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Switching characters results in infinite load screen [Merged]

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It's already WEEK Anet should UPDATE say something about this. (more than "looking for it")

I can't play my main Acc. I can't Farm Log for my Legendary Weapon.

As a SEA Player I need to use VPN/Exitlag to play this game and it COST me.


Edited by Snoth.6170
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On 4/1/2022 at 2:50 AM, Nasbit.3240 said:

To summarize:

  1. It happen most of the time when you try to switch your character. It wont happen on normal map-changes when still playing the "first" character you logged into.
  2. It is not related to any map or region. It happens in wvw, pvp, Hot, pof, eod, central tyria. 
  3. It is not related to your account-type, so it happens to both, accounts with EoD and accounts without.
  4. It is not related to either Dx9 or Dx11, it happens in both DirectX Versions
  5. It is not related to third-party stuff, it happens with arcdps installed or not, it also happens stuff like GeForce Experience installed or not.
  6. It is not GPU/CPU related, since its reporded from users from all manufactures. (Intel, AMD, Nvidia)
  7. Loading Times seems "infinite" - but are "just" about 10 Times as long as usually (so instead of ~20sec its now ~200sec) 
  8. Some Textures corrupt or don't get loaded at all when it happens.
  9. Some Models don't get loaded at all when it happens.
  10. UI Elements don't get loaded at all when it happens.
  11. There no "specific" Textures/Models/UI Elements - it vary on what gets loaded or not. Sometimes you still have Backgrounds on your Loadingscreen/Char Screen, sometimes its just black. Same goes for Map-Objects, Skyboxes etc.
  12. In most cases: were entire "Ground"/Map not loaded - Most Models were loaded - Own Player Character not loaded, UI not loaded, Map/Minimap is black, Skyboxes are chess-pattern textures (color vary) , Camera is "stuck" (because no player character loaded) but you see yourself moving on map
  13. It "seems" that the chance for this is increased the more characters an account has? (Even when I don't see any logical reason why the character amount should have any impact on this?)

edit: https://imgur.com/a/0ffrsng

Can I ask what version of Windows you are on, if you are?
Curious because my other friends seems to have no issue, but I am on Windows 11 and I am wondering if it could be due to that?

Edited by hellsqueen.3045
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2 minutes ago, hellsqueen.3045 said:

Can I ask what version of Windows you are on, if you are?
Curious because my other friends seems to have no issue, but I am on Windows 11 and I am wondering if it could be due to that?

At least I can tell you that I have the same issues as the person posted and am NOT on windows 11 but 10.

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Not sure whats it related to.. I got Win 11, AMD CPU Ryzen 5 2700X, GPU Nvidia RTX 2080, MB Asus Rog Strrix B450.


Also tested on new Intel laptop with only Win 10, same problem there.... only GW2 and Win 10 installed

But the problem is only on main acc with many characters. So it's related to that i guess.

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9 hours ago, reapex.8546 said:

Gem store is a completely separate team.

Gemstore interface certainly isn't... same interface structure/coding as the rest of the menues

But honestly not expecting this to be solved before SAB leaves us, only been 8 days, seems easier for them to wait it out another 13

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1 hour ago, achwas.6190 said:

Gemstore interface certainly isn't... same interface structure/coding as the rest of the menues

But honestly not expecting this to be solved before SAB leaves us, only been 8 days, seems easier for them to wait it out another 13

They probably won't but...

To honor those that have been affected and them choosing the easy way out, they probably should offer compensation for all those affected.

And yes that would take a lot of efforts to compensate everyone that reccorded a Forced-Termination because of this issues, especially that they seems to be unable to track them, so they would have to go on words only.

And sadly we also already know, how they are doing on that level...

So big morale of the story, we are getting screwed by ANet once again, for being too slow and not communicative enough.

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Not contributing to discussions much, just feeling sad that there hasn't been much update on this issue. I have limited time playing recently, so I often just do some casual runs/gatherings when I have that 5-10min break. This last week this bug really killed my joy as it takes my significantly longer to load through my 20 characters.

I don't think it's realistic to always have a fix right away as it still needs to go through test environments, but I am hoping there's some communication as to what might be contributing to the issue at the very least since the last Dev response 4 business days ago.


The one observation that I noticed, but not on Nasbit's list is that the bug is reproduced for me on my GeForce Now account. I don't know what version/set up the GeForce Now server runs, but I would assume it's running a more barebone instance than my PC.

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6 hours ago, hellsqueen.3045 said:

Can I ask what version of Windows you are on, if you are?
Curious because my other friends seems to have no issue, but I am on Windows 11 and I am wondering if it could be due to that?

Windows 7 here, having the issue every few characters.

Windows version ain't it.

