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How would you rate EoD compared to HoT and PoF?

How would you rate EoD compared to HoT and PoF?  

394 members have voted

  1. 1. How would you rate EoD compared to HoT and PoF?

    • EoD is in first place. EoD is better than HoT and PoF
    • EoD is in second place. EoD is better than HoT but worse than PoF
    • EoD is in second place. EoD is better than PoF but worse then HoT
    • EoD is in last place. EoD is worse than HoT and PoF
    • Generally the three are about equally good/bad.

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I placed EoD last.

It's pretty.  Great music.  Fairly enjoyable story.  But open world feels unfinished and boring.  Too much copy/paste.  Not enough unique content.  No "wow factor" to the masteries.  Bugs and poorly designed content everywhere you go.  In short, it looks like every bit the rush job that it is.  My hope is that they'll take the time to properly finish this expansion.

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based on what i've been doing i don' t like it that much.


What i usually do is craft all the decs in the first day.

Get to the new map as fast as i can. If i have to suffer through story, then fine but as soon as i get to new map i put off finishing story until i have absolutely nothing left to do. I then enjoy exploring the maps and doing map complete across all maps then switch to my alts and tp them in skipping story entirely.

I might play around with elites to just test them out or unlock cheevos with them to start on new wep skin collections.

Usually by the 2nd toon through i'm focusing on achievements as I map clear. I'll map clear 4-5 toons across all new map for funz.


What i've been doing in EoD however.

I decided to finish story immediately, to not have to suffer through it later. I tried map clearing though Seitung Province first but then realized i was just duplicating my work having to go back to areas as i did story, so for the next 3 maps i just focused on story and map complete together. 😞 I got straight to Dragon's end by day 2 and was in for a horrible treat of not even being able to complete the meta for days. upwards of 0/16 wins/losses before i got lucky after grinding all day into the weee hours of the morning half asleep for that "1 more try" headache. I then left the map for 1 week straight when i realized i had to go back to finish the map achievements which required more attempts at beating the meta that i had no fond memories of. It's basically if you're not in a super organized ground its a flip of a coin if you'll be able to win. most of the time its still a fail.

The achievements are still broken after several patches, which is to be expected but when yer stuck in a map you don't want to be in and then realize the cheevos you've been trying to do are broken it adds to the frustration and dislike of said xpac.

Fishing is not what i thought it would be, but in all honesty the game has been going in the opposite direction of what brought me to it in 2012.

haven't even touched new elites. Maybe because my main is a guardian and i don't care for willbender, but i haven't really even bother on other alts yet either because i've been stuck in Dragon's End mostly this whole time. I like to complete things before i move on i guess. ( as long as it isn't story) 🙂

Almost forgot - decorations. there were only 2. 2!!! decorations in the whole xpac so far. 1 craftable oversized head and 1 purchasable jade bot workbench. dats it. 😞 Major disappointment.  I kinda thought this preview was a little misleading (Starting @41:55)

i kinda wish they hadn't used a guildhall that was decorated in the preview. In the tavern @50:45 I thought the bamboo trees, potted basic shrubs and lanterns were all player decorations. Turns out they weren't its permanent anet decs that you can't move. I should of known better based on how you can't place more then 5 decs close to each other before you get objects too close warnings. 😞 @43:28 Also in some of those pics they showed a green bird statue - which imo looked like it was going to be a new decoration or possible series of statue decs, nopes wrong again. Then you think because its a decorated hall so those must be new pink tree decorations! no nopes wrong! @53:57 they are in a guild hall with lots of decorations- granted they are old decs and we don' t know what they new ones are but then they say "There are going to be End of Dragons guild hall decorations." Well that's not a lie i guess, there were 2 decorationS😞 You would assume (don't assume anything!!!) based on previous xpacs there would be several (not just 2) new decorations.

and yes i know guildhalls were dead long ago, but with this xpac it seems they are actively trying to murder anything which remains.

Edited by Kelly.7019
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HoT, an easy first.


Then PoF.


And some distance down the scale, EoD.


Maybe that's due to having started GW2 only a few short years ago with some substantial breaks for health issues; I perhaps "just don't get" what's supposedly so great about EoD's content. As per normal, the world art team knocked it out of the park. I feel like the masteries, while easy to obtain and level, are little more than gimmicks to fuel new skin & gem sales. Elite specs in no way equal what's come before them.


