their own time.  I'm sure many are waiting for sites to help with build ideas as well.

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I choose reaper since it’s more fun. I got harbinger too which I do a little more dps with but don’t find as fun to play as reaper. Is it so weird ppl choose the specs they like? Not necessarily because it’s op but because it’s fun to play?

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18 hours ago, Shiyo.3578 said:

Nerf these overpowered specs properly if you want EoD specs to be played.

Yeah sure. How dare that they are playing with their specification that they know, has all the skills unlocked, has a good build, they know the rota and have the right equipment just to have fun in EoD! THIS ISN'T SUPPOSED TO BE FUN!


They should all be forced to play the new specification without all skills unlocked, do not have a clue what build to use, totally confused rota and wrong equipment! They should spend months trying to found out, how everything works, changing everything over and over and over again, dying a lot and taking ages till they get enough gold to get the right equipment, only to found out later, that this is wrong and again take ages with a lot of dying, till they finally have the gold and all the knowlege to play the way the specification is supped to be.


I have yet to see a meta that is successful, but I absolutely agree, let them suffer for months in pain with the new specification so that they love it.


I on the other hand will play slowly through the story first, have fun and later check what the new specification has to bring me. I mean, there are 9 classes and I haven't given all of the "old" 18 elites a spin yet, so I assume that on my main I will try my third elite only this summer or so. Please forgive me, that I'm not doing it the hard way and just try to have fun.

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3 hours ago, Gibson.4036 said:

I was kind of surprised by this. I don't consider myself particularly obsesssive about planning, but it seemed like the most natural thing over the last few months to make sure I got 250 on all my characters so I had the option.

My daughter, on the other hand, who decided to buy EoD at the last minute, also suddenly decided she wanted to play Mechanist. So I'm now taking her around the Crystal Desert to get her the HP, and there are a ton of people doing HPs right now. So you're totally right on this.

I'll note that builds are starting to show up on the build sites. It's possible a good portion of the player base is just waiting for the theorycrafters to test things out and tell them what works. Meanwhile, they're enjoying the story and new zones on familiar builds.

Well to put it this way, the majority of the playerbase that is casual and plays story isn't going to have full legendary gear. Why would anyone in that position not wait for the established builds to solidify for the new specs after some patches? They probably aren't playing to min-max and just for the experience / gameplay.

A great majority of the playerbase also isn't remotely qualified to produce builds whatsoever going by what I see players run in strikes (i.e. water camp staff weaver).

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3 hours ago, Faridah.8431 said:

Dragonhunter here.

I just hate that they emphasized WB as a mobile spec but most of the skills require you and your enemy to be stationary to get full use out of it. It doesn't work imo. Let me just what...hope they stay in my flames?

tested it,

seems fine replace core burn guard(dire/rabid traits) with will bender.. i dropped zeal, then im using radiance, virtues, willbender.


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I played thru the whole story on mirage because it's both the spec I'm most familiar with and the spec I find the most fun.  I'll give virtuoso a try later, but I want to play thru the new stuff on something familiar so I'm not having to simultaneously learn new story puzzles, maps, mob types, mob attacks and events and ALSO a whole new spec on top of all that.

I saw someone the other day lamenting that they don't like vindicator and they don't want to "give up" their renegade, and I 100% do not understand this.  You literally don't have to swap to the new specs, now or ever.  You can be a renegade till the servers shut down if you want.  Nothing's forcing you to swap to the new shiny just because it's the new shiny.  (tormenting runes notwithstanding... RIP king we miss you)

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1 hour ago, mikansei.5742 said:

I played thru the whole story on mirage because it's both the spec I'm most familiar with and the spec I find the most fun.  I'll give virtuoso a try later, but I want to play thru the new stuff on something familiar so I'm not having to simultaneously learn new story puzzles, maps, mob types, mob attacks and events and ALSO a whole new spec on top of all that.

I saw someone the other day lamenting that they don't like vindicator and they don't want to "give up" their renegade, and I 100% do not understand this.  You literally don't have to swap to the new specs, now or ever.  You can be a renegade till the servers shut down if you want.  Nothing's forcing you to swap to the new shiny just because it's the new shiny.  (tormenting runes notwithstanding... RIP king we miss you)

Thats what we are worried about. They could nerf the old specs so folks will be forced to play the new ones that are erm lacking. I feel a nerf for soulbeast coming which is a shame because the pet mechanic sucks. 

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6 hours ago, Obtena.7952 said:

Your motivation to increase the relevance of EoD specs couldn't be more obvious. Maybe you should tell us what you are REALLY hoping to accomplish here because the reality is that what other people play has no impact on you ... so why do you care so much?

For the entire game not to be a joke due to overpowered PoF specs. This game has the worst PvE balance/meta in the genre.

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