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If you beat the Dragon's End meta for the Turtle mount - your headache isn't over just yet.

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8 minutes ago, AgentMoore.9453 said:

Perhaps. But at minimum, they should cater to the majority of their players when it comes to flagship expansion features that they plan to monetize. Hardcore players in GW2 are a minority, even according to ArenaNet themselves. Truly baffling decisions all across EoD, but the handling of the turtle is perhaps the worst of them.

Luckily the turtle is not only available to hardcore players. It’s the normal mode of strike mission which is not difficult. There will be a hard mode. If they locked the turtle behind that, I could understand the criticism. But to do  normal mode strike mission is not a real obstacle. 

Edited by yoni.7015
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Just now, Einsof.1457 said:

Why even have abilities at all? Auto attack should kill everything. 

Excellent point man! Remove all skills until after all raids were killed.

Just like all other non required content. Such as legendary weapons, all mounts, gliding.

Oh, what am I saying. All raids. Lock it behind 2k LI! That ought to motivate people! 

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11 minutes ago, Einsof.1457 said:

I don't believe all games should cater to literally every demographic the same way that all content should not cater to every single demographic. What about blind people?

what kind of an argument is this?


the turtle is for open world content. why should it not be accessible to people who only play open world content?

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6 minutes ago, castlemanic.3198 said:

what kind of an argument is this?


the turtle is for open world content. why should it not be accessible to people who only play open world content?

Even people who only play open world can play one (!) strike mission. I don’t know the intention behind it, but maybe they did it so that everyone even once try a strike mission. And who knows, maybe some will like it and do them more often. strike missions were advertised for this expansion so it’s only natural that they want to include them in the collection for the turtle. 

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5 minutes ago, yoni.7015 said:

Even people who only play open world can play one (!) strike mission. I don’t know the intention behind it, but maybe they did it so that everyone even once try a strike mission. And who knows, maybe some will like it and do them more often. strike missions were advertised for this expansion so it’s only natural that they want to include them in the collection for the turtle. 

Should've been the first one then. Not three quarters through what they describe as progression into challenging group like content that's supposed to rival raids. 

Edited by Erise.5614
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Just now, yoni.7015 said:

Even people who only play open world can play one (!) strike mission. I don’t know the intention behind it, but maybe they did it so that everyone even once try a strike mission. And who knows, maybe some will like it and do them more often. And strike missions werde advertised for this expansion so I think it’s only natural that they want to include them in the collection for the turtle. 

yeah that's not a good enough line of thinking for me. if they wanted people to try a strike mission once ,they would have allowed acquisition on failure and success rather than just success. as it is it will require several tries for groups of open world players with unoptimized builds to play raid like content two times, first the open world meta which has its own dedicated threads and then strike missions which this thread is about.


it's open world content, the siege turtle doesn't even factor into strike missions, there's no good reason to lock the siege turtle behind strike missions. and that strike mission is hard man, i did it and i have the turtle and i'm still saying its hard. i got friggin lucky that i got the turtle. it's not accessible to players who play solely open world content. it should not be this way.

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5 minutes ago, castlemanic.3198 said:

yeah that's not a good enough line of thinking for me. if they wanted people to try a strike mission once ,they would have allowed acquisition on failure and success rather than just success. as it is it will require several tries for groups of open world players with unoptimized builds to play raid like content two times, first the open world meta which has its own dedicated threads and then strike missions which this thread is about.


it's open world content, the siege turtle doesn't even factor into strike missions, there's no good reason to lock the siege turtle behind strike missions. and that strike mission is hard man, i did it and i have the turtle and i'm still saying its hard. i got friggin lucky that i got the turtle. it's not accessible to players who play solely open world content. it should not be this way.

This strike mission is not hard. Yes the turtle is used in open world but that does not mean that it should only require open world stuff to get. It requires the major aspects of the expansion, strike missions and open world. Nothing wrong with that. 

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10 minutes ago, yoni.7015 said:

This strike mission is not hard. Yes the turtle is used in open world but that does not mean that it should only require open world stuff to get. It requires the major aspects of the expansion, strike missions and open world. Nothing wrong with that. 

yes there is something wrong with that, it was an expansion feature that was heavily marketed, even beta tested, and said to be like the roller beetle in acquisition which is clearly untrue because of the high difficulty of both the meta and the strike mission.


and the fact that the turtle is ONLY used in open world means that it should be acquired solely through open world content.


we're going to just keep going around in circles, so i'm just not going to engage with you further.