To flesh the above out a bit more ... Those beautiful and interestingly detailed maps? Why, why are they so devoid of npcs, especially in a zone like New (and Old) Kaineng City? That place should be teeming with residents. Seitung Province is somewhat more inhabited (despite the whole metropolis vs largely rural area thing),  but even there the attacking number of Aetherblades is far greater than the numbers of resident Canthans seen. I mean, how the heck did those airships hold such numbers and all the requisite gear?


The only mastery of any real interest to me is the jade bot, and that's only really for the vitality boost and limited utility. The others, well, I just can't work up the enthusiasm for. Even after getting the turtle, I'm only putting time into the mastery to see my masteries level tick upwards for a feel of a little character progression.


As to the elite specs, I came away from the betas liking only 2 of them, and that's now down to one. I am levelling a new character to try one last spec that for me shows some promise of being enjoyable; obviously time will tell with that project. As I love different specs and buildcraft, EoD's elites are a major cause of my dissatisfaction with the expansion.

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If EoD was to be straight up deleted from the game tomorrow never to be seen again the only thing that i would honestly actually be bothered about is losing harbinger spec and the new strikes.

There's just nothing there that actually entertains me, while i actually enjoy the DE meta, at just under 2 hours a pop it's not something i can say would be added to my daily routine, pretty much everything else doesn't interest me at all nor affects my daily play.

I already find myself only ever going to cantha to join a strike or a daily de meta while i still have some vacation time.


I couldn't say that about HoT or PoF, PoF had the same lack of urge and reason to go back with longevity to its zones but there's no way in hell any of us could live without the additions PoF and ofcourse Hot brought, can't say the same about EoD. 

I still loving doing chaks, i still love doing octovines, you got raids, i use gliding all the time, ocasional dragon stand is great, for pof meh i really just do confetti infusion honestly but i use mounts all the time and i enjoy doing the lws4 and ibs content daily too.


Hopefully LWS6 is a knockout because both 4 and 5 were substantially far more entertaining and impactful to me than EoD.

For what is often blamed as the reason Champions was so bad i expected far more quality from this expansion.

Edited by Bookah pls.9352
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2 hours ago, Bookah pls.9352 said:

If EoD was to be straight up deleted from the game tomorrow never to be seen again the only thing that i would honestly actually be bothered about is losing harbinger spec and the new strikes.

Funny thing is, I feel exactly the same about HoT.  They could delete the whole thing and the glider would be only thing I miss (and I really like the glider).  That is what is so good about GW2 - something for everyone.  

Shing Jea has great replayability, something PoF and HoT are missing. I never go back to either of them.  The only other really fun replayable maps are in core - human and Norn areas in particular. 

I am playing more, and enjoying it more, in EoD than I have in ages!  PoF brought mounts, but overall I am enjoying EoD more than either earlier expansion. 😎

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HoT > PoF > EoD. Hard for anything to beat HoT for me honestly. Although I put EoD last I am still enjoying myself a lot. The maps for all expacs are exquisite (seriously, the environmental artists for this game are outstanding), but the sheer intricacy of the HoT maps takes the cake for me. PoF rates above EoD because the mounts are phenomenal and I think the elite specs were generally more polished. Also the night skyboxes.

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I find EOD expansion is very weak compare to both expansion, It's not terrible but overall is just alright feeling. (better than no expansion at all) 

- Lack of new interesting enemies = HoT introduce modrem and The Forged for POF it give me feeling that we acctually fighting powerful organize group of villian while EOD is just reskin of old enemies only the new one seem to be Jade Mech but they're not present like Modrem and the Forged and there's only few type of Jade Mech.


- Dissapoint New Mastery = Most of new (of not all) mastery barely change how to play the game and very uninteresting specialize when compare to Mount in POF or even Glider of HoT. Only Master I find it could have potential is Jade Bot but they didn't do anything interesting about it Fishing really?.


- Too many dialog talk only story quest with no option to skip consider I have to complete story for all class just to complete their weapon quest.


- Poor reward = I can walk casually around HoT maps in 30min and still make reasonable of gold from it while in EOD even I spend an entire day running map meta it still make my pocket empty for some reason... Specialize Dragon End meta that give nothing in return if you fail even it's sub quest didn't give anything worth while and please stop give us Piles of Bloodstone Dust already unless you make it sell able.


