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So many people wanted BunnyThumper. But this Hammer Ranger Espec isnt very fun


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I didnt play the old school Bunny Thumper. So I never saw the hype in regards to that. I was excited on its on for a Hammer elite spec for Ranger. 

Lots of people were saying:

"I want Bunny Thumper"

"I want Bunny Thumper"

"I want Bunny Thumper"


But now looking back on this, would most of you still prefer a Hammer Ranger Elite Spec?


For me is isnt that exciting or fun to play.  I would have much rather had something different, such as a cowbow ranger with rifle or pistols, now. 


Hammer could have been cool as well if the elite spec mechanics were more interesting. 

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1 hour ago, OGDeadHead.8326 said:

Thing is, they didn't give us the Bunny Thumper, they gave us The Untamed. Learn and understand the difference.

Few of us...who understand how Anet operates, we tried to warn all of you against the idea of bunny thumper. Personally I made 2x threads pleading with the ranger community to abort the idea of bunny thumper.....'cause it wasn't hard to imagine how this would have turned up...hate to be that guy but....told you so...

I had the idea of spirit shaman melee spec. with pets becoming etheral spirits on a 10s CD, unable to do dmg or receive it, while providing buffs to ranger/allies and yeah hammer could have worked then but...my idea got "laughed" at because people wanted their bunny thumper...well..here it is

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6 minutes ago, Tukaram.8256 said:

What is a bunny thumper?

It was an old concept idea from GW1 where the player was able to dual spec their profession, like you could play ranger/warrior class, ranger main and warrior secondary, or you could play ranger/elementalist....ranger/mesmer and so on.

Bunny thumper was ranger/warrior with hammer, a low profile PvP build for easy fame farming at low levels, the way it worked, the ranger with his hammer would CC/stun lock the target (there is no stunlock in GW1 like GW2 but you could time CC skills...if you were good enough...here in GW2 any monkey can stunlock a target by pressing buttons off CD) and the pet would do the damage, being hard to kill an all thx to beastmastery line.

They tried now to bring the same concept in GW2 due to outcry from unwise individuals(almost entire ranger community) and that ofc failed miserably :

1) GW2 has WvW where pet dies instantly during group fights

2) Hammer does not offer any defensive options making the idea of melee hammer melee kitten completely absurd


And that the gist of it all 

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I'd totally still pick Hammer as the weapon, but this hammer is quite meh.

The swap on unleash is annoying since it affect the pet too and set 1 is needed to enable set 2 to full power.

I'd just redo Hammer from scratch without two ability sets, less windup on skills and with more utility and boons. (and maybe add some pet synergy so it feels like a ranger weapon)

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9 hours ago, Ausar.9542 said:

I didnt play the old school Bunny Thumper. So I never saw the hype in regards to that. I was excited on its on for a Hammer elite spec for Ranger. 

Lots of people were saying:

"I want Bunny Thumper"

"I want Bunny Thumper"

"I want Bunny Thumper"


But now looking back on this, would most of you still prefer a Hammer Ranger Elite Spec?


For me is isnt that exciting or fun to play.  I would have much rather had something different, such as a cowbow ranger with rifle or pistols, now. 


Hammer could have been cool as well if the elite spec mechanics were more interesting. 

Maybe its just not for you? I hated soulbeast but love this thing, enjoy the heck out of it. Not every spec made is for every player; I Feel how you do about vindicator but still love my herald to death.  Same thing applies... just play what you like and let us like what we like.

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8 hours ago, OGDeadHead.8326 said:

Thing is, they didn't give us the Bunny Thumper, they gave us The Untamed. Learn and understand the difference.

No they totally did

Thumper was a hammer stun spam pet build and that's exactly what Untamed delivered

Everyone just got distracted by the infantile meme name and forgot that there's no place in the game for such a spec

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You do realize that mechanist's mech is better controlled than Untamed's pet even when in Unleash pet? Thankfully in last beta the core controls of attack my target/guard/return to me were reinstated. The stow pet button was restored in the UI but you can't use it in combat even in Unleash ranger, it's grayed out. This would instantly improve its usability in WVW.

