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Upcoming Changes to "The Battle For The Jade Sea"

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Done this meta two more times after beating it for the first time yesterday since my bf missed the run and I wanted to get him the turtle unlocked.

First run: DPS too low. RNG probably around average. We lose at 9% to timer after a few more dashes seal the deal.

Second run: DPS pretty okay. Nothing too special, but at least 4/5ths of the squad is pulling above 10k average. Tail into two position swaps meaning everyone is running their kitten across the arena losing dps. Kill champs, have about 2mins left on timer. Nowhere near enough to get her from 20 to 0 especially when she decides to Tail, CC (during tail, and no one can agree on whether CCing or doing the Tail is better at that point, so the map coordination goes into the trash can), then position swap again so we have to run our kitten across again. The real burn was only having about 6mins left in the 20% phase to do the spear throws and then champs.

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Lmao at the people who said they made this fight so hard for replayability. Boys, the moment I finish it, I am never coming back again to this cursed meta. There is no replayability. Unless u are a masochist, that's what all will do. 40h in that map still no successful meta. Blame it on me all u want, I doubt that if I "git gud" I can carry a whole meta. There is 0 replayability. Ppl wanna finish, get rewards and do something else, not spent 999 hours for a kitten uncommon unidentified piece of gear. Also the way u get the new legendaries is really bad. Timegated behind 20 weeks to buy 5 items/week. I'll stick to the gen 1 and 2. The new ones suck anyways. 0 personality

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Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love this event. It's probably the most fun I've had doing challenging content in a long time since I first began raids, and before that PoF and HoT metas. It not only is challenging, it feels epic and urgent. Like it's the ultimate battle against probably the most powerful individual in the world and you have to really try. If you know the lore from completing the event, you're basically punching a god in the face. But I have thoughts and feedback from my experiences and I am sure others share it.

After leading three coordinated groups today in a specific way that many have been finding success in (not to mention the amount of previous times I've ran groups and joined existing ones), this current "nerf" while was a good idea, is still not enough. Even trying MightyTeapots latest "guide" released earlier today, it doesn't necessarily work. The amount of preparation and time required for this, creating fractal comp setups per subgroup, all that.....it's not realistic for the sustainability of this event. As soon as the majority of people get their turtles, and the raid commanders and other "hardcore" players stop with this content and move on, all that will be left is the more casual people who just want to explore open world, get their turtles at their own pace, etc.

They won't stand a chance in this meta. It's just too hard for them, and expecting them to just "get good" isn't realistic either. Not to mention herding a bunch of people to actually listen to you and typically requiring voice comms because people don't really read chat, or you get suppressed from callouts too frequently ALL THE TIME >:C...also some have a harder time reading and playing at the same time. It's not healthy for this event. At the current rate, I'd give this a month, maybe two, before it dies. It'll be like Serpent's Ire, Palawadan, Gandara, before the Return to X achievements brought people back. No one is going to do it unless it has *actual rewards*, and even then....it will eventually fade to basically no one caring to do it simply because it's too hard. Many people do not have guilds either that'll run this content. I know I certainly don't.

I have taught this meta to several hundred people by now in deep detail. They know it. I've gotten feedback that they feel significantly more confident because of my explanations. None of this matters if things like mechanics that are highly important happen simultaneously (CC Phases and Tail phase overlapping being a solid example), and RNG based mechanics such as dashing (swap) happening four times in a row just after her defiance bar goes to 0 and then breaks free of the stun, completely negating the entire point of breaking her CC bar to get Exposed (yes this happened to me twice now and I know I'm not the only one. Usually it's three times). This isn't acceptable and defeats the entire purpose of the mechanics existing in the first place. Splitting the group doesn't work either because the defiance bar is just too dense for 25-ish people to break on their own scaled with 50+ people present, even with the Electromagical Pulse from the waystation. IMO it should not require the waystation item to actually break the CC bar. It doesn't actually, but then everyones damage will go to absolute s*** because players now have no abilities since they're focused on CC. Not all classes have CC in their abilities either.