ETA: lmao it really is pointless to discuss it with you if you're going to insist that the strike mission is easy which it factually objectively is not easy for the majority of open world players.

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6 minutes ago, castlemanic.3198 said:

yes there is something wrong with that, it was an expansion feature that was heavily marketed, even beta tested, and said to be like the roller beetle in acquisition which is clearly untrue because of the high difficulty of both the meta and the strike mission.


and the fact that the turtle is ONLY used in open world means that it should be acquired solely through open world content.


we're going to just keep going around in circles, so i'm just not going to engage with you further.

High difficulty of the strike mission is just not true. I don’t understand why you repeat this when it’s not true at all.

It took me longer to get the roller beetle than to get the turtle. 
They can advertise something and still they don’t have to give it without you having to do something for it  

Yeah seems pretty pointless to discuss with you. 

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8 hours ago, Alcatraznc.3869 said:


Then why are they complaining ? Yes Anet advertized the turtle but they never said it would be given for free like that.


At some point if you refuse to invest time into something you want, then your complain is void. How do you think other player got their turtle ? They had to put time and effort into what they wanted. I put time and effort to unlock it. 

Maybe my point wasn't clear, they're complaining because they're forced to do a game mode that is designed for a small minority of people, not because of the time investment.   Griffin/Skyscale is a good example, you had to invest a good amount of effort/time to get it, but people were willing to do it.

End game content is designed to be completed by a small minority of players - this is true in every MMO.   GW2 especially was designed for casual, non-raiding players in mind, so gating a major selling point of the expansion behind raid like content is turning around on the core audience that the game was initially marketed towards.  if this game had been marketed towards raiding players, then nobody would be complaining.  But its not.  


3 hours ago, Einsof.1457 said:

For the sense of accomplishment, probably and to incentivize people to try strikes. 

This is the most probable reason I can think of.   Anet marketed this game for casual MMO players, and now they want to transition that group to raiding players.   Imo, its a bad move - casual players aren't going to change their playstyle and the content they enjoy just because the devs want them to.   If they wanted a raiding playerbase, they should have just advertised to a raiding playerbase to draw that crowd from other games.

Edited by Ruisen.9471
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2 minutes ago, Ruisen.9471 said:

Maybe my point wasn't clear, they're complaining because they're forced to do a game mode that is designed for a small minority of people, not because of the time investment.   Griffin/Skyscale is a good example, you had to invest a good amount of effort/time to get it, but people were willing to do it.


End game content is designed to be completed by a small minority of players - this is true in every MMO.   GW2 especially was designed for casual, non-raiding players in mind, so gating a major selling point of the expansion behind raid like content is turning around on the core audience that the game was initially marketed towards.

Strike normal modes are not raid difficulty. They're very easy with minimum coordination and no enrage 

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7 minutes ago, Ruisen.9471 said:

Maybe my point wasn't clear, they're complaining because they're forced to do a game mode that is designed for a small minority of people, not because of the time investment.   Griffin/Skyscale is a good example, you had to invest a good amount of effort/time to get it, but people were willing to do it.

End game content is designed to be completed by a small minority of players - this is true in every MMO.   GW2 especially was designed for casual, non-raiding players in mind, so gating a major selling point of the expansion behind raid like content is turning around on the core audience that the game was initially marketed towards.  if this game had been marketed towards raiding players, then nobody would be complaining.  But its not.  

The only raid like with strike missions is that you need 10 players. You don’t even absolutely need 10. Difficulty of normal mode strike missions is not raid like. There will be hard modes which you can consider raid like. 

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On 3/6/2022 at 1:52 PM, Kelly.7019 said:

Why is raider content now casual pve'er content?


Turtle mount collection - What... Not everyone is going to be able to complete this collection i'm sure you know.

As if the headache of Dragon's End Meta wasn't enough raider content for non raiders, you still have to do a hardmode strike mission in New Kaineng City.

Aren't strike missions intro to raiding anyways? but this difficulty level isn't an intro. Get ready to fail multiple times again.

