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So no changes to DE meta?

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i was in luck to be in a group that narrowed beated the meta with less than 20 seconds remain. Nerve-cracking.  Never come back again.  Have to do the god---ned   jade event at 2-hour timer for turtle collection doe. Zzz    

Btw,  if you have been having nightmare seeing that meta platform, just wait till you do the harvest strike mission. 

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2 hours ago, Draxian.7945 said:

No acknowledgements in the update notes of the changes they promised to make, I've had 2 runs since the update where the boss STILL does back to back bites 3-4 times in a row during tail phases, still unpuggable and I gurantee if Anet weren't being so disrespectful about our time and released the numbers we'd be seeing a fail rate well over 80%. Sure we can buy the turtle now, but why the ever loving kitten should any single one of us putting in the effort have to grind that out and spend resources for something we can do in one go but are routinely denied because Anet refuses to acknowledge they kittened up by making an event the vast majority of the playerbase simply can't be arsed to do.

While the prep+event time of 2h per try seems a bit steep, from my experience the event is not "unpuggable", since that's the only way I've done it.

I also don't think anyone said there will be more changes to that event in todays patch.

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Watched this meta fail miserably a few times today, even with coordinated groups. Still felt like all the same problems were still there. It's depressing, because as someone who doesn't really care about the turtle, I want this meta to be rewarding and engaging enough by itself that people are still doing it 6 months to 6 years from now. That's not going to happen if your average group is wasting 2 hours of their time for uninteresting loot and a level of coordination that is uncommon for open world content.

Not sure why they're being so stubborn about tuning this fight to be puggable and offering an instanced version with a higher tier of difficulty; that formula seems to work well with other challenging content.

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March 5, got my turtle egg, I got several meta for XP. and felt very very boring on that Map. no more motivation to do the meta, except XP. when I found out The Kaining city had more XP, almost quit the Dragon's end map. don't want to spend 2 hours for fail. if succeed, the reward is not that good. at least add the infusion item and 10G for it. no Gold reward, no motivation. Tequalt , I still fight it, because it has 2g.

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I have done this event a total of 6 times now. Two of which have been after the update. I'm beyond frustrated, each time i have done this we have had close to if not over 30 people doing it and failed every time. I thought open world was for those who didn't want to be in raid style guilds or have to mega plan crap out, it was a easier play style and the events weren't over the top hard. This dang event is ruining the game in my eyes. If people want a harder version of this then make a couple of strike missions. over an hour to fail this with no rewards, other then the crap you get from the mini events leading up to Soo-Won. Then you say your going to add the turtle egg work around, which freaking cost 200 writs of dragon's end. Highly disappointed, every other event previous to End of Dragon's was doable with a good grp of people and some instructions from commanders. This one just has way to much going on.

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3 hours ago, Draxian.7945 said:

Not all, but an enormous majority, a majority so large that the ones who aren't full of idlers and leeches aren't statistically relevant. I challenge anyone to--solo--pug the event 10 times without using streamers or posted gatherings to help and report on their findings. I guarantee that most won't see a single success, and of those who do it will be 1-2/10.


So I saw this post and decided to hop into the first LFG DE meta i could get into. This was an entirely pug group (commander did set up a discord though, didn't join) Currently I am 7/8 clears and in around 20 attempts. This is how it went: 




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3 hours ago, LuRkEr.9462 said:

My original post means those that do the dps or provide the roles to carry (like good commanders) will come back for the reward increasing the over all success rate.

Why would good commanders do this meta, though, when they could be doing shorter metas that provide much, much better rewards and are more easily completed?

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2 hours ago, Alcatraznc.3869 said:

The only thing that needs to be changed is the reward and Anet will address that, just not in this update

They addressed the final reward, which only improves the reward for groups that can do it, further increasing the distance between the 'haves' and the 'have nots'.  They've done functionally nothing to increase the success rate of the end boss, and done nothing to increase rewards for the rest of the events in the meta, meaning that for everyone who's currently having difficulties completing the meta the only thing that's going to change is they get to watch other people get rewarded more for having to been able to complete it this entire time.

I would also like to point out that one of the biggest reasons this meta needs to be massively readjusted is because of the nature of the discourse surrounding the DE meta in the community.  I have never seen us so vitriolically divided about major content like this.  Arborstone and Dragon's End map chat can look like the pvp lobby half the time, and the game is not going to survive this kind of divide in the community.  Content of this difficulty does not belong in the open world game.