I can't keep doing this forever, and neither can others, and the community won't keep doing this forever. I really hate hearing the disappointed sighs and other complaints because we failed after everything I did to try and legitimately help them get their clears even though I don't need to. People are absolutely livid in my guild chats over this too. I don't blame them when a ton of people are on their 15+ tries with still no clear. That isn't acceptable IMO.

It's not clearing as frequently as people think it is. It's clearing more since the nerf, but it's nowhere near enough. If you think it's easy, congrats. You aren't the only one in this game, and the casual player base far outweighs people like you and I.

The rewards in the end aren't worth it either besides the siege turtle. It's a lot of small chests with loot that's akin to maybe a single world boss like Svanir Shaman Chief, but with just a bunch of chests. Drizzlewood is more worthwhile than this, and it's similarly long.


Tl;dr I am not asking for a huge nerf. I am asking for the RNG system for this event to be reworked to be significantly less punishing, and to add at least 5 minutes to the actual boss fight if you're going to keep the timer continuously going, and improve the rewards dramatically. I am telling you this won't make it much easier for the majority of people, and clears will be significantly more frequent. Or rework some of the phases to not take so long, like pausing the main timer on greens mechanic (wisps) and cut the legendary bosses health down a bit so they don't take so long, and cut the tail health down a bit. A combination of these things in some way to give people significantly more time. Right now people are getting absolute garbage luck with some of the RNG mechanics, myself included and people are getting tired of this hour or more prep, and nearly an hour event, just to keep failing because of things beyond their control. How about don't overlap important mechanics like the tail phase and CC phase. Almost no one breaks the defiance bar because they take too long on bringing down the tail.

I DO NOT want this to get the Drakkar treatment either. Drakkar went from fun to auto-afk yawn fest because of the health scaling change that wasn't really necessary. It should remain fairly challenging, but not so difficult that more casual players can't even complete it. This is a difficult balance to achieve but I think it can be done.

Edited by Seraphis Zurvan.6839
Clarified the Tl;dr a bit. Added some thoughts.
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1 hour ago, Seraphis Zurvan.6839 said:

Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love this event. It's probably the most fun I've had doing challenging content in a long time since I first began raids, and before that PoF and HoT metas. It not only is challenging, it feels epic and urgent. Like it's the ultimate battle against probably the most powerful individual in the world and you have to really try. If you know the lore from completing the event, you're basically punching a god in the face. But I have thoughts and feedback from my experiences and I am sure others share it.

After leading three coordinated groups today in a specific way that many have been finding success in (not to mention the amount of previous times I've ran groups and joined existing ones), this current "nerf" while was a good idea, is still not enough. Even trying MightyTeapots latest "guide" released earlier today, it doesn't necessarily work. The amount of preparation and time required for this, creating fractal comp setups per subgroup, all that.....it's not realistic for the sustainability of this event. As soon as the majority of people get their turtles, and the raid commanders and other "hardcore" players stop with this content and move on, all that will be left is the more casual people who just want to explore open world, get their turtles at their own pace, etc.

They won't stand a chance in this meta. It's just too hard for them, and expecting them to just "get good" isn't realistic either. Not to mention herding a bunch of people to actually listen to you and typically requiring voice comms because people don't really read chat, or you get suppressed from callouts too frequently ALL THE TIME >:C...also some have a harder time reading and playing at the same time. It's not healthy for this event. At the current rate, I'd give this a month, maybe two, before it dies. It'll be like Serpent's Ire, Palawadan, Gandara, before the Return to X achievements brought people back. No one is going to do it unless it has *actual rewards*, and even then....it will eventually fade to basically no one caring to do it simply because it's too hard. Many people do not have guilds either that'll run this content. I know I certainly don't.

I have taught this meta to several hundred people by now in deep detail. They know it. I've gotten feedback that they feel significantly more confident because of my explanations. None of this matters if things like mechanics that are highly important happen simultaneously (CC Phases and Tail phase overlapping being a solid example), and RNG based mechanics such as dashing (swap) happening four times in a row just after her defiance bar goes to 0 and then breaks free of the stun, completely negating the entire point of breaking her CC bar to get Exposed (yes this happened to me twice now and I know I'm not the only one. Usually it's three times). This isn't acceptable and defeats the entire purpose of the mechanics existing in the first place. Splitting the group doesn't work either because the defiance bar is just too dense for 25-ish people to break on their own scaled with 50+ people present, even with the Electromagical Pulse from the waystation. IMO it should not require the waystation item to actually break the CC bar. It doesn't actually, but then everyones damage will go to absolute s*** because players now have no abilities since they're focused on CC. Not all classes have CC in their abilities either.

