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How many accounts do you have?

How many accounts do you have?  

204 members have voted

  1. 1. How many GW2 accounts do you have?

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My wife and I each have 17 accounts.  All of those have POF and 7 of them have EoD.  Yes, I play them all, though the first 11 accounts are much further along.

Edit: This is perfect! I just checked this post and I have 1 (and only one) of every single emote. Bingo! lol

Edited by Vayne.8563
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1 hour ago, Caitybee.3614 said:

One, no idea why people have multiples other than to take advantage of the game.

Something, something about giving a man a fish and showing him how to fish.

Don't get me wrong, but I really hope I get a lot people like you once I release my little indie-game that I'm working on at the moment. Retirement will come early thanks to MTX and users with your attitude.

54 minutes ago, JustTrogdor.7892 said:

Some daily login rewards can be converted to gold and then transferred to the main account.

I won't share my spreadsheets for obvious reasons, but averaged over a calendar year, assuming that you log into GW2 364 days or 13 reward cycles, you will make between 1.9 and 2.8 gold per day based on the best and worst TP price averages during the last 6 months. There are also secondary and tertiary rewards that are almost as passive as daily logins (hint: mystic forge) or require very little extra time if desired (hint: certain festivals).

Unlike all those clever farming guides that tell you that killing Karka Queen is theoretically 40g/hour, alt-accounts scale much higher. Even if I'm very, very sloppy, I'm making over 60g/hour and could in theory scale that up to as many hours as I want to spend on sitting in front of my PC and logging into GW2. While I do that partially for fun, I prefer playing the game as well. :classic_cool: I just hate running around in circles in the Silverwastes in case I fancy a new outfit or mount skin...

Using the above mentioned model, a PoF account has a break-even time of ~11 months at the moment and an EoD account has a break-even of roughly 100 days if you unlock the legendary vendors. However EoD accounts have obviously a worse gold/hour rate early on since the setup time is way too long and the break-even will also become longer, because more folks unlock the legendary vendors every week.

I usually calculate the break-even time based on the gold-to-gem conversion considering the hypothetical price of gem codes instead of buying another license. If you use gem-to-gold conversion, the break-even time is usually 25% shorter.

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1 hour ago, Freya.9075 said:

Over 100 accounts they rotate through every day?

If it wasn't against the forum rules, you would have over 100 laughing smilies below your post within the next 10 minutes.

If you don't believe me that's fine with me. If you don't believe my observations, log into the game at daily reset time in the EU region and watch the area between the bank and guild bank either in Rata Sum or in Divinity's Reach for an hour each over a couple of days. Take notes of the names that match the patterns I described and see for yourself. :classic_ninja:  I'll promise that I wave, if your character's name looks familiar while zipping by.

edit: On a side note, Anet should actually improve the privacy inside the game in general and should never reveal the public display name by default after adding anyone as friend in-game unless the other side confirmed the "friendship". There should also be an opt-in only option to allow to be discovered via in-game search for the public display name.

Edited by TheWaternymphHC.1847
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27 minutes ago, TheWaternymphHC.1847 said:

If it wasn't against the forum rules, you would have over 100 laughing smilies below your post within the next 10 minutes.

If you don't believe me that's fine with me. If you don't believe my observations, log into the game at daily reset time in the EU region and watch the area between the bank and guild bank either in Rata Sum or in Divinity's Reach for an hour each over a couple of days. Take notes of the names that match the patterns I described and see for yourself. :classic_ninja:  I'll promise that I wave, if your character's name looks familiar while zipping by.

Well. Considering I see like a bazillion different freyas while playing, have fun with that xD it’s quite a common name for characters. However I have no character named freya. But you do you. If you find it fun to use a couple hours to rotate through your accounts daily then by all means do so. I have better things to do then observe what other ppl do or don’t do when they play. 

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Just 2. I barely use the second one though. I made it last year during a big sale and played on it for a little bit, because I wanted to experience having a 'new' account again. It wasn't as endearing as I though it would be lol. I'll log in now and then when I remember though, for log in rewards. 

I have no idea how anyone could manage more than 2 accounts...

Edited by kettering.6823
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58 minutes ago, kettering.6823 said:

Just 2. I barely use the second one though. I made it last year during a big sale and played on it for a little bit, because I wanted to experience having a 'new' account again. It wasn't as endearing as I though it would be lol. I'll log in now and then when I remember though, for log in rewards. 

I have no idea how anyone could manage more than 2 accounts...

well it is quite easy with addon that let you launch more then 1 client at once.