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On 3/29/2022 at 7:00 PM, trouble.3562 said:


cant play since this last patch. I cant see skills, i can't see my characters in loading screen. ...My account got bugged. I tried logging in into another one withouth EoD and its ok.

i cant load screen, i cant see wp's, i cant see my skills. Nothing works.

I have the same problem as shown here in the screenshot. Currently I cannot play on this account. My second EoD account does work tho, but with my second account I did not enter SAB.

I tried running this account via GeForce Now and I had the same issue as in the screenshot above. It seems to not be a problem with my PC if it even occurs on a streaming service.

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So I haven't logged in a week because of this bug... logs in today, bug still there.  Really Anet?  This is the literal definition of a "showstopping game breaking bug" and I am beginning to regret my decision to buy the expansion (IN BEFORE:  I have supported you since 2012 and have put over 15000 hours into this game, so you better believe that I really really love this game, but it is getting hard to do so.  IN BEFORE #2:  Don't bother white knighting.  I have heard every single comeback you could possibly have and my answer to all of them will be "you are wrong").  EDIT:  as you can see this is only my second post, so it is obviously serious.

Edited by ceanonmurchadh.1368
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40 minutes ago, Cobalt Flame.8056 said:

Hey all. I know this bug is really frustrating. We have an engineer working on it, so a fix is actively being worked on and in progress.

Thanks for hanging in there, and we're apologize that this bug is impacting your game experience.

Oh a red post. Unfortunately not anything hopeful.
Speaking for myself, the specification that _one_ (ahem "an") engineer is working on the problem has not made my heart dance with joy. It's awfully specific.    One out of  how many (well it was a few hundred in 2019 ) - after all the problem has been around for a week+X now. 


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1 hour ago, Cobalt Flame.8056 said:

Hey all. I know this bug is really frustrating. We have an engineer working on it, so a fix is actively being worked on and in progress.

Thanks for hanging in there, and we're apologize that this bug is impacting your game experience.


While I'm happy to see a response from Anet, I'm wondering about the "an engineer" part. Only one? Of course it depends on one out of how many and we can't be sure of that.


I can just imagine the latest hire being told "Hey, you. The new guy. We have this issue here. Fix it"


Still, something is being done and, hopefully, it shall be resolved soon...ish

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1 hour ago, Cobalt Flame.8056 said:

Hey all. I know this bug is really frustrating. We have an engineer working on it, so a fix is actively being worked on and in progress.

Thanks for hanging in there, and we're apologize that this bug is impacting your game experience.

A red post! Finally! Thanks for letting us know!

BUT: "an" engineer? Singular? ... This bug keeps people from playing ... While there is a festival ongoing that those people can't attend ... 


Is there an ETA for a fix? Will the festival stay longer to give people the chance to gather rewards that they can't aquire for week+x days by now? Any specifics?! Something?

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I can't help but chuckle at the Dunning-Kruger-esque comments from players who very clearly don't work in software development, yet seem to think they have insight into how it works or ought to work. 😆 

@Cobalt Flame.8056- Many thanks to you and your team for the update! 💪 Pay no attention to the players trying extra hard to turn good news into not-good-enough-news. 🙄

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2 hours ago, Cobalt Flame.8056 said:

Hey all. I know this bug is really frustrating. We have an engineer working on it, so a fix is actively being worked on and in progress.

Thanks for hanging in there, and we're apologize that this bug is impacting your game experience.

Can we get some KP here? What is their Kompletion Proofs? If they don't have at least 1500 bug fixes, can you use an internal LFG tool for finding other engineers? Which reminds me; what spec are they running because Spellbreakers seem better suited to the task.

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Thanks for the update @anet


1 hour ago, ClaraFee.2579 said:

I can't help but chuckle at the Dunning-Kruger-esque comments from players who very clearly don't work in software development, yet seem to think they have insight into how it works or ought to work. 😆 

@Cobalt Flame.8056- Many thanks to you and your team for the update! 💪 Pay no attention to the players trying extra hard to turn good news into not-good-enough-news. 🙄


And agree ^


There could be one engineer handling the entire portion of the code base for the affected area. Sure they could pull someone from some other project but it might take away from that "one engineer" to onboard the new engineer to the code base. Also factor in that 2nd engineer gets removed from something and that content gets delayed. Everyone seems to think anet is Google and has oceans of engineering resources to just throw at things, all of whom know the entire codebase inside and out. 


Does everyone think 9 women working together can have a baby in 1 month too?


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1 week of an issue they say is hard to solve, still not fixed, and they say just 1 engineer is fixing it.


It looks a bit that the situation can be underestimated. Or its just not important that we cant play normally since we arent "the entire community"


Dunno, but nice to hear they are into it...

Today took me 13 tries to finally log in with  1 character. 😞 and if i afk, and i go to character screen, and i try to get back in, i come in with bugs (cant move, cant see my toon, textures ,etc).

feeld bad man.

Edited by trouble.3562
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