It's easier then the Dragon's End Meta but your casual pve'ers are going to have nightmares from this collection.

Maybe not for people who raid and do this all the time but your hardcore casual will still need an organized group, if you're a causal pve'er, heh good luck!


it's just disappointing for someone who never wanted raiding in the game and it wasn't the original direction of the game, now its being forced down our throats. It seems like the vocal minority is getting their way. I wish that was true in other aspects of this game. 😕

I guess its like suggesting everyone can decorate your guild halls when really that wasn't the case. Or showing us a new mount we can get when really not everyone will be able to complete the collection to get it.


Yes its early in the xpac and yes this is a grind as intended.  The question really becomes - Is this the direction the player base wants or is this the direction the company is going, to have a playerbase that's more suited to hardmode?- But why for a causal pver'er game? Feels like someone is prepping players for a possible next step- w/e that might be.

Your lvls of overreaction border on the commical, i can understand dragon's end being a pain point because its 60 man encounter with a 2 hour downtime but complaining about repeatable 10 man content that not really harder or as hard as the proper raids is silly to me. I rarely raid, only in training groups mind you but im just joining pugs that do this strike and never really struggle with it (maybe a wipe at best but then we get the kill)

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27 minutes ago, yoni.7015 said:

The only raid like with strike missions is that you need 10 players. You don’t even absolutely need 10. Difficulty of normal mode strike missions is not raid like. There will be hard modes which you can consider raid like. 


Difficulty is pretty subjective.

As a person in my 20's, learning raid mechanics isn't hard for me.   But that's definitely not true for alot of people.   In a different MMO, I was raiding with a group that had middle aged/older people, and the things I would consider braindead easy are really difficult for them.    They could barely react to simple mechanics while playing classes where you essentially just press 11111111, and that's after weeks of practice every single day.


Its easy to assume that something easy for you must be easy for everyone, but that is definitely not the case.

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42 minutes ago, Einsof.1457 said:

Strike normal modes are not raid difficulty. They're very easy with minimum coordination and no enrage 

Once again absolutely true. They are so comically easy, I have no idea why they even give any rewards at all! 

Maybe they could give you the necessary exp to reach level 2. If ANet wants to be generous. 

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36 minutes ago, Ruisen.9471 said:


Difficulty is pretty subjective.

As a person in my 20's, learning raid mechanics isn't hard for me.   But that's definitely not true for alot of people.   In a different MMO, I was raiding with a group that had middle aged/older people, and the things I would consider braindead easy are really difficult for them.    They could barely react to simple mechanics while playing classes where you essentially just press 11111111, and that's after weeks of practice every single day.


Its easy to assume that something easy for you must be easy for everyone, but that is definitely not the case.

how old is too old in your book? By most gamer standards, I am pretty old. 🙂

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45 minutes ago, Ruisen.9471 said:


Difficulty is pretty subjective.

As a person in my 20's, learning raid mechanics isn't hard for me.   But that's definitely not true for alot of people.   In a different MMO, I was raiding with a group that had middle aged/older people, and the things I would consider braindead easy are really difficult for them.    They could barely react to simple mechanics while playing classes where you essentially just press 11111111, and that's after weeks of practice every single day.


Its easy to assume that something easy for you must be easy for everyone, but that is definitely not the case.

this pretty much sums up the point well and is why the strike and meta need to be removed as requirements. for all my posts explaining over and over again this summed it up brilliantly.

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1 hour ago, Ruisen.9471 said:


Difficulty is pretty subjective.

As a person in my 20's, learning raid mechanics isn't hard for me.   But that's definitely not true for alot of people.   In a different MMO, I was raiding with a group that had middle aged/older people, and the things I would consider braindead easy are really difficult for them.    They could barely react to simple mechanics while playing classes where you essentially just press 11111111, and that's after weeks of practice every single day.


Its easy to assume that something easy for you must be easy for everyone, but that is definitely not the case.

I'm 59, please stop the agism.  It's disgusting.

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Strike mission for the turtle is actually pretty easy. Well, if you don't have people ragequitting your after one wipe... 
Just tag up and advertise as chil run or everyone welcome. 
However strike missions are a joke in general because they barely even touch raid difficulty and even raids are pretty easy when compared with raids from other mmos. 

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