I can't keep doing this forever, and neither can others, and the community won't keep doing this forever. I really hate hearing the disappointed sighs and other complaints because we failed after everything I did to try and legitimately help them get their clears even though I don't need to. People are absolutely livid in my guild chats over this too. I don't blame them when a ton of people are on their 15+ tries with still no clear. That isn't acceptable IMO.

It's not clearing as frequently as people think it is. It's clearing more since the nerf, but it's nowhere near enough. If you think it's easy, congrats. You aren't the only one in this game, and the casual player base far outweighs people like you and I.

The rewards in the end aren't worth it either besides the siege turtle. It's a lot of small chests with loot that's akin to maybe a single world boss like Svanir Shaman Chief, but with just a bunch of chests. Drizzlewood is more worthwhile than this, and it's similarly long.


Tl;dr I am not asking for a huge nerf. I am asking for the RNG system for this event to be reworked to be significantly less punishing, and to add at least 5 minutes to the actual boss fight if you're going to keep the timer continuously going, and improve the rewards dramatically. I am telling you this won't make it much easier for the majority of people, and clears will be significantly more frequent. Or rework some of the phases to not take so long, like pausing the main timer on greens mechanic (wisps) and cut the legendary bosses health down a bit so they don't take so long, and cut the tail health down a bit. A combination of these things in some way to give people significantly more time. Right now people are getting absolute garbage luck with some of the RNG mechanics, myself included and people are getting tired of this hour or more prep, and nearly an hour event, just to keep failing because of things beyond their control. How about don't overlap important mechanics like the tail phase and CC phase. Almost no one breaks the defiance bar because they take too long on bringing down the tail.

I DO NOT want this to get the Drakkar treatment either. Drakkar went from fun to auto-afk yawn fest because of the health scaling change that wasn't really necessary. It should remain fairly challenging, but not so difficult that more casual players can't even complete it. This is a difficult balance to achieve but I think it can be done.

Anet seems to either overscale or onernerf at this point. Drakkar neeeded a nerf in my opinion, but not that much of a nerf. I think the nerf that Dragon's end needs is removal of RNG aspect and a fixed rotation. Do not touch the damage or hp and we have ourselves a fairly challenging event that does not require raid levels of organization in a system where it's antithesis to organization because GW2 map system forces you to play with randoms.     

I don't want people to get kicked from an open world event for being a willbender and not a firebrand. Because that is what happened to my friend who was new to GW2 and did not even own PoF yet. Funnily enough, he can still participate in the event as a none squad member, and it just makes it less efficient. The issue here is there should be no need to force people to play certain classes in open world. We already have too much of that in every other content.

Edited by Nezekan.2671
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1 hour ago, Nezekan.2671 said:

Anet seems to either overscale or onernerf at this point. Drakkar neeeded a nerf in my opinion, but not that much of a nerf. I think the nerf that Dragon's end needs is removal of RNG aspect and a fixed rotation. Do not touch the damage or hp and we have ourselves a fairly challenging event that does not require raid levels of organization in a system where it's antithesis to organization because GW2 map system forces you to play with randoms.     

I don't want people to get kicked from an open world event for being a willbender and not a firebrand. Because that is what happened to my friend who was new to GW2 and did not even own PoF yet. Funnily enough, he can still participate in the event as a none squad member, and it just makes it less efficient. The issue here is there should be no need to force people to play certain classes in open world. We already have too much of that in every other content.

I don't mind the RNG aspect. What I do mind is how poorly IMO it was done. Certain mechanics should not repeat so many times in a row. If they fixed that, then I'd be fine with it.