- Too few maps = Consider POF launch with 5 maps make EOD feel very short specialize everyone have mount from start even make the map feel smaller than it is.


- Seem like Dev already run out of idea for New Profestion, Elemenalist with Hammer? really? another melee weapon for mage class... Oh give Hammer for Ranger too instead of rifle!! but atleast I'm happy with Gunblade samurai and Mecha Engineer.



Edited by Terra.9506
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1 hour ago, Terra.9506 said:

I find EOD expansion is very weak compare to both expansion, It's not terrible but overall is just alright feeling. (better than no expansion at all)


- Dissapoint New Mastery = Most of new (of not all) mastery barely change how to play the game and very uninteresting specialize when compare to Mount in POF or even Glider of HoT. Only Master I find it could have potential is Jade Bot but they didn't do anything interesting about it Fishing really?.

True & kinda wish a mastery woulda allowed you to use guns solo, but maybe have a disadvantge like not being able to move. so you would be able to fire all 6 shots then you'd have to get up an move around to reload.


1 hour ago, Terra.9506 said:

- Too few maps = Consider POF launch with 5 maps make EOD feel very short specialize everyone have mount from start even make the map feel smaller than it is.



maps maps maps. i thought with HoT we'd get new starter map like with vanilla. explore more of cantha, all that unexplored lands. But apparently if gw1 didnt go there the nopes. also my understanding of maps and how quickly we got more was a little misunderstood. but still we left tyria and there si still lots of space to explore. it seems like they just stick there pinky inn 1 area and then bail. future growth- sure but at the 2-3 year rate per pac and now they are adding new continents, i don't think we are ever going to go explore all the lands of tyria.

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Definitely the least engaging of the three expansions.  HoT was quite tough going at first but I grew to love it, still enjoy revisiting the maps.  PoF artwork and map design I found absolutely stunning, it was like being a tourist in distant lands where at every turn there's a new, stunning temple to explore. 


Both expansions brought really worthwhile and enjoyable new features.  At the time, I thought gliding was the best thing ever, a total game-changer.  PoF's fun (and obtainable) mounts were great too, now you could travel much faster across maps saving boring running time, and easily access places which used to need a lot of tedious climbing to reach.  I spent lots of money on gems buying cool mount skins (I like to pay for my entertainment, and wanted to help keep the game financially viable).


Well, EoD....first of all, I actually enjoyed the story first time through, though I'm having a bit more trouble motivating myself to repeat it on my second account.  Liked Rama, he is a really cool character.  The maps are pretty.  As for 'game-changers', I find the skiffs and fishing a bit underwhelming.  Maybe there's nothing much more to add to GW2 so they're getting desperate.  The maps events aren't fun or engaging, and many maps are empty.  A lot of the hero points and mastery points are just a formality, which is a bit of a cop-out.  Most of all, without revisiting old arguments, the huge mistake of gating the turtle behind 'that' meta and a strike mission (leading to so much anger and salt, and division of the community into 2 warring factions), has totally demotivated me.  I was going to make one of the new legendaries, had saved up mats for ages, but now I just can't be bothered.  It all just feels like a slog and no fun, I can't analyse why, just how I feel.  

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The EoD is as disappointing as the huge Christmas present, which turns out to be an empty box containing three limp candies.

After the announcements of the trailers and livs, I did not see anything interesting. ArenaNet's constant tout of how great it is to catch fish, boats and turtles made me feel concerned that this was all they had to offer.

Glad I didn't buy the EoD and won't buy it until they bring more.

Sure, a lot of people might like EoD, and I don't condemn it. You can enjoy the game as much as you want. But I also wish I could enjoy it as much as you do.

Maybe HoT wasn't the most outstanding DLC, but it turned the game over and added a lot of unique stuff. There are masters, new specializations that are still used today. Meta events that I do several times a day. A glider that improves movement. Maps that I consider to be one of the best that use hang-glider and lay-lay mechanics. Besides, there were raids that I was waiting for.

PoF introduced mounts that other games should follow. They have given specializations that are even better than those of HoT. They also added one raid to start with, but that's about it. New maps have been created and this is their only advantage. Long wastelands where nothing is happening. Meta events you don't want to come back to.