I'm not saying that all open world content should be designed to cater to the lowest common denominator of player mind you, but I am saying that all open world content should be designed so that the lowest common denominator can be carried through it.  Save difficult crap for dungeons, fractals, and raids.

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Had a competent comm, comped groups, organization, a plan, +10 buffs, ascended food, pretty good execution and we failed at 3%. Had 1 CC bar.


Fortunately I've already got my turtle (after 11 attempts) but came back today to see the "new reward changes", which means I lost 2 hours (again) and got almost nothing (again).

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One of the things I really enjoy about GW2 is the PUGgable metas: for almost every other meta in the game you can hop in and do your best and you're probably going to be OK.  So I joined a PUG run for kicks (I've got my turtle, but enjoy helping).  We had somebody tag up, and it seemed like everybody knew the gist of it.  Too many people downed to the acid attack AoE, but everything else was generally handled well.  Group composition was probably bad: with everything being 5-person boons only, group composition for events is now significantly significantly more important.   (Which is interesting, because you get the up-to-10% event bonus, and the Overcharges: you would think that those should make this fight a cake-walk for a group of mildly prepared people.)  We got brutalized, only bringing the boss down to perhaps 40%.


I'm dying to know the success rate here.  How many runs are actually even happening, now that you can buy the turtle?


I'm curious if anet is overly tuned to the 1% avid gamers ("thank you for high-end challenging two hour open-world content") and accidentally going scorched earth with the normal user.  I know in my company it was really easy to hear the loud 1%, but it was important to step beyond their clatter and look at the actual wider user base who rarely speaks up.

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9 hours ago, Draxian.7945 said:

Not all, but an enormous majority, a majority so large that the ones who aren't full of idlers and leeches aren't statistically relevant. I challenge anyone to--solo--pug the event 10 times without using streamers or posted gatherings to help and report on their findings. I guarantee that most won't see a single success, and of those who do it will be 1-2/10.

I've been out there for a couple days, and I haven't succeeded completing the meta yet. 5 or 6 attempts yesterday, where I saw the fight with Soo Wan for the first time, once.

The problem i was having was joining a commander and then having them actually leave our map to go somewhere 'where they're winning', we were told. It was weird to be in a map from the start only to lose the squad, mid-fight.

So I stopped joining squads! Now I just wait and see if we get close to being able to do the map and I get to run along. I've mentor- tagged up a few times to help direct where to go, what to focus on.

This meta map is a lot of fun and I really love the game play of it. I haven't succeeding doing it yet, but I still like playing it. The sound effects around charging the crystals is my favorite part!! xD Sounds wonderful.

We get close to defeating Soo Wan. I think we spend a lot of time rezzing folks that die.

Failed twice today, but we actually got over to Soo Wan, today.  I noticed that there didn't seem to be a timer on the crystal-charging part of the  meta, the map died twice there, yesterday. X)  So I personally appreciate it.

Edited by saturnberry.2854
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1 hour ago, Alcatraznc.3869 said:

Please tell me where it is then because I must have skipped it. Except allowing the turtle egg to be bought from a merchant I didnt see something regarding DE's reward.

The only thing my brain will let me spit out is that it gives you an Antique Summoning Stone once per day.

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12 hours ago, mythical.6315 said:

You can have a high rate of success with the right commander. All of my wins have been from commanders who split players off into subgroups of five rather than have everyone lumped under a single group. 

Last time I had such a map the pre-events went very well and fast... but the main fight was the usual mess resulting in a fail with well over 20% left.

So I rather say that this is the bare minimum of organization required, but not even close to a win formula. Just because ppl bring certain classes and claim to run certain builds just ain't no guarantee that they really do let alone do it well.

It's the same with PUG strikes, everytime someone joins and claims to be a DPS it's a flip coin wether he/she really is or if it's just another clueless 3k dps soldier gear guy. You simply can't tell in an open world free-for-all scenario (and don't have the advantage of instance content where you could just rearrange the squad and restart).

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I've run another DE meta since my last post here, and I would like to point out that I did a full two hour run with a competent commander the other day, and today I jumped in with 40 minutes left to go on the map as part of a gang of idiots who hobbled together a crew, and both maps failed but the organized well led group only got an additional 7% damage on the boss compared to my gang of idiots.  There appears to be a HARD delineation between the 'haves' and the 'have nots', and by only adding new rewards to a successful completion they've only increased the difference between the two groups.