 It also is lacking damage in PVE but that is to be expected as soulbeast is the DPS spec. However the gap is too large and the sustained DPS should still be akin to other "bruisers" such as scrapper.

Untamed needs something like 2x defiance bar damage on Fervent Force or Debilitating Blows or something to carve out its niche. It's kind of sad that Moment of Clarity is a better CC trait than the Untamed traitline. The pet should get copied fury as well as you can share might easily but not fury.

Edited by Infusion.7149
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18 hours ago, Arheundel.6451 said:

Few of us...who understand how Anet operates, we tried to warn all of you against the idea of bunny thumper. Personally I made 2x threads pleading with the ranger community to abort the idea of bunny thumper.....'cause it wasn't hard to imagine how this would have turned up...hate to be that guy but....told you so...

I had the idea of spirit shaman melee spec. with pets becoming etheral spirits on a 10s CD, unable to do dmg or receive it, while providing buffs to ranger/allies and yeah hammer could have worked then but...my idea got "laughed" at because people wanted their bunny thumper...well..here it is

Imagine if we had a wild shaman ranger with totems and communicating with spirits as skills, would be super sick.

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If they gave Soulbeast Hammer, or any useful Wvw weapon, we wouldn't even have this E spec. 

Soulbeast would have been amazing in Wvw with the correct weapon. 

Then people, rightfully so, cried for a way to play Ranger in zergs. 

Hammer makes sense but as long as a pet is involved... Good luck making that viable. 



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1 hour ago, anduriell.6280 said:

Well the idea of a bunny thumper was good, unfortunately we got the untamed. 

It was a ridiculous idea, you know this company has been consistently asking nerfing pets for years at every turn...you know this community hate to die to pets and you guys ask and expect a viable pet master spec? Are you guys for real?

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On 3/14/2022 at 5:57 PM, Substance E.4852 said:

No they totally did

Thumper was a hammer stun spam pet build and that's exactly what Untamed delivered

Everyone just got distracted by the infantile meme name and forgot that there's no place in the game for such a spec

You don't need to to teach me on the bunny thumper or the mechanics of it. You can argue all you want, Untamed isn't even close. Also, who are these "everyone" people refer to, trying to put the blame on for the spec we got? Give it a rest. I don't recall personally ever asking for the bunny thumper, maybe I did, most likely I didn't. That doesn't really matter though.

Edited by OGDeadHead.8326
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14 hours ago, Halbarz.3854 said:

I agree that the hammer is just bleeeh, I actually want a scepter or shield xD 

Double scepter would have been really cool. As long as it would have been more like rev mace/axe than specter bonk stick.

Also i would have made the G2 legy scepter just for this.

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Bunny thumper so called because of how the character moved with the hammer, tried it once went back to trapping.

Such a meme i can't even.

Since we are moaning, can i have my pet swop back in pve? 

It is bloody annoying.

regards a soul beast with a greatsword who wanted a rifle.


Edited by Dami.5046
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23 hours ago, Arheundel.6451 said:

It was a ridiculous idea, you know this company has been consistently asked nerfing pets for years at every turn...you know this community hate to die to pets and you guys ask and expect a viable pet master spec? Are you guys for real?

This! 500% this!

Like you very well said in another post, the bunny thumper concept is to keep the target controled and let the pet kill the foe. It was/is a doomed concept from the very begining in a game like GW2. Any pet based spec is doomed in this game unless the pet is nigh unkillable and deal virtually 0 damage (Basically a minipet).

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I never asked for bunny doo dah either nor did i ask for the class to be trolled(again). But here we are. When the devs follow the community and laugh with them, you know it's time to move on.

back to my mesmer i go.


Edited by Dami.5046
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