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“The Jade Sea meta was designed to be the ultimate open world finale, an epic conclusion to the 10-year Elder Dragon story arc. To accomplish this, we challenged our own conventions for creating open world content to provide an encounter unlike anything ever seen before in Guild Wars 2. As such, the encounter was designed from the start to be challenging, with RNG so random that it will likely cripple your attempt to clear it. We hope to exclude the majority from concluding this 10-year finale!”


Fixed that for you.

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i say if we all demand a refund for this trash unbeatable meta, 16 times i tried and failed then maybe just maybe they will either pay us our refund or fix the problem, lost 16 times thats 32 hours, i demand them either fix this by untime gating the turtle egg achivement and give us decent loot as we dont get any loot if we fail and 2 is if not the fix of the meta is the refund. i think 10 extra minutes should be reworked into the slot, or 30 min to complete it total or even 45 for slow players, in its current state its unwinable.


i peronally think the person who decided to come up with this rng based boss should be fired.


guildies of mine has been there all day they havnt won either only ones winning is the raid commanders supposedly witch is bs as the maps im on are either semi empty/full for fishing or meta but i dont see many if any commanders when im running so i think its all bs


and finally the map needs to be scaled higher for more people for this meta, 200 min people would be fine not like 100 scaled down.


other guildies been doing it since wenesday and its all failure, the win ratio is so low anet should be ashamed to bring out this content, i personally think give everyone there turtle they earned it after 4 tries and if not give them a refund of there game purchase and let them keep the content, i know i deserve the turtle i spent 32 hours trying, im worn out and burnt out, eso keeps looking mighty fine


i just  want my turtle or a refund.

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8 hours ago, Darklord Roy.2514 said:


The fact that you think that EoD has released unfinished based almost SOLELY on the various grievances with one event in the expansion just proves how petty and dramatic this community can be sometimes. The world is not ending, you'll get your turtle soon.

Let's see:


- final meta event with stupid RNG, that clearly was not tested enough

- kirin hero point uncompletable for a couple of days (fixed now)

- seitung meta cannon event uncompletable (don't know if it's fixed now, I don't care anymore)

- got stuck two times without the possibility to continue story (one at hero point in Kaineng and one related to skiff purchase - both are fixed now)

- no keybinds for jade bot and turtle mount - still can't see them

- voice dialogs cut in the very first mission - I don't plan to do that mission again, so I don't care

- and I won't even start on Bladesworn - the whole spec is half-baked and unfinished.

While some of those are not dramatic from functional standpoint, they leave VERY bad impression and are clear signs of rushing the expansion without proper QA.

So, I stopped playing the story on my main at Arborstone and I guess I'll wait for some time until situation stabilizes. I even started playing WvW as the only mode currently, which says something about my feelings about EoD, considering I don't even like WvW and I'm just doing this for legendary armor.

Edited by difens.1326
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19 minutes ago, difens.1326 said:

Let's see:


- final meta event with stupid RNG, that clearly was not tested enough

- kirin hero point uncompletable for a couple of days (fixed now)

- seitung meta cannon event uncompletable (don't know if it's fixed now, I don't care anymore)

- got stuck two times without the possibility to continue story (one at hero point in Kaineng and one related to skiff purchase - both are fixed now)

- no keybinds for jade bot and turtle mount - still can't see them

- voice dialogs cut in the very first mission - I don't plan to do that mission again, so I don't care


While some of those are not dramatic from functional standpoint, they leave VERY bad impression and are clear signs of rushing the expansion without proper QA.

So, I stopped playing the story on my main at Arborstone and I guess I'll wait for some time until situation stabilizes. I even started playing WvW as the only mode currently, which says something about my feelings about EoD, considering I don't even like WvW and I'm just doing this for legendary armor.

I'd say taking a weekend off right after a big launch also leaves a bad impression. Not that the devs don't deserve a break or a weekend, but going radio silent when there's game-breaking bugs and the community is drawing battle lines and attacking itself less than a week after an expansion launch lets things fester far more than they have to. Even having an assigned comms person interacting and taking feedback and saying they're going to pass X, Y, and Z along and that devs are already working on A, B, and C but the changes won't go out until after the weekend would have gone a long way.

And unlike at-release living world episodes, an expansion means people paid $30USD-$80USD and less than a week in are already rethinking their purchase. Pay the overtime and hold off on taking a vacation until things have settled in and you know neither the game nor community will explode if you look away for two seconds.