EoD, when I listen to people on the forum and watch streams, I know there is nothing interesting. New weak specializations. Maps poorly polished. Assault mission without rewards. Fishing or Skiff is only fun for two hours. The turtle is not used anywhere. The Jade Bot is fun, but it should have more features and should be visible like a minion. Maybe several kinds of jade robot. Maybe he should bring food from TP when you are in a raid and have no food. Maybe some mini bot game like catching fish. Maybe let the jade robot heal you, get more gold after killing your opponent. Provides invisibility, super speed. It's only okay at the moment. The Rohan game had animals like a jade robot that were really useful.

The Icebrood saga seems more interesting to me than EoD and they could make a mini DLC out of it if they gave new specializations. Because the maps and meta events are great. They gave something new like strike missions. DRM that nobody likes.

I expected more interesting maps from EoD, where a lot is actually going on. The meta of the events you want to repeat. New raid, new missions, new fractal. More interesting specializations. Improvement of the underwater combat system. Aliance wvw and other changes in this direction.

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General : PoF > HoT > EoD

Story : EoD > PoF > HoT

HoT - I feel alive, events happen all around the map and slowly build up to the grand final and even tho its been 7 years ppl still doing it, the HPs are challenging and a way to test your personal limitation or helping others doing it, it feels engaging overall.

PoF - I feel freedom, the map layout is vast with open fields giving me the joy to travel around, the metas are decent but fun along with many mini dynamic chain events leading to challenging foe. The bounty system is also a way to test your personal limitation and its also fun helping others doing bounties. Again overall engaging but with alot more freedom to do so than HoT and i personally like the freedom.

EoD - I feel caged, the maps are pretty no doubt but at the same time i feel like i'm being locked in a cage especially in Echovald, even walking around feels tedious. The metas are decent from Seitung to Echovald (lets not talk about DE here because we all know how it goes rn) but outside of that there isn't much going on around, the HP isn't a slight bit challenging, no bounty, nothing is keeping me engaging. Everytime i'm in Cantha the first word pops in my head is "Fish" and nothing else.

EoD story is good, i enjoy it alot but idk why Anet put elite specs collection behind the story so i have to do it 9 times, its not joy anymore but simply a chore, the fishing rng is stupidly high but i can live with that. I can only hope they do better in the next Living World season.

Edited by Eros.6801
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This poll is pretty much guaranteed to be skewed. A lot of people who are enjoying EoD probably cba to look at the forums as where the vocal minority who hates pretty much everything anet does loves to camp this website. I'm not saying that all complaints are invalid, but you are essentially asking people who take every possible excuse to complain whether they like it or not. There's also a nostalgia factor for people who have been playing longer. I think the second or so comment in this thread was literally "first time I was disappointed in the most recent content release for gw2" or something like that. Like you do you but IBS ending still exists.

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9 hours ago, Tukaram.8256 said:

Funny thing is, I feel exactly the same about HoT.  They could delete the whole thing and the glider would be only thing I miss (and I really like the glider).

...how? A whole new profession, good elite specs, Raids(I dont like it, but still huge for the game), great PvE metas, legendary armor, new WvW map(desert was released in HoT right?), and probably a bunch of other things I dont remenber...no, Glider wouldnt be the only thing you would  miss.

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Its not that its worst in all aspects but in ones it its worst by long mile and it should have been best so by quality it lands  as worst.

personal ranking


1. Eod

2. Hot

3. Pof

Mechanics (masteries, other added systems)

1. Pof

2. Hot

3. Eod and by a long mile (masteries like jade bot and fishing go against idea of masteries that is horzontal account progression by being tied to indevidual items and thus it becomes vertical character progression, which needs to be reversed.)

Elite specs added

1. Eod (tho here ranger and ele got screwed to crap bile, but necro and engi pull it to 1st othersiwse its aight)

2. Pof

3. Hot

metas added

1. Hot

2. Pof

3. Eod (only cause dragons end is so badly designed for majority and divides playerbase)

ill add more if think of em.

Additional high level content

1. Hot

2. Pof

3. Eod (i dislike that so much of openworld stuff mainly e spec weapons are connected to them, (stikes) rather than their own stuff.)