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3 hours ago, Tachenon.5270 said:

Well. As stated previously, I added my second account in the early days of the original Guild Wars, when we only had 4 character slots and couldn't buy more. 4 slots, with 6 professions... aiee! What else was an alt-oholic to do? Of course later on they made it so we could buy more slots -- and I did! Because alts are life. And they added more professions! Woo. The glory days... And I added every campaign and expansion to both accounts, in GW and GW2, until now. Skyscale was the proverbial straw. I guess I could log in to the 2nd account for the daily rewards thing, but that would require typing in a different user name and password every other time and good gosh that's just too much work for a professional casual like me! 😅

The game launched with 5 character slots; Additional Character Slots were available from the Gem Store at launch, as well.




(Note the date on each Wiki article.)

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8 minutes ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

The game launched with 5 character slots; Additional Character Slots were available from the Gem Store at launch, as well.




(Note the date on each Wiki article.)

Not Guild Wars 2, the first Guild Wars.

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7 hours ago, Caitybee.3614 said:

One, no idea why people have multiples other than to take advantage of the game.

Oh there are other reasons to have more than one account.  For instance I was in a guild that demanded 100% repping and sometimes you just want to play without the chatter of a guild.  Also sometimes when people find out you are actually a girl they are too...clingy despite your assurance they have no chance with you, and you need a little break from that.  There are lots of very legitimate reasons to have more than one account.

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I kinda wonder how high would the crafting material's price go if not for those alt-acc. Can't be that much really, no? 1-2 silver highest for every mat? Also those mystic coins... How low the supply, and so how high the price, would go for them? 

Look at mystic coin's price lately. It used to be around 1.8 just some months ago. Now it dropped to 1g and that makes me a happy lil piggy. Yes, it dropped because people many are not really interested right now in doing leggyis, but many people also got alt-acc with the twi prime, and so the supply for those went high. Love it or hate it, it is what it is...

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I think people are interested in making new legendaries, but the new ones don't take as many mystic coins (or clovers). Before EoD was released some people were stockpiling mystic coins expecting the price to go even higher than it did. Then the expansion came out and it turned out the new ones don't need many coins and much of the cost is a new time-gated item, so I think a lot of the people who stockpiled them will have sold them to afford antique summoning stones.

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It seems like multi-accounting is much more common than I first thought.  All I did was just pay a little attention. 

There's really some sort of "pattern" in their behavior and what they do.  Character names, mastery level and guild too.  Some places like Choya Pinata, Wyvern Matriach, or some open world afk farming I can imagine how that could work.  You summon your minions/turrets and then you can just leave it (also does this violate the ToS?).  It makes me wonder when I saw them farming nodes like, how do you move more than one character simultaneously?

I myself have two accounts.  I play the game in NA server from southeast Asia.  The ping can be horrible at times.  The best I could ever get is 280.  When it's bad it's like 500~1000+.

I create another account in EU server just to see if the ping would be lower.  In case you're curious, yes, the ping is lower, like 190.  But the pitfall is the gems cost more because you buy them in euro.

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9 hours ago, ilMasa.2546 said:

100 accounts uh? So there is a possibility that everyone here is just the same guy posting with one of his accounts

That would be too much work and against the forum's code of conduct. Although it would be quite funny too see how much one could skew the results of this poll. However, I'm genuinely interested in the results myself and I actually wished the OP had used a broader range of account numbers.

7 hours ago, The Boz.2038 said:

It is actually kind of perverse how daily login rewards include valuable, marketable items.

I agree. Considering that Anet and NCsoft are pretty open about targeting whales in their games, I guess that it's done on purpose for a couple of reasons:

  • It's creates more account sales and increases both the daily and monthly active users, and the so important ratio between them.
  • It generates more sales for certain gem store items like home instance nodes. Those become quite attractive for people who have 2 - 5 accounts. An advanced leather rack becomes way more valuable if you can loot it five times per day instead of once.
  • It reduces the attractiveness of paid botting services. Even people who don't care about cheating would notice a difference in their wallets at some point.
  • It helps to keep parts of the in-game economy flowing. Not just MCs or materials that can be bought from laurels. Leather, Watchwork Sprockets and Quartz Crystals would probably be much more expensive as well.
  • It's also quite predatory in terms of gaming addiction for people who only have one account. Just log into the game every day and get a reward, even if you don't feel like playing. That's almost literally a digital Skinner Box.
6 hours ago, DarkXi.3289 said:

Also those mystic coins... How low the supply, and so how high the price, would go for them? 

If you followed them closely, you could notice that the prices of MCs started dropping around late November last year after the bulk of Heroic Editions from the Amazon/Twitch Prime, HP and Alienware promotions were available and started to show up at sites of key resellers. From Black Friday to the end of December PoF was on sale for ~15 €/$ on Amazon and most official GW2 retailers. If it wasn't for Wintersday and the higher demand for MCs for some of its cosmetics, the drop in early January would have been much earlier and more noticeable. Even before the material costs for Gen3 legendaries were widely known, MCs already were down to 1.5g - 1.8g from their peaks of 2.3g - 2.4g in November (not counting the days with the gem store exploit active). Having the Mystic Forger daily more frequently since the beginning of the year impacted the price as well.