Edited by Zephire.8049
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Es una cagada de evento, le podéis rebajar la dificultad, pero si la gente sigue sufriendo y pasándolo mal para hacerlo cuando consigan la tortuga será un mapa vacío, y dentro de unos meses los nuevos jugadores no tendrán con quien jugar. Si vuestra idea de un juego divertido es meterle mas dificultad mal camino lleváis


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2 hours ago, difens.1326 said:

Let's see:

Let's also add the stat-select doesn't have Ritualist's or Dragon's yet unless you have legendaries.

Edit: The same situation we were when PoF came out, took 2 years to fix by putting all stats in all stat-selectable

Edited by Alek Seven.2374
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im also tried of people saying this meta bad rng blar blar blar the issue is too me every person whos struggling is blameing it on everything and everyone and really cant be bothered to learn or put up with the mechanics of the fight the only thing i will say is the "green part of the fight" needs to be more forgiving because litterly one person and troll goof around or just fail it because there learning only for people to rage at them 

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@arenanet 22 attempts and failed everyone, the change to the mechanics wont fix the biggest issue and thats the rng and animations where the boss is completely immune to damage, every 20 second that fecking boss goes into an annimation where you cant damage then a dozen people are downed cause of lag or a crap ping is a major dive in dps ..... the timer needs atleast 5 minute more for even competent squads that have done everything right to succeed, your expecting perfection from atleast 40 people when in the real world no one is that perfect even the elitest obviously are kitten people in real life and if the way a dozen of the 22 tries have turned out where the skill players outright turn on everyone else is anything to be said for this issue you wont see consistent fix, im also curious on how many out of these successes are people that have already succeeded a dozen times before because for every 1 person that does succeed there is probably 100 more that will never succeed

in the end what your doing is segregating the community even more due to stupid timers and random animation loops

22 attempts out of the 22 attempts the first 3 were fun the rest just felt like i was coming back out of sick and twisted stockholm syndrome  on the 22nd with a really competent team we got it to 1% and filed by a 1 second at this point I just felt sick inside logged out went straight to the mogstation and renewed my subscription to another game, that has fun and fair group mechanics i legitimately just feel sick thinking about how i waisted money on 6 accounts and the expansions for them now this year would have been my 10 anniversary playing this game but at this point I dont even want to log back in or touch it this meta sullied the whole expansion I was really enjoying it till i came to this map now i dont want anything to do with the game  

Edited by Shogen.5071
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29 minutes ago, arron.3294 said:

im also tried of people saying this meta bad rng blar blar blar the issue is too me every person whos struggling is blameing it on everything and everyone and really cant be bothered to learn or put up with the mechanics of the fight the only thing i will say is the "green part of the fight" needs to be more forgiving because litterly one person and troll goof around or just fail it because there learning only for people to rage at them 

Bruh the green part of this fight is now THE EASIEST part of this entire run. Even with trolls or people who are still learning it, barely wastes time now.

I've done successful runs 5 times now, each one with varying degrees of leftover time (best one run I did with a PUG had 4 minutes to spare, worst one we just scraped 30 seconds) all because of AI RNG. Sounds like you haven't ran the meta before the nerf if you think the Green Part needs to be forgiving now when its already the most forgiving part of this event.

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I finally got to play this after hearing all the feedback about how hard it is. The attempt I was in failed, but I'm honestly not to upset about it. I thought it was really fun. I expect completions will likely become more common as more people get to this point and get familiar with the mechanics. I'm excited to give it another go and glad that the changes didn't totally nerf it. 

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28 minutes ago, Lynnanine.1652 said:

I finally got to play this after hearing all the feedback about how hard it is. The attempt I was in failed, but I'm honestly not to upset about it. I thought it was really fun. I expect completions will likely become more common as more people get to this point and get familiar with the mechanics. I'm excited to give it another go and glad that the changes didn't totally nerf it. 

Again, first time may be fun, that's fair.
Just update us after you have done it for 20+ hours in a row with the same result.