1. Pof

2. Hot

3. Eod (too bugged and tied to strikes, rather than each for their own category)

added equipment

1. Hot

2. Pof

3. Eod (no runes or sigils and just 2 new stat sets, that didnt even get added to stat selectable equipment as they promiced all stats would be, do like new capes tho)

Edited by NIHILUS.4168
Articulations an ongoin process.
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11 hours ago, Felipe.1807 said:

...how? A whole new profession, good elite specs, Raids(I dont like it, but still huge for the game), great PvE metas, legendary armor, new WvW map(desert was released in HoT right?), and probably a bunch of other things I dont remenber...no, Glider wouldnt be the only thing you would  miss.

For me - other than the glider - HoT was a total waste of money, but I am still glad to support the game I enjoy. The glider is the only thing I use from HoT. I hate the maps and do not play them, metas or not. I do not know which profession was added (I just googled it - revenant. Built one last year, do not like it). But EoD was a great opportunity to add another profession. I do not raid, I have no interest in legendaries or e-specs.  Yeah... gliders was all it added for me.   

It added things for other people, so no worries. But my comment was directed at someone showing a total disdain for EoD. I was merely pointing out that I enjoy EoD and have that same disdain for HoT.  To each their own. Which is one of the great things about this game, there is something for everyone. 😎

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To me it comes down to the masteries feeling more like busy work and micro-managing than fun. The maps are in all expansions are beautiful, obviously, but EOD has felt so empty and that left an impression. Not excited about the metas, but PoF had that same problem. Story was enjoyable, but not head and shoulders above the the others. There's just nothing there right now that excites me. I haven't logged in for days now, and I'm surprised by that, honestly. I just haven't found anything that pulls me back in, but I have hope for whatever the Living World brings. That's the real value for the expansions IMO, along with masteries - but as I said, the masteries this time around aren't fun. Useful, sure, but just ... ugh. Hate the micro-managing they bring. Don't let your buffs fall off, only change your modules here, creating research notes is just a gold/time sink and doesn't feel good.

Arborstone just feels like a huge stretch for a mastery line and should have been baseline Skiffs are only good for fishing, and I don't enjoy the fishing game. Turtle is niche and is just a toy without being useful for my play style. The only one I enjoy and feels good is the zip line. They all just all feel bad, even if the jade bot bonuses and boosts are useful.

I am also not really excited about the new elite specs. Golemancer is nice for some relaxed farming, but ... I kind of hate how huge it is. That's just a me thing though. 

Edited by Shaaba.5672
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I like PoF most because of the mounts. They make gameplay a lot more fun (and easier).

HoT brought us gliding, which is very usefull on most maps.

EoD gave us nothing that makes gameplay on other maps more comfortable.


I like the storyline (unlike HoT which I still have to finish, but for what?), fishing may be fun. I don't mind about skiffs.

So for me its:

1. PoF

2/3 Hot and EoD.

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*This is a rant, but I'm just frustrated with the unbalanced feel; however, by no means do I "hate" the game or am I insulting the devs* 


EoD is a solid last place for me..  especially with the Dragon's End pre-meta to Soo-Won, and the fight itself..  no matter how prepared or well organized the groups are, it fails epically more than not .. unnecessarily difficult - and not in a "what a great challenge!" way, more like in a "what the--- why is this so needlessly complicated, and frustratingly difficult??" way  ..  it's also endless, but has a highly limited timer that runs during the dialogue while the NPCs aren't moving or acting - and how many phases does a boss battle need?!  the pre-metas and map meta throw everything at you including the kitchen sink .. 


I've been playing GW since 2006, and I have NEVER been so disappointed in an expansion.. to date, Nightfall in original GW was my least favorite, followed closely by HoT in GW2 .. but they have now been replaced by EoD ..


Honestly, it feels rushed..  and from what I've seen other people talking about, it WAS rushed.. that was disappointing to hear .. 


On the positive side, I've definitely enjoying seeing Cantha, I really love the Jade Bot inclusion and all the new classes (with little nods to original classes), and the story is quite interesting.. .. but, I would really like to see some balancing of the events happen soon


*Edit: and I understand that Soo-Won is the oldest dragon/"mother of dragons" so there is an expectation for a challenge..  but within reason - none of the fights up to this point have felt futile, until EoD

Edited by aboyhazard.5047
clarifying content
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