Interestingly the demand for MCs on the TP went up quite noticeably while the number of traded coins barely moved in the last two months, daily and weekly fluctuations aside.

Edited by TheWaternymphHC.1847
typos & a correction
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52 minutes ago, Raffrey.5271 said:

Some places like Choya Pinata, Wyvern Matriach, or some open world afk farming I can imagine how that could work.  You summon your minions/turrets and then you can just leave it (also does this violate the ToS?).

That's actually multi-boxing which is fairly restricted by the GW2 ToS/EULA. If you do use it in PvE, you have to control each account manually, no keystroke tools or similar things allowed. WvW and PvP are completely taboo for multi-boxers. That means either a couple of PCs on your desk or a lot of alt-tabbing which requires quite a beefy machine (3 - 4 CPU threads & 6GB RAM per GW2 instance and an NVMe SSD). There are obviously small tricks like binding the running hotkey to a mouse button, but overall multi-boxing seems to be more annoying than fun in GW2. Although I once met a 10 character multi-boxer at Wintersday who showed off their ten identical looking full geared and similarly named mains near the vendor area and had some fun chatting with us plebs.

Strictly mathematically speaking the more accounts you have to control at the same time, the lower the gold per hour rate becomes. Therefore multi-accounters who only do it for the rewards, won't show up in droves for world bosses and the like. Most multi-boxers don't really care about that and mostly do it for the challenge. There is probably a subset of people who do enjoy both, but I doubt that there are that many.

Personally I started with alt-accounts to have some teleport targets for out of the way places and maybe some additional gold from multiple dailies etc. Once the number of my accounts grew, I actually limited my playtime more to my main account and one or two alt-accounts I rotate through over time when I'm in the mood to do some older content.

52 minutes ago, Raffrey.5271 said:

I create another account in EU server just to see if the ping would be lower.  In case you're curious, yes, the ping is lower, like 190.  But the pitfall is the gems cost more because you buy them in euro.

I'm pretty sure that the gem codes, similar to the codes for accounts, are globally usable. It might be different if you buy gems from Anet directly via in-game store due to their payment provider, but the codes from official retailers, should still work both in NA and EU.

Edited by TheWaternymphHC.1847
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I have two accounts, although the 2nd was a bit of an accident. I bought it one year into the game, in one of the first half-price sales, and intended to give it to my husband for christmas (2013) as it became clear around that time that GW2 was turning into my favorite and main MMO to play (we'd been playing LotRO together for a few years before that). Unfortunately he didn't want to play it at all, and instead went to ESO (which seemed more "serious" to him ... that the rest of the family was heavily into playing Asura probably didn't help there 🤣).


Fast-forward a couple of years, we first got two accounts for the kids (both girls originally started out playing on my account, the 2nd one came in very handy back then) when they were old enough, so there were 4 active accounts in our household. Eventually in 2018 my husband became fed up with ESO (Cyrodil/pvp being his main game mode and plagued by lag and other problems for years), created a GW2 account, and actually became invested into WvW.


I rarely get to play this account any more, not because I don't want to, but more because real life changes and I don't have much time to play at all, but I'm firmly set on starting an EoD playthrough on it soon, since I want to experience EoD without griffon or skyscale 😉 .

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I have one account I play since launch. Every few weeks I think about making a new one, but then rather decide not to do that. I would not use the 2nd account for farming, rather run all kinds of tests with it. Or if I manage to get my friend into GW2, this would also motivate me to create another account.

Years ago I have created an F2P account for a complicated test, that actually justified the effort. Once the job was done, I've reported my findings and abandoned the account. Does that count as 2?

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2 accounts.

GW1: Long history. A second account was very useful to have in GW1 pre-searing because you don't have bank access there and can use the alt account to open the gate to the north for you. And I had a lot of leftover minipets that are worth HoM points in GW1 so I decided to at least get some progression in Eye of the North for the second account.


A few years ago I wanted to have some silly fun in guild by making a twin of my main Elly and you guessed it. I ended up wanting the same armor and looks on him so I went off to WvW to get the lvl 500 armor. Well. Long story short, the twin stayed and I quite enjoyed replaying the game and having the experience of unlocking masteries and mounts for the first time again. The "return to Linving World" events were a nice occasion to go for Aurora and Vision again and now I got two accounts with a full-legendary Ele on each. 😳


And now we reached End of Dragons!


So, yeah. Playing GW2 way too much. But it's part of my life now and I'm happy.

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