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It’s time to put the turtle behind something else. The longer this goes on, the more frustrated people will get and the more toxic the map (and forums) will become.


not against keeping the fight difficult, but the rng and scaling on this fight only make it frustrating (especially when those who get lucky with the rng on the mechanics get it in one or two tries)

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24 minutes ago, KurokouNekoki.7891 said:

Again, first time may be fun, that's fair.
Just update us after you have done it for 20+ hours in a row with the same result.

And that's totally fair too; I expect I'd be frustrated with that many failures in a row. I'm jumping into this topic without reading the previous 18 pages, but is it also fair to think that the completion rate will probably increase as more of the player base gets to this stage of the game and learns the encounter? It's been out for less than a week. Your frustration is totally valid though; I'm not sure what many attempts have looked like. The one I was in was pretty ad-hoc (like five minute beforehand someone put a tag up and said "hey let's go") and we got to 20% at the end. Do a lot of the repeat runs have most of the group familiar with the fight?

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I've done this meta twice, first time cleared before any changes to it were live, but the commi wanted 50 LI. I'm a causal player, but I have some LIs (I used to run W1-W4 daily a few years ago), I run with a raid build (total coincidence, it's just how I like to play my classes) and have some food (I just like cooking, and those ascended ones I cook for my build) and those saved me these 2 hours. 


Should it be so hard? I dunno, I think it's nice to see some fresh difficult content, and 50 KP is much lower than I usually see on LFG for raids or strikes. Plus, this meta is engaging, strikes not so much. We were very close to failing due to time, but we made it and it was awesome. We bested the super hard meta and I got my turtle egg. But I understand that from the commi perspective it can be frustrating af, and you actually need 50 engaged people to succeed. 


My next attempt was more random, and I didn't stick around to see at what % we will fail. It was obvious that we will. We had 6 mins left and 60% HPs. I maybe should have stayed, but for what reason? 


My plan from now on is to run with KP requirements only, not because I'm elitist or something, but I want to learn this meta, instead of chaotically trying to achieve something alone (I won't kill the tail or break the CC bar by myself). And I want me some nice casual achievements and collections which are available only after the battle is successful. 🙄

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On 3/4/2022 at 3:12 PM, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:


We recognize that your feedback touches on both the difficulty of the encounter itself and acquisition of the Siege Turtle collection. For now, we’re targeting changes to improve successful completion rates of the encounter. If these changes don’t have the effect we’re looking for, we'll look at further changes to the encounter or potentially offer alternative acquisition paths for the Siege Turtle collection. We’ll be monitoring the impact of these changes over the weekend.

Will you also be reconsidering the strike mission requirement for the siege turtle since you specifically told us aquisition would be equivalent to getting the roller beetle?

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My husband is now so angry with this meta that he refuses to try it anymore until it's fixed. I want to keep trying, but I also don't like an angry husband and I won't do the meta without him until we both have siege turtles. We're both retired raiders so hard content isn't the barrier. We play good builds with good stats and know our classes and what it means to do mechanics properly.

It is beyond demoralizing to have a squad with good DPS only to fail because you break her then she moves several times in a row negating the fact that she has exposed.

The greens are fine as they are now. The RNG of mechanics needs to go. If you keep this meta as is, good job on creating elitist crap that most of your playerbase won't bother with. Our last attempt was with a squad that separated everyone into subgroups for boons & buffs, had people devoted to the tail and still failed. Thanks, I hate it.

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11 minutes ago, Gibson.4036 said:

Will you also be reconsidering the strike mission requirement for the siege turtle since you specifically told us aquisition would be equivalent to getting the roller beetle?

It's actually funny how getting the turtle can take you a casual 4 hours (if you're timing the events right and have the gold to spare) or some hardcore 40 hours.

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13 hours ago, DragonSlayer.1087 said:

You could have not said it any better. 

Who in that team meeting proposed this was a good idea??? 

I guess I won't be getting that Turtle until a year from now when the player population drops down more and they nerf this meta to the ground. 💀👻☠️


just compare to Griffon(300g gold skin) and Skycale(huge scavenger hunt)... at skycale time ppl only complained about 12 days timegate.


also 'tradicional' pve crowds just look after history, maps, "beauty things"..., 

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