The RNG makes the fight incredibly difficult, the arena and fight are a visual and targeting travesty, you get no indication on the mini-map as to where the head or the tail is, and if you do everything perfectly it's still a pretty tight time frame on the kill.

I think that to fix it, either you need to address a half dozen different mechanics and get rid of the RNG, or cut the HP of the boss by a third.  Suddenly the chaos of the fight becomes almost fun as you've removed a pretty hard DPS check.

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24 minutes ago, Endilbiach.4132 said:

I've run another DE meta since my last post here, and I would like to point out that I did a full two hour run with a competent commander the other day, and today I jumped in with 40 minutes left to go on the map as part of a gang of idiots who hobbled together a crew, and both maps failed but the organized well led group only got an additional 7% damage on the boss compared to my gang of idiots.  There appears to be a HARD delineation between the 'haves' and the 'have nots', and by only adding new rewards to a successful completion they've only increased the difference between the two groups.

The RNG makes the fight incredibly difficult, the arena and fight are a visual and targeting travesty, you get no indication on the mini-map as to where the head or the tail is, and if you do everything perfectly it's still a pretty tight time frame on the kill.

I think that to fix it, either you need to address a half dozen different mechanics and get rid of the RNG, or cut the HP of the boss by a third.  Suddenly the chaos of the fight becomes almost fun as you've removed a pretty hard DPS check.

The fix would be easy to do. Instead of tuning it all around the place, just add an additional 10 minutes to the fight or cut her HP by 20-30%. Done. Problem solved.
As for the have and have nots:
Whats properly disgusting on the forums are the "fine distinguished gentlemen" who a.) got lucky and had their arses carried by a good group, or b.) run with a guild or raid level of elite players, and fail to understand that they are the exception and not the rule, and that their experience has literally nothing to do with pugging groups who just wish to do map content.

Im sick and tired of the brainlets in game who claim that this fight is "easy" while they roll with set premades that do not accept anyone to begin with, and i.e. require discord in mandatory fashion.
This is not a raid girls.
This is open world map content that is first and foremost done by random players. BY ALL PLAYERS.
You can have this premade elitist argument about your dedicated strike missions and about your raids, but not about the friggin open world meta which is designed TO BE ACCESSIBLE BY ALL.

For arena.net to try and force strike mission level content onto pugs, is one of the most brain dead moves i have seen in an mmo, and trust me, i have seen a few since the 90s.

Edited by Aerensiniac.3584
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They're so indifferent about player feedback and frustrations. Not a care in the world....

And they expect to earn lots of money off of frustrated customers and have them recommend the game?
 It's pretty amazing to observe such acts of self-sabotage 😄


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I would love to see a video of Anet employees, and only Anet employees, doing this meta. I'm sure they did it in QA testing, right? Right? I want to see the video of that. 

Because if they didn't beta test this without cheating, then their QA department failed at their jobs.

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5 hours ago, Endilbiach.4132 said:

I've run another DE meta since my last post here, and I would like to point out that I did a full two hour run with a competent commander the other day, and today I jumped in with 40 minutes left to go on the map as part of a gang of idiots who hobbled together a crew, and both maps failed but the organized well led group only got an additional 7% damage on the boss compared to my gang of idiots.  There appears to be a HARD delineation between the 'haves' and the 'have nots', and by only adding new rewards to a successful completion they've only increased the difference between the two groups.

The RNG makes the fight incredibly difficult, the arena and fight are a visual and targeting travesty, you get no indication on the mini-map as to where the head or the tail is, and if you do everything perfectly it's still a pretty tight time frame on the kill.

I think that to fix it, either you need to address a half dozen different mechanics and get rid of the RNG, or cut the HP of the boss by a third.  Suddenly the chaos of the fight becomes almost fun as you've removed a pretty hard DPS check.

By "jumping in with 40 minutes left" alone you've lost 10% dmg from not having pre-events buff, right? Most probably so did the others.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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Prior to being able to get the egg from the vendor only ~20% of the player base had the egg unlocked and ~15% had their turtle. If those numbers are even close to accurate, that's insane. If 80% of players have not gotten past the meta it's obvious there needs to be changes. Now that people can get their turtle without the meta, people aren't even going to try it. There were barely any groups last night. Still a massive time sink for what will likely fail.

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